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_..: �.t.�`''. ,;. .;.� �: :,: � _ •. <br /> _ ;-t;y f. , �� .,� ��.,�- <br /> �, ; �:�rr F.^` � °-- _ <br /> � <br /> . , <br /> . . . ,�, <br /> . ,�. : _� - Y .�—_ <br /> ,�� ,. . . • <br /> . <br /> �,� �__�,. - — Y:;�;,� _ _ _ - <br /> � 93- so�.�� <br /> rona�mnw�«an�aa���,�y p�ot�� fa convay�noe ie Ileu d�w baeby�wipiod�nd <br /> �n.0 ne paw co t.�d�. <br /> In the evoat ot�wl�l tdciny ot th� Prope�ty.the pmaod� �h�ll bo applied to the wnu �ecurod by �hi� Socuriry <br /> — in�tnundw.whe�her m noi tNen due,wilh any cxoe�s paid to Rotmwer. In�ho ovent of�p�tNal ukin�ot Iho P�opettY In <br /> which tt�e idr m�rket v�lue of iho Propcny immediptoly hetoro�ho takina ir aqud to or Q►ator�hu��ho�mcwM af tbe sum� <br /> �ecuoed by thls Secu,ity InRaument Immedi�taly batom 1he�Nlcing,unkca�rower uid l.cnde�aFierwiro a�neo in wrltina. <br /> — -- --�-°— tha num��ewrod by thic Secud�y 6u�tr�tnatt fiall bo t�duccd by tt�o amaunt af tha procccdc multiplied by tua fallawina - <br /> fnetlon; (�)the total�maunt ot�ha cumo�ecu�d immediwtely bcfaro�he ipicing,divided by lb)�he fiir mukat v�lue of iha <br /> -- Propa�ty immodi�usiy hofore tho�akin�. Any 8wlwnce ciwll ba poid to f�orrowcr. In tho evenl of y p�uliul taklng of the = <br /> y Property in which the f�ir nwrket valuo oF�he Propeity immediwtely beforo tho�aking is kw�hao Ux Amuunt of 1hO wxnR <br /> -�;�.; iecurod immodiuoly beforo tho t�lcing. unles� Bomawer uid i,onder aherwlco agrce in writin�or unless applicable I�w <br />-- qherwise pravideo�the procaoda�hall bo�pplled to tho�um�cecwed by lhio Secu�lty Inruumom whe�ar�wt ihe wmR�ne <br /> theai duc. <br /> If the Pa,perty is abwndoned by Bornower.or ii.ofler notice by Lender�a&xmwer thpt the candemnor ofFe�a ta mnke <br /> m aw�rd or eeqk�cieim for dwna�es,Bomower faila w respond w l.ender wi�hin 30 daya after�ha date ihe not�ce is given. <br /> °-�9 Ld�der is wthorized to collxt and apply the its op�oo.ei�w�es�on�ioa or nepair oP�he F'ropeey or to�be <br /> _�k,;�'G��� aans sxurcvl by this Security loahumen�whetl�a no1 dien due. <br /> Uakaa Irender a�d Bamower al�erwise agn�e in writing,any app��catiao of pro�.�eeds to principal shall not exlend or <br />-::;�,:_�;`'�� poetpone d�e due date of�ho moMhly p�yments refemod ta in pnra��ep6s 1 aM 2 or chaage�he wMwnt of such paymenls. <br /> -,r�v --- — 11. Borrower Not Rde�sed: Fbr6earaaa Hy I.eader Not � Wiive� F.�ctensio� of thc time for payment or <br />--�_�:'• '.!Y�'A� n�odification of anoAlzwiaa c�f�he sums socwed by�his Secudry Inswment gmnted by L.eader to any successot�n interest <br />--_ - �;� of Bamawer�II nat uperue to akase�he IiabiUty of the arigind Bamawer ar Bamwer'k sYCCessors in iMerest.l.ender <br />- — � shaii nat be roquue�w cammenee pocce�iogs�,�inei m�y am:u�.wr in iuiz��st 3r iefusc io cxics:d iiase iar psymtnt or _ <br /> r�?� ad�envfse madify amonization of 1he sums securer!by Ihis Security Insaument by neason oi any demuid rnade by the arigiaal <br /> � Bomower ar Borrower�s successws in interest. �0.nY forbearance by Lc�Me�in exerrising any right or rcmedy slwll�ot be A <br /> .m YL�'_ <br />_,�s. — waiver of or pr�eclude the exercise of any�ight or ce�e�edy- <br />���:�- IZ. Sua�or�and As�as Bound;loi�o4 aad 3everal l.iability;Co-slgaers. The covenents and ag�eements of this ° <br />-�:?r+�• Security lnstrument shall bind and benefit 1he.aucceswrs and a�signs of Lcnder w�d Barraw�e�,subject to�he <br />_=�`����! �`�� p��rw�e�. 17. Bomnwerk covenents and ag�memts shall be jaint and seveml.Any Horrower who casigns�his Secud�y <br />_�:y. ;�,� , <br /> -- In�ament but daes not esecute the Nate: {a1 is orsigning this Security Instrrunent only to martgage.grant and convey�hat <br /> -�'� ��t?`f lBv�a�wert�Luercst in the PropC�ty under�tercn.:ti,i this Security Insuument: lb)is not personelly obligated to pay Ihe sums <br /> s�maQed by thls Security Inswment:and(c)a�es�hat Lender ond any other Bortower may agree to extend.madify,forbear <br /> � `r,� or mnk��any aoc�nunodationa wit{�rcgurd to the arms of tbis Security Insuument or tt� Note without thai Bortowerk <br /> - ''°'�'`:i:'� :carwene. <br /> n_ , � 13. I.opn Clwrges. If the loan secured by��hls Security (nsuument is subjcct t�sa iaw which sets maximum 9oan <br /> -.--.- , ',c�rgrs,asid that!aw Es finally inte:pretrd sa tha:;.tir i�terts�a at�her loar.chx;,es co!lecsed ar to!x co!lected ia ronner�on <br /> . <br /> � o <br /> li Is 1he • a��n s oaao char e:►Q+�ld�re rcduced b �he amount neces 1 reduce <br /> d rmitted mi n. uch 1 <br /> .r�, . �wfsh�he loan excee t�+e pe . 4 Y 8 Y �7' <br />_ � � the chnrqe to the per�aoUted ifmit;and(b)nny sum�already colkcted horn Q�osmwer which exceeded permitted limits wi00 be <br /> . .a#u�+drai ta Borrower.�Lemk►maK tp make this refwnd iry reducing the principel oK•ed undcr the Note or by m:�:ia�a <br />--==�f�� i direcY puymenl W HorruweQ. 16 a ta�tua��!reJuces pri�tclpal.the reducUun wilf be treated ax a partial prepayment withoua any �. <br />--_ � , �, prcpayment charge uncler the Note. a; <br /> � �tr' �'1.� 14. NWlces. �lny notice to Borrower pravicFrcl far in tbix Security IQe.ieument shall be giv�n by delivering it or by -_ <br /> r y- - r��: � mailing i1 by tirst cl�mail unless applicnblc IA�a Qcquires use of miother melbod.The notice shall be directed to the PropeAy -. <br /> ' Addrcss or any other eddress Borrower designutrs by notice to I.ender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by first closs = <br /> — ?•', mail to l.ender's address�tated herein or uny othcr uddreti+Lender designates by nutice to Barrower. Any notice provided for = <br />-_�� in lhis Security Inbtr�ment sholl Me decmed to have bcen given Io Borrower or l.ender when given as provided in this = <br /> P�S�Ph• <br /> _a�. -- 13. Cu�r�uiug;��e�rbRi[y. 'i1�ia S�..u��iy ��iaGw����tit ,hali b.: goti.r�d by tcdcra! !au• and shc 1au•af'the _ <br /> ��; jurisdiction in which the Propeny is located. lo�he event thnt any provision or clauxe of this Secur��y Instn+m�nt or the Note = <br />—_ . ,�� . conflicts with applicable law,such conflict shall not pffect other provisions of this Securiry Instrument or the Note which can . <br />-":�� • :h� , be g6ven effect without the conflicting provision. 'Ib this end the provixions of this Scxurity Instrument end�he Note roe - <br /> deo0sued to be severable. i�:; <br /> � � G6. 8arrowtr's Copy. Bomower shall be given one conformed copy of the Note ana o�'�his Security Insuumen�. ___ <br /> _ : i7. 7Fansfer af�he Property or a Beneficial laterest ip Borrower. Iff all or any purt of the Propeny or nny interest in �- <br /> _- ���;', ' it is sold or transferred(or if a beneficiul intemtit in Borrowcr is wld or�ran,ferred And Borrower i�not o numral person) ;:_ <br /> '������ • ,:�� • without L.ender�s prior wrinen consent,Lender muy,al its op1Mn,reyuirr immediate paymen�in full of all sums secured by !�- <br /> `,� - � this Securiry Inswment. However,�his option sholl not be exe;cixd by Lender if exercise i�nrahibited by federal law as of F <br />- � ^ , U►e date of this Secu�iry Insuumem. _ <br />-�''�.. � If Lender exerclres this option,I.ender shall give Bomower natice of accelerutiun. The notice shvll provide u period of = <br />•��r°'���• �-��i;, •� not less than 30 days ftom the dnte the notke i.ckldvemd or muiled within w�acch Borrower must pay a!C sumc secumd by this - <br /> `�' � Security Instrumer�a. If Borrower fuils �o pay �t4�;e xumx prior to the expira�ion of thi. perioJ, Lrt�wter may invoke any <br /> - ,.;.;r�.''' . — <br /> ='1',�;� ,.a.,{ir.; �„•� .�r:" _ <br />__ ' 'a; ., ��o , ,.,: remediespermined by this Secud�y Instrumen�without funhcr notice��r demand on Bam�wer. _ <br />_=- ,�:;;, '' . 1�. Borrower's Right to Reinstyte. If Bormwer mee�� �rnnin conJi�ion.. Born�wer shUll huve the rigM co �ave _ <br />__- - - � {, enfarcemrnt oi this 5ecurity instre.�mem di�ruminueJ at:my timc prior w�he rudirr uF. lal S duya(u� wcl�otlrc� �Kr.�4.J a. _ <br />:'T�': �`: '-.>,�_ �:ry^. � <br /> ,. , ;,;:;.',....;;i:`;��y`�;b,; 5x�tkFaniiy»FLMIe:11a��flnddkM�cUNIF11R11111�.1'TItQ'MF1�T••Unil'ormCovenoatt 9.9Y 1/mxea��npopti► _ <br /> '4 .. ;:1)�j",�'(�U =. <br />.—_ ,�'hrS� (� _� <br />_._,j. -ai. ,.. M.'�i:;y��, _ <br /> . � <br /> r , ••�� � .°;1 '�t \i� „ 7' 'ly �r�i i '! S'S.IY]��`�z.'".�'� <br /> j !MI�-► �:{",M�`h°'+ fkl�d�iJ+lJlTQ*i�t�5. �c� �vtj:.icy'l�rlriiHt:ku.:' cik7'�R�Paq.pRT���i'1.�',.iy:{ .z�)., � <br /> �{ :' ,��iYf1F�. �1 � � . ,,,•�, . , . . . i.I C-�.�.�_` . - � 1_ t <br /> { 1 ; - . `� . � i, ,- ; ..�� 5 � .�'�Jl {' • <br /> �bs. r',�,.Ifn�. !Lk'4`�.n. ��� <br /> — ___' - . .1� .��' Ji _l. __ -.. <br /> � _ .. ��_W=���.� ,_�. �. <br /> _— ___ _ ' __"'___ ..." _ _ _ <br />. . r- .-....- .. . . . _ �__— _ . .._.._1._._ '_" _ ' "_ ' __.___"___'_"_'_: .� .—.._._ _.__-'._ __ - <br /> �l•�` . .. -_—_ ___"_"'" '_ " " , � ':'__' '' ' .. . . . ' .._. <br />. � .+. A.. ,f, v�,^ -. - '1 . ' , . - � , .. � . <br />_ � _ .1,y4 . ' � . . ��.�. . ' - • . . � . .. . . <br /> . . : �., `:L.����Y�u•I - .. . . . . . <br /> o ,�1.. •�(�.i''�.'�`:' , . o ... .�.. ' . . _ . . . . <br /> � I 9.�}�- ��`,.�� �'��'T . ' - 1• � .. . � ' ,. ' - , • . <br /> 1� . ��,',+^ �;il .. .. �.. ' , .. .. ' . • . .. __' • � , . 1 .... , .• <br /> _ . 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