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°R:,�' � :; . . <br /> •�� ,.�-..� �+,. - =.�. <br /> _-- 'w' �,;�T�` � � _ - - - _ • _. :. <br /> r �. <br /> Y <br /> � ' ,i �� <br /> � . .+� <br /> � -- -�.e�r.i�if� - . _. <br /> __ .__ � ►83- a.0'��0 <br /> a inMn,.n.x w�nnu�a�o.maw mb uua a.a.nd.ny an«aa�my now a h.►..nK n.w ny e«►.�kwy a Truu«+n suen«wr ana m.nn.r <br /> w th�y a eilhK at th�m may In th�k ah�Wut�d1�rMion dN�rmin�.No r�nNdy hxeln oonl�rW upon or naewd to TrwtN a B�n�Nclary b Int«W�d <br /> to 1N exopqlv�W my otMr amWy hKNn or by Iaw provkNd ar P�mined,bul N�ch shW a cumulatlw and�nw a in.da�wm�a w�y ana�.m�ay <br /> -�� q{vw►Mr«md�r a now a hrMRw��latkp at I�w a In�qtdb a Oy q�tul�.Ewry P�a remedy providW undK lhy Tru�t OMd W TnqtMa�fkivy <br /> - or to wt�icA WthK ol th�m rtNy b�othKwits enqlNd�m�y b��:ercl�d�concunenUy a Indap�rWsnty.from tlms to tfm��nd a oh�n a m�y b�dam�d <br /> -:,; - •xppdMnt ey 7nutw a e«�Miclary u�d enher o1�n.m n+.y punw�nca�ist.nt►�Nn�INU a aonaru�a a prWwbitlno e«Mtkl�r _ <br /> ,- _ hom sMkinp�d�flcirn.y iudpm�nt ap�Inc11M Truua to IM�xt«►t wch action la pKmin�d by I�w. <br /> --�._---�_—� � <br /> 11.TMNiPER OF TFI6 PROPBRTr:ABSUMPTION.II all a�ny pul ot IM Prop�Ay a interat IhKein h soW,Ir�nst�nW a Wh�wi�conwyW — <br />--::� :; by Trosla without B�n�ffciary's prior Nnirisn cansant,excluding(a)Iha cre�llon ol�Ilm or ancumb�anea wbordinate to thfs Troq Gwd,(b)�h�nslsr <br /> :��; by op�atlon of hw upon the de�th o1�Truqa who ia a joinl Isnmt a(o)Ihs g�nt ol any leacehold huerest ollhreo(9)ye�rt a IaQ whicA doa not <br /> c�in+�n�qrlloMb�`iu�,waA�etion i4�brsaoh ollhfa apreemeM.and Banaficl�ry may,ai Beneliei�ry's apllon.decl�rs all tM wms a�auad by <br /> thb Ttu�Ossd to.b� edletety due uid payaDfa,provlded,lurther,lhla T►uet Deed Benetklary's bpllon,ba decl�red lmmadi�t�ty due pnd <br /> ���;,�r p�Yabla,lf(1)T�ustr�is a putnershlp�nd�ny incw�st irt tlw pa►Inerahip ia sold or acsipned by any meant wheteoever,a(2)If the Truato►I�s corpor�tlon <br /> -=-�;: - — end p transler ol lhs m�Jority stack qrrwrshiP lntwa�t irt dw CorporWon accws.a the Trueror corporetbn metges In any lam with anothar corpor�lbn _ <br /> — qr Mtiry.Bsnsfie{xy�hall haw wahed auGh optton lo accNwato d.pria�r to Ihe sale,lranaler a conveyance,Benellclary and the peson to whom tM <br /> �����..�h;� Prap�Ay ia to bs iWd a han�tfort�d�e�ch pynern�M in writing that tMcredit of Buch peraon I�aaticfaaory lo Barwllclary and th�I IM inurMt prryaW� <br /> --� ---- ---= on th�wm�s�curad by Ihls Truat lk�d shaN b�pt iwch�at�as B�ficiary shaY Yequesl. <br />_`et.:' , <br /> . � , t2.AtxEL�RATION UPON OERAULT;RE�S:*�i L•8.The failw�by tlN Trostoi,to moke anY peymorn a to pertam any o1 tha brms and oonditbros <br /> of tl�is Trust Desd.a Ih�terms and condldone o11M+A+�,�e.a any r�rrats,madifballons m oxtqn�iont thereol.or the lalhxe to makY paynNnt of any . <br />:_%';s?,� ..j:h' ' 'Wha inAebtednest,prlor or wlneqWnt to tMo Tru��eed.and sacured by Ihis proFerly.a tfie death of one w more Truslas aAaN Ov a fxNCh and <br />__--..-,�,�_y� dNsult ol thle Truq DNd and th�8�n�(�Iary moy declare a dsfault and may Wclarg aa sums secured haraby Imrnedlately dw ancl paypbta uid qa ` <br />-_�-:�*�:�� eams shall lhar�upon b�com�due and paya6le withoul�nend.prOteai or nol�ce ot any k�nd.Provtded,T�usta chalt havs�ny 4tatlAUty — <br />-•��:'1't��}�' � rlphl to wre Ihs Mlault bolae any nollce of defauPo antl demend lor aale may ba dalicered ta 11�'dwslee.Thoreafler,Beneflclary may dw�wer ta TPUgtoo <br />.""`����.' a wrltlsn d�claratlon ot datault and Mmand fa aA1a.7'+ua�a apraes and hareby grar�s t^ai d�e a�va�cee ahaN have Ihe powsr ol aW o1 tRe R��ope��p a�� <br />.,'+is� '���J �: I , il9eneQclary dacldes the Property Is to be Ydd II s'hall depo�it wllh Truslee thls Trusi Paed and Ihe Woie a notea and any other doeumeTts evEdena�Tg =_ <br />-';,'; ? .yr srp�ndituree securad hereby,and shall tletiver ta Turstee a wrltten r.oU�e ot dafault anA electlon 1�rauaP Iha property ro ba Qotd,wp Trustae,k�turq, <br /> � a `• shidl pnpare a almllar nolko In the form requ:red 6y law.whlch ahall be duy flled fa recad by Trusiea. <br />-,-.,, • r:.',i�!-'� � � ' �; (a) A4ar tM lapse of sueh tlme aa may be requuad by IAw foBowmg Ihe recotdotlon of NoNee of Delault,and Notles of Dalault an8 POolke o1 '• .� <br /> ` .wv." ,°�;'t ' '���� � Sete haWny baen qlven as requlred by iaw.7rustee,withpul demand on Trusla,ehall sell the Properly,if not redeemed,In one a more ' <br />_ �k�. �`` p ueels and in sueh ortiw Iw Ttuatee ma y dnterml�e on the tla�e and Iha Ilmo and placo dasipnatod in aald Ndla of 8alo,al publk aucpon '— <br /> , Y � or <br />`:�..� • tit,,��s)�• {{ aecadlnp to law. <br /> �:�. <br /> '°" '"�� ��S�Ky , ' (b) Whsn Tmetee sella pursuant to Ihe powere herelo,Trustae ahall epply the praceeds ol lhe nole to payment of the coets am1 exponces of — <br /> �:,,' ' '� +�!.� exarcl�lnp 1ha powor.of sala and at the sa�e,includlnp.wllhoul NmI1�tlon,ano►�ey'r lees and Ihe paymam of Truetae's Fees incurced,whlch <br />-:"�,. Trunss's�sa:shz!!r,ot Irs tha aggr� a:a oxseetl thc!o!!orrinp amounte b�ed u the emount�ur�!hn.�h rnd ramelM un fd at <br /> �r .. <br /> - __ � �._— -- g pon Y ^9 Po <br /> i�. ,(..,r,� � �� �,�.�� Ihe tlme�chedukd(or sela:6 pe�c9ntum on thv Iwlence lhwoof;end Ihen to tha Ilamo In wbparopraph(c)in the ador thero atatW. <br /> ;� J'�'�;�� <br />;-.�'1Ni',.� ;+�tof�.++? .. (c) Afler peying the Ilemo specitled In aubperepraph(b).il the sAle is by Truat�,a rf uw aala Is pursuant to judk�a��aec�osw�,ttw praaeds _ <br /> _ Tr { �,r,'s ^�fi r ° <br /> :,•.:.ri•>t,<t- �}fl•�`; t4,.uy t•�.- of sale ahall bY applled f�Ihe lollowlnp order: _- <br />-.��R�•�Sr3 GI ���1%�S•� - �- <br /> `%;,:,$):;'�! ���':,�,1��1 �°�,.,�: t1)Coat of any ovldence of tiue procuretl In connoclton w��h such wla and ot ony revenue nansfw faa raqukod W bv paW: <br /> �y^•�• �� (Y)AN obllgatlons seeured by IMS Trust Ueed: <br />-_;�.,,�c .' r 1n•',:,:a",. . — <br /> __/_�f�• ' : �.•�, <br /> -�;=�;� � �����,?•"�,.,� (3)Junfor trust deeds,mortgagea,a other Iie�hoMers: _ <br /> '�'� �' �'dt"...�� �;�'�a. (4)The remalndor,if ony,ro the pareon legany entllled tnerato. <br /> ; ' ,'`+1 i;�•''�_�,.;,r���•.. � <br /> � ' �;„ ' ��;,+ 13.APPOINTIAENT OF SUCCFSSOR TRUSTEE.Benehclary may.l+om dme lo Ume,by a wrdlen fnslrumenl eKeculed and acknowledged by Beneficlery. �� <br /> � ��� malled lo Trustor and recadecl In the coun or eountlea In wh�h the Praperty Is loceled and by otherwlse complyfng wrth tho provt�bna o11h�appllCablo � <br /> ��' ,.,...y . �Y �,• <br /> -�•�� ����� ti•„w' laws of the State ol Nebraska�ubstltuta a succeasor or succoseore to Ihe TruWea nemed hereln or atllny hereundQr. _ <br /> �� �Yr:+H�e;'. . _. <br />:.:;�r•:;-� ,�• <br /> .�s!��)., 14.INSPECTIONS.Barwlldary,a Its agenta,repreSeMaNves or empbyees,ara euthorized to enter al aoy reasoneble Ilme upon Or In any pert oT tt�e �. <br /> �^m^'ti ,.r. +.�i�.�i:fr,; --� P►opYrly for Iha pwpose ot mspocUnq Ihe�m�arw ta t1w purpoco ol pertorrturp any oi the acro d is au�haaed lo pwtam undw 11�e iw�ns ui iiw T�url dwu. � <br /> �?'�' t . �'i <br />� � • i��t'�.�; ,,,,. 15.OPTION TO FORECLOStIRH.Upon the acurrence of any breach and upon the declaratlon of delault he►QUndw,Bonollclary sha�l hYVO tlw optlOn !�, <br /> .''i:.�!!.:�7>.i ^,_.. d i,�•,-. <br /> :�'���,._ ��.�.., to foroclose thls Trusl Deed in Ihe manner provWed by lew fw the loracloaure of morlyoyea on real poperty. '; <br /> �'�'j'�� ���',.�- 18.FORBBEARANCE BY BENERiCUHY OR TRUSTEH NOT A WAIVER.Any faebearanea by Be�eGclery or Trustee In eKerclsin�any rlpht a remedy �; <br /> - hareunder,or olherwlse ofladed by appllcaWe law,shall not be e walver of a preclude Ihe exerclse ol any auch Npht a remedy.Llkewla9,the walver � <br />= : +:��s � by BanaOCiary or Truct�of ony dotault ot Troslor under Ihw irusl Deed aha11 nol bo daametl lo bo a wwwr ol any o1h�r�eimdar deloullo oubsoquonUy '-- <br /> _�,-``�. -,.r�� .� occurring. �. <br /> �� •!• �-' <br /> - �- +%' �?••.•'•' 17.BENBRICIARV'8 POWERS.Witnout atlecdng or reteAsirtg the tlabdly of the Trustor w any other person Ifable for the paymenz of any obhpatlon <br /> = �',•S'`.ji.��:f�t�;r hereln mentloned,end wlthout etloCting the Ilen or Charge o1 this 7rus1 Deed upon any porlion ol the Properry,8enellClery may,trp� lime to tim�and �. <br /> !'� , �$`,�?;_� ,% wUhoul notke al the requoel ol one o►mwe Trustora.(i►release any person Ileble.(iq extend w renew Ihe malurlty a alter eny ol the lerms o1 any fuch �-C•-; <br /> ..���;�1 <br /> :.�;,�':"" '• '' 1i.�' 9 !4 9 ) Y Y Y �Y� P Y P ' <br />-.,,�»•• t.,,.. y, L•:.. t obll allons,(bi ra�•t other Inqul enCea,(iv release or reCOnve ,or cauee lo be released or reconve ed at an Ilme at Banelfcf s o Ibn an arcel _ <br />�'��`�a'�` � � or all of Ihe Property.(vllake or release any olher or addlllonal securlty lor any obllgaUOn here�n mentfoned,(vq make setllemenl8 or other arronpemems ` - <br /> i;:�� <br /> � �'� ��r.,�'y;% ti,srF}�r,pR w. <br /> _,f' ;:�4��il;��i�7�l�:`�'ti i�f Y WUh Truelor In relatlon Iherelo.AI�Truslor8 shall be�O�ntly and savorelly obllpeted ond bouno by Ihe acl�ons ot the Benelk�ory p►p�y ane Or mOrY T�uitor <br /> '� ' a o s t a t e d i n t h i s p e r a g r a p h. �� <br />�,-.y; r ,�`'r�'`a�r � - <br />���`'" ..• �;�;;F,., , ,� 18.A�TORNEY FEEB,COSTS AND EIIPENSES.The Benelic�ary oi Ihis Trust Daed Is emdled to thepayment ol aqomey'e IQes.coals and axpenses _ <br /> � •' . • <br /> ' '"' ° �+� pi prOVfded In Ih�s Tr�51 DE6d.9NCBp�AS O�herw150 proh�bdetl by law _ <br /> - ' ;�..r+:;' ;��^t —. <br /> • 18.qECONVEYAPICE 8V TRUSTEE.Upon wr�lten requent of 8ene�lcla�y and upon payment by Truslor o1 Trustoe s tees,Truslee shell reconvey lo <br /> ,''',;;:'�'r ; •,;A{�'� TruAtor,or the peraon or persone legany emNled thereta.without w.aranr�.any poruon ol the Property thon held hereunde�.ReCltale in suCh reconveyance �; <br /> {� � "�'��°'- c`am m�Uer9 or faCta ehpll be toncluswe proof ol lhe 1lutfi1u�ness Ihereoi.The wnlae fn en recomrv mce me be descnbed as!+o oe�ton a <br /> . � �«it,}��>' ,��F �f Y 9 Y r• Y Pe►cona ,,. <br /> ����M1^ ..���..+ �6gally nnt�lled ttlereto". F- <br /> :•'t...: .,,1 ,s�t�,� •,•.,i`�� <br /> ^t f"f F•±,�, � '�� ' ��"'� ' 20.NOtICEB.Except tor nouces.demenda.requeals C�uther Commu�iCalionS rgqu�ied unde�appLceble law lo be gnien In another manner,whe�ever k� <br /> '<1•`��r� , ���' Beneficiory,Trusto�or T+uatee grvea or servee any not:ce I�nciud�ng.avnhout I�m��ahon,notice of deteull e�d not�ce tl�sa�e).demanda.requeste c�cther = <br /> .l`,',1,` . �•:�;..•f�� <br /> ��� �ti�ty�r� �+•S ;��� >�;. ��! communlcatlon�rilh r�soect lo th�s Trust Deed,each guch not�ce.demard,requaet or olner communlcallon shall be m wnlmg untl shal�be eHectrve en�y �. <br />__, y�.,•..., <br /> t�. <br /> t��_�_ ., �f'-� • t If Ihe same le deHver�by personal service or�a mailed by certltled mar.poslage prepaid.addressecf lo Ihe address as ael fsrth ot tnd beglmm�g ol Ih�a ;' <br /> — r...�•nY.� •........w.... .�. .��.......�.a....e.�.eA.1.�e.Lv a no 1...ANw�.�nn.v n11�nn 1n Iha nllui na�h.haiarn wc n•.+.naalA n nnluv nl - <br />-� ,. ..• � . . } •.ra.rwv.r... �..... ...�'......'„ ...............n.................�.�. ..�.�n..�i r m _ � — <br /> - ,., v y�`.', suth change.Any notice hereunder shall be deemed to have been grven to Ttuator or Benelic�nry,when g�ven m ths ma�ner tles�g�N�ed herem �• <br /> ::� � �c ,.,."a, �'� � - <br /> JF.� ` � ��� 21.REOUEST fOR NOTICE.Truslor ond Benehnaty hereby request a copy ol any notice ol delaull,end a copy o1 any not�ce of eYle thereunder.W � <br /> �� ,�;�• „ :.� mollod to each person who�s r party hereto al Ihe address la such person sQt brlh in the hrsl par�yraph o1 th�a Truat Deed R <br /> h.�:;'�� .; � <br /> ��. , :;; ��: .i'� 22.GOVERNINQ LAW.Th�s Trusl Deed shell be governed by Ihe laws u�Ihe Sta�e ol NebrueMa <br /> � •���{- 23 SUCCESSORS AND AS81(iNB.This Trust Deed,aod al{f�ms,conAd�ons antl obhgalwns herem,apply to a�d mure to the benefd of and bmds , <br />,^�� � � �'�. �11 perU@s hereto.their hefrs,Iegatees,dewsees.personal represenfahues.successors and ass�gns The term 8eneliciury"shull mean Ihe owner and • <br /> � holder of Ihe Note.whether w not nemed ea 8enehclery herefn �, <br /> :r.i.�` <br />.I'' � � `����; �, <br /> � , � <br /> __ �, . .4 :�, � <br />,,: , �. • r <br /> � . .. , <br />