.. •
<br /> ..::�yi:c' �
<br /> _
<br /> . .
<br /> • --
<br /> . .
<br /> ..sue �r,� :� —
<br /> --- �i�i� %�r:,;�b{n�•� �, �.. -
<br /> — .k , ' lyi :. '�M" ..• c•—
<br /> � •
<br /> � _: �-: _:_. 91-1����� � _ � __-
<br /> � ���,,�. .� �,�.,
<br /> r� •,F�.;,;''�;. .' '� -
<br /> �;t��,;�„�,,, th�Prop�rty b w uk�n or dartuip�d.��nd�r�h�ll h�v�th�optlon.tn Ih at��nd abso�ut�dlscnpo�,to�pply IUI woh ProoMdi�
<br /> �1t�r d�ducdnp thanfrom all co�b�na exp�nNS incurnd by It In conn�oQon with wch ProcMd�,upon�ny ind�btedn�u Ncund
<br /> .^"' hu�by�nd in�uch orde ao L�nd�r msy�twmin�,or to�pply�II�uGh ProcMds,at1�r auoh d�duaUan�,to the re�bradon o1 tlt� �._..____
<br /> �� .`.'•4�,';'•' ' � P�op�rty upon�uoh conditlons�t Lond�r m�y dstermfn�.Any�ppllcatlon ol ProtMd�to Ind�bt�dn�ss shall not�xt�nd M postiwn�
<br /> . �4}� •; � th�dw dat�ol any paynwnb undwr th�Nat�,or cun�ny d�hull th�nund�r or Mr�und�r.Any unappll�d lunda���W P��d a
<br /> , ;�,;. TrwW►. --
<br /> . g, p�tlptmllne�by LN�d�r.Upon tha oocurrenca of an Ev�nt ot Oel�ulthereunder,ar II any act Is taken or IepAI procesdinp _
<br /> ;:y, „':�.,,,; commenCed which maur{�Ily Aftect�LendYr's Interott In th�Property.Lander may in ib own dlscretlon,but without oblipation to do Q,.__.
<br /> ;..,•��,;;, • , so,end without not�e to ar demand upon Truator and wlthout relea9lnp Trwtor lrom any obllpaUon,do any act whlah Truetor hp� =_�_ _
<br /> ���s;��.•� aprsed but fpllt to do And may al:o do any othar act it deems nece�wry lo protect the security hereof.Trustor ahall,Immedlataly G___-�___����._£__
<br /> �'.:•,;,,`• . upon demand therelo►by Lender,pay to Lender all coats and expemaf Incurred and aums expended by Lender In conneoqon wHh °"-"-_ -
<br />�� � �"'� �� the azerclse by Lender ol the foregolny rlphts,toqelher with Interest thereon at the detault rate provided In the Note,which ahall be �� � '
<br /> s � ��..-- ` edded to the indebtedness seoured heroby.Lender fh�ll not Inaur any Ilabilily becau4e ot Y�ythin�it may do or omit Oo do ' , ..a ��
<br /> hereundar. �J E t��r`}s��`'"'
<br /> � 9. Ha=ardoq��A�Ntlab.Truator ahall keep the Property In compllanca with ell appticabte laws,ordinanaes and reQulatfo�s ;�,t+?c;'••;4!;',�+;;,;`' �r��r'`
<br /> T�usbx sh�Jl .t.: ,t�,Yr,Y}�..,y:'4:: k���
<br /> s relatl�g ta indualrial hygtene or envlronmemal protection(colleallvety relarred to hereln aa"Environmental laws'Y• �:^::j,;,;��r�::;.�ti�,�_;';� y�r::
<br /> ' ' `+� ' keep the Property Iree lrom all aubsWncea deamed to be haxardoua or toxlc under any Hnvironmental Laws(coflectively te4ened to � `�'4«,��,�ti?�i'q':.s•t� �•`{Y�:'-
<br /> • �.��;,;� �•,,!' :,�:;�����`.���,!, herelnae'WazardouaMaterlals'1.Truslorherebywa�rantsandrApreseMatoLenderlhallhereareooHazarciouaMatenalsonor a?•`•'.,,r;�>:;9���i�..
<br /> I.,�rt 'L�ey�.,,!., ,�,...,� ,`�'Y-:_.-=�s��;
<br /> ,.;,;••!: ti.'1;;��,.t,+;.':��,..•:., ' under the Proparty Truator hereby agreee to IndemNty and hold harmlesa Lendar,its dlrectora,oNicera,employees and agents,and �_ �:r•.�'
<br />:.•F'�.�:,:;,.:�:` ���� ,�t'+��'?*;`;.'.�. any sucaeasors to Lender's Interoat irom and againat any and all clalms,damages,loasea and Habilitles arfsfnp In connection with � �
<br /> ' "" � � � the presence,use,diaposal or traneport ot eny Hazardous Materlals on, under,from or about the Property.THE FORE(301N(3 f
<br /> W �::��
<br /> 10. Asupnm�nt ot R�nb.Truator hereby essfqnr to Londer the rent�,is�ues and proifts ol�hd PropYrty:provided ihal Trustor _�-
<br /> shell,uMll the ocaurrqnce o1 an Evenl ot Default herounder,heve Ihe riyht la collect and retafn such rente.I�sues end proUls a�thay `��. ,� __
<br /> i . beoome due ond piyable.Upon thi oacurrence ot o�Event ol0elault,Lender may,alther In person or by Apenl,with or w�lhoul �,,,M�,�
<br /> � b o court and w�ihoul reperd to Ihe adequACy ol�t�socur�ly,entor �,.,�'� � .` . ;�',.,
<br /> , �• • � bnnpmp any actlon or p►oceedinp.or by o rocewor appoinled y L._
<br /> upon ond take po�wnion ol tl►o Proparty.or eny pm t�harnol,�n�1s own nema or�n the name ol lhe T�usteo,and da any acU wh�ch u
<br /> � ' , .,• d�ms noco��ry ar def�rablo to prew�ve Ihe valuo.in�rkoteU�lity o�rentabd�ly ol lhe Property,or eny porl lhe�t�01 or�nteroet thereln. ':.:;."�"•°� _
<br /> � Increafe tha Income Ihorelram or proloCt Iho�eeurdy honol and,wuh o�+nlhoul tak�np poe�essio 1��he�ama o i coo stle d ��•�•`,•e��? . ,`�
<br /> • olharwue collect Ihe renU,�aues end prqld�Iho�BOl,�nciudoiy Iha�e posl duu and unpaid,and app y �
<br /> axpon�e�ol oporolion and colleatlon�ncludmp attorneys'loe�,upon any�ndebtedneps secured heraby.all m such order e�Lender
<br /> 'n � � may delarmin�.The enfennp upon and;ok�np poew���on ol tho Propa�ly,lho collecllon ol such ront�.iisue�and prollte and!he ',v�
<br /> opplical�on thereol ae aloresnld, ehall not cure or wnlve any defwull or not�ce ol delaull hereunder or Inval�date any ecl done In . �. ,.
<br /> � � . . responea to euch delaull or pureuanl ta euch naUce ol ddlaull and,notw�thslendlnp the contlnuence�n poeseoelon ol lha Property or � : , :���
<br /> the collectlon,recefpl end eppllcatlon ol ronti,��auee or prolfto,and Truelee and Lender shall be entillad to eKerciee every rfght -��{.,.e
<br /> � provfded for In any ol the Loan Inatruments or by lew upon occur�ence ol any Event of Delault,Includinp wlthout Umlletfon the riqht ; ��__._;,�;
<br /> - to exercts�the power ot eP�e.Funher.lender's nphls and remedies under thfs peragraph shall be cumulallve wlth,and in no way a ��. -
<br /> Ilmltetion on.Lender's rlghte and remedlea under any aesipnment ot IeBSes und renis recu�dini aqainti ihc Property Le�der,Truatee _'�,w.�;. �,,�:
<br /> ' end lhe recelver ahell be Ileble to account only lor those rents aclually recefved. >.��•�.•.���� ,�.
<br /> ' 11. �v�nts o1 DN�ul6 The tollowinp shell constfwte an Event of Detault under this Deed ot Trust . . ;,,�1-,.-
<br /> `� ' (a)Failure to pay eny Inatallment o!prfncipal or inlereat ol any other sum secured hereby when due: • ' ,.f ,��;f����.',:;"�
<br /> :t,•}1/,•�;r.�����}'�i�=
<br /> . (b)A breacft ol or deteult under any provlaion contafned in the Note.this Oeed o�7ruaL any ot the Loan Inetrumente,or any , �1%
<br /> !` :'"• j`��. !C`r`..- .,a.
<br /> � other Ilen or encumbranca upon tha Property. ' ••' (" ��b�s :_
<br /> (c)A wrfl 01 exeCUtlon or atlachment or any sfmilar process sha11 be entered ayainst Trustor wh�ch shall become a lien on ��.� � ,�.• _
<br /> ' �r�.'� . 1 . 11,:. -�
<br /> ; f q�e Property o�A.^.y poAion thereot or interest therein: ��:=,.�1'+'� 1�� ;M.. -�
<br /> . � . (d)There shal:Ce tiled by or agoinst TruBto►or 8orrower an acuon urder 8ny Dresent or tuture lederal,state or other 5��,,,.;'.,:%•f [
<br /> �,i�`��' �;,�'.;, � . s t a tu t e,l a w o r r e g u�a t�o n r e 1�t m g t o b a n k r u p t c y.Insoroenc y or otner relief fo�debtars;ar there shau te aFpolnted any trustee. . . �y�
<br /> (' � � •,� •. ' �ece��er c+r I� u�daior of Teustor or Borrower or oi au or any pa+t ot the Property,or the rents.isaoes or pru ti ts t h e r e o t.o r T r u s ro r t��.. ,.. I; _
<br /> . , Q ��',I''. ,'.,:.',•• -.�.- -
<br /> , • p , � or Bo:rower ehall meke any general assignmenl for t�e benelit o!c+etl�tors; 4;,�;;. :, ,. .w;^.
<br /> � ''' (e) The sale,tranafer,lease,assignmeM,conveyance or fprther encumbrance oi ali or any pah ot or any mterest in the ,,,.. • •. ; ��,_,-`_
<br /> , . . � ' ���:•,..:..,;•' .
<br /> Property, either volunterlly or fnvoluntarlly, withou�fhe expreas wrltlen consent of Lender; provided that Trustor ahall be ,.. ;E.l,,
<br /> permitted to execute a lease of the PropeHy lhat doea not contein an option to purchese and the term of wh�h does not exceed j��;+,��(��:�y1•c��.;;�a;?`.:i.
<br /> : f ..:,.�i � ,:(k:;.,;
<br /> '•�; � one yeer, ��� �ti,�:.,
<br /> (q Abandonment of the Property;or ' " "''.".�-':_
<br /> + , ° • (9) 11 Trustor!a not an Indlvldual,the Issuence,sale,transfor,asaignment,conveyance or encumbrance of more than a total �%�;'1;•"�.'�• �-
<br /> �.S•��', ?•r:`ai,
<br /> . ••;:., � . ' � � � of percent of pl a corporaticn)its Issued and oulstanding srock or(il a partnership)a rolal ol percent o1 I•��,.ti ' �=':
<br /> � � . , pertnernhlp Interests during the perio�!thls Deed ot 7rust remains a Ifen on the Property.W�thout notice except as requlred by �„' � I,• � �-
<br /> � 12. R�m�dle�;Acc�l�ratlon Upon DNaulf.In Ihe event of any Evenl of Delault Lender may, p .;
<br /> .� � ' lew,declare all Indebtednesa secured horeby to be due and payable and the same shall thereupon become due end payable � ,,,,; .
<br /> .+:�.• .
<br /> � wllhout eny preaentment,demand,protest or notice ol any klnd.7herearier Lender mey: l��.;���� :
<br /> � (a) Demand that Trustee exerclee the POWER OF SALE granted herefn,and Trustee shall IhereaRar ceuse Trustor's . . '�
<br /> ,:'' '' Interest In the Property to be aold and Ihe proceeds to be dlatrlbuted,all in the manner provided fn the Nebreaka Trust Deede k!�_�. :,," ,';
<br /> . .. 'y ' ' '�, , ,. ACt: .
<br /> ' � � °' (b) Exercise any and aU nghts provlded for�n any ol lhe Loan Instruments or by law upon occurrence of any Event of 1,,.�,, .;.
<br /> , �,�':.:'�.' � DeleulC and
<br /> I, f:;,, .
<br /> (c) Commence an acuon to loreclose this Deed of Truat as a mortyaye,appo�nt a receiver.or speclllcelly enforce any of the !
<br /> covenents hereol.
<br /> No remedy herein conlerred upon or reserved to Trustee or 4ender ia intended to be excluswe of any other romody hereln,In the �': �i ,
<br /> ' Loen Instruments or by law prov�ded or permitt�td,I�ut eacli shall bU cumulat�ve,shall be�n nddlllon tc every other remedy given
<br /> + � hereunder,In the Loan Inslrumenla or now or horealler ux�sting at law or m aquity or by sletule,and may be exercreed concurrently. �
<br /> ', Independemly or succeaslvely. �nl a
<br /> ' 13. TrustN.The Tn�stoe mey res�gn et any time w�lhout cause.and LRnder mey nl any tinie and w�thout cau�e appo i
<br /> BurCheeer of he ProperTr foean71os18 or denliaoe unle SI due toY�cklt�ss ur willlu m'iacontduct 1and sha�llen0ebe equ�red oleke any �
<br /> ;. actlon fn connect�on w h the enlorcomont o91h�s Doed of Trust unle9s�ndemmlied, in wnting,for all costs,compensation or �
<br /> t ` expenses which mey be asso�lated therew�th In add�lion.Truatae may becoma a purchaser at any sele o1 Ihe Property Uudic�nl or
<br /> under the power ol sale granted here�n�,postpone Ine sale ol all or any port��n ol the Property,na prov�ded by law,or sell the ;
<br />. , _ •T.....�....'n alurrullrlfl .
<br /> . PfOp@fty 88 B Wn01@,or in sePeraiti pn�coin Gi �'vio�� ��...,...�.. -.--._.._.-. ,
<br /> 14. FNS and Exp�rots.In tne event Trustee solls Ihe Properly by exerClse of power ot sele,Truetee shall be entltletl t0 epply
<br /> eny sele proceeds ffrst to payment of all costs and expenses of exercising power of sa�e.�ncluding all Trustee's leea.and Lender'a
<br /> end Truatee's aflorney's feea,ectually incurred to ertent permitted by app��cable law.In Ihe event Borrower or Trustor exerasee any ,
<br /> tl9ht providetl by law 10 Cure en Event o�Qe�au�t.lende•shall be entdlod to recover Irom Truator all costs and expenaes actually ;
<br /> '�r;� ��,r;:'�'�.:� y�. . incurred as a result o1 Trustor's delault,�nclud�ng w�tho�t I�m�tatfon all Trustee's and anorney's 1ee�.to the exlent permiRed by ,
<br /> ' ' � �:.�'•.;: .;�� ;;',;,, , apPiicable�aw. ,
<br /> !' •• ��, 15. Futu�e Advanees. Upon request of 8orrowa�. Lender may. et �ts opt�or.,make acld�t�C^a• anC+.�i:+��e��a�ces and re-
<br /> :. ��•';;,':��r���-����•+ ,.,'.'.���'' , '
<br /> . �} t;:;•;.,�•t�„� �;, advance8lo 8orrower.Such advance5 antl readvances,wNh�nterest thereon,shni°be securetl b�tn�s Deetl o`'R�s".A4 no t�me Shall
<br /> f• ��;�;'� � �"�� ' t�epr�ncipal amount otthe indebtedness secured by tn�e Deed a'7�ust.no'�ncludi�g euRS ativa^;�etl tn D��teCt the sec�'y G'th�s
<br /> ;�+; .;,(�;•,. ,:�• wn�cne�.P• �s�reater.
<br /> .•,r, �' , � Deed ot Trust.exCeed the onginal pnn�c�Fal amou�l ata�ed here�n.or 3��-��---.
<br /> , , �
<br /> � i
<br /> �
<br /> . . � _ _ . _
<br />