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����..1 •�'f�.r(r � ' . ,"°`��i*�---r <br /> � � . <br /> . � <br /> i � � .. . ; .., . . <br /> -'_—._. '�.1• :n..,-✓.,,v.'� -.-. . .. _�- - — -� - ---- --- - <br /> - -- - T00�7'H8R WI77��11 U�o improvanema now or he�reaRer etected on Ihe Prapert!',and�nT•����� adf <br /> 8�uu�es now or Ixralter a pwt oi Iha ptnpe�ty. All npiroemnxs and �dditians sh�ll v� be anvorod by Ihi� 5�utiry <br /> -�---- forwn�ent.All of tl�Ca�e�oiag ix rofcmod�o in�his Security Inansm�t a+�thc"Property.' — <br /> BOItROWER t�OVENAN7'�Ifut Bomoa�a ia l�wfully seised ot the eclpte hereby oanveyad�nd(w�tha d�ht to Q�aiu�nd <br /> oonvey Iho Propeny aad thu tlw Proporty i�unra�cumbe�ed,exap for rncumbrmoes af oeaonf. Bamnw+��wanwpa and will <br /> deleod�enerally tlw titk w�he ProperiY�g�in�t�II cl�ims and detnand�.swbjocl to any encumbnu�ccs of rarrd. <br /> -°� — THIS° UR17'Y INS'fRUM6NT a►mbi�xs unifbrm oave�antc far national use nnd oonwnifarm oaven�nu wilh limilod <br /> vaeiult�by ju�isdictian to constitute s unifami secu�ity inctnimeot oovering rc,al pmpcKy. <br /> :.- --�-------� UMFQRM COVENANT3.Bc►rrowerand l.endcroovcnont and Agroe ac follows: � <br /> 1. P�yma�t of PN�ctpd and lata+es� 11�ep�yment and 1.Ate Cluirges. Bomnwer ehall Prompt�Y PAY when duo Ihe <br /> - �' p�it�cip�l af�nd inletCSt on the debt evidenood by the Notc and unY prepuYmeiu and latc clu�rgcs due unde�the Nate. <br />�.�.��:" 2. I+Yu�dn for Tazrs�ad Inwranoe.Subjat ta appliaible law ar to a writtcn waiver by Lender. 8am►wer shall pa�y lo - <br /> , � I.ender on Iha day monthly p�yma�[s+u�e due w�der the Nde,u�tl tl�e Nae is p�W in full.a sum('Fundc')for:(A)yCiUIY(AxCi <br /> -- �nd asscssmcnts which may att+�a priaity over this Savrit�r�nstrument ais a li�en on Ihe PropeNy:lbl yearly IeaFehnld pAymealc <br /> -.:-�_ - ----- -- or grotem!mtt�est tts�4�rnperty.4f•_•w���►v.�..�ly h��sed�x�rr,�e�ty in�uranne Q�emira�c:ld)yearly flood inautancc promiums. =- <br /> if�ny: le)Ye�t1Y moKgage insurmoe prenwwp►s,ik'any:ard(�any sums payable by &►rrower tn Leader. i�uccardc+nce wf�h <br /> - the pmvlsion�of puagraph 8, in iicu of�he �ymeret of mong�ge inn►rroce prea�iums•These items ure called"Esctwx Ite�m.` - <br /> -- - Lender may. at any time. rnllect�ci I�oW Fua�d; am�an aar�oat na to eaceod �lie maximum amount a lender fbr a �de�lly <br />_�-"" rclotecf mongage Ic�n may require for Bomoa•er x escma.n.�ccr�e�p under the fodersd Rea! F.sute Setikmenl Pro��odums A,ct of =- <br /> �:_ <br /> �'�'� ` 1974 ss�xlod imm time to time. 12 U.S.C.Soction ��ht�t rr seq. ('RESPA"1,udess anaher laar that applies ta the Funds �.__.. <br /> �"" sets a lesser anwunt. �f so. Le�der �ny Nme. collect and hold Fu�rr�s in an sm�ount not W eaooed the lesser amoud. __-• <br /> ''=7 � <br />---._ — - -�er may es��nu�i�r the trnaunt oi Fw�s duc a-�tiic b�sis of cumem data and trascmabie exim�t��N rx��� dwcs u t��c �:,:- <br /> � Fscrow Items or otherwise in a�.�eo�da�e witb ivppficable law. i� �' <br /> ' �` �,�?�r;� , ,. The Funds slwll be held ia An inqitutic�n whose depc�sits are insured by a federal agency, imtn�menwlity. or entity - . <br /> . ep s �, <br /> , • '�.�` ��:: (including l.e�der.if Lender is sucli un ios�aau�5.on)or in any Federal Nomc Loan Bw�k.I.ender shnll ppply the Funds 10 pay the <br /> �j�;: �-_' <br /> A���..:'' Esc►ow Items.Le.nder may not charge 8c�ac�wer t'nr holding sud applying the Funds.annuWly analyr�n�the escrow xcount,or <br /> `��%��� verifying the Esrrow Items,unless Lende�p:a�����rtower intereu on the Funds and applicYble law perne+t,dxnier to make such �� <br /> -- s', <br /> :r • a charge.However. Lender may require Borr+�•we: to pny a one-time charge for an irnfependent rcal estate�ax repotting servlce � <br /> • `+�,:! used b� le�der in connectian wiqi� this loan, unlc�ss aFplicuble IAw provides dhenvfse. Unless an agrcement is nwdc or �� <br /> I�cuble law uire�interest tc�4*c d Lender shall n�x br r uired to Borrower an interest or eurnin s un the IFunds. °_`= <br /> _ app' req pa► . P9 PnY Y F• �-:: <br /> - Borrowcr and I.ender:iwy agtee in writing, hawever, thaa c�+tencst shall be paid on the Fwds. l.cnder r.hall give ta faurcvwer, �:.'-- <br />---= without charge, an:�nouul accounting of the Fuadx, siawing crafits and de6its to the Funds and the pu�r,e fur w�irP�each `-,`�" <br /> - - dchii to itk Fur.ds tis;.-,�de.77tr t�r.ds sre p��c?e.s!as nG4�:t^rs�!sccurily!'c+s$1!Sumc cecured by thlc�ru�7cy lnstrur+aent. <br /> ,. � ,.�4..;. If the Funds held by l.en�r ex�_�eed the etnount�perroiiti��J tu be held by applicablc law. l.ender shall accouat a*iBwrowrr ���,. <br />� r�+ ..���'�':�yi=, for the eacess Funds in ncrnnl:w�ce with thz requirements ol'applicable law. If the wnount of the Funds heW b�•l.ender at any � <br /> '` ' ��`�i4Y r�t`��� time is not sufficien�to a the Escr�nw Itemswhen due,L.ender mu so no�if &imnwer in writing,and,in sueh case Earn�wer .lrt <br /> ,r.l y .Y P Y Y Y <br />_��,;�',�' `..y � •�l�tk���' �",�°r shall pay to Lende�the amount riec�csary ta m�l;e up the deficiettcy. Borrower slwll make up ti�deliciency in no more than ��: <br />� �. 1..� • t"�'�` twelve monthly payments,at Letxl��ti sole discretion. �"`- <br /> r, : f ', rl,f(;t . -- <br />_ '� ,� Upon payment in full of al� .umti u�cured by this Secu�ty Ins�rument, l.eixier shall promptly ►efund to eorrower any � <br /> `�_�•.,� �d��'al;�' � 1 � Funds held by l.ender.lf,under puragr�ph 21. lxnder shull arquitr or sell the Property.Lender,prior to the acquisition or sale <br /> ` _ 'j��` of the Propeny, shull apply any Funds hcld by Lender ut�he time of acqu�srtion or�le us a crndit ugainst the sums securod by ' <br />=•;>�,� �'- <br /> i <br /> .-�i�J"' thic 5ecurity Instrument. ,r <br /> }�'� ' 3.Appllcadon ot Paymeats.Unless upplicable luw provide+othcrwi+e,ull payments reccived by L.ender under parag�phs ��� <br /> -�°'�' ' ! �nd 2 sh�ll bc a lfcd: Frst, to a� m mrnt char e5 due nnder the Note; se�nncl,to anxx:nts a ebEe nnder a ►a h 9; <br /> -;•;��•, A; ,�y,—�° PP 1 P P�3 S • P Y P �S P ";_ <br /> ' �.�..�..l, �. <br /> ='L . ��.�. third,ta interest due;fourth,to p�irnipal due:and lust,to any late churges due under Ihe Note. <br /> r{(�� l.,il' j <br /> ,��!?� 3' Q' 4•ChaBes; Liens. Borrowc�shall pay All Iaxes,u,scstin�ents, charges, finex and impositions uttributable to�he Pmpeny � . <br /> ::�r!!'4��kf which may atls►in p�oriry over this Secutity Im+�n�ment. und lea.�ehold paA•mentti or ground rents, if nny. Borrower shall pay ° <br /> ,,.�:�';' � <br /> , �t,r these obligatiuns In�4�r munne�provided in�:arn:r,�ph 2,nr if not paiJ in tU�a�manner. &�rrower shnll pn�•them an time direc�ly r� <br /> ' °" w th.. oti.ed a�ment. Unitro�cer shalt r•am tl�fumi�h h�l.ender aU nottees of nmountt h�he ,�id under Ihic ara ra <br /> — Y <br /> 1k p 1 P A 5 r r S {�� �. <br />°- �i f��, If Borrower mokes thexe paymeiet><{irectly, Bnrmwer shn94 pr.�mptly furnish to lxnder receipts eviJencing the p:�yments. �`� <br />__ '`�"' : ;, Rnrmwcr shull pmmptly discharge any licn whirh hac pri+xity uver this S�tiurity Inxwment unless Borrower:(u)ugrees in <br /> t ' '` w�iting lo thc payment of the obUga�iun xrured by�he licn in v nwnncr acceptable to[.cnder.(b)contests in gooJ fufth the lien �- <br /> - •,;." •'.Y <br />• ..;.,���1� by, ur defends aguinst enforccmem u1' the licn in, legul pnx��edings whirh in �Ik L.cnder's apinion operotc to prevent 1he �4 <br /> �e�.. <br />~` r r�, `k enforcement o(the lierr i�r Ic1 secures from thc hi�ldcr ol'the lien un ugrern�ent xutisfactory tu l.cixler sulwniinating thc lien to ='_` <br />�? ,�tt�r�: a c this Seeurity Instrument. It'l.e�.lcr determine+ dwt Lny pan�►f�hc Propeny i+ xubjeci�n �lien which may a�win priority cwer � <br /> ` �'� ��vc'�! ' this Securit Instrumen�, Lrnder ma ivc Barr��wcr�nutirc identif i.��thc lirn. B��rrn��cr.hall,utisf thc licn u�trke onc or <br /> "� :�:,., ..:+, t: Y Y B 3''•b Y <br /> � �. ��..:''�'i�';�; . more of�he actions se�fonh abuve wi�hin 10 duy�af the givinu ol'n�xicc. <br /> T. '•. .�"",�' ���a�� Form 3028 9190 <br />_�Y:��'.`�; �,� ;)rJ",!��`'!�';N . <br />- 'a1�j� �~�i�t{r'r,3St��•�:�'��" oX1�1o16 . <br /> ..�++ S.tJf��AF�'e�����'��t v <br />`6:+1,. �j'_��'j��?� l.�4TT.0• �` . <br />;";� •,�c.r ;;�i� ���.iM:� �. <br /> ��` '" s � f „ r M��;n . � �,:�:,,i4 �. <br /> !�r��r:�. ��� � . .�' . .}a`� :f5 t.��'��-i ' ����r��'�1�1'"f�-'�(,�4� ���,•y:�.�l�wt� �j��,1��.r,v� <br /> S'�{; 4rit ':1 Y;�f. �. ,` � �,� +' •� � !�• '.�+, i' �, _ 1.� �F t!.: �.�r� - � <br /> i .�f. •� r� , �S. .i vl ) 1�5}1 t � � •-,� �. � '�S��.i �' f� .r��y��'i ��.1'���i�.��-- <br /> ..Y :?.(� - '�..� E� . , I�'�.:� �!•�6 ,tj ).J�jr 5�.Fi ' ���• _. ,. . _ , �' � i . 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