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`�f 1' �i _�S•."�..A� a . ,� ;7.-I ,. . <br /> • .s. t�.y�=.Vr <br /> . ,.�j . .� .�.:.,,.,� r � � . � <br /> 5: <br /> _ . .� F - -_. � �- --- <br /> . • �.____ . .� -- ------- ._. _.-- . <br /> p�ymonU,which uo rotemed ta in P+�n�rs�h ctw��e the�unt af wch p�ymdlft� Any�/��aver An <br /> .� amoum�oqui�od to p�y dl out�t�nMn�ind�e6te�en under the Nou and thi�Securiry Incuument.hall be p�id a�ho aatf�y <br /> io�Uy aNillod thaeto. <br /> R. Fba� I�onder may collect I'ees ad cfur�es wlhariud by the 5eaoetary. <br /> 9. �rouad�Ibr AcoeNratlo�o�Debi. <br /> (U pehuil. I,ender m�y.eacep o flmitod by n�ulrtlana iccuod by tho Se��t�uy in�hc c+roo of p�ymau dei�ulu, <br /> roquiro immodl�tepayment in fbll of dl wms�ecwod by ihia Sxu�iry lnswment if: <br /> ''��-- -- — (i)Ba�ower defiultc by f�iiin�to p�y in full aay mcmUdY pwymeot roquired by tbic Sccurity Insdumant prlor <br /> 1.: to ar on the due d�te of�ho next roomhly payment.or - <br /> lii)Bonower defalts by faiNn��tar a period uf thiny d�yc,lo perfam any wher ublis�tian:canu�ined 10�hi� = <br /> Socu�ity IncmuneM. - <br />-}=� lb)Swle Witl�ouf Craltt Approval. I.ender s1u11.if pem�itted by applic�bk Ipw end with the piar�pproval of tha _ <br /> '�" — — Soa�cury.roquiro immodinM p�yrncnt in fldl uf dl the aums securod by thic Sacudry Inuuument if: <br /> (i)a�ll or pan of the Prope�ty.w a be�eticid imc�est in a t�uc�owoin�dl or part of�he sold or <br /> --_�-=_=�+� otherwiso tnnstrnM(othar than by Aevlca or desccM)by the Hamower.and = <br /> -_ -- l;i)1'ho Pn��rtY iR not nccupierl hy the jwirob�rer nr Erantm wa hi�er her princip�l raxidea�e.or�he punchase� _ <br /> -• ""�� ar gnotoe does so accupy tho Propetty 6ut hia or her crodil hac nw been approved in acconlance - ° <br />— -��,= arith tM reyuiraments of the Seemuuy. <br />-__ .,.�_ (c)No Watvay: !f circumstances occur that would pc�mit Lender to rcquioe immediate p�ymeM in futl.but l.e�der __- <br />_�,. does not i�a suchpsyments,Lender daos not waive its�ighta witp rcspect to subsaquent events. _ <br /> -' (d► d NUD Sece�etuy. !n many ci�umstwnces mgula�bna issued by tha Secnetary will limit I.ender's _ <br />_r.i:,�,. � ri�ts. ia the c�►se of payment deiwl�s. torequirc immediaue payment in full and fareclose if not d 71us =-- <br /> Sawity In�w�a�u doa not�wl�orize accele�tion or faeclosw�e if not pertnilted by�cgul�ions of�hC.�. <br /> s °� - - fe)i1�ri��t��i�-•�i. Sarsu�tt agre:s t�st slmseM tleis Srceerity l�trttar_nt a�!thr notr�tcured�Ae�by e�ot =.- <br /> •.��� .. n.! � tllgible fcx iR�l�e�mrck1' lhe NYdolls) Housie$Ael wilhiD � 1110 t !•Si ���� �"� <br /> =��:� s..:,.. <br /> c�ate hexeaf lxnder ma�.a�its option ard notwithstw�ding any�hing in Paragrap���,rcquire immedlate p�yme�r.e in - <br /> 'jr� fuU of all suun�.c secured by this Security Inshument. A written statement of any autlarized agent of the Secretary �.-� <br /> t�, �"_. <br />_: .r� c�� , dtued subs�,;,w:nt to 8 t� from�dAte hereof,declining to ir�wte thi:Securiry � <br />- ° , . lnswmenr,.ua:.'the nWe secure�thercby.slwl!be deemed rnnclusive proof of such incligibiliiy. Notwi�hstw�diag -- <br /> �• thc faegoi��„this option may rat he cxercfsed by Len�ier when U� wwvailability of insurmcc ic sokly due to -�-- <br /> '�derk tailurc to remit a mongage insurance premium to�he Secre�ary. �".'- <br /> � .. IlO. Relashtea�en� Horrower has a right to be rcinstatod if l.ender hns requircd immodiate paymcnt in full becuusc <br />_�,,;.,: of Qotrower� failw�+:to puy An amount due un�r the•Nde or this Securiry Inswment. 71�is �ight applies even after <br /> faecloaum procced'angs arc insti�utod. 7b �einti�ate the Security Instrument. Borrower shall lender in a lump sum ell --- <br /> . ' 'amounu rcquircd ta bring Bomowerk account eum:nt including,to the exant they ere obligations of Borrower under this --- <br /> T.,.. ' Secu�ra�nr Insaument.forcclosurc cocts and rca.�ona4Nk and customary uttomeys'fees and expemes y Assaciated wilh <br /> : g ��;;!:�h:-� t h�f a:�c l o s u r e p r o c e e d i ng. U p o n rc i n s t a t e m e t u Q�y S o m o w e r,t h i s S e c u r i ty instrumeM a n d�.t+� li getions�hat it secyars __: <br />�" �"•' •`� ' �'��� ahsiG7C Pernain in et�ect as if Lender had not reyui�ed immedi:ue paymem in f ull. Hawever.4'.w�der is nat rcquircd to pe�ciniu �'°�` <br /> `+""''� �' ' ��,',�,�,',+� � r�ir+s7ate+nent if: (i) l.ender hes accepted �in�ta�ement s�i'ter�he commencement of forec8acure proceedings withm awc� �`�� <br />�'=}l� a;, ';�•'+��"�`•'•� ' yeais immediatrly pcuceding the commencement af a cument fareclasuc� �roceeding, iii) nein�tatement will preeluclr �-, <br />-='�{�;`.�.��• `���'' farecloswe on di6t�r�c:ie grounds in 1he fuwre,or liii)r�einsuuement will adr•e�ely affect tt�priority oP the lien create�by <br /> .-.,rs ,;:��;s`,r.�• rr��,"• � .�.�, <br /> � � .'r,: .. �hfs Secutity Inswmant. <br /> ;};,�•,.,:�, .,.., <br /> _ ��'��9 � H 1. Borrower No� Released; ForbearAnce b� Leader �ot a Waiver. Extensi4�n of �he dme of paymena ��r �""' <br />_.�p ,�,�„ .tp m�oci��i�atian of amo�tfu+tion of the sums recured by�hig SeouQaza 1nRt�ument granted bv L��ader to any auccessor in interest �:= <br /> �n. � ,�� •,��f� af borrower shall not opemte to releu+e the liab6lity oP�he orig�nul Borrowe�or Borra�wcr:c successor in interest. I.ender <br /> •e .; <br /> -_ "'`'�'�',�,,,;;,,'� ahall not be required ro commence proceeding�sl;�ainwt anY 4ucceswr in interest or rc6ase to excend�ime for payment or � <br /> , Mixrwise modify amortiuition of�he sums sce�a��ec�by th�s Securi�y Ins�rument by �ason of uny demand made by the ,'` <br /> � �'•'�': t� ori inAl Borrower or Borrower's succesr,ars ia inuerest. An forbeurnnce b l..ender in exerciain an ri ht or remed shall , <br /> �,. - -__-- "\�{�;-- • a.r hr a wnivrr of or pmclude Ihe cxercicr of rn}riQht or remedv. y B Y E Y ��' <br /> �'� • 92. Successors qnd Asslg�s @ouad:Jd�w�and Several Llqbillly:Co•Signers. T��coveaants and egroements of �-��` <br /> �,.. . � <br /> � � „ '. this Security Insuument shall bind und l+e�eic ahe successors nnd assigns of Lcmckr wed 6V.�rrower.�ubject lo the provisions <br />��• .t i,. j•� �� of Piuugraph 9.b. Borrowerk covenuntx or�d :�reemem+ tiholl be jomt an.� sevPtal. Any Borrower who casigns thi� <br /> :;.„• �,:. ���+',• ��' <br /> ;._'�� t�,�• . .� ••;��;•�, . Security Inshument but does not e�ecute the Nute: (n1 ix co-signing thi, S�ti•�rity Inctrumem only to moAgage,grant und ;,3��. <br /> ` `i'� s'"h��r;.;`,>:��,+�;;;' canvey Ihat Borrowerk interesi in the Prnpeny under�he tcrms oi this Securiry Mstn�menf:lb)is no1 personu0y obligated ta <br /> ,,,;� ►�1!'=�. <br />��-•�:- �•�f � pny thr aomg+ecured by thic Sreaaai�y Insuumcm:nnd Irl ugrer,�hnt l.ender and uny otftrr$orrower may ogree to exteiwl. ,- : <br /> ' " •a�"i:�,,'� - <br />_ >..� 7�,.4, _���'' modi(y,fort�ear or moke any accommadations wi�h regurd ta IP�e rem�s of thiti Securiry In«oumenl or the Note withuue ehaa �_ <br /> �:' ..- ���•�.�r.;�..'� Borrowerk conscnt. <br />_ � .��.;�.,.., �.., <br /> -•�• • '�'•a'� f�`�''{', 13. Notices. Any notice to BoRawcr provided for in this Securiry Mstrument�hull bc given by dclivering it or by <br />- Ci^�'Y(`'". 1�'�(, <br />_ �� � '�i�'.:��' J• , mailing it by tirst class mail unless nppficuble law reyuire.r use of unaher method. The ndice xhAll be directed to tht �'.0 <br />�'� �� ` � �' ' propeet Addrcss ar un other address Born►wer detii nate.b notice to Lendcr. An n��ti�e to Lender�hall be rven b Y� <br /> ,, ._ `._ ;l,,�?a�' Y Y B Y Y F Y <br /> -�e' �r��:.,,`'�,,?(�,u'}ti.� fiist�aass mail to Lendert udd�t..ytated herein or:uiy acbtress Lender Jesignale. by nrnice to Bumower. Any notice "`= <br /> ��� �'�'+-.,: ��i�cJ for in this Securily Inyr,eu�v::�u+hall he decmcJ�o lu��becn given to Burmwer o�l.ender when given ux provided <br /> - .� S�M:::'� • �n 1d�.�acagmph. <br />_` ` ' Y�I. Go�ernin�Lpw;SeverabUit,v. Thi.Securi�y In��rumem zhall bc }uvcrnrd by FcJ�ra) luu•unJ Ihe luw oP tl� <br /> � • ��''' �`.:` '•`' ju�isdiction in Khich the I'�ropeny ix Icxated. In�he rvent �hut uny pmvni�n �x clau,r of thi.Security Inxlrumen�or the � <br /> c': �l��• ed,:r..._..'�� . t:�. <br /> ; ;:x�i; • Notc conflic�s wiu�apphrubk I•rw.such cuntl�rt.hall na otfrri �Nhcr pin:��,..�e�uf li�i�5ccu�ily iu.tiw�nut ui ti�r N:dc ,-:: <br />� ;;'y` �'•'•'� �� which ran be given efferi wi�h►w�the c�►ntlic�ing pr�wi•Kx�. Ta�hi.rnJ Ihr pro�i.i��hix Scrurity Inx�rument:u�d thK :�,? <br /> �• � ' � Note ure declntrd In hc��vrrablr. ��� <br />=_ �. � IS. Borrowe�'s Cop�v. &xruwer stwll br gi��en onr c.•nt:xrtkJ c��pa uf thi,Serunt. Ica.uumen�. �r`;� <br /> , � 16. AssiRnment of Rentw Rurrower urk�3iti�m•rlly•r..ign..u�J tr.ui.len ta(.en�kr ull Ihe rcm�u�d rcvenue.oE r,6wc � � <br /> - . . , �'�•�,.''•,�..�. Propeny. Bormwer auth��riiR+Lend�r cx Leeder;a�:�ntr to roller��he rrnt.and re�rnew,•rnJ herehy Jirctii.earh tenacar�;+c �: <br />:�;,:: . ' ' ^r the Nroperty w puy thr nnts�o Lendrr ur Lrr�:r:.+gentti. H�iwc�tt.pri�K tu Le�Wrr:a�i.e w B�xn.wrr uf&�m�w�r't <br /> - breuch of t►ny covenanl or ugn�ment in thr Scruri�y In.irumen[.&•m►wer.h�Cl rnit�ct�nd reccivr all rcnl.and rev�nw;.�Y <br /> y�':;'"' :a the hropeny u�w,tce tiir�hc tknrlil��f Lendcr und Honuw��r Tht.u..ignmrm nf rcnt.ceai�lilutr+un ub�ahile u�+��nmant =- <br />.�`�"`'�'�� ... � ' �: ond not an a�signmem tiir additiunul.ecurity unly. °'•'' <br /> �'��•S;y y _� . .'i�• �;� If Lcndcr�ti��r�nnticr o(htrurh tu Ii„m►arr: Icu ull rcnt,Rrc►��,t 6y Fiumi��rr.hull tx hrld h�•Hum��«r u�iru.�c� ' <br /> - for benefit nf Lcnder anly. i�,ne u�n�i�� �u inc .nm,.��.umJ h� ih�S�tiunt� In.wnkni: Ih�Lrndrr.h;dl t+r entiU�d a� L . <br /> ,:�.,� ,.. , colle�t ond rrueive uU uf Ihe rcnt.uf tln 1'n►�rt�::md Irl rurh Ieuun��H�thr f'ru�rt}• .hall p:i} all rcnl.due arw unpaui�u .. <br /> c• <br /> , ' L.eaderor Lcndcr\Agem on Lrndcr;w•riurn demanJ�n�he tro�nt. <br /> . . ' :� ,. . ' • Bortvwer hu+nnt e�ccw�Kl :m�• prior u..i�;nmrn�ut'thc mni,anJ hu�n„t unJ wdl nut{+�Num�any �r� ihaN wuulJ • <br /> '� .S�. , prevent Lendcr from cxeni.inti N,n�ht.unJrr thi�I'ara�;raph 16. <br /> : � " IxnJer.hall nu�I+r r�yuintif tu rnter u�x�n. �al,r rumml ut'ar m:iintum thr l��Exn� Ixtnrc u� allrr E����nE nutirc��I' � <br /> . brcach to Borrowcr. HaWr�rr. Lrndrr ur n juJ�riall� :ip4xnmrd n�.ri�rr ma� d�� ��a�am im�r ihcie i..�I�trarh, An� <br /> 4. �.�1[ . npplicu�ion uf rnnt..h•rll n�n rurc or wai�e am•drfault��r m�ahdai�um uthcr n�:h�ar rrmeJ�ul Lrndrr. Ihi,a.,��:nmcm � <br />"�t� ' n �_; - of renla of the fM�rty�hall tcrminatc wheo Ilic Jebl.ccura�l by Ihc 5�tiuri1}�Imtrunxnt�.p•r�J m tull. <br /> . 'i� n. �h. <br />— ' � : ' :.� �/►�¢��.qJrye�u <br /> ,` ��,t .. . _i+: <br /> � .. � <br /> r . . _. ._ . _ �; - <br />