�� ,��f�."'�"y{�t�,� ' 4ii'�t r�r•�k r'`::°��;�, ; , ,r,� .
<br /> , ,
<br /> 4 i - r �'�°"_-.ro<� 'y '..
<br /> ]�� �� �>� �}
<br /> ' � �r �,,��, +. . r....�.'k���r`I�i.W '`ti+Y�f` r. ���'i,fi`�� ':it�.iiL � I . _.. ,�__...1, '-r,4.,,rr�Y,�1 n
<br /> i�� . ..
<br />„t:}�ui1��,. ' .1 . . .
<br /> ..,_�._—_.,�"."'__
<br /> 10189� �---- -_- _
<br /> �. _
<br />_____= TP�Lender tequi�+ed mongsgelnsu�e as a condiNon of aiaking tha loan aaa y thie Security In�t�mennt, -- "-- -
<br />------- 8orraaar�lra►fl pax tbo pe+etniunprtqaited to maintain the ineurance in eReot unti!suoh time as tbe requiroment for the �
<br /> ��. inwtanoa termi�tp in ac¢otdance whh Borrower'e end Lertdet'a wrltten agteement ar applioabie taw. „
<br /> _ � '�r�-
<br /> S. laapeetlon. Lettder or lts ageat may make reawnable rntdca upaa and�nspeoiionc of tt+e 8�oporty. kndu -� �3 °��--
<br /> � slwll gtvo 8orrower notice at tbp timeof or rlor to an ins ion s � �`�
<br /> p pect peoifying rcasanabla oAU�e fpr tho inspeatian. �'`h.�-
<br /> 9• Ca�dannttion. The proaarls af any award ar c1e:m fm daraagoa.dlreot ar cor�sequentiai,in cannxtioa witb '�����;�.'�c�.�';�.
<br />--�- �. any condemnadan or other taking ot a�y part of the P�aparty ar far conve ance irt liou of a�ndemnatiaa.ate heteby � '�-��
<br /> y �,• l f��:�,.�:..
<br /> ;�eir„�—` aaigned at�d shali be paid to Lende�. ' ;�;�>`�;������'..�,_ --
<br /> In thc ava�t of a tatal taki�g af the Propeny,the proceeds shall be appiied ta the�ums aocured by this 3aurity ��¢� �'����,'�,�"Q',''�'�� :_
<br />� Imtrumeet,whether ar not then dua wtth any eaca�s paid ta Borrower.In the eve�t af a partiaf taking af tho Praperty, Q�,�`,'�_;;;�u�Y,,�,,,r��,�'F'"`"''
<br /> �°, unteas�rtower and Landor othera�he a in w�ltio �the sums sooured b thh Seoudt Inatniment�hall be roduood b �;:'�; ..,�'�"s:.�d'<<'�"���=
<br /> �, •? 8� 8 Y Y 9 �y�, �:,,�' ��r�
<br /> the amouet of the praceede multiplied by the ti�llowin tMatian:(a) ihe total amau�t af the�ums seoured immadiataly ,if�1s4� �i�'+���,'�����:r�}��,�t'��,-
<br />�T�,�,�i�;c ' �, befanthe takieg.divided by tb)tb,�teir market valueo�the Pro ny immediatel bofare the takin .An balance abail be ��'"�u ����'_?��,;!a,�t�w�;_=
<br />`,��:,'�;�s�;�.7 h. poid fo 8arrower. i� 9 8 Y ..q�:.�.;�4s�;r1 f'.'��';�:+��ti,� -
<br /> ; �,�.� r,.,�, ;,•�,�'•��•W.):.;,,�.,,r..', ;,;ti;-
<br /> �,��►,;t,��,� IY the Property is aband�edb�r �orrowe��ar if.afler natice by Lender ta Horrawer that the cc::�omnor c�era to ?� � ••'<'���
<br /> � ���,.5�'�,��,�',. make an award ot aettle a claim for�BoxxaWer fails ta rospond to Lender wlthln 30 days after the date the naice b ''n1 `���'�yf '"��t ��"
<br />_1��i'X:t�:��'�t�F��'Yf�: �r � -i.. �� -��� tY!.�-,
<br /> � ' girrn�J.ender is autharlaed tocoltoctaa�dappiy the pioc��at its option,eithet ta roataration or repair aithe Prapaty cr � �' ''n
<br /> t,;_��.��� '��':.� rotheaumseecueedbythis��uityrla�tsutnent�w�etherornotthendue. ��m " ;` x�� �
<br /> ,� �rt�i,��,�t� ; , � , iWR � � p t�.;.
<br /> � q ,J"� r llnlas Lende�and 8arcuwerother�vise agree ia wtiting,any application af�roceeda ta principat st�a11 not 6�ctend or ,. � '�� ��� ���:.
<br /> ? � �.s,. o paatpone tbe dua dete of the monthly paymenta referred ta in peragraphs f and 2 or ahange the amount af�uah payraent� ,:� � �;;�"�>>`M s ,;
<br /> ,�'4'f{.� Fal
<br /> :�.�� �•:� ' �,•;<:• 10. Aur�ower NoR ReteASe�Forbearanee By I.eader Not a WaBre�. Eateneion of the time far paytmnt or ��..�._ ,,.;',�.��,.,r.��y.�����-=
<br /> '�i�«;::;. ::,;'....��t� :��;;:<
<br /> � �i�':'•:=:.'-.y�4. modiflcation of amortixation of the sums secured by this Secudiy Inxtrument grunted by Lender to any aucce�or in . �r�!,,,;:,;;A�••.;.t��?.,;:�.; ^;..
<br />-�,s� �"tr: �, <<�; e o
<br /> interest af Borroaer shali not aperate ta release the 1lability of the origfnai 8aa�mwxr ar Aorrower s succasaara in interest. � ,,,�,��� �
<br /> �r „���.p;, '� Lender shaU not be required to commence proceedings egainst an succeasor n intereat at refuse ta extend time for :'�' ' ���' ��`« �
<br /> .�,M:1s ..8}���a Y � �i!. '�..:_
<br />�;...�`�; � .,.,-: payme�t ar othernvisa modityr amortuation oPthe suma secured by thia Security Inatrument by reason of rtny dBmandmade `�'�� �eAs;t�;;,` �''.��,'',;:';���ti
<br /> �;i�-;7-,:�������;x`. dy theariginal Horrower or Horrower'a sucxessars in interest.Any farbearance by I.ender in eaarcising any�fght or�anedy ""•����.' �i••�.�'�.:�; � '• .,:;,i;:�
<br /> , ,. ,
<br /> 1�� '" �;t�±��, r shali nai t�e a walver afar pre¢lude theeserciae of any right or remedy. , ,;' , :�ti '`:
<br /> �,,�ti;. � �� '11.�Su�or�nnd Aestgns 8ouad;Joint ead 3everal I.iabqityi Casigners. Thc covenanta artd agreetnmts of �� '. ,.�,
<br /> �e 3�;s$���'�� ,.. this,Security.Intittument shall bind$nd be�tatit the successors artd assigns of Lender and Aorrawer.subject ro the pruv�ians •�;, ; i{ �;" � ,�;,�a��r ;:
<br /> �� ��� �fK _3. of�"ra ra h l7.Horroaer`s cov�naau and a ' , d����:�-
<br /> Pa � Q gKemente ahall be joint end several.Any Bonower who casigns tl�S Ssnsr3�y , —�r
<br /> ��i�� ' �+ `" lnatrument but does pot execute the Noto;(a)is easi in thie Securit instrument onl to mart a e, rant and conv� �"�(�,'�'�1�'E "�
<br /> :,,�
<br /> '` "`�. ' �' thal Bo�'rawet's Interest it the Pro � S Y Y B B � � �ft:�,r !���
<br /> .,...,�;;.� ;,. � pertY undar the tetms of thia Security tnatrument:!b)is not personapy c►bing�ted io pay :Cy.. .y.� .; ,,,.;,�:;:;
<br /> •.,�}'-��•'� t h e suma secur e d by t his Securtty Instrumenr,und(c)ag�thAt I.ender and any,other 8orrawer may agree ta euend, ;;''' � t- <<�l� ? �i�::
<br />, ���..>-} �.y;;� ,.����.
<br />-_�:y�;:`�j�: jf�� � madify,forbear or mnke an accommodatians with}yqard to tha terms of this Securit Iqstrument or the Note without `� � � °.•:�
<br /> N' � y •_O .Y t'�t.y� � n �t �.�� ;�'--:
<br /> , �r r,�� �Q� . that Nomower aconaent. . ;. .i ,r�< <'+� „z..r.,
<br /> ��� '���lai�� �)i��t� �'����
<br /> '��"' 12. I.oan Chartes. It'the loan xecured b this Securit Inmrument;ia sub ect t�a!aw which setR maximum laan � r�,
<br /> ���,, , � . Y Y J a��,,,..�!�. r,`;,,. 1•
<br /> � :,� � chargea,and that law is Rnally interpreted so that the interest or ather loan chatges collected ar ta t+e ci�IlNCtted,in � •. •��'?�r;.•"ss_ ��'
<br /> .,_,e�.:,��, .,� c : , . :. ,a
<br /> ,,::`,,.::,,,�f'L�..tN- , connection aith the laan eaceed the permitted limits, then: (a)any suuh laAn charge shelt be reduced tiy�the sinaunt :;.:. .,;r ��'�;,:�•. ' •.`:, �' `
<br /> a`� � neces�ary to r«luce the charge to the permitted limit and(b)any sums already coliected from Horrower which.exaeded `'
<br /> ,, ,,� , .:�
<br /> ��} ,,�`'�'��`�`' permitted timits will be rethnded ta 8arrower. Lender may choc�se to make this refund by reducing the�p�incipalow�d `'� �� �''"�'�'
<br /> ..,� x� . , ti �u �,
<br /> n� ,�,�y� �, .;: under the Note or by making a direut payment to Bonower.If a retlmd reduces principal,the reduction wi11 be•trea ted.as a ;.� �.����:*:�'��:_.
<br /> �n�;� �� �pattlal prepayment without aay pr�peyment chnrge under the Note. '. � �i;.�„ > >!�� n y Y
<br /> ,'�';��a' � 11. I.e�islndoa A�feettn� Lender's Rtgbte. if enectment or ox irution of a hcable law� has�the eflict af •*� •'•• ;�'•r c+�4r� �� —
<br /> �F ,�s+r r� renderin P PP� �...,t:�.::�.. ( %: _
<br />- ;:r,,��.A�,,.:,,� g 8n y pmvision of the Note or t h is S e c u r i t y T n a t r u m e n t u n e n f a r c e a b l e a c c o r d i n g t o i t s t e r m s,L e n d e r,u t i t s�p t i o n, , .: ,:+� ,:;!.:,,;•_;;,t.�;,
<br /> � �+�..f f ,� _ � may require immediAta puyment in futl af all sums�cured by this 5ecurity;instrument and mpy imokc�ny renedia ; �,, �{,1 r;;+ �
<br /> ��{ ��r}n��":� permitted by paregraph 19.'If i.enderexercises this option,Lender shuU take the steps specifled in thc second paragraph ot , ;i '�t��•`'4 j�.,P��`
<br /> �•,af.�''`'�� p8(AgrBpl�11. ..i,., r ,.�, s�r
<br />-:��':1�'h�'�{�". '�`:; _ .. • -!,'�� � i�::,:.�'+'-.�..{rn;`;;—.
<br /> ,N , t �, 14. Noticea. Any notice to Aorrower provided for in this Security Instrutnent shall he given by delivrring it or by , t �; ,'�� ��'' ��N,,.,�-'
<br /> s�t�1 '', ;�, .4. mailing it by tirat class meil unless appllcablc luw r uires use of another methcxi.The notice•shu!!!�e dirert�d w the ?,�;:, ' r+� �' "-=
<br /> '''''" •'^'� ''' Pro rt Address or an other address Bonowef desiqnates b noticc to Lender.An noticr to l.ender shalt!�e �vm b ! `� `"����''��}'��`�i�'���-`�
<br />-L:'<::; �:, �:;�s. Pe Y Y 8 Y Y 8 9 � ti,'�..�•. l�, �a.:::r.
<br /> :v,p_,!a�..!1,:p�!.•f:•.; . .
<br /> .
<br /> ,;:.; �:,.�. Arst clasa meil to I.ender s address stated herein or any nther nddre�s l.ender designutc�c by noticc to&�rmwer.Any notice �� '��:��•,'���'�i��:��=_=-
<br /> -- ��,�,'.:"�`�;`'''`:;. provided for in this Security Instrummt shall be dremed to hnvc been givcn to Bnrrower o�[.ender a�hen�given s�9 prarid�d �%;���'��•�ji����`�:�.==''
<br /> ` ` � t^ in this�p�8 �8 h � <<i L_ t.ra t
<br /> �'�d�}�Jy�ld. �^' 8 P • .t i,`tt �+�nrz =;
<br />' „ ;i .' IS. Go�ernin I.aw; �' �c�„�j !� -
<br /> r� : g Severa611tty. This Security lnstrume�t shuit be governed by fcdera}1ttN•nnd the!aw af th¢ �: t' ��ff+Y � ,..
<br /> � '• ' jurisdiction in which the Propeny is located. In the event that uny pru�ixion��r cluuxe o!'this Security Instrument a tt�c ;.. � ':`'.'•>���;��,•+�•:�[;44�'�fSk
<br /> , ,�., .,.
<br /> �."�,:���`��t'"�'�r���'���• Note contlicts wlth applicable law,such conflict shn11 not affect other}�rrn•i.rions nP tfii.4 Secur�ty'3nxtrument or theNose • •• � � �'
<br />,:�r:�;Y'::.:,,..... ,. .. :: ";%,;:.-
<br />- .7�4 � ' �� which can be glven eflect without theconflicting provi.ion,To this�nd the pn,v�sio»z ot this Securit,r Instrument und the f ' - :� ' `��
<br />':.�i���';;'�'���#�, . Notearcdeclaredtobeseverable. • •'!;�}�
<br />=r����1i},'��.. �:.{�I���• � '. - ' 1. . 1 ' . �,
<br /> ,�;r.;._.e ,�:p �t i6. Borrower s Copy. Harrower xhall t+e given onc conformed rory uf the N��te»nd<if thic Srruriry Inrtrunerit. • • :���; �,:• •
<br /> �'-�`�X'.�;;�;'��`tt��i�: 17. Trenater of the Prnperty or a Beneflctal Interest in Iiorrower. lf►111 ��r uny rart of�hc Ymperty <x uny ' ��.,:-,
<br /> :t1,�;;;�.�'f.,r�N�
<br />_'::,�,,�,1,,�,F%,_4;,�� interest in it is sold or transferred(or ifa bnneflriai imcreat in Horra�ver�„uld��r transfrr�ed and Normwer i.nc,t u n�tural i' '�•:f�,
<br /> ,,„,�� ;� ��,�� peraon)without Lender's prior written cc�n�ent,Lrndcr muy.ut u,upti�>n, require immrdiute ruyinent �n fuli e>fultwmx . . • '�,�.:
<br />�.,.,:,14yir;�,'�.,�' secured by this Secur;ty lnstrument.fiowc�er, thi�opticm�ha11 not!x csrttiatd hy Lcndcr �(ci¢ni�c i+�rahibitcd by ' � �''
<br /> -.:�,;+i�;:5,�`��,��, federatlawasofthedateofthi�5ecun��•in.rtrument. , � '';
<br />;,1%!��41`��'�A�;i;ti�1`;��'� !f Leadtr exercises this option,Leader shal!give Bortc+w•cr not�ce��f acrcl�tuti�►n.7'he n�tire shali provide�� �ricxf , . ,
<br /> i���1 �Z alnat kss tfian 30day�irom the date Ihe nn�icr n delrvrred or mailed u•ithm a�hich N<�rr������r mu+t pay ull.ums�ecund hy , � � . • � �
<br />���,�•;� ��rf. tfiis Seourity loatrum�ant If Borcowerfnils t�pn�th�he.rumx prinr tc+the czpirat�nn of thi.ixru�d.l.ender may invc�keany
<br /> �lF.\'"_-.�'.>—y.�.— �. � • '
<br />�'n5,3,(��;'�;t?JS`�i iati,cu�.e iKir:iiieii'ay ii�r��ec:ariiy tns�rumcni witeout furterr ncttfce<�r dcma�otl�m ftu�r»wcr. . . �
<br />�ff,t5�� '•:�";`i, �18.Borrower'�$ight to Refnetate. if Bnrmwcr mcets certa.n randtu�m,. f3��rrc�wcr tiha11 Icavr thc right tcihuve .
<br /> -"!{;;',�i!SAF;,,;'!,. enforcemrat of this S�:urity Instrument dixont�nu��f ut nnp timc pnor to the curl�er c�f:(a r�dac+1or surh<+th�r perioci�s. . �
<br />-X��:F;, �,,,�;�,,,,,;�, appficabte law may sperify for reinstatrment)t+efore�nlr of thc F're�{xrt�•punuant t�un� }n��crr c�!'wlr c<�ntuined in th is ,
<br />_j,,.�,�:,V�:�..,�_,.._� Secunty lnstrument:or(b)entry of u judgmens enfiircing this Secunty lutitr•emant. 'iho�c mndiu�mx a,•r thut Hnrmwe r:
<br /> *;`•" (a)pays I.cndet a14 sums which then wauld be due under this Securit lrr.icnment and the ti�te had nn ucccler�tic�n
<br />�,::: . . • y
<br /> �+�:'s��: : �.,�� �:: neeurred: (b)cures eny default of uny c�ther cc�vennnts or ugrctiment,;Ic) p:ey.sl! exp�:nvrs �ncurred sn enfc�rcin�th�s
<br /> �: �"'� ' Secaeiey instrument,inrluding,but not limited tn, reasonable utt�rneyti fecw; and(d)�.lke.w�h ar:i.n u�I.rndc:rms�y
<br /> t.0,. .,,�
<br /> �„- .. ... ��.,;:
<br />-�� °���•�;•�:• �� reasonably require t�assure thgt the lien af this Security Instrumcnt. Lendcr'�r�ght. rn rhr Pro�eny und li�irr�xer's
<br /> �:';,:��'���:���'.'•�� obtigation to pay the sums secured by this 5ecurity lmtrumcnt �hull rontinur unchunged. U{xm reimt�tem�n by
<br /> . ,
<br /> ��;•,�;.c��:;•.�,_ �� Hnrrower,this Serurity[nstrument and thenbligetionscecuted hrreb}+hall remain lully rffectivea+�Pn<�uccelcrnticMhnd
<br /> �.�,. . .:.,.;�,;r. . occurred.However,this nght to reinst�te shall not apply tn the eu�r c�f uc�eleration undcr rarngraph�11 e�r 1".
<br /> •:r..
<br /> � �
<br />=},_•�'�4�`:i�t�:; •
<br />_;,�';��,:I�:•
<br />_1•;..;t �'; �'.F�
<br /> .
<br /> .
<br /> .
<br /> � . ; � .
<br /> . .,
<br /> • . .
<br /> �, ..,:. ...,�_� - - - — - _ _
<br /> . , •,.,.. .. ,
<br /> ., ... � � • ,
<br /> , . . ,_
<br />