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: .���.��.e..� _— '-r'.�t.� ! � —_ —_ _ _ ._— <br /> _� _ - �T'�� •� ���fl • ����� <br /> '� ` ..� • �- . <br /> . �� 'lV� ,�' {__:, � ' _ �) <br /> � _...�__._W1� <br /> - 93' soa.:�� - <br /> 1. rasait ot P�iacipN.l��a�d l.ste CluiRe. Bamower�11 pay when due ti►o p�incip�l d,+u�d iMerw an. <br /> Ihe deM avidenoed bY ihe Nae and la�e ch�rges duo w�der�he iVacc. <br /> - 1 Ma�W�p�y�b d7W�+,lawraace�d OIMer�, 8aaower cl�ll includo in a�ch monthly P�q'mau. <br /> ,.� to�athot with�he p�incip�l�nd interest a se�fath ia�he Nato ani�ny W�e chuQes,an insudlmem of�ay(�)wa�nd <br /> � :pocid ac�na�u bviod or to be kvled�g�inst the�selwld p�yme�u ar�ound rc�u o��he PropehY.aad <br /> • (a)W'emiums for ins�uan�a�aquirod by P��graph 4. <br /> F.a�h manll►ly indallment for items(�l� (b)�nd(a)shdl eqwl one-hveltih of�ho mnud �mounu. rs reasa��bly _ <br /> �,"� e�tinwod by t.endor. plus�n w�aunt wff'�cient to nwiMdn �n �Ad1lio�wl bal�nce of not nwna �lu�n ax-sl�th of drc <br /> -i. eslim�rod�mounte. 71+e f1iN annwl amaum for each item shdl be aocumuluod by Lender wllhin a period ending anc = <br /> � nwelh beforo�n item wouW became delinquent. L�ender chall boW�he�mount�oollected in au�t�o psy itans(�).lbl md `= <br /> �- - <br /> :,;':;,. (c)befa�a thay hecamo deliiquent. - - <br /> :,�:,u�; , Ii�t any 11mo the tot�l of 1he p�y�n Is held by Lender for items(a1,lb)ond(c).together wilh the futuro monthly - <br /> - pwyme�w for such ltema p�y+ibk ta Lender prior to Ihe due dates of such iteme.tlscceds by ma�e tian a�e-sixth Ihe - <br /> estimried�unount of paynnenes roquircd to y such items when duo.and ii p� ota on tMe Nou are cumenl,tl�en l.eoder - <br /> .� ��� �hdl either reftind�he exoass over ora•six of�he euimatod ymenta or�the oxcesa over one•sixth ot�he estirtwkd -- <br /> -�.`"��.� t�" PA <br /> --_- ,�.�...��_ :: - paymcau to sutis�quatt W3ments by thc optlon of Bonower. IP the totd ef�he p.yme�ws by Barower _ <br /> =`-��m"`=..• �.�:•�1 for itan(�)�(b1.or(a1 is incufYicient to pai�the item when due.�heo Bortower shall p�y a I.cnder amy aonuum�aec�es�ey�a -_ <br /> -��'.=.�"f' � �:• � aNke up the deficienay on a befae�he daoe�[1e uem beromes due. <br /> .� ���,�., <br /> e�. . ��- .�� As uced in thie Securit�r IQiudu�nent."SecreuLY'axunx the Seetetary of Housing w�d Urban beLBlopme�t�his ur he� =__-; <br /> �i�,y;,,� designoe. In any year ia wWch�he I.ender must p�y a are�uv�ege insumnce prcm�um to the Secrctary.cxh maMhl�r PvYment �-.� <br /> ,,•?�,t.: afi�ll�Iso include either: (i) �n installment of�he annual martg�ga insur+u�ce pamium to bc p�id by l.ender w �he �;;�_` <br />" Socyw� l'u)a moatAly cfiarge instead of a mortgage insurance premium Ii this Security Instnunent is held by the <br />- ' Secraary. E�6 maN61y iastWlaiem of the m�xtgage inwrance p�mium s1aU be in an amount sufticirnt to aocumulue�he <br /> _= S;.�,1 iuu Anawi muxi�c G�.w�r�ncc pmniuca �:.�th l.sncler one ntonthp�r�c�-to tlsr date tlse fu!! ennu�!m�tg��+ in,wrnnce _._-- <br />. �:.��'�j in.:4y�{�t Y; . <br /> premium is due to the Sec�el�ry:or if this Secu�ity Insuumem is held by the Sec�etary.aach mnnlhly efwrge s1w11 be in an t�::=: <br />._'�..� � ' �mowu equal�a�e-tweOGa�c�f a�e-half perceni of 1he outxtanding principal balanc�dut on�he Note. `,�;";, <br />- "��:;+:�," ' •`:� If Bomowr�k�de�s t�d.eiMer ihe full payrt�nt of all sums secu�ed by this 5ecatity Inst�umeM.Bomower�account �'�`:;_; <br /> ° "' shall bc c�dited with the bals+nnce rcawi�ing for all installments fo� it���(p).lbl�nd (c) and any matgoge insurAnce ,�", <br /> :": ec <br /> •'.�� °�'��� ` p�emium instr�lment tfuu Lender has aat become obligated to pay to the Secretary.and LcMier shall promPtlY r�efund any �•.,- <br />� •t�':�''`. ' �'«•.� ,.:;���;� exass fimd.s to Borrower. ImmediAteL}r�vr tu a forcclosuro svle of the Proporty or its ncquiseoi�r�.Ery Lender.Bomowerh __- <br /> '°�•`'�'!'• '��'`�',.• +�c�oowt ch�ll be credited wi�h any ba�acee,c�maining far oll installments for itcros(al.(bl and(c). <br /> .: . ?�• �:, �: <br /> J,,� " ���;� ;t,,; 3. A Ikation of P�aasats. AII p�yments under Paragraphs I and 2 sh�ll be a�lied by Lender as follows: �. <br /> c,:;.� <br /> " ��� � . . .,�ta the mo�tgag�»surance premium to be paid by Leoder to the Secrcaar!�or to�he monthly chorge 6y the �r- <br />;;.�?a'r�i •.;�,;�.,. "' .. instead ot�he monthly mortgage insurance p�emlum: ';. <br /> -:�',;:, ., ��.to any toxes,spocial assessmeals.kacehold payment�c or gtound nmts.and firc.flood wnd other hivatd `� <br /> � y:r. ,'1 <br /> ?'����� ,� '� '' insurance prcmiums,asrcq uired• � � <br /> � ' <br /> .to interest due w�der the Nate; <br /> ,f,�'��`°',•�.�����r��°"S �� - .iu�ii�il�iCn�A otitie piiilCl�.i!of iliC Nott: `�e <br /> �r:. <br /> ,,; c;f•�:� ,,'1; w late charges Ll�ue under the Note. �� <br />.' rf1. t' �ttr;+ ���` � �!" 4. Fire.F1ood and Olh�er Hwzard Insurance. Bort+ower�hall insurc all improvements on Ihe Property,whc:u9�er now - <br /> •,..:�.�., t������2�,- ..,k...;.i� <br /> {,... ,,,,,,...,, ;�y.4t,,'';4;�:<<,�'?;, in existence or subscquently erected.o�ainat s�ny hw.ords,cusualties, and rnntingencies, including fire.for whir.h l.ender <br /> '�;1-.;�:. f ,. ' ,.��� � • ������ 1Cquircs inauronce. This insurance ghat�tR mAinwined in the amoun�s and for the periods that Lender r�equires, Borrower <br /> x(` ''' ''�� ' '' ! `�„ ' shail also insute all improvqrrnents on the�'rnperty,whethe�now in exas�ence or subsequently erected,against lo�s by floods <br /> ,�S i��'c.,� �7�'".� � il�+i.�'� ;r, <br /> ;.�•, , :, � � � ta tb�e extent tequired by tiie Secretury. All insurnnc-c sha�l be carrir:l with companies u�roved by Lender. The insurance "_ <br /> �'r,���<< F � � ;�:," ' pnlicies and ony renewa�s :hnll be held by Lender ra�d shall inclwde loss payable c vuses in favor of, and in a fotm <br /> r;,,�. �,_ �: � - <br /> __ .�� .«'-g..._i � ;w.�ceptabk to,Lender. �` <br /> �s����'' , ��^,�',':° ��=�"� In Ihe eveni of losti, Barrower shull give Lender immeJiate n��ice by muil. Lender may make proof of Ic�e.c if not [ <br /> a��`S4';��,�'". � "w�,G� '�;a�" made pranc�tl}by Horrower. Each insurunce rompany cancemed is 1��reby authorir.ed cu�d directed to muke payment for t.. <br /> �.�,,,4�'� • ���;;�;;�.�� •? such loss direr�Jy ta Lender,instead af to Borrower and to Lender Joiis•dy. All or uny pun of the insurance proccecls may be �'.-� <br />,1,�,�`_ � ���• `?'•i. , ' �ppliod by Lender,nt i�s op6on,either(a)to the reduction of the indebtednes�under the Nde und this Securny Inswment. ��,� <br /> °:' : •�'*�4�,�- ,.,^.�,�s.:� first w any deiinc�ue►�i umoanu+upplieci in�he order iu P+u�+giuNL 3. w�J tl►nu w prepaymcnt of pdncipat.or(b)to the - _- <br /> r� • • �•.�,;�•, oestoration or repair of 1�:�damaged propetty. Any application of the procceds to the principul shull not extend or postpone ` <br />�._,l��n;,. ; ^sP-�- • �°,;;'. the due date oF the moni�h0��aymenta which ure referred to in Puragraph 2,or chungc thc wnount of such paymen�g. Any .,'��: <br /> '�''°�k �•�•••a,•^ .�j'.' ,�, excess insurance proceeds over nn amount reyuired to pay ull out.ta�ding indebtednexs under�he Note and this Security '� <br />�,t�•,•.:: , <br />_:�,,:;:.'� ` , `"., �r,,. Inspument shall be paid to thr entity Icgnt1y entitled thcrcm. ,��; <br /> � ��;'� � !•'""� ~ � In Ihe evenl of farec3usure of this Security Instrument or�ther trun+fer of title to the Propeny�hat extinguishes the ! • <br />_'�;•�r!:ti �:.:..�'!,' . <br />~-� �—Rt;4 - F inde6tedness.all right,tiQe and inlere+t of Burruwer in�ir.�t tu in.uiance policieti in fi»,:►tihrll p�.ti to the purchasec. <br /> _�,�,���; :"��;,(�`�,x:�.'••''' 'ti g, Occupancy, PreservAtion� Maintenonce an21 0'�otec�aon o! Ihe; Borrower's I.oan Appaicatton; ,,: <br /> ����,�.t�;�. r.�`fY��i;'•,s��;. ,,,;, I,easehdds. Borrower shull uccupy,estoblish,nnd ure tht }'rasen�r us Bnrww�r:principul residence within >;:<�y days . <br /> -;31''''��t�t '�' �•-C���,, after the execution of this Securiry Instrument and shnll cantinu�a�occupy the Propehy uti Bormwer�principal reaidence �`''�_:. <br /> ;�,°°' ''; ��' �"4•�= " for at lea.rt�tine year ufler thc date of cecupuncy,unless�hr Sernaan�dcierm�nes this n:yuirement will cuu�e undue hardshi� ��',- <br /> '''�fr�`� y� y�;;: tor Bortower, or unless ertenuoting circu�stuncex exist whieh am fi�yond Bormwrrs cantn�l. Borrower shall nntify � <br /> ;; <br /> ��"����f"' � � Lcnde�s of any cxlenuaain�.circumstances. Barrowe�shall not cummil waxte ur drstroy,domoge or cubs�untially chonge : <br /> - • '.�;;.'•.. ., ._ •- <br />,.,.r_. , ,�.jt��„ , Ihe Property or nllow the PropeAy to deteriorute,reaxonuhl�weur nnd tear ezcepted. Lender muy inspect the Pro�eMy if�he ',.�::. <br /> '` • • Property is vaeum or ubw��taned or the loan is in defuult. Lendc�may luke reuxonuble ur�i�n tn protect and preserve such �� <br />�.�'�' vacant or abandoned 1'roperty. Borra�r�:r�hall uho be in defaw�� if tlorrower,during�he I.�un upplic�tan procesx,gave <br /> _s ', �'•<:.�x�_a__ :-..;,-: A• <br /> ,..-_------� ioateii�il7 f�+i.e or inaccurat�: int��rmation or ;tatements 1� Lrr.dcr (�r f:�ilP�l �n pn.vide Lender with ony mutenul <br /> � � ";; �' informa�ion)in connec�ioe�iah t0�e io:��a rvidenccJ by the N�e, incluJing,But not limited to,rcprc+entutions ronceming ;.,.r; <br /> � '� •��' Sorrowerk occupancy�t�the�Propett�a��4xincipal rrvideare. If�his 5ecuri�y In+trumrnt is on a Ieasehold,ec�rn*wer shall ,,•.:�: <br /> � ; J. ��. _ � c,nmply with�he prov��;��c>ao:'7he le�xe. (t Barrow�;R u���uitr�f�te tiUe Ic�Ihe 1'�i��xrly.the leuu�huld unJ fer tnlr ;Aall not ��.;. <br /> • • . � • ' be me�ed�nler�s Lender s�gzer.�o the merger in writ:ng. �;;; <br /> } .': � 6. Cb�urges to Borrowe�and Protectlon of I.ender's lC�hts ina Ihe Propert�•. Burn�wer�hull puy u:l governmcmal <br /> t� ar muniec�a':cherges.Gnes and impo�nion+Ihat ore not inrlu�4ch:n�.,:agraph 2. Horrower tihull pay thcsc obligaliam on <br /> lime direclly to the entily which i.owed Ihe paymeut. If fai;au;c ��r pay w•uulJ udven�ly at'fect Lender� irxe�e.l in Ihe ' r <br />, • , Piroperty.upon Lender�rcgue,�Borrower�hull promply tumirh Ro 1.rncler receipt��viJrncing Ihesr p•ryment�. S,`" <br /> ,' ' "�'• If tiorrower fails to make�hese p•rymems or ttk pay:neno� required by 1'�rr�gruph ?. ur faila�u perli�mrt •esa� uth�r �•,� <br /> f ,.. ,�,. ::,n._ <br />�. : ' ' . • .. coven�s and agreement,cnnt�ined in this 5rcuriry Imtrumrni.�rr Ihrn i.a Icgal pr�xceding�hat muy .iEr+�:i..u�^Fy affect Y{;; <br /> � ��x�, , ,� l.enders ri�ht.c m Ihe Piropeny huch a.a pmcerding io banktupt�}. 6or runJemn•r�i�m M to enfarcc luw+or rcpuiatiom►. �;t; <br /> —�.: Y,�4R1r2a1Q,:s._I+�- � � � � __M ..��.�..r:........�.... �.....�.r��d....•....a..f�Iw pnrr_rro �awi 1.�wi•i a riuhlc}n fhr Pnur+rtv -- <br /> —_—_ UK11�.c�yr.i n�ij uv r p:j .. ... ...... .. J ..�-. �-.� .. r _ ..�.... _ _. . <br /> ' , r�� � � %��, �,, inctuding payment of iaxr,.h:�;ud inwrarke suKi othcr item,menti�ned in Pur•rgrr 2. � , <br /> {�� Any umoum.di�Pxirsed by Lcndcr unJer�hi,Prrrgraph.hall ikromc an monul dehl of Bormwer�nd be+ecurcJ <br /> '`. ' • by this 5ecurity Inswm�:m. Thr+e anu+unu,h:+ll t�ear intercu fr�xn 1hr Ju�r af'Ji+hun.cnxnt.a� the N�xe r�►r.�rri��the '9.' <br /> � ' " optian of l.ender,shnll be immediutely due und p�yrP►k-. <br /> ' _ � a ., ; �•.. �;'.: <br /> 7. Condemnatbn. 7'he prcx�erJ�uf any uw;uJ or cl:�irrr kH dama�.�. Jircct�x cun.eyurntiol,in c��nnrction wctPe;ur,y <br />. _ � ,a ' condemnali�n or nther tuking of any part of the Pm�xny.ur fcx.:c,e�ryunce in pluce o(conJ� hrreby a.��grteel <br /> .�' • ! . ° ,. ond shall be pafd lo Lender t�the extent iH'1hc full umuunt nr Ih�indeht�Klnr+�Ihal rcmaim unpaid und�r thr Natr;fnd rhi. ; <br /> .:+�• � Security la�trument. Lender shvll apply wch pnx��dti la Ihe�iuction uf the inJrh��Kfnr.,unJrr the N�i�r;md�hi,Srruncy <br /> : ' ' Inslmmrm. firnt to uny Jelinyuent umiwm� vpplird in 1he urder pmvid�til in 1'vratirvph �. �nJ �hcn tu pnpaymrn� uf <br /> ` •" .. p�incipal. My applicutiun ul'�he pnx�eJa tu Ihr principal �hall rwt ex�rnJ or �nt�Hx �hr Jue if:ne uf thr momhly ���.� <br /> � � <br /> , , . °'�.j�j,•.. <br /> ' � J ' �_�,.�'.•.t• IMRtS��JJ�u�tl <br /> � 'r . , <br /> r` <br />