...,ruk s.A&uftfY.�`+ �'il �t�ri.y::i�u.rl�{s�Yr� ..rKA��i:;.:ft.�iyx.nz.o..µ.n.. .�--.. . � . ,� �7��f.-.,-�..--
<br /> �L{y �z' }. � l
<br /> ry»7ylAd"Y3;7��'.�` v,..v�tr.r�r.;;-:"S,PY"`+ 7'�r+ti S I�r`u�r� �r s �d
<br /> _.r1.�_..._.�. . ' r 7l� f i-,�f - 1� i ( V �` • � -�-- � j�-_:- _...__
<br /> i . ! '�. � �t,���`y " . �` �?�' _ � �,� �� �y _.
<br /> �'*fyI i•�
<br /> `!i ..l.•�t�.• � 7.\,.. ot:' _ i d�n.A.:.:
<br /> . �� •� , i)� � �r �� ; - . ._.- - .�t. _ ..,...t.i._. _..
<br /> � 7 �9t u�� �
<br /> ,:.'� ::, •' .
<br /> ---
<br /> UNIt+oRM Cot�et�t�t�. Hotrowe:�d Leader c�reaant a�d agteeas Pollowa; �1- 10194� �
<br /> 1. �p►��at Ptlncl�l�ud Ia�etaa�ro�t Aad Lte Cbu�a� Aarrawer sl�ell prompttY PaY w en u�e
<br /> ---�— the peincipel oFead iaterat on the debt oviden�ed by t e Nota end any prepaYmen�and lato afia:gas dua under the Nate.
<br /> �--- �. FqndsbrT�uca�nA lmue�nce. Sxb�ect co appUcabk lew ar toe wrftten waivet by Lender,Borrawer�ha1t paY ; --- ..__ _
<br /> A
<br />��=� ta Ia»der on the day monthly payme�+ts ere due under the Note� uMII the Noto is paid in tti11.o Rum("Funde")eqpai ta :�
<br /> onatvra111b of: (a) Ya�ly taxa end astsassmente whioh mey attain priadty ovet this Security Instrumenr,(b)Yrarly �,.;;�����:.:�°_ �"--
<br />� leaeehofd payenents ar go�d rents on the PropectY� if any; (of Y�s1y he:ard insurance ptemiume;and(d)Y�rly a ' b __.* _
<br /> �prtg�ge�neu�anc�premlun�s�ft aay.1'bese itans are calkd•'e+cma uem�•"[.ander may estimote the Funds c'.ue on the L,�+:,i :;�.
<br />����s� basis otaurrant data aid n�sonable e�timaces of fY�wra eeorow it�rns. n, �H YSt��t� --
<br />_—°.- ,� ,. The Fu�da shdt be heid!n an institution the deposlts ot accaunts otwhich arc insutad or guarantecd by o fedarat ar ,+,�F ��,�1,��;ri��, ,
<br />= sta�Q agancy(imlud�g Landar if i.ende�is suah an insNtutian). Lander shall apply the Funda ta pay the escraw ltoms. 'Av r,�,�'1{13��Y = x _
<br /> _� ' l,o nder ma y not oharge toc holding and applying the Funda analy�ing tbe acaaunt ar verifying the esaraw itema unlesa °;;�}�S'� ;;�;��`',����a
<br />��t� �x�,�,i'��.;�< Lenaer paye ponowec intorest an the Fands and applieabla!aw perm iu L en der to ma ko au e h a e h a�g c. B o r r o w e c a n d :�" ,' 'N= `, t.� �
<br /> ��' ���c�'.,%,�i�;#��'. Lendet may agrce ia a►rlt�o8 that interast ahal!be paid on the Fu�ds. Unlesa an agreement is made or applicabto law :',¢ ;; ��,� ,�5� ',y _
<br /> ''i ��;�1�"�;��� requitas interest to be patd, Leadet shall nat be requi�a d to psy H arrower aay i n t e r e a t a r e a rn i n g s an the Funds•f.ender _,r' +': � '`' ,
<br /> � r �} �. ahall g ive to 8orrower�wlthaut ahaege�aa annual a�caumin�of the Fundsshawing credits and debits to the Funda and the •,� ' �, ��, '���'?,�'
<br /> 1��tFr r,�{, i y a s a d d i t i o s�a l s e c u t i t y f o r t h e s u t n s s e cated b y f t��� �F 4` �1 t�� + ` � +,
<br /> ��, ,,r f,}�,';, pue�e tbr wfikh each debit to the Fun ds was ma de.T h e F U a d s are p l e d 8�d ..,�f� }
<br /> f1� ,�, ,.r �rFt�sl• �t118.�CCt11'�t�T��• @R!S Of FRIIfI9�YdI/I2�OT t0 �:;'' '° ��'.�� { lr' S�:,'-
<br /> �;r,';?;,::':�.;?"'„'l�,� Iithe amoantoFthe Funds hetd by L.ender�togetAor with thel4eure montfitY P�Ym .
<br /> � "." �,' the due datas�'eheeser�ow iteaas.shall exceod the amaum required top�tbe escrow item.t when due.tde eacess sUaU be� :�,.;;,� � ., , , . �
<br /> . ,��:•
<br /> :; �":' at�orrower's optioa�eithet.promptly repaid ta Aorrowet or cted�ted tq Eaa�r�wcr on manthlY payme�ts of�unds.If tha t:, '' s , r, .�
<br /> �- - �r''r j- amount of tba Fundsheld by l.ender ts not sufltci�t to pay tl�e escrow iten;��NhNn due.8orrowe�shall pay to 4ender any }�.; �+ ,,.'. �lr�a%
<br /> r �. - ��:�, amount necessary tomake up the deftciency in one or more payment�as requi���,�11 promptly mthnd ta�wer ���r `',��+; � } '���Y�'��'
<br /> '::�:Y�;`�:'t=' ``, Upon peymat�n tiilt of all sums secu�ed by this Security Instrument, �'���a�iY �;1�,�, �r ? _
<br /> .•�,��;��,.�,. s c .�,.., ?�`{..,'.,a...... ...:.:::�
<br /> t.���qnan arp�y ��,�� � : :
<br /> '�"'�`t'Y?��+r�,s� i,;: • � e n y F u n d a h e l d b y k n d a.I f u n d e r p a r a g r a p h 1 9 t h e P r a p e r t y is sold ar�c quired by Le�►der. �� �� , -
<br /> ����' � •. ,
<br />�:j,�y7i(�s�,��,; than immediately prbr to the�le of tha Property or its aoquisition by I.et�der.any Fanda he l d by l.e a d er a t t he t i m e o P s j� �
<br /> ��i�� i:� �iu* a lication as acredt against the sums aecured by thia Sec�irity Instrument. � •� �' � - -
<br /> � t:�' •'� pp -
<br /> ��. ." ,,i ,r � 3. AppUat�oq o{ppy�pente. Unlesa appticabte law p�avidas otherwisc,aU payments recelved d•�.ender under ' ����:, � R=" '
<br /> ment chei �due under the ;1 , .:� � ,�,'f�,,
<br />_��,;�,� ;c�,... � paragrapha 1 and 2�balt ba applied:flrat.to late chargea due under tha Note;second,ta prepay 8
<br /> rc� --—
<br /> ;��t��,;,�J�•h• f Note;third,toemants payable under paragcaph 2;fourth,ta interearduK snd leat,to principal due. � �n�:;,�;;,��..^:_-
<br /> .�{sq, fr�� �,�.� 4. ChargestLiew. Horrower shali pay all taxes,asaessment�.�charges.flaes end impasitions attrlbutable to the ; ���.,l, ,v�',�� �
<br /> 1�j4'i � �� '�' property whicb may attain prforlty,over this Secur(ty Iastrurnent, and leasehold payments or ground nnts,if any.
<br /> r, ;, �> o Aorcowcr ahal) ''r�, '' `,i,,';�.s�
<br /> �����, .� ��;.�.� Aorrower shall pay these abli8atians in the manner provided in paragradh...or if not paid in that manner. „a�,,;,,,,.-�,,,,. ; ,...;�
<br /> �� �,,�i•:'`'F f° , psY ihem on i!rt►e�Ircctly sa thc�esson owccf tmymenc.Borrower ahalt promptly tlirnish to Lender atl notices of amauMq� 'U'S����J!�'
<br /> _ � . :� '�tik�'.
<br /> e�„�h.,:�!,n�• to be paid under trb pacaBraPh•l[8°rr°wer makes these payments ditatly,Bottower shall promptly furni�h ta i.e»�c , +,7' ��,�r��"'S }-,�.-y�2�W
<br /> reaei tsevidencing�he,peYmdnts. � ;t���.r��v�,,;�),, , 1��,�`� �'Y���`.
<br /> ;�i�;�af.r;�i:�-�"s''� P '
<br /> �;; ;'4r�� Borrower�aMlt promptly dlaeharge any lien which has priority over this Secur�ty Instrument unle�ss&�rrower:(a) :,.�.,.±������u�,y,�,�;.,,,.....___
<br /> � �, ,�.. �'��' u
<br /> y iS�'t'r.';,n ` .agtees;n wctting tothe peyment of t�te abligatian secured by the lien!n a manner acceptable ta I:ender;(b)Sante�ta in gaod :. � ',��N,;�l, � `': _
<br />-•4`� '�•'��-��' � ' faith the lien by.ordcfends against enfarcament of the licn in,.legal prcx�eedings which'in ihe Lender's apinian�aperate to ..;, ,,�,,t�,rr�f+sl Z t��
<br /> �;'� � �°�='��� 2" ' �.prevent the enforcement of the lien�or forfetture of an part of�the Pro y,or(c)Recurca fram the holder of the lien an . y 7 �'� ,t .���t�
<br /> ' 1T1 �5, !Y.}��ai•�:i . y � � ..;,;It'fl�.11irt� � :�ioiiirrienv3i.
<br /> ' � +' .'�f '��'�,q'1,�}yF ! �.°�,f_ _
<br /> '�S � - ;, agreement satlafactay to I.ender subardinating the lien to this Secudty Inst�ument.If Lender determines that sny part of ,:+•, �
<br /> '�` the Propercy b subJect to a lien which may attain priority over this Security Instnsment, Lender may give Bottowec a ���7�``.� +r��t ' `l� ry
<br /> ,�_, :.: , 4 ,,,,,
<br /> .� vj.,Y,...:;:r:.,.�, ",.�., ,
<br /> ;�„r,"••� ��h`•:=�.��:� nottce identitj�ing tlie l i e n.H O n a wer shall satisf y the lien ar take one ar mare of the actions set forth above withln 10 deys '"F��r� i� ���,
<br /> ��a. ., �,��: ;...:�..t�14;ff'.
<br /> !;�:�� �,�':.�.cK aftbegivingufnotke. . � . ., •
<br /> �.�!t � ► :,.. .. , .
<br /> ;�,(�Jj��'( f,� �ry.:+. S. H�mrd Insu�nnce. Borrower shall keep the improvement s now existing or hereaBer erected on the Property : ;+v".•.,,r�+N�
<br /> ' .;\' 1 �t,'�.. . . • �411.l...f-::... - .
<br />�.. ;� ''; ��;. •insu�ed ageinse 1o�sby flre.hazards included within the term•'extended coverage"and any other haxards far which I.ender .;��,.i` ,,. �-,_.➢'t' -
<br /> ..,, ,,, ,r, ,,.;�� . ���.
<br /> �'�',•�,:�,. � requltes inauranca 1'bis inaurnnce shali be maintained in the amounts nnd far the pericxls tha t Lender requires. The
<br />-•�`4"�':',`,�,A'a'�° insurenca carrier pr.�•�iding the insurance sLa{!be chos.n by Bortowcr subjcct to Lender's eppraval which shaii not be r •; .}x._
<br />_i �. a � � ., ,.' ,,., � .„
<br /> • ,; k 7 ;, ' ua:easonablyarithkld. �niy T
<br /> ,.:
<br /> ,^f� `�fti �{�. � � Afl insucance policies and renewats shall be acceptable to Lrnder and shafl include u standard martgege ctause. , ��s�, :
<br /> � �q•'�`` � L endet shall have�he ri ght to hold the policies and renewals."It I.ender requires.tiorrower sball.pmmptly give to Lender � ,..r ,k+ f�'
<br />_'_i' l , s;�+;� . °} '�'a:ti?e�b;':�
<br /> � '� �i�":�,�� all receipts of paidpremfums and renewa l notice.+.in t he even t c�t�f�.t. &+r m w e r x h a l l g i v e p r o m p t n o t i ce t o t h e i n s u r a nce :.„�j�c������;
<br /> '-��7�"� c e m e r and I,ender,lxnder may make pruof of lnss if not made prompt ly hy Aorrawer. . '�,+�K�, � -
<br />;��;ti.��,,�.;:,���}t��.�^ liedtorestarationarsepeir . � ,�t,V,
<br /> 3R�•:;,,��,,�+�; . Unless�l.ender and 8orrower othe�wise agree in writing.insurance pm c e c�l s.r h a l l t+c�p p „� ��;,, 1 �
<br /> -..,>ti�rr��?��r����; of the Property damaged,if the resroratian or repair is economicalty fmsible and Lendar s xecuriry is not tessencd. If the • ,': ;,ily����t��`-
<br />�,: `�1:,�'•f'•x.'',r?`�:. • testoratlon or repdr is not econom ica l ty feasi b le or Len der's s e c u r i t y +ro u l d be tessened.tht insurunce praeeds sholl be ::�..,:��,�,:,.;;,�,, r.s�fj��r� F;��;,.:i
<br /> "�'��' '�''''`'f a lied ro the aqms stcured by this Security tnstrument,whether or not then due,with an�r�ces.s pa+d to Banower.If :r,, . .,
<br /> .::. ,,.�,;a.��:�:�,��f;�,, PP �'f,+::. .r( . a "., :�,`• .�,
<br /> • Y�+� • 9orrower nbandc�ro the Propeny,or does not unswer within 30 days anotice�rom l.endeT th�t the insurance carrier has „f �f'rv+'j�a' �.f,':T`;;. 1,�;;
<br /> ' ' ;,. �,y't: .�.
<br /> ��.`.��°:��,�,;;,:;,tt•�;.�r+ offered to seltle s�cleim,then Lender may callect the insurance pmceed�.Lender ma>•u�sr the nrckeeds tn repair or resrore � t „ : ti 1,�,�� .:
<br />�3' _ .�'�:`:,.���tf�,,, the Property or topay sums�ecured by this.,ecurity Instrument,wh�ether or not then due.The�0-day peric�d witl begin ,�._.� r ; .��
<br /> ! �•. '
<br />�' ..,�:;-�°:�,`,,;. �.. ,� . :;y;<� ,: .1:,
<br /> .�i when thenotxe�s�iven. �� " 't. .�::
<br /> ,'�';�it';;;::n;�: cutian af nxercis ta rinc� al shall not extend or •i A'� .. ,.•;�_ •:
<br /> "• , •��:.•:;�:t Unless�.cndcr and Borrower atherwise ugrce in writing.onY u}��li P P P 1:' '•;. .:r, ..:, '`,.
<br /> '�''!,`.,�:;:'',;+:;`�;l;rs�'; postpane the du�date oPthe monthiy puymeMs referred to in purugru{iAs 1 und 2��r rhangc the umount of the payments.lf i•. •<�,;..,;, �
<br /> �"•'�;� °::.' '� '' under paragcap h 1 9 t he Proper ty is acqu ir e d b y L e n d�r,g o r r c.w e r'x ri gbt�o un y inxurunc�}x�ticics and pr<xceds resulting � ''�'���' :" '' ,,, ,
<br /> �r�,��... ,: .. � �
<br />� ` from damage to tk Pmperty p ior to tfie acquiyiti��n�hatl asx te�Lend�r tc�thr rxtent of thr sum��ecured by thic Security 1 �•;;:,'••;
<br /> r P
<br />_ , ,;: ,: ,.;.,�,�_,:.; ! �.��. �.•..
<br /> Y '� .,� s, . Y' Inatrument immedlately prior to thearquisit;on.
<br />;� ��'�v'�s , ���;':' 6. Preserntiat and ltaintenan¢e ot Property:I.eaeeholds. Bnrrower.hall not destro}�.damugr nr�utntuntiuily , , '•��t��� ..�.
<br />�., . : .,;��'� change the Propetty.ellow the Property ta deteriarute ar cammit vva�tr. lf thn Security In+trument is�m u lcusehotd. �
<br />- :�"�;�Y�.,;
<br /> y;<<.,_.��',+. ; .,�:�.�. 8orrowec shall canpiy with the provisionc of thc lenu.und if HcirroW�rarqmr���rr enl�u�the!'rupert�,the Ic�+uhotd und .
<br /> ��• '� " ' '''`' ! fee titleshallnot mergcunless Lender agrees ro the mergcr in a�rinng. :
<br />�.���'��1i,;:>t;i�. _:� ' 7, ptoteMlon ot Lender's Ri�t6ts in the !'roperty: �tortRratte insurgnce. Sf H��rrawer fu�la ta prrfi�rm the .
<br /> r � �..... ..�.... �».........t...o�ha�mn��igniticuritlY uflCCt
<br /> ' .5' `_ _'' r' . .
<br /> ;yS.;jl��i�:�'�.'�. -.� ,. COVlI18015tiflda�f�C111l11�1MO1il1flC{11011115JCt'UTII�'�tt\[('UIOCiIi.�iiitn��...u..p+.�-••..�-•....�. .
<br /> _±'. '•� -' ;; �� Lender'a rights in the Property tsurh ns a prcxeeciing in bunkcuptc�.prc�hate.f��r condemna�wn or t��enfi+rce tuw�or `
<br /> -i..,.� ; ,.. ���;, regulations),then Lende�ma�du and py for a h�te.er»nn��.ur�t���r��tcct ihe�atue of the Proprrey urid t.rndrr'�rights
<br /> � in the Pmpeny.Lender's uctians ma} �a�lude paying an}cumw+ecured h}� •r tceR uh�rh hu�pn��ruy u�er tht�Security
<br />=S�- M1;�,�.�:; . Instrument,uppadn6 in raun.Poym�ressoaable anorney�feec:�aa3 entenng��n tht!'r��prrt>t�+muke repairs.Alth<wgh
<br />�,�;�.�t,�;:�::`�`.•.�•.F�.::; Lendermaytekextianunderthispnragra�►h7.Lcnderao�a�ch�.�c,,ac►a�. ,
<br /> >� �r�..�..•' • . . Any amount.r disbucsed h�Lender under thcy�n+csgr�ph 1�hrllt�c��me addmonoi debt��f!k►rr�+aer�urccf b�•th�x
<br />`' � � Se¢urit�Instrurnent.Untesx Ei��ra►arr und Lender agm co other terrncnf puymeec.thc�r umuunt..hu11 t+�ar intrre.t fmm
<br />.`�:.�.''��. � : the date af dlsbunement ut thr Nutc ratr und.Nult hr payubte,a•uh ttuctcs6 u1x,n n�►nrr frum 1 rnder tu Harrawrr
<br />-'�,;i• yflllllf.
<br /> � requeutin8 P�
<br />-�, .
<br /> ,.`,::i;,� •
<br /> i` 's,`' �, .. �
<br /> �•�1 . " ' _-� - �
<br />