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<br /> .L.:.; �
<br /> NaN-iJNiFORM CQVBNAMfS. 8orrowec and Leader turther cavenant end ag�co ae tollows: ��'""'������
<br /> N.For�dasn�e lhaatd�w.if l�dn�r'ii�+��e�'�aeat in tap aader�P�q•t,�der ais!'tnruke�k pa�rar
<br /> . ot�#N u/tW ott�r�NM D�n��'���Isw.i�eada sbail M ealhkd 1p eoltcct�II expeaea IacntrM Iq pat�ain� __—._.—,_-- -.-- -
<br /> �It I!�l�N���l/�1���'I�I�L'I b11�U�14�1l�011�bN MtlOfA�B�I!!!{1/A{Oib 0/ /N�1 MWl�Cl.
<br /> it Ille p d r►e►ot aN b Nwolced.Trote�dali recard�taoNce at dettalt M e�cb oaunry ia wbicM s�l�P�ot tb�Propaty -- -_ 2���.,u.,.......-•
<br /> �w t o 8 o r t a w e r a a 0 t o t b e o t b e t p e r e o t�s ��';.-'.'�,:�
<br /> � �qll�Iltbd fu�d daN��+o i a�l'•aa q o e Ip t i�e aa�e w a•p�� �dal!�ire P�blk�atict ot ale to tM paeoae �;�_;,'�-`1
<br /> prp�aibed by w�11cs6N hw.After tbl!Utne Kqul�ed b�'� :_-:.,�.��,�,.,
<br /> Mv.7�atee• haa!de�aad oa BaRawer.eb�il aeq!he Pro�erty�t wbUo�aetiaq ,,�.�_
<br /> �ad la tbe a��a bf��0� ';:�,'�;._,.,-�..--�.
<br /> , ....�.
<br /> �p t��� a d�e a�t.�ee vh�oe�aa.»der tbe eenai a�ud�a u�e aoace o!ate la om or moi.wu�xte.na > , �`�;_�i�
<br /> Iq�4MOf T��'0�li�TfNS1l0 Ip1f PO�P01l�qI0 O��II Oi��l�0ll At 1IR PfAPl�f y bY PMUIM�IIAOtlRC81qlRl�1 '��`i"�ti%:.i 1.�,�,.,:_-_
<br /> tbe�operty !1 f�W's�le � a i�?' ,, _
<br /> . tM time w�d pb�e ot�U P�b�Y �akd�sk.t�eAder a�its d�amq' Pan�se • I;���,"'�,V ;Y��r"
<br /> �' '1'matee's dad coAVa!'la�tMe PropetlY• :',.3 � ��! ' F'�.�`.:;_.
<br /> UpaA r�odM ot P�eat ot tbe 0�Atd�Traetee�It ddive�ta tbe pnrob�ser _
<br /> '1'Ye rodMb IN tlro 7'�utee' �q f�ela� a�M lbeeein.Trastee sb�ii�ppty . �T-_ ;�;;i4�f:�t:-.�-_-..
<br /> f� S�El� h0 ��f QY�l�lA00 O/1M@ f1N111 O�1�l0 e1R10�l�18 � ,. .s r c'�
<br /> tMe P�s a!tbe aak in tlro topowiaR onlert(a1 to�i!expeasa►of tre tak.laeladin6.bat aat pmhcd to.Troetee a tees �,. � . p .,
<br /> �ar pepaitted M�PpHabk bw�ad ta�wawbis�ttoraey$'tasi(bf to�s�s�eMrid bf�tbis Sec�aity lastmmeati�ad(c)� �3 r '1'.t`��' ,F�- �, F
<br /> �r��• •�S'T�� '�`�;r'r;5���t�'.v:'
<br /> O1ICEffi t0!�4�O1'�Otl 0�pL'rQOqs�y OR11Uld to it. ";',;i,:' .;�� �:?i%+;;% ' • i
<br /> lastn�un�eat l.eader sha11 request Trustee to�teconve�r �'� .•:�,i;•{
<br /> �t.Re�•�Apn AaY�t ot aU sums sectued Mr tt�ia Scc�uitY `;.;,�'`:�:,;,,'�,�, �_
<br /> � ' �.,.��.,,.. �;.:��f:":.
<br /> the P�a�ty a n d s t�e i l l wnon der t h f s S o c u ri r y last�tument aad a U notes t w i�d e 6 t s e c ured b y thia Seaudty la�trument `:�..�;`" �. ;,�.:.r� �;ri-:��-:
<br /> ta'Tn�atee.'fcnuee at�at!ceconvey the Proper�tY�ith�wanaary and withwu char8e to tde P��or peraons lega�fr en�nled i;, ' `:.,,�' + �`
<br /> • (�..�.��(�� p�y r�ecor�eari�o�a,costs. ; _..
<br /> �0�\��RM Y���^�0������w"V 1.•4 y�l. 1j 1. A�it;1t�...—� ___
<br /> �� � � �.�����r,ii�,__
<br /> 19.S�I�ate T�.Lender.at its option. tqa)r frau►:tupe td timc ieiombwe Trustee and appoint a succauor trustee to. 4' �;�' EFdX:'�:N-—
<br /> A'n'Y. At ' '::i`:'`r:(- .
<br /> anYTn�ateeap�odntedhmeunderbyaniastnunentrecorqodaa49�co�emyl��w0ai�:hth�aSecuritylnstrumencisrecorded.Without :�•,,.�.�t.�,.;� ��. ::�;��;.-
<br /> ,;.,. � ir(��, ::
<br /> �. L"���,;.,.::k' {;°nrfv_-
<br /> convayance of tha'PrapertY.the suaoessor trustee shall succeed,ta aEQ ohe t tle..pawer and dutfes�ronferred upon Truetee hereia ;:�;:. ��� � x�
<br /> and bY ePPlkable 1aw. . . , a.�:�.:�:'�.`�,;�• ;�"����;''�-
<br /> Y���.r k�# �s K;��
<br /> •�'i�:§•a,j n r .
<br /> �p�R�qn�j for NoNceu.8orrower requests that coples of the notfces af de6ault and sale ba sent ro Borrower's address � n ,����{,���ir.�,���;;�,:"
<br />-= JwE�ich ia the P�pertY Ndd�ess."H o r ro w e�funhcr rc queets that copies of the naikes af default and salc be sent to the person , . �,:?,;.'�+; ,, -;{p� :a,�;,,,�:::
<br /> set totth hesei�;`� N ��;.•+�;t;� ,• °T:,.�
<br /> ^'� � '• '�.t:�.::
<br /> <x: ,��. �;:,..•
<br /> A�ktatiop q�use,gcrrower agroes that�hould this Security Instrument and the n�te secured thereby not be eligiblc �. �;�t��•i ..r��;,:
<br /> � for ineuranoe uadet the Nattonal Haustng AcR w�a6ae� sixty daqs trom the dats hereof. i.ender may.at ';,c'}`"}`� �+ j��7 ��'.�
<br /> .. j �� ;fa � `�"t
<br /> 'its optton aAd notwtthstat�ding enything in Paragaa��,�iuire immedisio paytnent in fo!!af a!!sums secur�d by this Security -, r> .,., ti�, -�-
<br /> ` inatrumeat.A wrttten statanent of at�y authosiuH�ng�nt of the 9ec�etatY deted subsequent to sixty days �'y j�+�;,� n r°°, `_,�;���,.
<br />-� from the dat�heteof.decllein8 to iue�iae�this Securtty Inetruideat and the note secured thareby,shalt bB deemed coneWside �t;t;:�ct.;:,;��. , •;',�:::y'�s�—
<br /> ' Y�{ki61�n'i' �r . ���u ��.
<br /> praof ot sucb iaell8�bility.Notwithstaa�in8 the foregoing.thia opaioi�may not be exercised by I.ender when che unavaboabil�ty _
<br /> � ef tosurance is aotety due ca Lender'e�tatWre to �emic a mortgage tnsurance premium to the sxretary• . • �;,,,� ,;; .` ��niz�
<br /> �. :.:t�..: °=.
<br /> " Ride�s to tbis Secnrity iastrameat. :"�.
<br /> If one or more rtde►s are executsd by Borrower and recorded tagether wieh fhis `, ,��' ' j�s��:-,��;
<br /> `' gecud�y Inatn�ment�the covenants of each such�ider shall be it�corporated in"to and ahall an�nd and aupptement the covet�ayita , •, '.:.,r; �+������,_;:�
<br />� and agrceakata ot tfiis Sccudty Inatrument as tf the rider(s)were in a.part of this Securfty lnstru+ment. (Check applitabte hbk(es)� ,�� �f���r' ,����T�AT�+
<br /> izl #� t .��,�u,
<br /> � �Ai�jusaabk Rate Rider �Growing�quity Rider' : }',?�i' �����Sk+i?�"�
<br />