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:f, ' r,(- . ... �' '�'� :� .,�w. _ ...i•y;,�;::.:�. <br /> � �a �}';�,�,b . <br /> 4� '-•C"` '— =3:81�i�- <br /> ��..L_...:.:.J:::L'Lt}�:.� <br /> . �_. <br /> _ _ - _ 93-lo�s <br /> .. 1. d P�I�dpd,lderait md LNe CMar�a Barmwer sl�ll p�y wbea d�o�he priocipd of.and iataie�t m. <br /> die drDt a�oe�d by Ua Nae and Wo cl�r�es dua w�der tba Naro. <br /> " �. MaiMY�py�b ot 7�a�1�a�ra�ce atl OIMer���, Hamwer shall include ia ach awa�ly p�yare�M. <br /> ,'`� to�atber wph uro pincipd aid iaumst as at foAh in die Nae�aiany 4�te cusr�a. an in�uqn�ot�ny l�)wa and <br /> �peci�l�nau�kvied or to be kvied�inst tfie Propaty.lbl fea�diold pqt�w or pwM�w m tbe P�opnt�r.�ad <br /> (c)p�tor ins�aance�equi�ed by Prusgraph 4. <br /> �— B�ch mo�uhly insul4nent for ilems(01�(b)a�d(c)slull equal aae-twelfih of ihe annw!aa�ouat�.a� rea�alNibly <br /> — <br /> . esdmatod by l.eoder. plus an amiwnt sufiicient to m�inain an ddidaoal bal�noe of nd mae dua oae•si�tlh of Iho <br /> - -` _ - _ _ - asUm�tod Mto�unc. Tfie full amwl amount ior each Item siwll be accumul�tod by Lender wlthin a periad pWitt ane <br /> �, mo�ah befote an item wouW become delinquee� I.ender�hall hold tho unounts cdlocted in aww�t to p�y itam(U�(b�+u�d � <br /> <, (a)bafaro�hey beoome dolinquenl. <br />_-� . , Ii at my oo�dia taW of the p�yments held by Lender for i�ems(a).(b)wd(c).to wilh tlNS(Uturo mnnthly <br /> - _��,���rg_, p�y�ents tor sach it�ms pqyabk ta I.ender prior to the due date�of such itemr,e by mae tium a�e-si�tlh Iho <br /> —_�_.�.��.° �tiowed amouo�oi WYma►e��uircd tapay such item4 when due.aad if p�ymeMs oa�he Nou an cwraq.�l.e�der <br /> _�.��..�i;,�, cWD eithar�efiod 16e exoess c.�*c:one-suuh af We cuna�oadp�ymeaats or c�odit tho exass ovcr one-sixth uf 1ha esNm�tod <br /> p�y�s w su6coq�nq W3mt��s b�• the option af Bonorar. 161Ae Iofa�oi the paymentR m�de by Barower <br /> - - •*�� ori' itaa(ab(b).a(c)is iasuBf cient ta pa�t0�r ircm wha due.11�ea Banorror eAalt p�ar q I.ender wy antaunt neces�ry W _. <br /> -'.:�:�� u�k�e pp tbe deficie�rcy m o�befon tirc dat�mhx item b�ecomes d u e. <br /> �'�' '���` As used in thia S�c An�a�ramm�"Sec�.�taty"means the Secretwr o�'Housiog and UrE�n Developmeet or his ar ber <br />`;o�` � ."'°" , � a We sec�et�y,e�ch modWX P�yn� <br /> � •r , de�ig�oe la any yscu ie wlwo.�k t7ae l.rnd�er mus�pay a�inswaacs P�nanium <br />'�.:. ` shaU�Iso include sitl�cr: d'a) ar. ituts!lmeM ot the onnual mo�tgsge in�rar�ce piemium w be pwid by I.ender w �Ge <br /> Sec�cu�►a mmt�y c!h,ar�,�e i�tesd c�'a matgage insunurce prcmium ii tAis Secwity In��S held bp die <br /> .:_ _ C�rxwa7- 6acM mandln�r inslaflfient of the m��wrasae inwrance[xemium shall be in an amoum wfiicidM b aocumW�le d� `-- <br /> :;�.--; � „ � .,;_�;�: Wlf aenual mar�g.k: �riruranco pranium wialo T.ender ane month p�or to�he d�te �he full annual matgage ia�ooe _. <br /> .. �"���= um is due ta�u.hP Sa�retuq�nr if Uds Secudty Instrumcnt is held by 1he Sec�ewy'.e�ch monthly char�e shall be in w <br /> }�1 . . �'. �. �t oqual to on�-twelRh vf wns•twlf peroent af the outstarwlieg pd��cipal bolance due on�he Note. <br /> :.,,�:;�; If Barrower te�xlers ta lxnQ.;r the full payment of all sums securcd by�his Security Inu�umenb Bamwerk aocvwn <br /> •.,- `� r shell be crodited wilh the tk+0an:�: remaining far all inswllmmts tor items(a). lb)and(c)and an mortgage i�uance <br /> , ;j��,,� .M1n,� ., ; pr�emium installment that l.e�cla�4aag not berome obligated w pay�o the SecRtwy,u�d L.endei io�n � I�.end�ery.�Bar�owa� <br /> m 1•�•��.�::'•,"_;+� exces�iu�ds to Bamowec Draa��xdiataly prif}r t�a A foreclasw�e sale of the Pr'opertY accl bY <br /> �:,.y.��r .� . �oca�M chdl be credited wae�sus}balance rcmaining for all installtnents far items(al,(b)and(c). <br />. �,:;t:.;, ,,, 3.E A��lip�tian af ptivowea?s. AII paymenls under Pa�graphs I and 2 shA116e+�pplied by Lender as followa: <br /> � �+''��, to the m�+lgs�;�.in:urance prcmium to be p�id by Lender to the Secrc�ary or to the monlhly char�e by Ihe <br /> JA��+":"��''�' °�' Sec� instxa�ui'n0oe nrcrnlhly mortgage insu�ance p�cmium; <br /> :ti„':.,:,• . ,:`'�!•. <br /> ^, y�.y,..•*,e�+�'' �.to a�ay tanes,special assessma►tc.Icasehold paytnenta or graaid raNs�and fim.tlood rnd Wher hv�rd <br /> .��. .�,..w..'�,�_• � iasunmce prem�ums.axrequired; <br /> �s:_- � 7'�IRb.ta ia�orrat due under the Note: <br /> , .t��T•?`...-'.;�+%,''��� �,to�moAizatior�nf 1he pdncipal af the Note: <br /> . ••�'.'�'" `,-�� �,w late charges cluc wcder tl�e Note. e-- <br /> " ���� " � ••����: 4. Flre,Flood ond OtP�r BQaaard lawnnce. Barower shvll insure aBU iart�r..,«. nc�on�he Propeny,whether now - -- <br /> � ��'�� • ` ` ,` � in existence or subsaluenUy erected,agsura�s any hazards,casualties.and ramiva�� �ncluding firc,for which Lender �.�-:_,. <br /> „ :�:::.�'��. ' :-;• requires insurance. Ti�is inrurance shall be ma�nuuned in�he amounts and fi��cPee peu.... �Ihat lxnder requircs. Bomower '-=- <br /> ' ':•"�k`�`„�� � shall also insu►e all improvements on the Pao,�erty.whether now in existence or aubseqaaenNy ecec�ed,a�ainst loss by floads e's•=:n <br />''`�� a°s••�•.. ��,•..:" w the extent required by the Sccne�ary All insurunce shall be cartied with companiec appma�ved�b}:.�nder. 7Ue insurance '.:_�_ <br /> ° • '"`�• •r' i pdicks and any renewul� shall be held by Lendcr nnd shall include loss paya6le tia;,usc Favor of, and in a form <br /> ::�.r�-:•�. <br />_- . w:• a•�'• �cceptable to.Lender. �"'y <br /> 'a, ��- ,�'�y' In the event of loss. Borrower shnll give Lender immeJiute nutice by muil. Lendtr may make proaf of loss iF not <br /> '. . ,,. ,,. : .��-sx.�' • <br />=�. , �.N�;,,...;. _ • made pramptty by 8orrower. Each insursiace company concemed is hereby Authorized and directed to make payment for <br /> R � a: • such loss dire�il�.Ya Lender,instead of to Barrower and lo Lender jointly. All or any psut of�he insurance procetds may he � <br /> ,��",,�+ �� � . , applied by L.ender,a1 ils option,either(a)to�he reduction of thc indebtcdness undcr the Note und this Securiry Insttument, <br />-,�- ----- ,�,�;�ti,.�;, itst w any delir�gixnt omouais applie�l in iiic unfer in Fnru�trup1�3, wni Ilieu t����wy���CUt of priixipai.or(b)to ihc `:;� <br /> ,':' ��•..:::. :"�' .' rcstorwio�or repu�r of Ihe�ere�eed property. Any npplicution of the praceeds to the pnncipal shotl not extend or postpone <br /> - h�q,, � n .,{ <br /> the due date of�he munlhly�a;mems which are referred to in P�aragruph 2.or chnn ge the i►mount of such payments. Any +-'�': <br /> , ,�.�°�..:� �- ,�:'�� eacess insuau�ce groceeds aver an amoune:e�uired�o pay all ou�standing indebte dne�s under the Note and�his Secudty :�•. <br /> ° , � Inetn�mem x7eall m�paid to the entily IegolGy�cn�iiled�hereto. <br /> In the ecent of foreclosure of this Security Instrument or other�ransfer af title to the Property�hw extinguishes the <br /> �� .,�;r, irwk6�alnrss,ull right.litf�w�J interr+t uf 8orrower in and tu iu,ur�u�ce puli�w+i�i foiw.ha{I p.�.�tu Uu:pur�t�►�:��. i• <br />- �� '""8"' �A �T.°,'�, 5. Occupnncy, Preservation� Maintenonce and 3'rMecUon of the Property; Borrower's Loan Applfcation; �"' <br />-�.'^;,; s .. .�s. . .�.. — _ <br /> _ _ � . l.eASe6olds. Borrower shall occup�,etitublish,und u�r Ihe f'ropeny as Borrower,princip•rl residence within sixt y days - _ <br /> � '.- ''`•,���' � � � after the eaecution of this Security nswment ond shall continue to�cupy�he Prc�perty u.ti Borrawer's principal res idence '�- <br />- • for at leas�one}eu aRer the date of occupancy,unlexs the 5ecretury detce�minec thi,reyuirrmenl will cnuse undue hardship .;.': <br /> - �~ �:;�:•��'� for Borrower. or unless exlenuating circunisl:u�ces exist which ur� �xyond BorroN�cr's ron�rol. Borrower shall notity ��>'� <br /> �"�'�:: :,,�F;;;� L e n d e rs of an y eatenuutin g circumstances. Borrower shaEO nol commia waae or destray,dumuge or substamially chunge , <br /> ' �r.-. �,u��A'f'.;�..�r the PropeAy or allow the Property to detericxutc,t+easonu'�!e Krar and lear excepted. Lender muy inspect the Propeay if t he <br /> � 1, Property is vucont or abundoned or the loun is in defuult. Lt�xirr mav�akc rcntionuMe aclion to protect und preserve such <br /> - .�`="-��'1+; ';;":��`=l�=.`? vernot�r al►andoned PropC11V. Bortow'e�;ha97 nlso be in del'uult if�H�mawcr, durin�e thc loun applicution pracess,guve <br />-. . ,.;-�-c.-;ri <br /> ,,i:�� muteriell�r false ur inaccurate infornivaion ur xtutements tn Lendrr lor fuiled to provide Lendzr with nny material <br />• � ;, , ' ' .'��';� infornwteon) in connection with�he losm evidenced by�he Nmc,including,hut not lirni�ed�o,repre�ematianx conceming '� <br /> ;.•�^�..� . <br />.. �..,, ' Burrower�s occupuncy of the P�roperty u�a principul residenar. If'thl.Scruriry Instrument ix on u le•r,rhold,Barrowe�shall � <br /> ; � ' • � comply wilt�the proviziom nt'y�Ica�r. If Bormwer ucyu's�c,t�t IiNc to thr 1'm�xny.thc Icaschold und fe�tit�e shal�not '%'-, <br /> � ' ° � .,,,••�•,.: bc merged unless Lender ugrses to the mcrger in writfnF, � <br /> :� . , ' 6. Charges to Borrow��nnd ProtecUvn ot I.ent�er'�l�1�'hts in the 1'roperty. Burtpwcr c,h�ll pay�+11 go4enun,mal . <br /> � .� or municipal charges,fineg and imposition�:eha�are ni�t included�n A'aci,raph�. Bnrrower�hull pa}•Ihese obli,�uiions nn <br /> �. � '. , lime di�ctly to tta;er�tity whi¢h is oweJ 1�ce payment. If failum �n F:iy a�ou1J udvcnely ut'fect l.crsdcr's imcre+t in the <br /> � � P�+nperty,uporo Ler:der c re��uest$orrnwer xhaN prnmptly fumi+h to Lendcr reccip�s evidenrinF�hexr payments, <br /> .; � 1�' �� If Borrc+wer fails tn m�t�:�t�ese puymcnt� or�hr paymcntti reyufrcd by Purugruph 2,or fuif+ to perforrr� any other <br /> covenants and ugreements contained in this Securiry In,lrumenl,ar Iherc is o IcFal prc�ceeding tfiat may tiignific;mtl}•affect <br />=-'"-'===—�4�+,s�-�-�_��•�1s Lender's rieh�q m the Pra�nti• �sucA as u nrnceedin�e in hunkruptry, fnr condemnutio�or tn entiorc� luwx ur rrgulu�ion.). �,. . <br /> =' ,: S'T Ihen l.endei ma}da and pny whutever i,nece.wry t�►prutec�thr valuc of the Piropen+,•und l.ender'ti righ�.r in the Property, <br /> � ; � � •�: including payrt;eni of tzuees,haza�d intiurunre und uthrr itcros mcntioned i�Parugrnph 2. � <br />� ". �•'�•": Any amounts disbursed t+y Lender undcr thi.I'uruFruph shull become a»addiiional drbi of Borri»ser und br seeurcd ( <br /> � �`�' by this Security lnst�ment. '1'hese umounts shull beur interest from tP�c dute uf disfiurumem,at thc Noic raic, ae::t at �hc <br /> �� � ' • option of Lender,sha�•1 be immrdiutely due und puyuble. � <br /> � ' ., , ?. Cooderonat�. 'The procccds of any uwurd or claim foT damagcr,dimc�or ron.� cnnncc�ian with nny � <br /> condemn��inn or e�C�er tei�ing ot any pnrt of the Property.or for cnn�.4��ar,rr in plure nf condemnalion,ure hereby ussi•ned <br />_ 1•� � • and shall 6e paid tm Lender to the eztent of thc full wnount of the indeQ�tecl��at remaim unpaid under Ihe Note un�thi, � <br /> � •. , � 5ecurily Instrumeno. Q.erui�t xhall upply such prcxeeds to Ihe rcducliun oJ'!hr int:rbtedne�s under the Nrne und this Securily } <br /> • �. " ,.� `;' � Inswmenl, firsl to uaoy deiincfuent amountx upplied in the order provided in P,�rag�aph i, ur.d then to preP.�ymcnt ot' <br /> •� �,� prineipal. My app0ica�a�crf�he pro�eeds to the principal xhull not extend or po.tpome thr due date of�he monthly <br /> c�;;�. � - �•� � ,' <br /> � �.. ' . :u• ' �lw+xe:,y��R�s� <br /> � �. <br /> '� '. <br />