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<br /> � . ACKNOWLEDQE111�NT OF DEED OP TAUBT ��"'102008
<br /> ;
<br /> <,.
<br /> , � �! TRtJBTOR REJ1D THIS BEFOHE 81f1NIN0:
<br /> .• '� Trwtor und�nq�ds th�t tM dooum�nt duit Tnntor I��bout to• ute U a OMd of Troq�nd not A mort0�0��nd qut t��f __.
<br /> ' . '` ,; 01 wN prov�d�d ior In tM DMd ol Trw!p►ovlW�wbsqntlally dlM�r t adons to Tnallor th�n�mo�ip�p�
<br /> .;,��, . ',, .,y. .� � ��. 01 a d�l�ult a brNnh ot obllp�don undK th�Dssd ot Trust,Inoludln ,b not Ilmlt�d to, �ntNr' ht v��P��so�
<br /> , ' '`i' by ths TrustN wlthout any�udiotal proc�adinp.Tru�tor r�presen a w�rnna t thls o w
<br /> .'����;�,pyt�t�,.�., Trwtor bsfan th�ex�auUon of ths Deecl ol7rusl.
<br /> ....:•.._.......,
<br /> —- �,. -
<br /> Ow • A Poull o� � - --- — --
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<br />�r�.} ' ;r :. , . A il �19��.,by i�7t�emqp rs s,:
<br /> T H I S D E E D O F T R U 3 T,i s m a d e a s o 1 f h e—1 B.L-r:a Y 0� 1� °{' •
<br />'' s,L',. �` /L�v Y�,r{7�11y�;_
<br /> {I � _ —J p j��}!1'CJ�1
<br /> , , � ` the Ttuator, s.p;��Uh,�' --- `e�_-
<br /> � i �.. eri t 4�Klu .' '� � - (h0fei71"3rWt�'tor:'Wh61h8t Ot1E C��110��. '_� - —
<br />�JII. 1 l S�r��I���'rw'�-:���i. wnose ma{Itnp adclre�s Is �isu� �T• � . .. �
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<br /> ��i �..�f�y...,}}�4;i;.?+''.�
<br /> ��l` � ,,9 ti.r',_�y t,J�•• the Tru`tee. q .•r
<br /> }/1 r- 1 ,1'� � . '4� �h} w n _ •tn�l R d T�l�nd W� r,aaw2 _ (herein�T�II���/��111� -� �l�� .- -- '-.__
<br /> o' :.i.�' . '�' whoaa malllnp addreat is y .w,.�
<br /> �' . - _ ..iii7LY.•J�1:::.
<br /> .� ,y the 8aneflclary, � ��:. .. -
<br /> i . (h�nfn°��nd�r"►.
<br /> ' , • • . . who�mailln�addrett ta --
<br />�� rs�n�... ♦_ Peulle� -- - -
<br /> � ° FOR VALUABLE CON8IDERATION,inoludlnp Lend�r'1 axunslon ol crodlt Idontlll�d hor�ln to _ _
<br /> . �.•�• .•h.�
<br /> (hereln"8orrowar",whelher one or more)and Ihe truet henln crwt�d. ,;;;,.,,,.;,_,,,,��
<br />� ° ° Ihe recdpl of whlch Is harsby�cknowledped.Trustor hereby Irrevocebiy�rants,tren�len,conveys and eulprn to Tru�tN,IN � � ; ( z--
<br /> � ' TRUST,WITH POWER OF SALE,for Iha beneflt and�ecunry ot Lender,under and sub�eol to the termr and condltlon�hHOfnylbr Nt . , r�4`i�
<br /> ' , �. �:� .. <.;.: lorth�th��eel propsrty.desarlbed a�tollows: ' �:.�."_�;�-
<br /> = L81' fiIGHT i 81 A�iO 't!!L' !lF•ST H!il.F l 4!!12! �F l,4T SEVEN I 7) BLOCK TMO t 21.PARK HII.L �r,,,,K,�=_ ' "_--
<br /> , ���'�'�►.��
<br /> �.�,,,�.z__
<br /> . ������
<br /> : � � ---�; ��,.i
<br /> � � • Topether wlth all bulldlnpa,fmprovements,llxtures. slreels,alleys,passapeways,easements,rl�hta,privllepea and appurte- ..R,•�;-;,....--..�_
<br /> nencea loCeted thereon or In anywfse peAeinlnp thereto,and the renle,lasues end prolils,reversions and remelnders thereot and °=? �:t;.;�; =�=�
<br /> ' nuch personet property thet is attached to the improvements ao as to constlWle a Ilxture,Including �ut not limlted to,heapng and � �. � :;,
<br /> Y � . • � � . coollnq equfpment;and together wlth the homestead or merltal Interesls.II any.which mteresla ae�he�el�y eeoeased and waived:a!� ��-� ��t �,.�,_-
<br /> :,�.•�?� _��`.�
<br /> � 01 whlch,Including replacements end addlUona Ihereto,ie hereby declared to be a pert ot the reai eseate secu�et�ty 1Pte lien o1 this • ,.�'f�,�v;;:,�
<br /> � . Wed of T►uot end all ot the lorepolnp belnp relerred to hereln Be the"Propertyr". ..;,. �f'�'' ���'� '�'""'`�'�
<br /> � . ' t''(;.,;'."!�y�'`..�i�,.�-s,ti`;_--
<br /> .:-.r�. � : :"�`.. . '� . ,,,.��,-;"_
<br /> ,,�, ir;.�'•�,.�.;�:•,�-• •.'Y�i• Thla Dead ol Truat�hall eecure(a)the payment of the principal aum and Interest evldenced D�v a Prom�sso�yr mats o�cred;� ;;.",1•,`,',., 4:,.,r
<br /> � ��'r!�• �y, . _ �, �: ,_
<br /> ��•i, d � .. ;�t. � '�" .i!:_. ti.•
<br /> • . 'i,;�r;`;��.,• ayreement dated ,having e matu�ly date ol , , �1:�'+.. ,.r�;�ti�,.
<br /> 'i. " . ,,;.:��.. • , ' .•..
<br /> :',�;?�•, � � • ,,:.,�,;�., �,:�
<br /> ,1, en e�e ee ____—,and en and all modlllcatlons,extenaiona and renewals "'•�`����"�
<br /> ;,, � � �, ... , • •;;;�,..• In the origlnal prinolpel emount ot S y ..
<br /> ,.: �.•:.�•; :
<br /> , .•�;�„ thereof or lhereto end any and all luture edvances and readvances to Borrower(or any of them 11 more than one)hereunder k •, ti �'�;�='�`��
<br /> .t,,�,. . �,••?�, pursuaM to one or more promlasory notea or credlt agreemeMa(hereln callad"Note");(b)the payment ol other suma aJvanced by '�y�;:;;hL.�
<br /> F;�,..:� Lender to protec�the aecurity ol the Note;(a)the peMormance ol all corenants and agreements ol Trustor aet lorth hereln;and(d)all •�°_.
<br /> ;;;,i;,�! �� � �'•��� present and future indebtedneas and obllpatlone of Borrower(or any ol them II more than one)to Lender whether dlrect,Indirect, , � ����:�;:;��.�z�-
<br /> � �� � ;;;��': ebsolute or nontingent and whether arising by note,guarenry,overdratt or otherwfse.The Note,thls Oeed o1 Trusf and any and all .
<br /> , • ' •:�.,:�'�• , olher docuents lhat eeoure Ihe Note or otherwlae executed in connection therewuh,including without tlmltatlon guarantees,securly , �S� ����f'
<br /> ' '����' .� ayreemante and esalgnments ot leases and rente,ahall be referred to hereln ae the"loan Instrumenta". ;; �,� '��� J�'�:l:�;
<br /> � y ..:�����;t'�. .A.;�.i.�,
<br /> � Trustor covenanta end agreee wlth Lender as followa: '•;;:.� .•..,;•;!t jT`'
<br /> ' �. � ' t, pa�m�nl ol lnd�bt�dnu�.All Indebtedneas secured hereby shall be paid whon duu. (C• :�.
<br /> • 2.Tltb.Truetor Is the owner ol the Property,has the right and euthorfty Io convey the Property,and warrants that Ihe lien
<br /> � creeled hereby•e a tlrst end prlot Ilen on the Property,except lor Ilena and encumbrancea set lorth by Truator fn wrfting and
<br /> ; � ' dellvered to Lender before executfon ot thls Deed of 7rust,and the ezecutlon and delfvery ol lhls Deed ol Truat does not vlolele any ,
<br /> • CanlraCt ur other obllgetlon lo whlch Trustor�s sub�ect. .
<br /> ' ' • • , 3. Tar��,M��nm�nts.To pay before dellnquency all laxea.speclal asansaments and all other Charges against the Property
<br /> now or hereaRer levled.
<br /> � ' 4. (n�ur�no�.To keep the Property Ineured againal demage by Ilre,nazards�ncluded w�thln Ihe to�m"extended coverage",and
<br /> auch olher hezerds as Londer may requlre.m amounts and w�1h compames acceptable lo Lender,nammg Lender a8 an addltlonal
<br /> named 1n9ured,wlth losa payeble lo the Lender In Cose ol losa undor such pol�cins.lhR Lender is aulhonzed lo Ad�ust.collect and
<br /> •� compromise,all clalms lhereunder and sholl huvo tho upUUn ol apply�ng ali or pnr 1 ul Ihe�neuranco proceeds U►to ony iadeblddneas
<br /> • •� secured hereby and In such order ae Lender may determine,(iq to Ihe Truslor to be used lor lhe repalr ur restoretlon ol Ihe Property
<br /> � or(fll)lor any other purpase or ab�ect satfslactory to Lender wilhoul aNecting the Ilen ol ihis Deed ol Trust lor the lull amounl secured �
<br /> '. � hereby belore auch payment ever took plece.Any epplicalion ol proceetls to indebtednesa ahall not extend or postpone the due
<br /> � ; , � dete ol any peymenta under Ihe Note,or cure any delault thereunder or hereunder. •
<br /> ' 5. H�erow.Upon wrlflen demand by Lender.Trustor shell pay to Lender,in such manner as Lender may des�gnale,suHlc�ent
<br /> __--..-
<br /> .,��mR tn eneble Lender to pev ea ihey become due one or more of the lollow�ng:(q ell t0xes,easassments and other charges aga�nst
<br /> the Property.(fl)lhe premfums on the property In�urence requ�red nereunder,ana�iii�tne premiums o��ni�y�i����yoyd���:��o��a •
<br /> requlred by Lender.
<br /> 6. MNnbn�nc�,R�p�ln and Comp�tanc�wllh Law�. Truslur ahall keep the Properly in good condlt�on and repa�r; shell
<br /> � �,s�.�: � promptly reya��.or replece eny Improve^�e�+t whlch mey be demaged or destroyed; shall not commlt or permll eny waste or ' •
<br /> � deterlorat�on o1 the Propert/;ahall no1 rempu�e,demollsh or substentlally alter any of the�mprovemonts on the Property:shall not
<br /> ';��t;'. ;,i
<br /> .; �. .� commiL suHer or perm�t any act to be Cone�n or upon the Property I�vlolet�on ol any law,ordinance,or repulatlon:and ahall pey and
<br /> ;,�`.'�'?a' •.�6�?';"�•:�;;., promptly d�stharge at TruStor'S Cost antl�xpense ell liens.enCUmbrantes a�d c►�a�ges iev�ed. �mposed or assessed aflamst the
<br /> •��, 1 r1•`;7f�''.::.�j;,,J:`,:. ..:�� Properly or any paMlherCOi. ' �
<br />.y �,'•.:'?�;,: .,5�•',:i��`:��• 7. EimieqM Do+na�n.Lender Is hereby asslyned all r.ompensat�c� awa•da,dama�es and clTe�paYmeMS er redef(�ere�nar�r
<br />; ,•;'. ;,�:..•��:ry�';':;�," "Proteed9'��n connectfon wlth ContlemnaUOn or olhet takfng o�tne P*op,•^�or pan thereo},or fa�tonveyance in ligu of contlemna-
<br /> '� �'���,�''?'��:�'�``-'+�-� � tion.Le�der shall be entnted at its option to com�ntinca.aAAear in antl p�osecute i�its own nan:e eny acUOn o�proceedmgs,a^� ,
<br /> � ';�,;;:�i,i���:;�'�'�t'$���� '. shall also be entltled to make any compromise nr heCl�rre^t fn COnneCt+4n wHh SuC1�tdkinq or damagP In t�e e�eM any porti0n o1 '
<br /> 'i , S:. :.
<br /> . •'r':..,�,: �' �, �
<br /> . • ��.i�, wc a+st�w�.ar��n�,.i o..aie«�o�e
<br />)• ' �•� O 1fM wM«r�wn�w tanmua ir�a aim ss..r�,e nucem�en�ms�n w�a«��
<br /> ..I1 _`
<br /> i _ __ _
<br /> -
<br /> - -
<br /> -
<br />