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.. -_- :d��± •'y'/ • . - _ <br /> � _ �-� 11y=�� , .. . . <br /> � i <br /> '3� .� i:� � � /Sc"' :i.. . . . <br /> �...� ' � � ':tt u., _ .--_�_• -_ <br /> 1 <br /> . '•-�� ." - - <br /> ---_;��� - - � 93=a�o�4Q� <br /> �. f�sud or Pnipe�ty I�tw�oe. Bomnwer shall l•eep tNe impmvements now eaictin� ur harafle� eroctaf on lha <br /> Pn�eriy inawrod�i�t lass by fire. hv.�rds includod within�he Ierm 'eRicmtod cr�ver�c' wd any alher iwz�nls. including <br /> - --_-- __---- floads or flooding, far which I.ender reyuireg insurance. This insu�x�o�h�ll Me main�aiixd in the anxwnlb an�i Fi+r�he pe�i�xic <br /> Uwt I.endcr require�s.The inwnuk�e c,urier pmviding tFk inwrsux�e+t�ll Iw rM�sen hy&�m�wer wbjoc�t�l.ender'a appm��al ` <br /> - — which shwll mN be un►ea�►tu�bly wi�hheld. 11'&xrower faily�o mxintwin awet�e descrihed above, l.ender m�y, at I.emfe�'s --�-.. <br /> _ - � oplian.obuiin rnvea�e la prMOCt l.eixlcr'c dghfr�in the Propcny in aca�Nwnca wilh�►rag�ph 7. �. <br /> All insu�o pedicie�rM renewals�Iwll be acceMable�o l.ender wMl .IwU iM:lude u uendanf nxKlgage clau►e. l.ende� <br /> �'�� chall have the dght ta hold the palicicv�nd rcnew�Al:. li l.cndcr requirrw.B�►rmwtir�Iwll pr�mp�ly give�n l.ender all raxiM►of <br /> = -- - -- ----- ps�id premiunu wwf renew�l n�wices. In�he evc»�uf losa.Bom�wer�lull�ive pnxapt M►tiva tu tF�insurw�w�::+rrkr�uw!lxnder. e= <br /> �'� Lender may m�ke pmaP af I�►ss if not rn�de promp�ly by Bam�wer. - <br />-• ,,.,. Unicss Lender and Bamnwcr otherwira agroe in w�iting.insu�ee prore�rfs shall bc ppplied la re�inrati�n or►eEwir of�hc a` <br /> Pmpeny durugod,ii'thc rouarntian ar rc�wi�is econamically fe�ibk ami Letder'a socurily is not Icsxned. If Ihe n��oration or "�`� <br /> _� rcpai�ia nat ernnamiealiy feacibla ar I.enJer's secuNty would be lessen�d.�he insumnce pmcoeds shall Ue applied a��he sums <br /> -� securod by thir Security Instrument, whe�Ger or t�t ihen due, with uny excess paid lo Bamnw•e�. IP Bc�rn�wer abnndo��s the � <br /> -__�:�.'��„�,�;� �iJjk:ily. Ji'S�k:.s iiJ1 iiisl�2i 1yIllilii�l�ij�a a iwill�.d TIuUi L.�ii�cf illqi i�iK�iWflJlq:r idiil�i NAa�)��fa:.t i.s scittc s claitn. thca =_. <br /> -----_----- l.ender mwy calloct 1he inwrance procaods. Lende� may uce the prcxeeds �o repair or rataro the Propeny ar a pay wm� <br /> ei^_ cecuned by this Sav�ity Instrument.wt�e�her or not then due.The 30�duy p:riad witl begin when�he noticc!s givea. °- <br /> ., Unkss l.,ender and 8orrawer othenvise agrec in writing. tmy appliwtion oi'proceods to pricripal sha�t n►t excecd o�r �• <br /> postpone the due dqte oP�he momhlY paYments rcferned Ia io pu�aga+phs 1 und 2 or change the a�nwnt of�tse pvymex�ts. Ii ���+ <br /> : � under p�ara8raph 21 �he Propeny is�cquircd by I.ender.Barnower's�ight to any inwrance policies arW pnx�ee�ts res¢[tirtg fnim �`_`- <br /> --,_..{ , daetw�e ta the Property prior to thc acguicition siwll puss to L.ender 10 the exieru of�he s�uns saured by this Secucity Instntmtnt = <br /> „ "�- - ,-„',;f�• u inur�iateiy pnor ta the ucqu�sition. ` <br /> '`f', } �; 6.Oeeuponcy.11raxrv�tioa,INwlMeaau�e�e wid P�ntection of lbe Pr+�perty:Bor�ower's I.oan Applieallon;l.esuebolds. <br /> �);i;� �� <br /> .�� Borrower shall arupy,es�ablish,a�d use Q�f°�r�periy us Borrower's prircipal residem�e within sizty days aper the execu�ion oi' �cc: <br /> �(f�1..;;r this Security Instrument cud shall continue t.��rcupy Ihe Propeny as Bornower s prineipal residence for At least one year afler '` <br />'. ?`�: ��`�`rt;,';.;;, j the date of occupancy,unles.s l.ender othenvise ugrees in writing. which consent sFwlO nM be unnea+onably unless �'��', <br /> .. °! � `�''i}�,�;': `' extenuating circumstances e�ist which are beyand Bonrv„�er s canlrol. Borrower ,taall not destroy. damage ar impair the <br /> .,,,� <br />° �� J�. + �,,;�;: .... Propeny, allow the Property to dateriorote.�aQ comm�l w;r:wr on the Pn�peRy. Borrower shall 6e in defuud if any forfei�ut+e - <br /> ���:; . : �'� `�'�� " action ar procceding, whether civil or crimin:�J;., as begun[hai in Lender's road fai�h juJgment could result in Pm1'eiture of the <br /> � { ' if i.: f�/1 <br /> �j' ''� �4 � Propeny ur aherwise mate�ially impair the lie�n :reated by this Securiq•I�+suument or I.ender's security inter�t. Bormwer muy <br /> .'•'.;�' � <br /> �=w�� " . „�:s,-, .� � curc cuch a dcfault and reins��tr,a�pravicVid in pAra�ers�Fn 4R,My cuucing the nction o�pmcceding to be dismissed wilh u ruling <br /> `'�,��. that, in Lender's goad fnith detuminalinn, prccludes faKfe6Kwre �f the Barrower's inlerest in Ihe Propeny or �thee materfa) •-- <br />=;;-�;`•` �..�.�.-��:i 9 impaim�em of the iien created t+,, ihis �ecuni} 4�nstrument ur L.ender's r.�ecurity intcres�. eorrower QAall also bc m dcfAW� ii �; <br /> � <br />. ,,:r�.:'. ,. �',�'-r� •. • Borrower.durin �he loan �i` <br />.!'i til�''�`-:� '��?��:,.r�,�.,< . .,�,. B apPlica�ian prncess. gave muterlully fnlse or in;iac,�rate infomwtion or st:�t�ne�n�s to[.ender(or failed <br />::��J:�y�.�}:y ,.��;���F��,•.��; �..; ta provide l.ender with uny material infomu►iion>in connection wilh the lva�a evidencecl by the Note, earluding,but not limited <br /> Qti, : � ,��.�� to,representations conceminF Horrower s occupancy of the Pmperty us u principul resi�lence. If this Security Instniment is an a �:. <br /> $P -�l• ''���f i�r�� i'� � �'.;::.' <br /> S � .;�„9},�,, ��• leasehold. Borrower shall cum�ly with ull the provisinns of�he lease. If Bormwer sk�uires fee Ii11e to the property, t0ec �.�.- <br /> 'u� �. ,�E,� ��.' ;,.;t� leasehald an�the fce title shall not merge unless 1.cnJer ogrecs to thc mergcr in writin�. ��-� <br /> ��• . 7.Protectton aP l.eader's Rights fn thr Fr�perty.lf BoROwer fuils to perfortn the covenunts und agreements comuined ic� ��• <br /> -•±.:,'. . , .,�r-,..: � _ <br />_"`+14' ,•::.� � � thix Security Instrument, or there is A leg:�s pr.�eeding th•rt muy significanUy offecl Lender's rights in the Propeny (surh ac a <br /> .-:-.� >,.�'� pra:ceding in bankruptcy, prabute, fo�canciemnatian or forfeilurc or ta cnforcc IawF or regulations). then lw:nJcr m:���Ju and �;--; <br /> 1"•�. ,y pny for whotever is necessery to pr�nect thr vAlue oF the Properly and l.ender'x �ight� i��Ihe Property. I.ender'c urtions mAy <br />:�;�' include paying uny sums se�ured by a lien which ha+ priority ovcr this Security Qn.trumern, appeAring in coun, puying �;•� <br /> -- � � rrasonable attomeys'fees and entering on th�:�'roperty to m�kc mpafc:;. l:::",c�ugh L.rador may take actiott utuier this paragraph �.._ <br /> =�*=��� -�--�------�• 7.4,ender does not have to du so. <br /> ;..�••:. ..•.�r:•.�';..,.;, <br />.et�l��:,:- ..i�... . p. . - � . �•:�: <br /> ��� .,.,��.�; ��.�,� ,; Any umounts disbunecl by� l.ender under this parugraph 7 shull becume uddi�ianal Jeht of Born�wer secured by this -�,�.,. <br /> a'• + ��' '�� ��� Security Instrument. Unless Burr<+wer and L.ender agree ro other tcrn�s of p•rymcnt, thex amourus tihull 6ear interest fmm the �5, �j <br /> :,.�Y� i �ti,`�'� ¢�;, <br /> �,f� ;!� ��;s,t��� t�''� a � of di ��;;'� <br /> :'�"�ka ' i� �y�� a e sbursement ut thc Nate rote and sholl hc payable, with intcrest, upon nrnic� from I.cnder to Bormwer reyu�tin� � ��:_ <br /> ':;�?;•'� .��.�'� .:,,.,.y puymcnt. �:.. . <br />-'•r.'fy,.' � ':r�{'F'?7'�,.,.•:�( Y�!'.:.:. <br />='��,.;;• 't��.;.� ::�,�:': 8.Mort{��ge In�wrantt. If Lendcr requir:d mortguge insurunre us u condition u(muking the luan,ecured by this Security °= - <br />:_;=�;; ��';-,; '��Y Insttument, Borrower shwll a the rcmiums r uired to mointain �he mun u e insurunce in effect. If, for nn reu.`on, the .`���� <br /> �,,. ,�, ,.. P Y P Ml B B Y ..� <br />_;y; , • ':�'' moriguge insurance coveroge rcyuirod by l.eiuler laptic+or rcu�ex to t►c in effcrt, &►rcuwrr tihal l pay thc premiumti reyuired tn ••�� <br />-'r,'" • obtui,�mvera e substnntiull c uivalent t�i the mon u c insuruncc nvinusl �n efFcr�, at a rost,uh5tuntiall e uivalent tn the '���` <br />;::_,:;�,.;- x ,_. f:' B Y 9 B B P ' Y � Y q ,;j�,; <br /> ;l;�C;!�. ,,•.*_: .•. . ��,; cost ro Bormwer of the monguge insurance previausly in efl'ec�, t'rom un ultrrnulr mungu�e in�urcr uppruved by l.etKier, If 'F'_ <br />,;,y�,:r��', �� : '� ;,it� subatnntiully equiv�lent monguge insuranrc rovcruge is Mn avriluble, &rrr�►wrr shull puy�o I.ender euch nx►nlh u sum eyuul rto <br /> +�;:+�. " 1;� one-twelRh of the yeArly mungage insuranre premium tx�ing puiJ by Barm�vcr w�hcn thr inwranre covcrugc Iap+eJ or censed to r,",:�. <br /> be in effert. L.ender wfll accept.use uncl remin there p•ryment�uti u lox, n�rrve in lieu ot' mnrtgage insurrnce. Lo�, rc.rrve '�'� <br /> '�,,.__:�. ,;, <br /> .1,r,-,,' �-_._,:__�_ ., r�aoze a��o ��r;� <br /> `''}���!$j� ; 1 i� h <br /> S .��� � � �d4C1' � Pap�3 of 8 .J.. <br /> :'�•.`%'�.: 1 ti" �.f; .,.�: <br />-i��t,5•a; t'�`` ' � ::' /��;1 �':t`: <br /> ��s� � .;_,`�)��� i <br /> i �.� '���f�t�f�f�� � ,�f'r` <br /> � t1�A 'i,�,vtt-�f f,'�•���ti . .i_ .h: R� �n i ��:+�' ��qf )°r11r"1LR 1.4;y:,,.. '��'GaS) V'R •lt 1"�i' {' I��i.t�Met!rtR:-, . � tif <br /> 1 `i\ � �.t•.. ,,. •i .,�" rl'��,�,,,,, �±'h'�'�l � T' ,, .�.S�1W+�'• Y . �'�I b.�'!R;aY '�"".,.'y��"�'i. <br /> �1\��''�^� � ���.-�17��� •�1fr81''t„�`i�,� � . . �' I ; .,,,;�'.. .�,�.� (�1 . ��� '..i�'j�� � '� .�l' r ' - :.i��t��:' �'ti���t �' 1 <br /> �l�tc� 'r L� d�( y.i'�..u; .�,,,� �-A �'�'1;�,'1i�j1i�. i� ��� r � . .� '�•- �� , �� ` 7�.�} '�� . . � �5. <br /> ��E 'S�ti�irY ,�t - tr.U�ku . I�' i. i<<?�{t�,f r } � i,{; � .� i � f t <br /> } �� ,r � ..,,�. • . , . ;;1,�.::��.� � y ,, ,. � <br /> , u� ��y <br /> i 4:�� .`�1f14�11''����3/_i1;lSl�fsnFv':�'l. - I1..�. i,11:.:��e . �:�if :l�•a�.� '1:,'f,ti...: 1'•,��` ,1� . _ ��L_-'-..J_.itT'�:�� _ . 1:.�: p1� � .�>>�• <br /> � �., — ..— ,�t... ,�,tit��f.%,;; '�, � ;l,':;'' �;,... ,i,� ,� '. . . ^� --Y"..._. .. �,1�: ': <br /> �� �t�v� A�, .+`_ `� '� �..r t', � n'•��:•.t ft; �,h , ' � ' � . ' . . . <br /> u��Y,� 9� ,ti � ;(ti�:��ti J•�.A � . �i�•;.��'.it4�`is 4 •• , ,l �; �f'• \ � . <br /> i,� ':(i. .�`,�ri'u{.f�^�• ;��' �����F�,pi�.l1i)if�f� „� r� l����� � ,i � it � - �ra`��,\,` <br /> s �n ., � '.��5`�u�l•i�� - _ �1 � �Y�� . �� . . �1�5���1'.; i. i�� -- - .d' (t �t �� -��� <br /> Y-T- ��' �• i . �}(iE�A�I� .� ��.�:,1.��4 �4; , � ; .i` � 1 " ..f'j' - ! ''� ;:)�;�. . <br /> +1- Kl , . �� -yt' r - 't' �`� r y{ ' -• r ', <br />. ��. . .�i' . .�� � . . :7.��;� t , �r �• , . + <br /> � t'' it 7 . � � �. Y� i.� :�, - � !., <br /> j�l: � ' '�j°i�.��� .. . . �" ' t.It. , • • , `} !'F . .,�' <br /> .�- � �;. . . . l�r�;� •� ! . ; �' .� ��� . ' �, <br /> ' y�/�(� '� ' �.J i•i . - 'ti'� . ' � � ' �•�i <br /> '�q ' � •i` 'r✓S: . . " .. � ' " .�� �.i ' ' i, , 1 �'j� .. ; ` �`(. <br /> I r i ��r <br /> r 0-. '.�y� . . .� . . ��f ��':���,... . f " � -, ,.i.�l .� � - . . . � ,5' l.1'��i. � •'�;��: <br /> - �, ' � �t - '' •,.��� ' . 1" / - _ ���� <br /> F, t �.d .11- � .. !?'if 1l . � - �i •� �i� ' " - .. � .. .. t i. �ii'. <br />�• � � . ' >�1�.... ;. � .. . , ��i�jj:-�:}.�i,.�., ; ..�, . . � . � . � -' , 1� ��'ti ' <br /> � , +�. .4•:ti� �,C� r � ...,.._:._ ':l'.,��� ,. <br /> ... -- � A ' , ';�f..-1��1�ti6- .'- ti . . . . . ' .. , ..k. _ . <br /> , ��` . . �f, �3 y�„� t. • " .• � <br /> - �- .� _ ' .. ���i�i%.,: �i�i'�lr� . <br /> •$ 7� ',`"��'.v..�,.'; / <br /> , .... <br /> � r. � <br /> , � , ` <br /> -- - - -- �. ' _- -- <br /> - � <br /> � ! _ __ ,, _ _ - - - - --_ -�-t - <br />