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-1= �' �� � .4Y' ''' , " _"�•.— <br /> .�S � _ __ _ --- _ • -- <br /> � . <br /> . .; ��.� - <br /> . , - <br /> . � .. •,�, ., <br /> ,� ��•� .V� � - - __-- -_ - - -- - _,_ ..�. <br /> __� .._>.��rF��,� � 0 <br /> d. fYtird or 14ape�iy la�ae�noe. &xmwer �lul1 Ic�ep �ho Impmvcmano naw oaiwi't�� hae�ft� .�i� on tUe <br /> Propaty i�urod�airw locr�by flro, Iwardr inrlwloJ wi�hin tho�crm �QR1�IIdOd QOVCii�Q"and any dher huards. inc�udin4 <br /> Oaods cx Oa�it�. for which Lender roquirea insu�.This inwrance hlwll bc maintoleod in�he amnunts wd fat the perloda <br /> Ihiq l.aider roquircs. nK i�w�.�m���m��i�iiny ihc inwraan�sFwll he cM+sen by&►mnwc�r�ubjoct�o Lc�ter'a�ppmval <br /> �►vhkh�liall mt be u�orw�uibly wi�hheld. If&�truwer f�11a to mainu�n coverage dcsc�ibed�bove. I�ander n�y. �t I.ander'� <br /> -- upian.�buio mvca�e ta�xnta9 l.rater'�Hghte in ihe Pmpaty in�cttxJa�x�c wllh puAgmph 7. <br /> All i�sudu�oe policia�nd ren�walo siwll he aoceptoblo to Lender�nd s�hall ioclude w�t�rd mixt�yRe ciwss. l.ender <br /> - ctwll hwve�ho d�ht tn h�►Id thc pnlicia�and naiewale. It l.rnder nqui�s.Bornnwu�hall pmmptly give ta l.rndrr dl nxeipts ef <br /> r�-��----��' P�P�iuo�y An�i rcraw�l n�wi��e.v,ln dw evem uf lu�.B►►m�wer shrll�{ive pnnnpt nwiar w iiw iosunuwae.�ie►�r�J La�der. �-_ <br /> I.a�der nn�y m�ke pmM of lasn if�t m�de pramplly by Ik►nawer. <br /> �; U�lesa t.�a�dcr and Borr�nwar ahcrwico a�roe in�w�iting.inwnu�ee proceods sholl be,ppliod lo restaration nr repair af the <br /> _ Prr�pchY d�m�ed, if the mstaralian or re�ir ic oaim►mically fe�sible and Lender'a sav�ity is na�lessenod. If tha rcsfor�lian ar <br /> aep�i�is oat 000m►mically ta�sible or Lende�'s socu�ity wauld be lesseood.tho insurnnce pmcoode shall be Appliod ta the sum� <br /> caurod by thic Secu�ity I�uln�menl, whethe�or nat then due. with any e�ccas paid to Borrower. If Barrow@r�band�mr the <br /> — - -_- - NropcnY•ur docs�at wawer wuhit�3u�ys�ncwi��e from l.ender thut the ituu►nnre a►nier huw u(1'et�i t��aeule a rlpim. �hen �- <br /> - Lendcr rtwy rnlloct the inwrance proc�oods. Lcnder m�y ucc the prooeeds to rcpair o� restore the Property or w p�y wmc <br /> -* �ocurod by tbis Sa�u�ity Insirument.whether ot�at It�en dne.The 3U�day period will begin when�hc ratice is given. <br /> - Unless Lender and Bnrmwer wM�wise�ee in anitinsg. any �ppli�ation of pra.-oeds w principal �lwll no[ extend or <br /> _ postpone Ihe duo datt of the ntonihlY paYme�us rcferred to in puagrs�hs 1 and 2 ar ch�ge tM+�mouM of the paymet�ts. If -- <br /> �� u�der p�r�gtaph 21 the P►opetty is aoquirod by Lendcr.Barnwer':right to�r inwr�nee policies iud pr000eds rcwlling from - - <br /> - - -- -,- - dAnWt¢to the Pr+apertY prior to Ihe acquisition sball pi►ss to l.aider w tbe extent of 1h sum�sewrod bY this Savrily lintn�a�e��t �rT;:: <br /> -ri�i.'- - =y i�miediately prior to the acquisi�ion. (�;i,�r-� <br />-. � �_' 6.Oocu�wocy.Prrserv�tioo.l�WMeaancs and Pratectton ot tl�PropeAy;Bono�rer'� Applk�tioa;I.c�,iwWe. — <br />- Bornower shnll ocrupy,�lish,and use the Propeny�s Borrower's principul rcsidenoe within siary days aRer the c�ecv�ion of �. <br />,..: this Secu�ity Instrumrnt and sfwll cauinue to occupy the ProFerty as Bomow�er's princip�l residenee for u law ane yrrr after <br />��ti{;"� �:y:r��j. Rhe date of oocup�ncy.unles�L�eMer olhervvise og�oe�en wriling.which consent sfwll not be un�rasonably wiW�eld.or unless �:" <br /> . �YS'•� �«;;-. <br /> � � �xtrnuating circumstances exist which � beyand ttumawer's ooutrol. Bortuwe� rhall nat destroy. danr�ge or impair the E.,.,v <br /> PropeRy. allnw the Properiy to deteriorwe, or coounit a�aste nt�the Prapehy. &�rrower shall be in default if any forfei�ure '�'° <br /> �r �,;. k action or prooading,whettKr oivil or criminal, is be�un that in�der's good Paith judgment could result in Porfeiture of Uee =� <br />• PropeAy os ottierwise materially impuir tf�lien c�tod by this Security (nstrument or Lender's security intercst. Borrower may - <br /> . ,,:f�. _- <br /> __., �+` c.-��such a default and reins�te.�provided in pu�agraph 18,by c,wsing the acti�x+ur prcx�eeding to be dismissed with a nding �,=- <br /> � ahat. in Lender's goad f:►ieRi ckterminatinn, pnxlu�es t�arfei�urc of the B�wruucr'. iu�erest in the Propeny or other materia) �c;-;�,` <br /> �t�?1�ti� ,nnya�mient af the lien cre�t�Y,O by thiQ Seruriry Instrun�nt ar Lende�s sNCUrity interrst. Bc�tmwer shall also be in default if ""_" <br /> .;'!�,. ' ti°;?`It 0arrower,clurirt�e 1he loun applicAtion pri►c•��.�,gave materially folx c�r i�cur.�te information or s�atements to Lender(or f;ce[c-�1 <br /> a.A�,.f.,. <br />�;•,.;. : �� �:;:.. • ta provide Leni�r with eny muterial inforn�ation)in connection with t�ae kv�n evidenced by the Nde, including.but nat limeaar�9 -_ <br /> �'�`��" •� �� �� . t�,re resentotions conecrnin Bomower's occu of the Pn n as s� rincf residence. If this Securit Instrument is on a �'��` <br /> ., ., ra� P S P�Y ►Pe Y P P� Y �r�, <br /> --:�.' r,:,;,,�,, � tcsnehold, Borrower shall comply with all the provixi+inF of the lease. If &xrower xquires fee tiUe to U�e Propeny, the ,,,. <br />:.:;;'',•. ��"�" Ye�ehold and the fee titla s7uali not merge unlesx I.end�P a$mes to�he merger in wriaing. ��:." <br />'�'=`;`t ' : �.,., 7.ProtecUon ot I.eader's Righl.v In the Propeny.lf&rrrowcr fails to pciform the covenants and agreements contained in "�'' <br /> � " �_ , this Secur�ry Instrumenl,ur there is a legal ptnreeding thut muy signifirandy ufPect Lender's rights in the Propeny (such as a :�;:�. <br /> _ procoeding in bankniptcy, probate, for�rondemnution ar Forfeimre or to enforcc laws or rcgulatic►ns). then Lendrr moy do ond g�`;` <br /> �sit�� ''� pay far whatever is r�eces�ary to pmtecl Ihe volue of the Propeny und I.ender'.ri�hts in the Propehy. l.ender's actions may �rr^� <br /> '��'}�%j include in an sum� securcd b a lien which has riorit over �his Serur;¢ Instrument. A �!�"r <br /> PaY 8 Y Y P Y Y PP�n� in court. pnY��R <br /> „�„ •. �- ,.j°"� � �;� rrasonable anomeys'fecs nnd entering a�Ihe Propeny to muke repairs. Although Lendcr muy�nJce uction under this �wra�raph E:.�:. <br />--- '''� �g � �k,;t�'r'�'"��';t 7.I.ender dces na have to do sa. <br /> •-- �.� .. <br /> v� y. Any amcwnts disbutx�d by LcnJrr uodcr thir pnrograph 7 xhull 6ec�.mr additional debt of Bormwer secured by this �.s;`� <br />., v<< �� , �. �' xe <br />,-�.f,; '° ! • 5ecurity Insuument. UnFes. Borrower and L.endcr u�ree to�ithcr tcrms of pnyinent, thcse amounts zhall bc:u inter�t from the <br />_ � ��� clate of diabursement ut if� Nute ratc and shull be payablc. with imenest, up�m a.�iicc from Lender to Borr�wer requesting -''�= <br /> -:q: . '-=Y'.� ' payment. �:�� <br />_\�. � �:'.• 8.Mortgage Insurance. If I.end.r required mongage insurance u.�a rundi�inn uf muking tha loun secured by�his Security -_ <br /> _ �_ :;r•�•�•� lostrument, Borrowcr shull pay the premiums requirod to muintoin the im�rtgnge insurance in el'fect. If, for eny reason. the �� <br />_� F `'"� mortgage insurence c�werage rcquired hy Lender lupses nr ccaties�o be in eftect, Bnnower sha11 puy the premiums requfred to �"�''`� <br /> � :���..•�� . <br />::`��'" '��``''` ` oWain rnver� e subslunti.vl�y e uivaleM to the mort a^. msumnce reviousl m e(fecl,ut u ri�st subsmntia43r. � mivalent to the ' <br /> � •.�{cc, ,ti, ►�$ 9 � -'� P Y � �l _�s�._:: <br />�" • rost to&�rrower of thz mon a e inxur►acr rcvioucl in effec�, from an ultemutc rix�n u c �n,urer a n�ved b Le�xter. lf :°;;r. <br />��-" � ti,��ti`,. B B P Y R F' � Pp Y <br /> _ ' `" :�-��I�'�`-�;� substanti��ly �c�uivalent monFagc insu�ance covcrugc ix rKri uvniluM�, &�m�wcr shall p•ry t��l.cncicr cuch month a wm cyua!tt� -- <br /> r'-"�''?• �-�'.;,,� .:'i{�jy�� one-twelfth of�he yeurly mongaqe imur�nre prcmium heing puiJ Ny W�rmwcr whcn the in,uranrc roverugc lapseci i►r ceiue d to ' <br />���•`• � ����' .crr.�•:�'�'a h e i n e f f e c t. L.e n d e r w i l l accep t,u�e n n d rr tnin�h e+e puyments u� a In�s reservr ir. li�u o t' mortgabe insuranrc. Lnws resen�c '••��� <br /> _ t ,-��', y�;.,,; r:.., <br /> .r�•.i��{'�t ,�.,. <br /> _ '. ` ,'•;''? � Form 3028 81gp ,�; <br /> , •� <br /> :; � ::�:,, �'�,;F� -�_ <br />-e�}..},� �( . `.�, 1�`,.t� Pp�3 0l6 �•G•_. <br />.r�lU�". 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