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� '�i. " fi� '. ' J � �,�_ <br /> ,_. <br /> � <br /> «, . . . .. <br /> � � . ._,._. _ <br /> r � • � - _ <br /> :,.;< <----�..�.�.� - --93=�.o�.4az ; <br /> 7�Ot3R7'HBR WITH all 1he improvrnxnts now or hereaRer eroctad on thc pmpeKy.and all asetr�enta.�ppunen�noes.�nd <br /> fiRtun� taw ar herafter a put of Ua prnperty. All rKplaoanau� and Mlditfan� alwll al�o be ouvered by �hic Sa;udty <br /> 1ac�um�M.All of the forc�oin�i�rek�red to in U�i�Socurity Instrumrnt ac the'PropeKy.' , <br /> BORROWER C'OVBNANT3 tlut Bortuwcr i�lawiblly sei�ed af the Wato hereby conveyod ond h�s►1ho�i�ht to��ant wd , <br /> a�nvcy Ihe Pmpe�ty and thM ti�e Pmperty is una�cumberad. excqn for encvmbranoe�af rex�ar�d. Barn�we�w��a�d wlll . <br /> defp�d Qeoarall f the tiUe to 1he Pr+npeny�yainst dl cl�itns and detn�ndr.subjact to any encumbrwkYS af�eoord. <br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT cambines uniform rnvenants far titia�l use and nun•uc�ifomt arvawnt�witA limited <br /> wri�tions by judcdictfon w con�tiuue�uniform:acurity inslrument a�ve�in�rra!prapeny. <br /> __ �__,__�� UNIFORM GOVENANTS. Borrawer and Lender rnve�nt ond ag�oe ns fulluws: _- <br /> - — - 1. P�ynkd of P�incipd and late�+ati P�+eP�lme�t �nd I.ate Clairgw. Bnrtowe�ahall promptlY PaY w6cn due Ihe <br /> ;.:� principd of and intercst on the debt evide�oed by tho Nae and any prcpnyment aod lete chp►Qes due under thc Nde. <br /> 2.F1unA�for Taxee and I�unnce.5ubject to Applicxble law or�o a wrillon waiver by l.endcr, Bormwer rhall pay to <br /> ' l.ender an the day manthly payments�ue due under tha Nate,until the Nate is paid in lidl,o eum l'Funds")fnr:IA1 yuu'ly�a�ces <br />,�._ � and acs�csmen�s wbich may anain prbrlry over this Socurity Inatrument as u lien on tha Property;(b)yearly leasehold pa�yments <br /> --,--—_ _----- -_-__,�.� or grounA r�ente on the Prope�y.ii'anv:(cl YeaulY h�zArd or PmpertY inzurance Prrmiums:(d)Yearly Qoad iasursurco premiums. <br /> if any:(el Yearly morl�a,ge inwrar�c prcmiums. ii'a�ny:ond(�Any sums pay�bto by Barmwer ta[ aorordan,r with - <br /> -- the pmvisianc af parag�ay6 lieu of the pr+yment oi'mortgagc insurance premiums.These items urc calted'Escmw Items.' <br />-;,�=� — Leodcr may. at any time. rnllect and!a!d Funds in an amount not to exceed the muaimum omount a lender for a federailly ° <br /> mlated mo�tgage loan may requir�e ibr Borrowei s escrow acca�nt urder die fedeml Real EstWe Selllement Pr�oc�ures Aq of <br /> ��" 1974 ss ur�endod fmm time to time. 12 U.S.C.Section 2fAI et seq. ("RFSPA").unlexs another law that applies to the F+uatLs - <br /> �•� ads A lesser amount. if so. Le�de�may. at any lime. rnllect and hold Fwds ia an amount r�w ta ezceed ihe lesser a�wm. - <br /> : i��3er ss�y est#reent��he amnurM oP Fond�dur�n�, •hacis, �curnem da���nd e•v.�wi�la er.�imwec oi'exQenditurcr of fWu►e _ <br /> ' � � Escrow Items or w6erwise in acoordance with applicuble law. _ <br /> TI� Funds shall be hcld ia ate iastitulian whose deposits are insured by � feder+l aF[ency, instrumentality. or eMity - <br /> ,,;, � - <br /> �;� t .L.ender shull 1 !he Fundv t� ���Ihc _. <br /> o Loan Bank u _ <br /> includin L.ender if I.e is aurh An 9nwitution ar in an Federnl H me <br /> nde�' _ <br />. •� ;; ( 8 . ) Y PP Y P <br /> ,. 1�4�. <br /> � <br /> , <br /> � . <br />. , Escrow Items. Lender ma���c ch.urge Sonuwer for holding and applying the Runds,unnually anulyxing the e.�Taw acraunt,or <br /> ^ " �•� �verifying the Bccrow Iter�cs,uniecs�.ender pays Borrower interest an the Funds wid applicable law permits fl.ei+der w make such � -' <br /> ,. - <br /> " ,� . ,�ti A chuge. However. I.ender may requirr Barrower ta pay a one-time charge for an independent real es�ate tax reponing service � <br /> '! :f? usod by Lender in connectian with this loan, unles.g applicable law providcs dherwlse. Unless un agrcemeat is m;�ie or _ <br /> -- �� ` '}'' , • <br /> , applicable law requircs in(ere:�t ta t+N paid. L.ender shall not bc required to puy Borrower any interes�or earnings on the E'unds. <br /> � ,� , Borrower and l.cndcr:nay pgrec in wrlting. however. that intercst shall be paid on the Funds. Lender shall give to Borrnwer. _ <br />'=!%'!r 4r� wfthout charge, an annual accountiog of the Funds, showing credits and dehits to the Funds and the purpose for which each <br /> ;., <br /> .s��::.«wf. � _ <br /> =� ___.:-.....:.-----�.--. � deb;t t�the Funds wa�nir�de.The Fund�are pledged r�x addi�ionel securi�y for aU sums secured by thia Security lnstrument. <br />.:;;,.�'• E�''f��,,r'. [f the Funda held by l.ender e:tcecd 1he amounts permitted to b:held by ap�►licahlc laK�,1.ender shall acccwnt to Borrower _ <br /> '� :�'��;��:� for the etcecs Fundc in nccordance with the requirements of upplic�bl8 law. li'the amount or the Funds held by L.ender ut eny <br /> :. �:., <br />^;.��� {�'� time is no1 sufficient ta pay the Escrow ltcma whe�e due,Lender may so notify Borrower ir►a•riting.end,in such case Horrower _ <br /> �' chall pay to L.ender thr amaunt necessury tu make up Ihe deliciency. Borrower shull nwlce up the de�cleticy in no more than <br />"'�,';�• f��� „w;;�, � twelve mamhly paymems,ot Lencier'x soie discmtion. _ <br />_:�;:� '.�: • , Upon payment in fhll of all xums secured hy this Security Intitrument, Ixnder shall promptly refund to Borrower uny a. <br />- Funds held by I.ender. If,under puragraph 21,Lender shall acquire or sell the Propeny,[.ender,pr�or ta the acquisition or sale = <br /> ��_� ,+ � af the Propeny.shall apply any Funds held by L.ender ut the time af acquisition or aole as a credit ogain5t the sums secured by <br />'�r ,�:s J:y;:• ' . this Security Instcument. �' <br /> ,,, <br /> 3.ApplicAtion o4 Pnyinents.Unless npplicuble law provides otherwise,�U payments received by l.ender under psirngraphs E <br /> _� _ ' . �+'>� . � <br /> • I and 2 shull be npplied: first, to any prepayment charges due under Ihe Note; second,to amounts payable under parwgrnph 2; � <br /> .,,:.. �"" interest due;fourth,to prin�i�pal due;und last,to any lutc chArges due under the Note. �_ <br />-"�'�• � 4.Charges; I.kns. Bormwcr ahnll pay a11 tnxes,assessments,charges, fine�und impnsitinns uttributable to the Property 6 <br /> ��i'.- I which may attain priarity over this Security lnurumenl, and leasehnld paynknts or ground rents, if any. Barrower sh�ll pay � � <br /> __ ,,� <br /> these obligutions in th�manner provided in pura�vsip�h 2,or iP not paiJ in that manner, &irn�w•cr sball puy th�ne on dme d'+r�cdy ��,, <br /> � to the person owed payment. 8orrower shall pmmplly furnish to L.ender ul)noti�rs of umounts to bc puid under Ihis parrFraph. Y'�; <br /> ' ,�� .:.�.a`'• � ' It Burnower nwkes these a ments dirrctl Borrower shall rom tt �furnish to Lender rer�i•�iti evidencin the a ments. �'` <br /> P Y Y� P i� 5 . 8 p Y _: <br /> � • •�++�ti �-� � BoROwer shall prompdy die:harge Any licn whirh has prioriiy over thi�S�:curity Imtrument unless Borrower. (a►ugreea ln - <br />. ,,�,:• writing to the payment uf the obligntion secured by the lien in a manner uccepluble tu I.endcr; lb)r.ontetils in goal Paith the lien ��. <br /> • a' by, or defenda aguinst enf'arcement af the lien in, legul prnreeding� which io �he l.�nJer's opinion operutc to prevent the -- <br /> " �,: �_" <br /> � "� F�'� enforcement of thc lien;or(c)securet from the holdcr of the lien an agreemem sntisfuctory to LenJer aubondinuting the lien to °'` <br /> • �`'�'���''��a:,, this Sccurity In4trument. If l.endcr determines that uny pun of ihe Pro�rty ix suhj�tit to u licn which muy uttuin pri��rity uvcr � <br /> .�; ..rP� _ r�,h,;'I,t�X•:.� <br /> ;.�.�� .,it������4;*`•�, this Sccuriry Instrument, l.enJer�nuy gi+e&�rn��ver u nnlice icicnuf��ing the lirn. &irruwe►.hall rutisl'y the lien or tuke one or � <br /> � :".� ' �;� more of the sctions set forth ubove withln 1U dayx of the giving of notirc. �!- <br />- 'r��?'�—��, iorm 3028 81�0 ` <br /> ;�,'t'; .+::�� v.q.a oi s �.- <br /> S +r,•,i.�,.sp r�. <br /> '�i��!�T�4'.'• '�. <br />, (�..�� :�n�y�.! . <br /> '��!t5,�••f.�`1��['•.` ��. <br />_ . I;�,�t5'�� � -.. �.. �. <br /> ��1 � �i)J� �'.. Y'Z ''' . 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