.. � ' ��.;.i ��1'+ itl+� ,�f ' i8 s{M1Q¢7.��� ' ��Sl� � P - ..
<br /> ' S Y '. — ` . r � . r+m — ' �- ' ' � ___
<br /> - t nI • J+� , �' �����°n�r�_7 I . . ll�rr � L a.;?) — -..
<br /> •t y�r�
<br /> (° . -n���� .... ''�{: .' i ... .. .,�
<br /> J_.:_e1.`�'�� ''•''!n 1 ' ,�i,,"�' � ' '• . .
<br /> ' " �,"'� d atbilo�f �i��Y��v��:8� .;;
<br /> ' Horr•vNt�lai��x�'ov�t�x�t9.� , ��0�uolta ��iaNes P�ta' �ale�io�t t�l� .,.� .
<br /> 19.Aceal�tN�t� �ei�'•���l id� �t� �to� ta �
<br /> ��p�r�ilarar�eemeac t1i�Se�e!lY1�qaQN�ai�Aetato�alpr�io� M�!1�8��� . ,,;'
<br /> �..��we u�w►v��o�r.. .. �ce�au�ca a�•aa�a ro�e�..�oe�.+eo c�r.
<br /> aNlrola ce)•dua�i���3n � the a�a�a�kr►u ld•a►to�earow�r,bl►�tln adah w�t b�
<br /> �M(�1 qaa hUare �oare the , �', :��to�e tk dae s�ed!a q►e,ao�mq�*aatt b at�oeNntlon ot tM air .
<br /> aau•a b�t�s�raatna��"� a�i or ela t�rt�.'Y'M�e�la�au taetMr�Ka�e«row�a an N{w a
<br />- - -�-• .�_..� r�i�tte t[ta�sce0,�4e�lOa��ad the e�t�to b�g�oo�rt aedou�o apert!he troa�bNba af w d�Wt or W►oNK . . __
<br /> ._ _. ,
<br /> AdAne ol�ow to ascekr:�tloa and�.1tWe d�hoUla pot a�d oA 0�beloN tAt dtq�M tM�
<br /> a tb op�mw�ro inuo��iue�p�yqq�t is Ml of dl waa by tbb 8taaeltp �*tf�a�• .
<br /> � A�aad Mud aa!►ta�oke tba�Fi±a�er oY s+�e siu�#pi►od��ro���t�b!'�pP�ble I�w.�Iltr slrU�a# tNd.td .
<br /> QOIbOt Ilq ls�ea��1t�¢4t�C1 ih pntaa�th!•xOmedtd !q d!b pua�lPb 19r i1�olYdl�blrt ri�'11Wit�d;t0�•
<br /> —_ �qqo�katomp�s�i�'1�costtPfddeevi
<br /> -- It the oawe�ot si�e'i�iarolie��Tnutme�rotoM+�aotke o!det�nit tA e�b cwati is�ay PN*t o!.Ibr
<br /> _ .�—,...�� - A�oymty b toa�ted`�ni�+o�dE ai�ee af 9asp:aatloe f�tba p�aer�tbed by�li�law t4 Betto�sM N�tht - -- --
<br /> ------ o�m,p�a pracnped hy app��abia�,i�tw.�.t6e tt�e e�ired bY�OAltatble 1��•1'n�tp�q11�ht Rq1�R 1t�of
<br />— --� ad�to t�a Oertoea�pil ia tbe maanee�pre�s:tbk�•�Wp�u�•Trn�tae�Ntthaut demsad o»8o�r�o��/�Mq wlllblr --
<br /> IA t6R 1�0�O�I�r Iq
<br />:�.c�ei� Proyee�a pnbUc wcaoa to che b�beac Mdder at d!e aane Rud pl.ae�ad andar ebe ceroa� �_—
<br />_�r.ra�rc�;aa ope or more pu�aets hhd ia any bsder T�stee�ser�a�t't��Y I��I.eader or tl��a aaty pu � � ° s'.�..
<br /> hd �tM ��;�„_:,�
<br />-`�``-••�':';�- pc a�aouac�at A't the dme aM pi�ce�a�apy predoaelY a�hednkd stN•
<br /> ��s;sg ah
<br /> �,.r�c„`��.,�� ����Q' � . Teu�tae'�dted aa��eylq tM _
<br /> �.��,V�-. U��Pt�i 7��R'�ot tiie p►(ea bid.Tc�e sbait delirer to tbe pa�r ��1+� '� x., .----.-
<br /> �5.,..�� s�� Propeety.The raoltvs t�the Trwtse'�deed:halt be prim�t�k eNdeaca ot the trutb ot tbe aqteale�wMe IMeneia. ::���, ` ;<<4
<br />�',�q,�t��;n�;��� . T�tee�bW�Oply t6e proceeds o!We sale ie�he'!dlowiaB oc�en(s)to�It eupeqte�ot tbe i�k.t�dqAlq.bqt aot pIq1�11 �"`t��•�r�.+r:�-•-
<br /> • � seearod tAb St�uily t,�..�'�,�'}�'�'�`•�
<br />�..����r�;''��, ��,����� to�TeuWee'�lee�a permitted by aPplicable!aw �nd eeaombfe�ttoeaeys feesi�b)to ni!� �l►
<br /> .n a �' - w,
<br />��,x' r ,M:Q!'1 I�nnllenit tnd(al aar e�ees ta the peraon or parsous Ieg�Uf eptttted to i� � •:.
<br /> .'. N¢'�
<br />.�tt''�';���;�.�:�,±.; of ehe Propert i.ander(ia '. :`�° �,��°�'� --
<br /> '_,�..:�. �; 20 Lender in Roasssisn.Upori:acceleration urdes pareg�aph t9 or abandonmet►t Y� ,,; '�''� . . ,�
<br />- r•�:�'� h`':..; • of and ms�uBe ebe ,.. ,�;t ;��� . .
<br /> q:,a fp,-,��;;;�'":� ;;? pe�o M b Y a B e n c o r b y j u d i S i aii y s p p o inted receiver)sheii be endtled to entar upon,tako posseasioe� a.,��„,;. ,,
<br /> ,
<br />�wnq, ,,,�N Poo�tty and to coltect the rints of the Propeny includ'mg thoae past dua. Any rena co l lect e d by t.e n d e r a r t h e c e c�v e r , , ��,, ��
<br /> �' '.,' ,," .�ti, �lwtl be epptled flrst to payniant of ttrc coats of�tnanaganent of the Proparty end colt�on o!'tente.iaaladin&b�t not ,� ,a�;.;�., �.
<br /> ,• P:-� ''f' litnit�d tp�reQOivae•s fas,preti�iuma on receiver's.b on d s a�e d�easona b le a t t o m e y s'f a s.a n d thet�to the�unu eaaured by , F„v ,�� �
<br /> n• �_ �R:� .� . ti
<br /> �,:�";�a�b,;t;;;v' this9aour�ty Instrumant. • • � °';:t �. '�..r
<br /> ,t. ;...�. .: r,�,. �:.
<br /> ,��:;;�'�ti�',�.�:�;„��, 21.Beaomeyaace.lJP�PsYment�of all auna secure�by this Seaurity Inst�u m e o t,l.e n d e r s h a l!requad t T e u s t a e w , < <„•�.;,+�.��'�'�. ,'; .,�
<br /> v.i; �;; ���,>:,� ooaunvo�r t�1a Property and stiel3 surrttader tbis S=curity lnstnsttsent and all n��es ev�dencing debt aeeue�nd bY tHis Security � a ����2�
<br /> �, :c,; � It�trutttent to Trustee.Trostee ahall raonvey the Propaty aithout waROnty and without chArge to the perao»or persons � ���y;S ,� �;�'�—
<br /> j ,,.,' r'�;�o•: teg�lly etttitled to it.Such person or peraans shai!pay aay recordation costs. � ''
<br /> �.�" �l nF �� F _—.
<br /> ° ,�• �(,;:,. �t.gnbtatute T�tee.L.andar,at it�option,may from Nme to rimr ranove Trustce and appoint a euceesaor iru�tee ;:� r � - -
<br /> �,�„.:,'`'�1,^`� to�ny Tntstee appointed hereunder by an inatruraent reco�+ded in the county in which this Security tnsttument is recurded. �� � -
<br /> ``,f4�,.'i�iy��"r: Without avavaysnca of the Property�'!he successor trustee shai!succad to alt tha tide.power and dnties conferred upon ,��'Y �K ' _:
<br /> j54}�r �'�+��,i�,, Ttuttee he[eb�ertd by spplicable law. ' __;
<br /> ��=� ,. �rt'y� �, : � '�`
<br />:,.,.;,;,{;t,.a?�.�,:� 2,1.thqueit for Notiees.8osrower crqueste thet capies of the not iaa o f d d'a u l t a n d e a l e b e s a n t t o 8 o r ro w e r't ",,„, . �
<br /> :';.,..>;,,'��'::,,���� `' addroeawbiab ls the Proparty Addrass. � .,. �,�''-.�``��'`.;:::�"`
<br /> �r.� ,l'� �
<br />'t��'�',s31br;�i•�:h��'!•;�" ��WI�1 .� u :v;1J�*?[K�_�..
<br /> ' �•„,.s,,.dl..: ,4� K.Rldect to thi�Sten�itr imMimeat.If one armore riders a�e ezecuted by Borrower and ncocded ,�� ��,.. •..,,;,
<br /> :�+1:,::;;I�R�`.`:;'%�iY'�',� . , , , .,•-
<br /> :�,;. ,,.;..,,;�,,�s t h i s S o o u d c y I n e t r u m e n t,t h e c o v e n a n t s u n d a g r e e m e n tsof each such rider sheli be incorporated into and slwll amrnd snd ' . ,�. '�•::-a
<br />;;; ;�t'.�;��'?l<�..�:;tif� euppletnent the eovenants and egreemei+ts of this 3ecurity Inatruzmt�t as if the rider{s) wete a pact of this Seaudty ,°>; ��"t
<br /> ,�;",;'`,�:�<'•''>"�, taetrument.(Cbeckapplt�ablebox(es)1 � , .. ,. '�'�',.��.
<br /> �,r.� „.�. ,.._, .�;��,.
<br /> ��,+�. .,� � Condominium Ride� 2-4 Family Rider , ;�:n S��y��
<br /> �*-'`� ' '�tti���;r�� •� �Adjw�able Rate Rida � .. � , .��, ;�.i{/n
<br /> � ' �� J �1��
<br /> +:1, :•'.�,'`,.1 ..� . . �� .r+�.��W
<br /> ;�Yi•'n��.'-. -:a1:��:1:\� (—� • �-
<br /> i;��'::, :.�± [� Grad�ated Paymsnt ttider L,� Planncc� Unit Development ttide� . •. :.??;t�
<br /> �., ".,,'��� ,.,
<br /> ��i��ui � -' ',' :i�V.r�(1�.
<br />_�����;±=-.; . "' �(OtI10Ks� Id{���Y� Acknow2edgesnent _ . ��' f
<br /> i.. ,., `.�.•. ..id'� �'` 'ai:�,�:�.
<br /> `�° "`�'�'`'`'1"' BY StGN1Nd BL�LOW, Borrower aca ts end egreea �to the tersns and covenants containcd ie this Seetuity "� <��:'' �:
<br /> ���������'�`' � � Insteumant and in any�ider(s)aaauted by 8ottawer and recorded with it. � :�. r��. `� `,;'
<br /> .^� t,� ,.1,} , .o,�.
<br /> ,�.x„��. -.;.� • ' :��,:
<br />,r v;.,f;�. �:';:�. 1 n d� .°' , `t
<br /> ��. �';�' t, � (Spq "' �
<br /> :,� ``.�,;5 � .�...•••..L�............ : . -
<br /> . . .;. .. ' �
<br /> �t_,:...;;.:.,.���.,. ........................................................................................ �� —earoww , ,. , ;;,
<br /> ';�: :..,;.;�'�5 t��; D nnis E. a e ..: � _;
<br /> I' ;.:
<br /> :.,. ::r, ���•�r t.•.,.; . .., . � .,; �
<br /> ::ti�,;: �i;s`���;J}�';�; t � ��
<br /> r�,..,
<br /> c;KE�;�i�:�-,''iS�t�rj:C j 1?� . . .. .. .................................................... ..�yi.��.°. � ..�..e. .�.........................(SCv) i "..',;.'
<br />_a^{..:�:!•:�., .1,�1 aC�F ....................... .. ... ����' —earor� : : •, . . �...;�
<br /> ;il;• "��,;!?•:�,�t;t'•,'�,., Kim y���. Lane ; . . ,.,,. ,, ,�
<br />��,��f%''r':�j.rirsiC.'t.;�� I' ;i',�'�
<br /> � '�'f���i.1.�;fe.�;���i� i : .�• . .
<br />-;�i��sj�;i�;ir?'ir,�.r-.���+ StAtEOF NkBRA�KA. HSll Ci�Ut1t}tir':
<br />- :`1:Sr.�?.Y'.'�, 4` „`' %;�''��.
<br /> - �� -,,,: fir''�''i'•,�
<br /> '`��-.t,'�� On tMs 26 Ju� ��t INarch ,t9 91 heforc m�, the undersigned, a Notary Pubii� �� ';„'.;,�;�,; ..
<br />- •�"" '���`'�`,�• ��' duly commissfoncd nnd yuuNficd Cor,a�d.ouncy,perso�iatl�•camc Dennis E. Lane and Kimary A. � ���� • '
<br />�.�''�'�`;��:"t''•;;�`,°�i Lane. Husband and Wife ,to me known to be the 1 �" �.. . :
<br /> �.a.��f.A��....�_-..� . .
<br />:i�,�.`::`.�i�_:�„i:�::;`:_ identical personl.) whose namel•1 arr �ubscribed io the foregoing instrument and acknowledged ihe executioo .
<br /> :{'`,��''%:��ti::;:!�;�� thetecli to be theiT voluntat>•act and deed. '
<br /> l� •� '` a �" Wttneas my hand and nutariul►eul n� Grand lsland, Nebraska in sa�ri councy,cne • -- -
<br /> ,���-��„ ,u:,,� ,,,`t
<br /> je�,�;�;�;�,'-,,�_,,�;::•,,.; datc aferesatd, .
<br />- . •'��;','di�:i�5' .y.
<br />=;.,h._t ..F;j,,;;, ,, $ /`I`l Y C '
<br /> t:,���. .,. �y,
<br /> •'��;i'•�''.'":``''��',;�':t;. ��1 � r .�, 4�:E4 cy✓ LU; ,/,/!..�?ti':�✓..... .... .....
<br /> , ,,• :�. , . .
<br />',�'<��i��>' �u ANURtW M4CUMEltk �`nirn Yuhlu
<br /> �,�.+�;�� � �''� wpNM►44AptM4�190? REiQUCST FOR ItECONVEI'ANCE
<br /> �.`�'•,.�;: . ,: i;,�� :., .
<br /> . ,�.,,:.:�':��� �` 7o Ta��sTk�.
<br /> �.;. ,
<br /> ,:�.�:>.,;.�,,.,:,.;,::..•
<br />- •�� � The under�ignrJ i.the hnlde� ut �h��ncae ur n�►tcs+ecurcd by thiti Uced��f Tru+t.S�iJ note or nutes,tc�grthcr
<br /> ;,',`�.��`" ��u`1�.i�` wlth ull other�ndebtrdm����erurrd by tlu�tk•�d of 7rust,lta�e hc�en pu�d in full.You arr herrhy�directed to rnn�rl►n�d �
<br />�„'��;�'�•�';�'i: ..-•� ,;
<br /> :�:,��:,:°�.;'.•;.;,'•-. .. note ot noles und th��tkrd uf i'ru+�. W�h��h urr+t�l���•red hrreby.and ti, reran�•ev,without��arram>,atl thr r�tute
<br /> ;�ti,,.�;: t , ;.
<br />. ;,�;;i ,•,:•�;"�..��; . now held by yuu unde� �h�. Iked ut f�u+t tu the per�am.�r penonti lrgalh� rnutled theret�,.
<br /> ,:., -3_-;,�s:�,��.k��+ �-
<br /> i.�:�5[�.�" i�'1�. �� • VB��i ... __ . ...�. _ _
<br /> .
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<br /> ,.4 t.�.,�� rt'� ...
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