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, .,:�,�.-:. . , . - <br /> � :.,�,-._.--- <br /> , . .� � �.�� .s:J��'rX", R.` a�:� �•�''. 4dirlflbf+�...�;�-� . ';, w.-w_..�-��--- <br /> � °�F: <br /> '�I <br /> � ' 4.. <br /> --r _ _ <br /> __:��� s '4.- ' <br /> - �9�' �019�0 <br /> TO PROTECT TFIE SECURITY OP TMIB TRUBT Q8�0,TRUSTOR HEREBV COVENANT$ANp AOAEHB AS FOLLOWB: <br /> 1.rAYMENT 0��IMNC�AL Alq MiiRI�T.TnMtar�N prwepty P�Y wll�n du�IM prineipal ol�nd Mt�asl on IIN k�d�0t�dnKt�vld�nC�d bp , <br /> MEN <br /> IIN Nol��and aN athM ehr0�s�nd 1�M�provid�d In IM Nou��nd Ih�princlp�l d�nd iMMMt on u►y FWw�Adranaw Mtw�d by tIW TN�I DMd. <br /> �s� p.wA1N1AM?Y OF TITI.l.Trwtar a I�wfulh►aNiW�nd pos�Mnd o1 pood 1�nd indN�tlbM utN�nd Nttl�lo tM Propary hM�by eonwy�d�nd ' <br /> hu tM Hphl to yr�nt�nA eonv�y tM P►apMy:th�Pra�ly li hN�nd elw ot W IMrq�nd�eumOnneN�e�W Wn�now of noad;�nd T�wtor rM�l <br /> _ .__ , . , <br /> -� -- – ---°--- lrartint�nd dMMwl tl»tNN M th�WopMb NNk►W all alalnw and domands. <br /> .�. � <br /> �,� ��; 3.MAI!lTQIANqt AND COYPI.IANC!!WITH I.A1M8.Trusla shdl kMp ths Propwty in pood��k�nd wndilwn�nd sh�Q nW aommll watle a p�rmll � <br />'�+�;.,•�: Impairm�nt a d�b►b►�t►on o11hs PrapKry�nd thall eomqY wilh ths provitlon�01 any N�a If thu Trust ONd b on a lasehold.No impowment now I�- <br /> .�-�.-� , '+ �,. a h�stb►�ncted upon Ihs P�op�rty shul b�aqer�d,ranwvad or demoll�h�d wflAout lhs plor wrffl�n eonant o1 B�nNkl�ry.T�usta shul eomply with <br /> - ' �11 I�ws.ardimnas,apulatbm,eownant�,eaWltbm and rsabktion��tt�alinp the Propsrly and nol commlL wNar a pamu�ny aot to bs don�in a <br /> --_— .��� I upon ths Prop�►ry In vlWltlfon o1�ny I�w.adln�nc�.rpulotion.Cowolmt.conditlon a resirklMn.Trutla ahall complete or reotae promplly pnd In 9ood <br /> waNm�nlike mann�r any i�a«�+.n�on��.�opa�+y.nicn may a.a�nwvaa o�aoyea ana wr•wh�n due.�11 elalms for laba perfam�d�nd m�t�l�b <br /> —_ .Y,.T�7Y�'::.�Tx^t' a (II/DI{�1�����0��Ild�0►M1�►��IMa11011i�IIKYO�. _- <br /> � �, 1.W�YIIAlICB.Tcusfor.q ib���.wiY mW�qln with Inswors apDrowd bY B�r�ficta�.�surance wilh reapeal lo the improvemsnte and psrion�l <br /> .✓ztK�'�D�' prap�rty,ppntlMWirq th�P►opwq.apdmW bn bI Ifn.YphtriMiO.lom�do.and oIAM DMYa and hazsrds eove►ed by tlend�ud erlanded eovere0e IndG►WmeM, <br />--_:,�,s ,� h��p����p�1�p q»h�b p�rpM ltppi�)at qN lup nplac�nwnt va�tw thN�d�nd insuranc��palnct sueh o1he�ht�xa�ds and in auch <br />"`f:`i',,,�` „ �.�'�• anwunis��i�customanly ca►riad by ownera and oper+tors o1 a�^�Ilpr popKtNs a as Bwwficlwry may require la ils protecibn.Truslw will eompty wfth <br />_�ririi�°cr��j•:' . such o1Mx r�qufremsr►la as BerMtkWy maY irom tim�ro Ums reqwst la t1w prM�cdon bY inawancy ot the N�Ieresls ot Ihe nspscriw parllea.All Ineurance <br /> _-�+t���,�;� pollelss m�IntUInW pwsuant to th{S truat O�ed shall nams Tnuta and Berwficlary as insund.w their reapeetivs intereats may�appear.and provide Ihi►t <br /> �-- -,-- tfiere b9 n0 CBnCeAetlon a miTdiNC°!"'r.^!hM�bt 4Met�a.f�ys{�rrnr wrltUn ootiNeatfon to Truatw ard 8ene(fGBrY maY P�ur�suGh ir�ranCa In YeCOfWI1q ,_ <br /> Sr • ;�3�(,{;tft k� , with ths provlcions ot paraprapfi 8�+ersp�l.Truat�sheN dellver lo BaneNcisry ths odg�nW poNCiea ol inaurance and renewals It��r:2r�a rtwmo copl�ut = <br /> �^ �4� t�� , , such pol�ies and nn�watf IhW�o7.�aiiwe'+c h+rnlaT�uch inauranc�by Truata,a rawwats at raqulrYd hwwndw chaM,at tfie apUon of 8a�diciary. <br /> `v�.t•L;:. iv��' <br />�;.; � i.,�„�„,n•.' �'`�•;.; .,consdtua a detauit. – <br />-f, ,�, �..��t,; .,.�,',,-•, .�:• <br />_` !`��� ° S.TAXES�AS�E88MEdTS AN�D�CHAGiti�B.Trusta oliaH puy aN taxes.esceasrnenm and dher eharges.inciudinp.wilhout IqNt�1la+,flnes end impo�ftbns <br />,r 4^ � AttnbuWbN lo ih�P►operry and teasehold payments ar pround ran ts.n any,betore 1he eame bacoma dalnquent.Trueta shell prompUy lwnlsh to bsnslkiery <br /> �s• i '�� „3i�t•. s all noticas ol amaunts dus unde�thia paragraph,and In the avent 7rustor shell make payment dkeclly.Truatu sheA promptly lurni$h to 8enelklary recelpta — <br />'°�� �Wd�nalnp such payments.Truatcr ahall pay ail taxea And assessmenls whlch may be IoWed upon 8mellelary's Intereet hwNn a v,pon thls t�uri Dwd __ <br />'"`° " wlthout rpard to any I�w that may be anaeted Impwing payment ol the whoto or any patl lhaaof upon Ihe Benollcary. <br /> �;. ,, �;�'�'r:.a '1 8.ADOITIONAL LIENS ANPI PROTECTION OF BENEFlCIARY'S SECURITr.Trustor shaN meke all paymenis o1 Interest qnd prmtipel and paym�nte – <br /> �• '�.'�, . ,t� t •of any other chorpes,leee and expenaes eontracted to be peW to any exiatinp a suhsequent lienholder or benelicfary,under any s�iatln�a subsaqusni �::. <br /> morlgap�a truit daed before the date they ore delinquent a In deloup,and promptly pey end ditcharpe aoy and all olher NonB.clafm9 w charges whlch � <br /> _ __ � ` �1 •may Jeopardf�e the s�cudly�rented hereln.It 7rustor IWIa to meke any such ppymant or faUo lo perform any ol tfie covenants ond agreemeMS conlained _ <br /> " '�"'+`r � t rj S;`�� In Ihu Tru�t�ood,a the Note referred tp hetem,or In any prlor a subeequeM 1rus1 tMetl,a if any actwn w proceeding is canmenced whici,n�ateNetty <br /> • y`f jx,:1�P,,s'{h�; atTacir Beneiiciary't iMereu fn Ihe properry,Including,but not Nmuod ro,eminent doma�n proceedinpe,p►xeetlings lnvolving A deCedanl.rtobce ol eate ��_ <br /> ,,, s. ;.;!}# . ,.y• 6 y T r u s l e e,n a l e s o f d e f o u i t b y T r u s t e e,m o n g a g e forecbsure action,or II Trueca Ia�is ia poy Trustor's debts generaly as Ihey become due,ihen 8enelieiary, <br /> ' . G:•a,,� <br /> �� . f�+��` at Benefldary's optfon end without notice to a demand upon 7ruator and wilhout releasNrg Tiusta kom eny oblipatfon hereunder,roay malce euc appearaneea, �: <br /> � •, <br /> • . ,;,,;I�.�E;�4?;ii�!�I\ aaburae 8uch otwns and take sueh ection as Is necesaary to protecl Benel�lary'e Inlerest,Including,but not Ilmited to,disbursemont ol reasonable attaney's :,-' <br />" ` �''}�:+ti�s�'.�yr; leee,paymenl,purchaae,caMeal ar eompromise ol eny enCUmbranco,charga or Ilen,entry upon Ihe Properry to make repaNa,ar dec lara LOn o t de iau l t �- <br /> � '',����-t� 4 'r;�����. <br /> m_ , �r;'���+�,��,.` undsr this arust Deed.In the event ihat Trualor sha111aN to(xocure Inaurence ur to pay tares,assesaments,a any other chargas or to make a:y paymeots (� <br />�� � �,��,� � j,,, ' to any e�letinp or subsequent Ilenhalders or exisling a subsaquent benellcleriea,8eneliciary mey praure such Ins�xance end make aueh pnymom,bul <br /> �. , ,tl, ,:..„ 5+�. <br /> T, ,r� �;;��', �,r shall not be obllpated to do eo Any amounls dlaburaed by Benelfeiery pursuant lo thiS Peregraph B sheN became additbne l In de bt e d n esa o f Trua tor secur e d '; <br /> a <br /> '„r, �� j�� r�tnis Trust peed•Such cmounls ahall bo payabb upon notice Irom 6enellolary to Truetor requeating paymenllhereof,end a�a11 bear Interesl hom the –�- <br /> '��%"!'�r 7i�'`'`'�'� date o1 dlabur�6ment a►Ihn rale payaMe from tkns to tlme on outstandlnp p►Inclpul under the Note unless payment of Ime►est al such rate wou10 be contrary i;-=A <br /> . q.� 4•:!... f <br /> �,.t!i'll�J S�t"-r•:'��� ''� � - <br /> �, . .��.r�;+�:y';'�� 10 appllcpbl0law,In whlch event such amounta shall bear Interast al the hl est rate permleslble under oppllcaWO law.Nolhln9 eoNalnod k�tl�lo Pa►aqreph r,�.„; <br /> �, ��'� "�'•'•'���. 6 ahall require 8eneticlary to Incur any expensa or take eny actbn hereunder. <br /> Y� {/.r,J� �. <br /> f°.. ar'_ <br />--a�= •'�.�i,.-'i.11- aholl hA�rA��IA 1) '-- <br /> ,�,,..: 7.A33l4Nl7�!!T 4F RENT3.Beneflciar;_ �ht,�+wnr and an�hnr�iy�1�u1nt�thw rnntfnuence n1 this Trust Deed Io Co11eC�Ihe reMS,iasuas <br /> �:-; ,•;A��;�.,� f�;c, �N`. gnd prollte ol lhe Property ond M eny p8reonel properly IoCeled Ihe�eOn wlth or withGUt takln�ppSSesabn o(the property aNeCled heroby,end Truatar �y <br /> �� r;A.. - <br /> , " 5 �y�:r.i ti�f�' hereby ebsolWely and uneondltlonelly aeslqna aH auch rents,�ssuea and prolns Io BeneHc�ary.Benellclary, however,heraby consents to the Trustor's i�:e <br />- '�i5! i• ��1� n'- <br /> �t;���Ny;S�' ���x��S� , CollYCtlon and retentlon ol suth rente.Issuea aed prolde ae lhey accrue and beeome payable sa long es Trueta la nal,at Buch lime.m default wlth reape�:t <br /> � s i�...:-. <br />_ -M ����:?�,3�M��;�'i���•f;,1:, to payment ot airy fndebledneao aecured heruby.a In Ihe perlormence of any agreemenl hereunder.Upon any sur.h default,B�nelklery may at eny tlme, � <br /> �?>.. <br /> ,��".'; ����;��h� ry• „ f�� ellher in person,by eyent,a by a rece 1ver to b e a p p o lnled b y a courl,wlthout nolice and withoul reperd to the adequaty of eny 6ecurlry fa Ihe Indebtodneaa <br /> . h o r C b y 4 or,.ur��I.ra)rteter u p on and taMe F MSeseb�o�Ih�Property nr eny pnrf IhnrPnl.end In ifn ewn neme eue lo►or utherwlse cdlect such reMa,issues �� <br /> ,�a�x j � e n d p ro f l t s,i n N U d i n y t h o a e p a a l d u e e n d u n p e i d,a n d a p p l y t h e a e m e,l e s a c a a t s e n d e x p e n s e e o f o p e r a t bn and colleetlon,Includin p reasonabls anorn e y's <br /> '�:ti, . , � :; <br /> ��-�'*;• !�:l;`�� r• le�,upon any Indebtedn088 secured hereby,end In euch wde�as Beneflclary may determine;(b)perform auch Acte ol repai►a rotecllon as ma be ` <br /> P Y ��'; <br /> '�n#�i.+�` �° � neceaeary or proper to eonaer�o iho value ol the Prope►ty:(c)lease the same a any part thereol for auch rentel,term,end eFon sueh condulons as Ila �;,: <br /> '�•� � , �udpmenl may dletate,or Isrminate a adju6t Ihe torma end tondltlons ot exletlnp laeses.UMeas Truator pnd Bene�lcfary Ihereof aqree olhetwlee in writing. <br /> �` .:r�''�''` any eppllcaUon ot ronts,fssues a prollls lo any Indebtedneas aecured hereby shall not extend or poslpone Ihe due dete of Ihe Inatellment peyments as `�� <br /> ��'- <br /> ' ""��•:��Rr�;,• provlded in said pomlasory note a chenge the amount of such Inatallmants.The e�lering upon and tak�nfl po�s�ion o1 the Prope►ry,the collecllon <br /> �dt'�' � . . <br /> � �11��5'.:•�' .< yy; � % ot such rent9,iasuea and proflta,antl the eppl�cauon thereol ae alore�ald.6hall not waive or cure any delault or no:�ce ol defeult heraunder or Invelldate <br /> • »��.!:i. .. '�`7' .' <br /> �,y�.,,.,; ;.��•.1��.:� .,'� any acl done pursuanl lo such notice.Truetor also eealgns!0 9enatltlery,ea lurther securlty la the perfamenCe ot the obllgallons aecured hereby.all <br /> - '� �'�� ��� i��"�� prepeld rent8 and all monles which me have been or ma hereafler be depoalled with eald Truslor by any lesaee o�tho ProCe� secure Ihe paymenl :� <br /> �1�..i(� �,. . . ,. �, , Y Y <br /> ��.b�uk,i:�,)�e��:��:w <br /> �= �� ,1 r�7,�. �,r��',;•- ot any raM or damagaa.o+upon dofsuR fn!he perlamence oi n�y�i�hn provie�ons hereof,TmRMr n�rans M�1wlrvPr such rents and depoelts lo BenQhciary. �_. <br /> ;- f� `• '.�1�;+. °�•.!; �„ Dellv o�wrltten notice of Benelklery's exerclse of the rlphls pra�ted hereir,lo any lenanl occupyMp said p�em�ses sl�all be auHKIYM to requlro wid <br />.. .�, . ')',�•�-i.,.;•�, 6�y <br /> -,5', � • � , }+,s;::�,,� tonant to pay rent lo Ihe Benelkfery unlll lurlher nollce. <br /> .�: .,;1; ,��,:Ar,.: <br /> i�}', ' , B.CONDLMNATION.11 tflle to any parl ol the Properly shaU be taken m condemnaUOn prqceedlnqs,by right oT eminenl tlompin ar 9�mdar act�on,or <br /> ' ' ' �`�fi;,. • ehall be 6old under threal of condemnatbn,ell ewerds,dema�es ond praeeda are hereby asagned and shall be paid to Benellc�ary who ahaN applY �� <br /> �A�''�'' . " euCh awards.dameges aad praeads to Ihe sum secured by Ih•s TruBt Oeetl,wdh Ihe excess.II�d to Trustor.11 Ts�s1o•reeeives any nol�ce o� �+ <br /> °' a � • •• �• other Infamatlan reparding such a.:tbns or prxeedmga,Tnista s�+all grve prompt writlen ootfce Ihereof lo Benehcfery. Benel�ciary ahall be enUtletl,at ,� <br /> . • <<:' , � , <br /> 1IS opllon.ta oommonee.appear In and prosecule fn qs owo neme any auch aelion a procead�nqs and ehall ba enutWd lo meke any Comprom�se a satllement <br /> '. • ��'� ,; ', in Connaellon wdh qoy such actlon a Pra�inga. • <br /> " � 9.RUTURE ADVANC88.Upon request o1 Truator,BerteNC�aiy al 8ene�ic�ary'a opllon,pnor lo reconvey8nce of Ihe Properly to Trustor,may make <br /> •='��' �_ IUIuI��IIV�M���fl TIII{IN Sueh fuwre advances.wflh fntere�.thereon.shall be secured by Ih�s Trust Oeed when evldenCed by prom�ssary�otes ataUng <br /> _.`;;.1's..' Ihet eefd notea are secured hereby:provlded thal at no un:e s°ull Ihe secured prmcipal and lulure advances,nql mclud�np sume advaneed to proteCt <br /> . � ' `. �� Ihe sacurlty,exceed two hundred percent(200qb)of Ihe ot�g:na�p��ncipa ttmounl8 seCUred hweby � <br /> . . ,j �.:. <br /> ' � .'•'t.' 10.REMEDIHS NOY EXCLUSIVB.7ruslee ank Be�ellCiary and eech ot tt�em,shell be entitled to enlorce paymenl and perfamance 0�any�ndebtedness <br /> � � � , a obllpellons aecured hereby and lo oxerase a��g�ts and Cowars undor thla Trust Deed or under any other agreement executed in ConnecUOn herewuh � <br /> _ ' � ��'• a eny laws now or horeefler fn lace,�otwithslantlmq aar^e c�al!ot Ihe suCh Ind6btednese and ohhgatione secured hereby may now o�hereafter be <br /> �'�_'��4, t`, ': . � • ; olherwfse Secured,whether by mortgege.Uust deed.p�edgo ��e^ ass�gnment or otherwl5e.NeAher the acceptenCe of th�6 Trust Deed nor its enlorcement � <br /> �,r•� ;. �.��1 '�ti;y whethQr by Court eCllon ar pursuanl to Iho power ol sele w olne�,:.owers herein conle�ned.shall pie�udite or m any manner aHect Truatee's or Benel�ciary's <br /> �:�. i `� �:, _.., rlpht to nallzo upon a enlore��ny o1Mr s�cw�ly now a heroadar hald by Truatae a BanQlk�ary.�t bwny agrced that Tru¢t�and BenehC�ery.and e8ch <br /> � •�i''':1�;, � <br /> .' ��i,. .,/, � <br />'p_ , '�?�.�, ,; G <br /> j_, � � � . • E <br /> � � � � �� .E <br />_ ` � � <br /> y , • . <br />