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'~' ' �i J � '.✓y.� . ��� • • y � , <br /> . � �. ,� • ... 1_•�_ <br /> I <br /> ._�.��''� �4�Jr <br /> � 93- <br /> . p�ymaN�,v►fiich��fand w in g� ciun�o�he amasnt of wch payma�. Any etaess proeeods over�n <br /> • iu�ount�eqaimd w p�y vl owcundln�p��a�iebal�wider�ho Noto md tbls Soc+uitY lawua�nt�lall be padd w�ho eswty <br /> . bpN entlUad thenlo. <br /> '.:,=, , � �.I.ender m�y colleel fees�nd clw�es�utl�o�ir�ed by IGe Socnewy. <br /> :. f� Growid�tbr Aooden�tio�o�DeW. <br /> "� lal Ddfrrl� I.a�der tn�y.c�apt as limited by oegulWo�s iscued by�he Secretary in tho c�so ai payment defwlts. <br /> ' aequim immediate ymem in WII of all suma saurod by�ia Secwity Inananent if: <br /> ,_.,,. <br /> _x_ _,-°-- �.----- (i)Bonower fauks by t�iling�o pay in fi�ll any mant6lY WY��9�bY lhis Secutiry IncuwnaiM prior <br /> - - � . � to ix on�ho duo d�ue.�f the next monthlY PA!'��«' - <br /> �' W18atowu datwltc by fiilinQ.for a pe�iod of�hirty�y�,w perfam�ny ather obligatiann cant�ined io Ihis _ <br /> _;L;�„'. See�riry Insuumea. <br /> ';;�:, lb)S�k W(tMout C�IIt Approval. I.e�dee slr�ll.if pemtiped by appUcabk I�w�nd wfth the prlar approv�l af Ihe <br /> . ---�� .nxWf►'e immedipa payment i�W[�ot'r�d�e wm��acurcd by�his Socu�ity Inurumeat if: <br /> .or a b�cnz�E i�rieres�in a tnut ownin �11� of Ihe wld ar <br /> . :.�,T:=- (il 11 ar put ot the Propehy � P� <br /> � :i�; ' �;,-�•�ti� �thervvi�e aan�fet►ed(other�hm try dkwnsse ar d�ess.�e+rt�)�3+�Ge H�O�T�Arnd nci I reside�oe�or tha <br /> —�--, (ii)Tho P�opetty ir na1 occupied b�r the�ta�et QcaaEec t� I� PW'�� <br />�"'�`.�`.� , ilh t�ho�equiranenta of theySocnet�r• bu� 6is or her crodit hw not boeit approved In �ccatd�nce <br />_ `. .. . (c)Na Walver. U clr�cumq�cs oocur�it rra�Ed prnn►t I.ende�to require immediate p�ymcm in full.but I.ender <br /> �; • :. ��i.�' daes not sucbp�y��I.eoder das twl wave Us riglNS wlth resRecl lo subsequenl evetWS. <br /> _ I� �'� ',. �. Id) af HUD See�elar� la mm�r cir�cirnsutrces rcgulufoas�ssued by�e SPCrepuy vv�ll limit t.rnderl� <br /> �c.. �. <br /> `* � �- " � �ight�, n tbe case of paymerN defwhs. to neguinc i�ronedlate paiymeat 'm���Wl� f��Iose if not�7hie <br /> '--= Securitv Inwurnent doea not aWbonze accelerauan ar farcclosu�e if�a d d�e <br /> i�l�. '. ��' ,`:,-";T"s.-' (e)MorfD4e Nol I�ur+ed. B�rruwrr���shouid d�is Security 1�aad thr taur axtuoact maeby not - <br /> , ;., ne�-�,� . <br /> ' 6e digibk fm inwrance under �hc NationAl Hausing Act within fio�m�Ye <br /> . '� °, ��• :i , diMe hereof.l.ender its aptian w�d notwithsw�ding anything in Paragraph 9.�rcpMi�;inuaufiute pa►ymairl� <br /> ' ;,. �.. � . ' iul!of all sums secwed by thi�Secutiry Insuumenl. A avritten strtemrnt af any awhosaued aeen�n!the Sec�rtuy <br />'%;� ' .ti_. d�ted wbsequent to from the date bereof.dalinin�e t�insuoe tWs Secutity . <br /> , ' �. : : ,v: Lisnvment and the nae secured thereby.slwll be deemed ronclusive pnoof of such incli�ibili�y. yotwi:hsnnding <br /> �la�i{�_ .—. <br />�, '., ��.�;s,`r��:' t h e forcgo i ng.t h is o p t i o n may o d b e exerc l s e d b y L e n d e r w h e n�h e w w v ti l a b i l i ty o i i p w r a�c e i s y a l e l y d u e�o <br /> u ' 1�.,f ..1.. <br /> j•;.;• • � �.�;., .•y� ' t.ender�s failure ta�emil a mo�t�tage insurance prcmium to the Secreuuy. <br /> .°� ';�,� +. ..k. : 10. Rehct�temeaf. Bonower ha�a nigh�to be rcinstuted if Lcnder has rcquircd immodiaeu:pay-merN in f u U 6 e c a u s e <br /> � P ..� 1'._��;�" �� ." .:' . <br /> � ;..�.�`�• '� '�` of Bonowerl�failwe to pay an amauu due under the�Nae or�his Security Insuumrnt Tho� nght appiia even aRer <br /> " '�� fareclosune procoodings a� instituted. To�einstate the Security InsUument. Barower shall tender in A lump suu�dl <br /> " •� amounts roquircd to•bring Banower�s occaunt cuac�ct the eatent they ar�e obligations af BatruK�er under this <br /> � �.-- s Securi�y Inswmenb ioreclosure c�ncn wKi rr+wnwinr axt cu,tonia+y atiorr�ey.c'fets and cxpets�es�roperly xs�oeisud�lth <br /> ,1, ����` th�fa+eckr�une pr�ocading. Upon ieins�utement by Borrower.this Security Insuumem and thr at�ligwians�t it serurcs <br />. .,�.+ �'�'°."-•���• • �-° shall rrsseai�n in effect as if l.ende�had notreq uired immediate puyment in full. However.L.ender is not rcquir�topermit <br /> ��,���;:-:i:.'. reinstateaKQ+u if: (i)Lender hn.q occepted reinstatemeat after 1he commencement of forecbsurc proceedings within two <br /> ' � ' years immediately preceding �he cnmmencemem nR'a cument foreclosu�r pno��xeding, (ii) rcinstutement will prcclude <br /> ,:��• r. ' • ;.,'•-,,;:...: ..d`•�.� i'oreclosure un different grounds in the future.or liiii reieoclatemeat will adverse0g afkect the pdo�ity of tbe lien created by = <br />�-� < ` ,'. +. �• this Security Msuument. _ <br />:F`` '���--� 11. �orrower Not Released; �orbearnnce by I.ender Nat a Waiver. �xtensian of the time of payment or == <br /> �' ,� "�'°,�'�"'�� madification of emortizntion of the sum�secured by thiF Security Instrument granted by l.ender�o ony successor in intercst — <br />•�'.��"_ . g �•.. '.• of Borrower shall nM operute to rele:ue the liability of the origir�nl eom�wer ex Bomower's succe.sor in interest. Lender _- <br />'v�t'�g 'x*'°"�'^•`� °�. � sh�ll not berequircd to commence praceedings ugaoa�anX successor in interes�or refuse�o extend time for Qayment ur __ <br />���;;;� " „h�'"�..-'�' ° ' otherwise modify amwei..�ion of the sums secureol b}: ahis Security Instrument by reason of any demand made by ihe _ <br /> � . � �' `� �� _;�', o�iginnl Borrower or Borrc►wer:s successars in interesc. 'r�ny forbearunce by l.ender in exercising any right or remedy sl�ll <br /> ��:�,��,,,�,� not M e Waiv�r�f r►r prwrliWlP�he exemi�ce nf um•n��lhe or rcmedv. . <br /> �,z� a ,-::. 12. Suoces.cors and Asslgns Boua�d;dolnl si�d 5everAl 1.iabNily:CaSigners. The covenants and agreements of _ <br />�, �.; �" ' ;'�+�� ' ,;r: � this Secw�er.�. �nstrument shnll bind and t�cr�e�t Ihe�.:cessors nnd assigm of Lender anJ Borrower,subjxt 10 the provisions = <br /> �.��,+ . • _ <br /> ���� of Paragrap�O 9.6. Borrawer�covenanto and ae�eementx tihull 6e joint und seveml. Any Borrower who casigm this <br />`�s�a��.. �"?k.^ . <br /> {�yr. .� ,. •,a�' ..: • Security Msuument but dnes not execute�he lVa2ti: en�is ca-xigning ihis Security Ins�rument only�o mongnge,grnnt nnd _. <br /> , ..,:.,,.,• ; <br /> r+���c- .; �,y�rc.;l�rc�;?`���'t� convey that Borrower'x interest in Ihe Pmperty uncks th:lcrmz of thiti Security Inslrument;(bl ix not personally obligated to _ <br /> I�e:���} t��1.��3 7��1���',.i;�,t; pwy�he anm4 c�cured hy tbia Cecuriry In�trument:nnd�cl,mree.thv�I.ender und uny other Bormwer may uRree tu extcnd. <br />'�'t.r..:1'!,�� :�y"111i:S1H:.t'!,S'i�;;;;�y�,� nwdiiy.tor�iear or make any accon�rn�dazinnx with regurd io thc�crms of Ihi�Serurity Imwmen�or�he Note without lhat - <br /> :,r.�:.,,��,:( ..��,�.t�S��;r? �ti}S'�'i'�t:':i�, BMfI)WYt�:;onsent. <br /> ..� : � �r��., .y:.,: ,��;, - <br /> :e'�.,` � •.�•�f r,s :� 13. Not(ces. An notice tu Barrt�«er o•�id�d for in this Securit Instn�ment ,hull be i�cn b deliverin u or b <br /> �`;'N';t�..;, ?'S�� ''.r��;��ir��i�'°� mailing il by first c1asY mail unless applicab� la«� r�quire+uw nt'onoiher methal. The nwice,,hall be dfrec ed to Ihe <br /> "�:'���p.' � ` � ;' Property Address or uny other uddress Bormwer drsi�nute�by noticc to Lendcc Any notice to Lcndcr�ha91 fie given by r <br />""'`" �ti• tir4t clnss mail to Lender�udd�ss ,�uted hrrcin nr uny addres�Lendrr dexi�n:ue. by notice to Bnnower. :1ny notice <br /> ,,;,�ts.t}�y� �•'-�, • , °� — <br /> :=vr�::? �'°`�'�-':•, " , Pmvided for in this Security Instrumcro shull I+c d��emcJ ta hu��c hrce�i�•en���orroucr�ir LcnJer when givrn a.provided = <br /> ".i�,:`��' °{�+''°. �'�• in this ptuagraph. - <br /> ��.�+ j)� °,�.'Zy }:. .��, 14. (;overnipg Law;Severobility. Thi. Securiry In�trument sN�iN lx gavcmed hy Fcdcral luw and the luw of the =, <br /> '�`S�.:T•}�:4��.._drLa�hY <br />,{i,:�' . �,-.. —:-:r� wi,Jictiw� in which thc Pwp�ny i. I<Kaud. In thc r�•rnt tha�am procision or cl:iur.e i�t thi+ Sccuriq• In•tn►ment or thc s, <br /> 1;;�+�,. . + M.. . � ," �ote con0ir�s wi�h up�+lic�blc I►�w,tiurh rontlict �hull n��t affcrt �ithtr rn�vi,ion,nf thi.Sccurity In,�rum�nn or thc Notr = <br />�,,�;�,. ,. which c:ui be given eifect w•ithout ihe cuntlictinti pruvi,iun. 'li�thi�rnd the�rm•i.iun:of�hix Seruri�y Inxlrumcn�und Ihe _ <br /> �°i. � � .,•:. , . :.�;��� Note ure de�lared to hc+rverablr. �• <br /> �fi� •�• , ' G�si:?; 'r: <br /> ���'{'•7 '�{` • . �.1;Jss.;,•.�; I5. �arrower's Copy. 8orra�.�r;!�:dl tk girrn�mr ronfurr:�d c„�}n1 thi.Securit� In�trumc:nt. ,, <br /> ;����� ' i'•�,��'�':?•"��f'f�!+t)�'fv.',;� �r/. A�.ri�nmeat of Renls, $orrouer unranJi�ionully u+.i�n+:U11:iramu�r�li�Lender i1�0 d�lc rrnt.und rrvcnue.uf th�• � <br /> . ��j�;��?;;;�,,trij;��.C���`,i's:;;;, Propercy. Borrowcr au?hurizz�l.endcr nr Lcnder's:���nt,to c��Uert Iht r�nh:u�<d n<<nue�und h�rehy dirern r.xh�4nun1 of <br />';�.ti'� {y�,���F.,�ti�ti .., �i��.� � <br /> '1b,;�;' ', ��;�F."�;'���>`t,��+`;�,'��`��;:�+i5' brea h�o�un�ccvcnu�t or u�ncrnc i�n thc Sccurit} 7n+��a:nen�'�Born���r,halE�!n•rt and1tecri�c�a�ll rcnts anc•�rB enuc.of <br /> , �� K�`�.,1�. �,.�: y g <br />,�ni!�a�• :, .,� •v;.;:r �.��,,,;. the Prnpeny ns trustcr for thr h�ncfa•d uf i.rnder und Bnrrowcr. 1'hi.a„i�!nnunt uf r�n��rc�n�tiii:tc�un ah.olu��us�ignnxnt - <br /> �ya;y.I' ,A $ti•.... <br /> t< < '- - ',.}.` !:,J1';;;�,n' and not an u�+ignmena fc�r udditi�ma: �crurit��unly. <br /> �i.s .,+ ! <br /> :s_ri;.u� �NK�,����_�';. If Lender gives notice u1'bm:�ch m Homiwrr: lal ull rcm.nrrn•ed hy Hur*uarr,hull In h�ld by Hnrruwer u.lru��rr <br /> _ — l L. �_. c �" " L� �.....u�i..I.uii �ti. ....�:�i��l�.. <br /> �•�rGf .r ..����1� , i�' PUf UCIICIII t/l L.CIWI't uui).Iviic uji�ri�cu i�r iiic +iiiii�.�iiiii���.y in� oiiuiiij u�.+iiai.nCi�i. i..r . � .�... ... ; <br /> •�1'.,. . . r ?;::�.�,j.. � . <br /> • ,�� �,��.��,.,. ,':���•�,;,• collect und receive all oi�hr ren�ti nf thr Pro�xn}:and Ir l rurh trnunl uf�he I'ru�xrl� ,hull pu�•all Rnn due and unpuiJ tu <br /> , .,,. <br /> �4'�� !' ,"� ���� Lender or Lcndcr�vgent�m LcnJcr i,wriltrn JemamJ tu thr trnant. <br /> _.:, , ,...�• <br /> .;,: ;� �: � , . •;, ,.�:�' Borrowcr hus nrn exrruted nr;. pner u..i�nm.n1 ut'�hr mm. +md ha. n„t onJ w•ill n�u �xrl�►nn nny art d►ul N•uulJ • <br />' :.•;: . � � : '' ' ,..>,+ prevcnt LenJcr fnim�it�ri�hn under thi,Purugruph 16. <br /> ;:@:'.; - : •�•.:' .Y Lender shull nut be nywrcJ iu entzr up,n.tukr cumn►I of ur muirnain thr !'ru�xny hrt��rc��r rf�cr giving nolirr��Y <br /> ��. . , breuch to Burtuwer. Huwever. Lender or u judici•rlly up�x�intcd rcrri��rr mu� Ju.o u1 �n�� tint� Ihrre i.a bmuch. An} _ <br /> �� ' `� ' � upplicution of rent��hull not cure or Haivr un► def•ruh ur un•�IiJule uny odkr ri�hi ur nnuil��uf Lend�r. 7hi+u�+igmixnt <br /> � � ' ' " nf rcnts of the Pmperty shull tem�inute w•hen the deM.ecured by�hr Secunt} In�,�runxnt i.puid in I'ull. . <br /> � ,� <br /> . � � x� <br /> 'f .., � � �' ' <br /> f ` "a�`'.L.i i!w W!„�a�.xr.,, <br /> ; � �. - .•�. <br /> � . .. <br /> � <br />