� 99-��3
<br /> •°�ds. �rusror sha , each installment of all taxes a�d special
<br /> levied agai�st the Trust Estate ar any part the�eof, betore delinquency, witha�t nadce ar demtn�f every kind, nav„ o�h�ea�r -
<br /> a d.
<br /> 3' ��suraaca and Repairs. Trustar shall maintain f(re and extended coverage insurance insurin
<br /> canstitucing parc of the Trust Estate fo� such amounts and cn such terms reasonably satisfactory to Be�eficia
<br /> Pro e a g , 9 the Impravements
<br /> P rtY is secured by a fi�st deed cf trust or mart a e campiiance with the insurance requirements of the first deed
<br /> mort9age shall be sufficient to satisfy the requirements of this paragraph 3 relating to insurance. ry S� ���9 as �e
<br /> of crun or
<br /> 1'rustor shall promptty repair and replace the Trust Estate cr an
<br /> the Trust Eszate shail nac deceriorate. In na event shall the Trustor commit waste on or to the Trusr Estate, ar commi
<br /> y part thereaf sa that, except for ord;nary wear and
<br /> permit any act to be done in or upon the Trust Estate in violadcn of any law, ordi�a�ce or regulatio�. Trustor shall pa an te�r,
<br /> discharge ac Trustar's cost and expense all liens, encumbrances and charges levied, imposed or assessed against�e t, suffer or
<br /> or any part thereof. Y d prompUy
<br /> Trust Estate
<br /> 4• Acdans Atlecting Tius!Estate. Trustor shall appear in and contest any actian or roceedin
<br /> the securiry hereaf or the rights or pa,�,ers of Beneficiary or Trustee, and shall pay all costs and expe ses, including cost cf
<br /> of citle and attorneys' fe�s, in any such action or proceeding in which Beneficiary or Trustee may appear. If Tru�o fa;g to affect
<br /> any payment ar to do any act as a�d in the manner provided in any of the Loan Instruments, Heneficiary and/ar Trusieeevidence
<br /> their own discretion, without obligation so to da and without noti�@ to or demand upon Trustar and withaut releasin T�S ta make
<br /> any obligation, may make or do the same in such manner and to such extent as either may deem necessa t � � each in
<br /> hereof. Trustor shall, immediately upon demand therefor by Beneficia 9 iar from
<br /> ry o p otect the security
<br /> connectian with the exercise by 8eneficiary of the foregoing rights, inc ud nq without limi atre'on costs of ev de.ce of c de tac rn
<br /> costs, appraisals, surveys and attorneys' fees.
<br /> , ourt
<br /> 5• Eminen�Domain. If the Trust Estate, or an
<br /> any public imp�ovement or condemnatian proceeding, or in any at eh m��e� includsng deeed inbl'euathereofd("Conde.m^ateo son of
<br /> if Trustor receives any notice or other information reqarding such pracesding, Trustor shall give prompt writ[en notica
<br /> Beneficiary. Trustor shall be entitled to all campensation, awards and other payments o�relief thereof and shall be enti I n �, �r
<br /> thereof to
<br /> optian to commence, appear in and prosecute in its own name any actian or proceedinqs. Trustor shatl�alsa be entitted to at its
<br /> any compromise or serlament in connection with such taking or damage.
<br /> make
<br /> 6• Appointment of Successo� T�ustee. Beneficiary may, from time to time, by a written in
<br /> acknowledged by 8eneficiary, mailed to Trustor and recorded in the Cau�ry �n which the Trust Estate is lacated and by otherwis
<br /> complying with the provisions of the app�;cable law of the Stata of Nebras�ca substitute a successar or succes orstto the T d and
<br /> named herein or acting hereunder. e
<br /> . ustee
<br /> �• Successo�s andAssig�s. This Second Deed of Trust applies to,inures to the benefit of and i
<br /> their heirs, legatees, deviszes, personal representatives, successars and assigns. The term "8eneficia
<br /> halder of an b nds all panies hereto,
<br /> y promissary noca given to beneficiary, (whether or not named as 8enefic;ary hereinJ, ry� shall mean the owner and
<br /> 8• N1e�9e� Conso/idation, Sa/es or Leases. Trus;or covenants that Trusior will not sell, tease or ath n,vi
<br /> of any of the Trust Estate. In the event that Trustar sells, leases or otherwise disposes af an
<br /> e sa dispose
<br /> may at its opcion declare the Indebtedness secured hereby immediately due and payable, whether or not any default exists.
<br /> Beneficiary shall consent ro a transfer of the Trust Es:ate to a thi�d a y part af tha Trust Es�ats, 8eneficiary
<br /> contained in, and assumes the abligations set forth in the First Deed of Tr s�. The covenants cho tained herein shatl run with the
<br /> Property and shall remain in full farce and effect until the Indebtedness is paid in full, p � meets the r„quirements
<br /> 9• Events of Oe/au/t. Any of the foflowing events shall be deemed an event of default hereun
<br /> der:
<br /> (a) defau(t shall be made in the payme�t of the Indebtedness or any other sum secured hereby when due;
<br /> or
<br /> (b) Trustor shal! perform any act in bankruptcy; or
<br /> (cl a courc of competent jurisdiction shall enter an arder,judgment or decree a
<br /> Trustor seeking any reorganization, dissolution or.similar telief under an PP�oving a petitian filed against
<br /> law or regulation relating to bankruptcy, insalvency ar other reltef for debte senand such o dere,�judgment or decree shall
<br /> remain unvacated and unsrayed far an aggregate of sixty(60)days(whether or not consecutive) fram the firsr date of entry
<br /> thereof; or any trustee, receiver or liquidata� o� Trustar or of all or an
<br /> royalties, revenues, rents, issues or profits thereof, shall be appointed tho t ihetconsent or acquiescence of Trustor and
<br /> such appointment shall remain unvacated and unstayed fa�an aqgregate of sixty (60) days (whethe�or not consecutivel;
<br /> or
<br /> Z .
<br />