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��6C'I�ST�5�.1tAl_�L� i - ��{ � . • . <br /> .. - _.. .. _-. .. .-.n�+�- • <br /> TJ � . - ± .. �.�S r, lt�-^'l'!tM'` A! , 1 'r 'tM' .i�' Y l(� � . . . ' ..- t }5.. / . .__.-.... .... <br /> ' � �� ��I.�...r. <br /> 1 . ' � � � � � .' , '•� - <br /> :�_ n .n".' -}'1.ti#-rv..� b�� l�•`� , � ' 7 �- <br /> , y. �. <br /> . . ... . _ �5�,1�` !7 ' 1i, - <br /> , , <br /> .� •, • :: ...� {�1 i ����:S�1�c�`t�,�-�� • ifC��. _t.._Z ����- <br /> o ..� <br /> ' i <.- , � - <br /> . <br /> . <br /> . . ....... . . . ...�,�:s . <br /> .,. , . .. v - <br /> ,: . , ,. <br /> . . --- <br />.,, , . . , .. . - . <br /> _.,�,;.�,,�:•� ��.� <br /> ��..��.��_.......����� ����.. � ���L.�..�� <br /> Any a plicatiMe ot the procads ta the pritioipal shnil nat extend or posepono the dao data ot the manthiy aynunp�whiclt <br /> a�o ro�omed ta in Par�ph 2�or ahange the amount ot euah paymonte. Any'excoss pracaad+ovot an amaunt roqWred ta <br /> - .- --� paY ai outetanding inde tedacas uodcr thc tdota and tht�Secunty lnstrumcnt eh�11 ba pald ca iheeneity IeQailyontitiMth�teta. <br /> ----�-�v s.Fee�{.ender moy co!!at feer artd chargee eutharir.ed by the 9ea�otary. <br /> �r�r��-.�- <br /> 9.�iroaads to�Ac�elet�Naa ot lkbl. - <br /> (p111et�all.Lendar may ox�ept as limitad by�cgulations jaeued by tho 5�cretary in tha c+a�of paymeot defautt�,rcquirc �{ 'P 3i _ ,� -.°_- <br /> � imaxdlate payment in�11 of all sums secured by this Secudty Itturumant if: "`� �� <br /> m=; ! �b. <br />����;� (i)Bonowe�dePauita by failing to pay in full any mamhly payment raiaimi by thi�Security tnarumens prior ca ,;�Rt'�1,"4 r��;��,1 -___ <br /> y ,�l�i� a�on tho due dato af tho naxt monthty payment�ar ���'�9,� �,�,i,ZQ,��` v <br /> -�t)vj`Pk��,`?� ��r,•:,�;' .o ' 1� E : <br /> f.-+.�.. ;!�tym�:t1� �,v �o�.wi�m. <br /> .��,a�,.;k i(f)Honoww dofaults by failing�for a period of thiny daye. to pa�form any athor abligatians contained io thls ,,� �- <br /> --¢--+.s�i�! Saaudty]nstrament. 1 '�+"y� <br /> f '-r.- K! 'I��'•`-- <br /> � �� �.ir'� ' �t 1.f�U��s o Sy�:.R?,:. <br /> ;:,�s,,,,,��I'�ti. lb)8�k Willront Ce�dit A�o�.l.ender shall.i[p�ahted by applicable law and w(th the pr�ar app�aval at the t:,; �,.`�'�A �������t <br /> =�LU�1'��. r Se�cretary.reqaire immediate pa�nment tn tuli oP all the sua�s se�cured by thie Sccurity tnstrument if: .�''�;`,;,,`;:'`�. �''+`'����`� <br /> , . .::, '�,i,. .. ,,�t� s��,.,�n $: <br /> f'��. =���r���" (i)All or paR af the Propeny ia ocherwlse translmred tother than bY derise or dacenq by the 8wrrower.and �">'J:"y j ; �;���}' � �` <br /> t .�{uV},��! ri r�h t ' r���Y41,r1 � n - <br /> ,`j �r j.1��+�� (Ii)The Ptaperty is not occupiad by the purchaser or grancee as 6is or her primary or secandary reside�aoe.a the „ `�t ip��� �,`' <br /> ,, �T, -- • purchaser or g�a»tee doa so accupy the YropertY but his or Aer c�edit has�ot been appraved in accordance euh � . �� "� � >r�,'� � _ <br /> � F, �d�x the roquirements o!tfie Socretary. '� ; �,����i�;;-� <br /> `�1[����� ,.�� ' �`t�ti '� �, <br /> _�.'��K (c)No Wnfver. If circumetances occur that would payment in tuli.but Lendrr s; : � �°•�"' - � ; <br /> permit Lender to require immediate <br /> -:-��;y,;�,��;�- doea not raquin such paymeate. Londer does not waiva its rlghts with respec¢ to subsequcn�avenu. :` � ' ' .- <br />�,-m.:;�..;, � � . <br /> �,.�`��i�����' (d) alattons ot HUD Seeretpry In many ctrcumstances regulattons issued by ehe Secretary wiil Itmh[.ender's dghts �ti.;, .a:;�„�.;,� �, :�,�;�,' <br /> , ti; p��,; . <br /> .�;�+ +�;;�t•i, 1n the�case of payment detaults to require immediate payment in fuU and foreciose if notpaid.This Security Inst�ument �,, ,, •1Y! .��� _-__ <br /> {, �'��:?,;���i� doea not authorize acceterallon or forectasure if not permitted by tegulations of the Secretary. ��;�lr�,tr`f�;�;�tr�, <br />"_t�}�.,t�.,i Ci ,;' � <br /> ��; .�.� <br /> +� ! <br /> " �'�� sp{ ' 10,Relpatatetaeat.Borrowr�has a�ght to be reinstated if Lcnder has requtred immediate pa ent in ful!baause af '"°�,, '' s �`_•- <br /> ��s'��1�. . � ym ;;��,;,. ,�; � � ,� , — <br /> �t��,�r� � Borrower s faitu[e to pay an amount dar under t!M Note or this Security lnstrument.This right appAes even aftar forcclosure ,y�.�y� <br /> �F�„"�'���;� ' prcxxedings are inatituted.To reioatate the Secudty Instrument. Horrawer shall tender in a tump sum aq amounts required ��, � , � �� <br /> t r�#„� ; to bting Borrower's account current includin�.co the extent they are obiigations of Sorrower uader this Secudty Inatrument. �'f�? ,. <br /> r'==fi � 1'ote�:iosufe a�sts end ressonabie and custor�a�?:a.iomcyx'fcrs aad cxi��Pmf�ty aasoctatt�!�!s!s the t'orerbsssse psoee�ding. �': } ,ri,. � `�r�• <br /> '`{t'`�'����,' U p o n r e i n s t a t e m e n t b y B o r r o w e r,t h i s S e c u c l ty l o s t r u m e n t a n d t h e o b i i g a t i o n s t h a t I t s e cur e s shall remain in effect as if Lende� _:, . , ,tib�,ti„ <br />�'-j�_°ft'�..h-t')e� .� �`t':;Ey� <br /> ���,�,Y had t�t toqutred immedtate paymexn i�ful1.�However,Lendea�ia not r�ui�ed to permit reinstatement if:(if 1-ender has accepted �,�;..-��� �� , .!�F �, .. <br />:: .p��rr,1 tir: • ,. ,�J�'�� <br />:,�����t;•f:.,�� rein�tatem�ent after the commencement�af fQre�ta9ute�+roceecldngs with n two years immediately precedlng the commencemant . . ,.:+�,� %;• <br /> s��;s��;sl . of a cucrent foreclosure praceecling' (li)r.emstatement nviii preclude foceciasure on different grounds in the future.or 1�ii) �� ��;�' <br /> '�+% �'''���:" reinatatement wiU adversciy affect tl�o priority af the9ien cteated by this Secudty lnatrument. ;,�,., j;�?�'�' <br /> :.�?;4r��it;�,;,.: ,• . ,� ._St:,•;��E),��� .� .�: <br />;�.'��;•:.,��t�9'',"p I1.Horrow�er Not Releasedi Forbea�aoe Ny ixeder Not a W�iver.Extenaion oi the time of payment o�modificacian ��•���� , �•� � � <br /> ::��{+;`f��4 of amartization of the eums secured by this Security lnstrument granted 6y l.ender to any successor in interest of 8orrower "':�. � . �' :����3r�{5}�)� � ��1 <br /> - �� "�;,,r a;� shall not operate to ralease the Nabttity af the originef Borrower or i3orrower's successor In interest. L.ender shalt not be required ., -;,,, :;� � �! ,�,� .: <br />�"�'•..�,.`:.;.'��:� to¢ommence proceedings a�ainat any succes.go�in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or othernise madit'y amortizetlon ' � r�"^• �� <br /> `•�':��*�:r•' ;� � 4f the auma secured by t h ie§e c u�ity Inetrument by reason of any demand made by the odginal Borrowe�or Borrower's xucceasors , ,."��;�•� � .�.,.,'�':'"�' '� <br /> y'���`��� �`. '�� in intercst.Any forbearance by Lender tn exercising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or prectude the exercise of � `: � • y'k <br /> <<��;. <br /> `��;�;,:A.;:�i`�� any right or remedy. ° •� ,,., �.`•. _,.,`^.:� <br /> '� r ��r:,:; � �� , , .. . - <br /> '�`h�:���'�� 13.�uecesaors prtd Assigns Bound;Joiat Aad Severnl l.ipbUily;4a�Signers.The covenancs end agreementa af this Security .. . . ��� � - <br /> ' '� '`'� [nstrum�em shell bind and benefic tfie successors and essi�ns oi t,ende�and Borrower,subject to the provisions of paragraph � � � `.�+ :" ' — <br /> :��y���%��� 9.b. Horr.ower's covenants ahd agreements shalt be joiat.and sevc��L Any Barrower who co•signs this Secu�ity Instrument ' . , ' �... „' �6- <br /> ,_�:;;•�'r� ' y. � . , . ,rr6�j•<�..: . <br /> ::.►i:f,��� but doea not execute!he Note:(a)is casignlng this aecuri�y�Insttument only to mongage,grant and convey that Borrower s , . ��..:,;v <br /> , !'''+�'�' interest in the Prapeny undet�4he;terms of ehis 5ecurity Instrurnent; (i�)fs not persona!!y obligated to pay the sums secured � " , + �f`�' <br /> !�����. by this Security It�stru�+lent;and(c)a@rees tha4 l.emie�and any other Borrower may agrec co cxiend,madi fy,forbear or make ' �1�`" - <br /> n���`���?"Y. any accommodations wi�h-re$ard to the term of this 5ecuriry tnstrumen� or the Note without that Borrower's consent. `�;;��,�+ '.. .-� r: <br /> � uui,.f,. :,;.,t�, 4 + .. „ ,. <br /> .�2A"�i)i":., i %t�'� `' - t� ,'i, - ' 1 �. <br /> �� u: 33.Notices.Aay notice�to Borrower provided for In�his Security lo9trument.rhall be given by deifvering i�or b��mafli�g ''��� �4 r h„- <br /> �'r�f�''r x ii by first class mai{unless applicable law requires use of another methcx6.The notire shall be directed to the Prapeny Address • ��; j;ti,��'1 S:���� ". � - <br /> ==��<<�'��t(�� ot any other address 8arrower designates by notice to Lrnder.Any natice t�I.ender xhalt be given by n�si class mail�o Lender's �l'�:�'`�'�4'�i.;",{�`'��f'����,� ,,.. ^'�;�;. <br />-w�_�ti4%��'c�''���:� address stated herein mr any address Lender designntes by notice to Sorr�n�•er.Any noti�r prowded for�n ihix S�u�i���lostrumcnt �;;�j�f';�;�'•ji;''�.;�r f�,�;;�: ;��:: <br /> .�+:0�`� l�;.;.�f �.r.:+._rt 7i/ <br /> �sr:;����� shall be deetned to hevc been given to Borrowrr or i.cnder�vhen given as pruvided�n this parugraph. ,?,i,; ����t;;r.<<��.ti ,�rti_�,,•�, : <br /> :;x� �:r,.�;:,,�, ': c � ;�}.� .,,11� �.;f:.. <br />: , �1, a. � �'... 1,�.;•;:�;;,'-�..t� '�..,,... <br /> '� -.'i��' Q�.Governiag Securiry Ins�runeent+hnit he guverncKf by F��ierut Ina und�hc tuK of ttK yarisdiction � ,?,.,.,',�,i,?y�,�,��,�.',,;1,, ,�,� <br /> t��:'';_.,y;�_��',fr{:, in e•hlch the Propeny is located. In the event thut un>•provision or ciuuse nf this 5�tiuriiy in�trumcnt vr the Nate con(lictx , ' : `,�;�,<<„r, ;�����:.• <br /> r�`,�,�� ����+ .y wtth appticabir law.such contiict shall ndt affcrt rthcr pro�•i�ianx of this S�cu�it�tmtrument or ttic Not� ��hi�h c�n bc givcn � , � , . <br /> �;lj�£} �� T� effect without the conflirting provixian.To thiti cnd thc prori.ia�i+c�f thi.Scwurit> in�tramrnt and thr Nrnc urc dc�larcd t�+ , . . .�� r � <br /> �,,n��� �+ be severabie. ; •� � i�,' <br /> ..F�f\1� ��,�t,�4}<Y , . <br />����ri,ir�l� � ; . ,: � . <br /> �r ._.��,. , . <br />- ,. .<..'.;-:;,�� � p p ' , <br /> �°'n",:ij�.;:;�... f 1S. Sorrower s Co �. Borroarr�hull br gicen unr.unformcd ru � uf thi,k�.ari�� tn�trument. ,� ., . <br /> ;�iy► t ;=,�+J�;;�� ��. ' � , = <br /> ►+�, :�� ''1 16.Assi�ame�t ot Reats.8orroa•cr unconditiunult�uti.i�n,�nd irao.frr�tu I.enJrr ail thr rrnc�and re�rnu�+o(the Pro��. , <br /> ���!`'�i��j'y� � Bc�rrower authorues Lertdet or Lender'�agemw tu.o{�cet thc r.n�.and r�.c�ur.and herrh��dintit+cach t�nant ot the{'roperu�- • � � <br />."�;1'�t?�j%5!{',z`• to pay the rems to Lender or i.ender'.agem.. No��e�cr,prior to 1 cnd�r'.n�ai.r c��tiorraaer ai Flurruacr'•Nrcach oi aes.. , �;�;:�_ , �- <br /> , y'�% <br /> << ;+,}�� coven�nt ur agreement in the Sctiurity in.trument.liurn�NCr�hall:olic.t and re:�n�•rii rrnt.and r��rroue+.od�h�Propert� <br /> .�Cne�tu.Mww.f:� .�f 1 n�u�a� ynr!p.v�nu.v l�hi. a�..rontita�nt ��f�l/111[d�811 JIhUI41C B��iBQROK'�11.:S1llI f1W iill �. � � �' <br /> — --- ���i�; '_ _-"' -' ' " '. ' <br />.;;: ::�•�;;,:�.�:�>; assignment for�additbnal +rcuricp onl}. � � � - <br />�-.::�.p,.�':� �. . - <br /> �•;�,�.���;`�::,:�'� �' if Leadet gi�es noticc of Atcach to 8ixrrNrr:kt)ufl rrnt�r�tci�cd b� Ilatt�����t�h.tll ha:h�i.�h� fS�►rraerr a•tru�tcc t'e�r <br /> �.. t ;:��'..,. ;. b�aert af Lendet c► he a�plied tu thr .utm��tiur�r!h> thr tiec�uity hntrumrnt: Ih1 1 endcr.haff t+rentitled tu colir�r <br />"�°,�:• , '•�..,'�'';`.i ar�J rrcrlre aU uf tbe renew nV�Pur Propertc:s�nd(rl�u�li tenunt uf thr ihu�Krt> ,hull ru> atl rcnr�due and unpaid to L.ende� • • _. <br /> ���.` �``v'..�. ur t.rndcr'.agent an I.ernt�K'.�.riurn drmand tu thc trnaut. <br /> ;��.. .•.•.,•.. <br />: ;,��,: , ',. ' tiorraa•cr hu�nu�r+��:utcd an��prior u..ignment at thr renc.aud ha.nut und��ill��u�prrtorm.rn�a�t that ��au1J rre�rnt <br /> Lcndcr f�am r�erci�ing it.ri�ht� und�r thi► parugru{+h ib. <br /> , �� Lcncier.huil n�►t tn reyuir�yi turntrr u�xm.tule.�mt�al ut ur m:un�:s�u tNr Nroskn� heturear aitr�E�.�nF n�na•ruf hrea�h <br /> ��i;• � u�&�rra��rr. Nc�a���r. 1 rndcr a� :�judicialh ap�x�intrd tc.�i�rr ma> �lu•u .�t at>> �inir tNric i, a hrra.h. �m .�rrt�.;u�.•�� <br /> .'.'� . :. at'rrnt��hatl nat .ure��r ��ui��un> dcfuuh ur imalidatr:+n> uthe� ��ght u� �em�d>��t t rndci. 1 h�.a..��nme�it al r�ut. .�I <br /> �� ''+.; . , thc Yra�rt> +H:dl trrminat� ��hrn thr dcht .r��u�vf h� thc 5c.urit> i��.tru►nrnt i. p.ud u► tull. <br /> ' '�; <br /> ,;�;�... -.i <br /> "� , .h.� r.,., t ..,, � � <br />