y:., ......:.,,,:�,:,�„�t,,,�.�,�e t �„�
<br /> ��'.�`�,11'„.�'StY�� `:*f+�+n .� ?���#t h�n1�.,y,��.��y.ii�� ' � . �cl�r � ` i} l 'r�,iy��n�y N
<br /> . :� "'�-q_ �ya ��i ( u...w.�L , � I�i .. r f I._iM��`• ._ . _.......
<br /> � � . {b ,��i�--�---�xn,�-� ��r _ . �T� 1�'�v`ii� :
<br /> ,d_. ... . ' _ , � .. � - . . ���Y .✓�. �S � h-.�' eLt - t 3 �1 r � n - - _._.
<br /> • . .,'. � � r.��u�t .��) ,; � . 2 n ,. �i:_ f r��7',a�t7�PeVf, _ ._
<br /> . :�- �.r �.u.iJ�saa3. C.r �t:.:t.]`h _ ,� _. . .. . � - ---
<br /> ���.;:'42�.IlS3f�'��'''! .
<br /> __-"�,��� . .
<br /> �
<br />~ -�-= Sl_" 101868 �:::.:W�..
<br />�GFr�Bim�A _.�-�.__..
<br /> �`�r��' it Leader r�qWral�ao»�e iawnnce a s oonditlon ot nnkie:the loui eeoa�d by rbi�Seoudty ta�teuman� =---- _ _
<br /> x.��r:`Lt] Bortowe�sl11�11 psy tho pteu�iu� uircd to m�intNin tl�e imunnoe ir e(teot uatU euch �ime�s the require�t for tbe �_?_:�__-.
<br /> i
<br /> �" = imur�e teRniriva in�oaotd�na tb 8ottower's snd Lendet'�w�ittaa�peomeat or�ppltoable uw. E:-
<br /> .r,n4","�.,�M'�� n
<br />�,a�.,�:.,,;� � S. tq�de�tloa� L4�der or iN Kettt nt�Y m�lto�ble anlrla apan�nd impectioia oFtbe Propeety.Lender ► r
<br /> �bt11�ive 8otrowar notloo�t the titne af ot yetot to sn impeolian�p�t�►jo�re+aan�t►te cause for tf�in�pectbn. �""�,��s ..
<br />_�•;'���. ..>�' .��r..�:�.��.__-�__
<br /> .F,.��`;�: !. � 'The pracred�M�ny ewud or o1�lm ror i�ta��diteot or aoneoqueatiai�in conmatioa wltb r;�.«;:,:
<br />;,;,;c,x�:,, ,�. g Y Put PtopettY ,,;,•„-_Fl`.-:---=-,.�_.__
<br /> _'y�����;,, ,^°�f:� �ny vonderna�tion or ahe�t�icin of�n af the � a►for mnveyu�oe ia lteu of condemnsdon�an beseby :.�;r;��,.
<br /> �u����t. ,z.-�=-
<br />::�Ir1�,.r�,�;;• `�;'� �����b6�t0�.0lII�Ot. ,'r , �'����
<br /> �� �'u s,;`.,�- Ia tbe evant ot a toul qkind af the Ptop+ny�the�rcoaeedu sh�li be�pplied ro the a�aos�urod by tld�9eaurity '>�k �;��,�;�
<br /> ,...
<br />�ti T c�l,� �� � ��u',+�t�t�xe�vxu;:
<br /> { � �,`��,i 1�st:umetit�whetber ot not then d�with�y axopt p�id to Hottowa�.in the event of a paet�l�alcing of the Property �
<br /> J ���`;,, �-S`.`� ual�ss Aotrower�d t.endet athe�te�atee in wtitin6,tbe suna eeoured by tM�8eaqdty Insauimetat shalll�reduoed b�► C;���i�,%�= --
<br /> k ��.�.::�.S
<br /> �;.=�•- � tho+u�ouai of she prooads muftipHed by tho(bilawi Motiott�(Il ttle tM�l anrouttt of tbe quta�aecural irtunedfately q;����=t, ,
<br />'��'��`����' � � immMi�lei betote the t�kin An balan�e ahall be �n'-tkt��' ��'�
<br />���'�y=' ' be�oret�lt�-Wt�lciag�divlded by(b)the fMit mtrk�t wifue a the Pro}�ettY y 8• Y �:}ti,.;�� s�r�r
<br /> _-�}N .. ��Qi�{1i(V�t• K^'�h n wi��riice��n. _
<br /> ,���.�a���° It tbe PrapertY is�tauuloned by 8orrowe��ar it�aite�natke by 4eader ta BoROwar tMt the�ond�aor a�ers to "��,� ; _,,
<br /> �� :n'"r�h`, m�ke Iu��ar1�M or fettk�t ol�im f�'dup�ges,�tiowot fiiib to tespond to I.ondet withl��O daya after tha dete the notiae Is '`'' �. ..V
<br /> givea Leader ia antharl=ed ta eallaot uid�pply the praoeedti at its o�tlan,either ta rouoration or repsir of the Propeny er `.�' �, �l
<br />�q �ti,r�+n�tf _ ` j ^' __
<br /> �a.� �'� }�,'�'� to tbe wn�a sxurad by tbis 3eouritY tnsteqm�►t�whether ar nat theadue. ;; +�� s�'f;�
<br /> Kw.L tr «�" Ua�s I.endet�nc!8otrowet otber�vlse ege�ee iti wriNng��ny�ppliaation af procenfe to ptinoipai ehall nat esterid or �_� �+- �_ �
<br /> �nxs:.nar+,n, $ —
<br /> � � at,! T postpa�e tbe due d�te otthe mo n t h l Y p�ymeats r�lernd to in pair�gt�ptu 1 and 3 ot chmge t he�mount of sac�yments. " ',' �� :_-.
<br />��r� ��p.� 1 0. 8 o t r a w e r N o t R e 1 a u e d i F o e b a n a�e B y L�ender Nat t Wd��r. B�ctensiou ot the time tor ' ymmt or '4 •,��,±� _
<br />�' �:;:�`� ��i pmdibe�tion of amattiutioA ot the swns eeoured by tbis 3eourity lnurument grented by Lender to any auccesaor in ``��`'^f���';;�ir� �__
<br /> r`�`�� `�;, k iaterast ai Sotrowar.ah�lt not opetata to releaee the li�bUity ot tha aisi�wi 8orrawar ot Borrqwer'�succeasois ia int�rraa. '� Sr�S�'„ -
<br /> '"�.�ri,;.;1� � �i� a, _
<br /> ;,:',;*��i, :��•�; : Leader sball not be required to aommmce proceedings agdeat any aucceaar in interat ot reNse to eate�d time fas .. ,,� ,� „ t --
<br />.�y ts�',�_,. �<«?.;d, .:. t, ?�,�,
<br /> � :.f ,,,.;, payment or otherwi�e inodlry amortiution of the ewna seeured by thl�Seoudty Imtrument by naaon af any demand�o�ade , , ,�.,, n; �ya „ -_
<br /> � ,.�,r.:,��,:..�: by theodgiAal Hornowet or Honower'e suc�eseots ip intereet.Any forbeAtance by Lendar in a�aoisiog any�gbt ar t�emndy • , ,;;:�' .� . ' _;,
<br /> ` ��,.' ,�."' eb�li aot be a w�iver o for pra:t u d e t b e aa e�i s e of eny ri g ht or rotaed y. , :�" r�,:_:
<br /> s 's, '' � 1�" U. Suoeeaon tnd A�i�Haundt Joint�nd Se�enl UtYlityl CoNtiA�� The covat�p�ts and�amenta of • , ,
<br /> � ��:'
<br /> �n
<br /> tbis 3e�dty Instrumeet sho11 bind and beneat the auccessota aa�d astig�s af I.ondot and Borrower.wbjeat to the�ptovisibna .e � � ,�,'---
<br /> "�' ��„ �}.� a
<br /> t� �
<br /> .„,,'�� d, }�� of pat�ropb 17.Aorrower's covenants at�d ege�meate sheU be�ainl and ioverat.Any Barrawm wbo caaigns eliis Sncurity +. , t ;, �� .
<br /> �,�, �.y�;� � ,"�'� ina[nuaeat buc does not euacuce she Noce:ta)is co-signing tAh*eauuriiy Inct�utitet�t c�sl;ta martgage,grans a�d ma�Yey �, �� , _
<br /> ',��i�,�,n�';,'; that Borrower's intereat in the Propeety under the tetms ottbis Seonrity lnetron�entc(b)is not peteonelly obligated to pay „ , � _-
<br />�u.t�+��t.ttii�•ii/,b��� ..0�J�j. ,d�`��;�f.�;:...
<br /> �� the sums seau[ed by ehi�Seourity Inetrummt;end(c)sgrees that Latder and'any othe�Barrower nwy agree to extand. ,.;
<br /> , Rs:71:•+:,��t'.; modlfy�fotbear or nuike a�y aoaommodat{one with regerd to the tanns af thi�&eounty fa�ttument ot the Note without ',�;��,�, �,�;<<i ,�:,:
<br />�,.,���:•����:�,��,�ji that8ore+ower'soon�t. � '. , f' � �
<br /> ..yti,.�, t.��,:�,. ?�� ir,a.���� ..+r1Y:;_�
<br /> r,"'�;�,�;;',;...:�h . 1�. Lw»C1�argea. If t8e toan sxured'tiy thie Secutity lmttumant ie eub�eot to a law which�ets muimnm loen �,��, , :.;;��>,l,:��.r.::_
<br /> ,�x� '.; ` . chargea, ar�d that 1aw i�finaUy interpreted sa that the inter�eat or nther laan ahargee colteated or ta be coliected in• .,r� �ifi;+���,�ji„�,Y�; _:
<br /> �.,:��.��. ;�;;?',.`'•:�',', amnation wlth the�loar�exceed the permitted timita then:(a) anY$uob laan of�erge �hall be reducod b the amouqt ,,,,� . f1}4 ,,..�_�',_':
<br /> :;:�C�,,� �, na�ry to reduoe the ohargo to the permitted limit:and(b)any wms a lroa dy aa t leo l e d trom 9 o r r o w e t w�i c h e x c e e d c i i �'".�. ''�'.;�'.;;;1 �r'�`'
<br /> �J�� .,:�
<br /> � .+,r ''
<br /> � � ;�:�`r� �
<br /> ;��.,•,;.�. 4�,��;..: petmhted limita will be teNnded to&�rrowar. Lender may chc�ose�a make�hit roNnd by reducin the pNnai owa! ,`���.lx.�.-
<br /> y ; { '� underthe Note or by making a direot payment ta Honowe�•If e reNnd ndut�ei►prinaipel th�reduction wili be t t��ed as�a ����� � ��� 's f' '`
<br /> r� � �,')M1t . , , ��f3���, ,
<br /> �',�'i`���. ►';,.;.;' partitt prepayment wlthout any pnpaymaa charge under the Nate. . �', ' ��
<br /> ��,' JF�„�:::
<br />- ��.� � ' ,,` 13. t�doa Af�eettag Lender'e Rtebq. IPenactenent or exp�ratlon at wppliaabie lawd hos the effect of . '�.�;��,.
<br />�.�j. `��i:i'.•r 1�1�.�,.:',: . .
<br /> ;;��s�;,;;;.•? .r.;,t. rendatng any provision of the Nou or this Scaudty lnetrument unentonaable oroordmg to It�terme,i.ender.st ite option. �� � 1 t :; �
<br /> • ..�t�...
<br /> �'�����'"" � '�J may require immediste ment in full of a1F sums secured by th iK S e cunty In�trumem an d moy t nv o k e an y romadiea s '�
<br /> � ���'•'�'�`��'�`���5'•`'�� tted b ra h 19 If Lender exerai�es thi�aption,Lender�hstl takc the ste��{x�i6ed in the�econd peragraph of ! � , , ';'�.,���
<br /> � t ,�., � 1)'i P� YP�B P ecs . ..
<br /> ��t�t�r��},, I � �l1; paregt8ph!7. ' ' �
<br /> �` " ' ' 14. Noticea. An notice to Borrower provided for in this Secunt lnstrument*hall!�e given by deliverin it ar' � � � ! V�i�
<br /> :, t�,��,,:�:^,,�.,�;:� y y B bY t, . ,,,; ft����R -
<br /> iu�,u�� ,�r maillug it by tirst class mait unless appliaable law reqain�u�e otanother methud.The nonce eholl be directed to tha , ,;; ,il,''}�,,.
<br /> � �;�'��rt S••..���`;�i prapaty Address or any other addreas Honower dasignates by notfce to[.endar.Any nauce ta l.ender eheU be given by " ;;;, �� ;�_�,';
<br />�.. ,��r:�
<br /> '`�'�����''��: ��''�r%14 flrst eless meii to Leadu's address stated hercin or any othcr address Lender designote�by notke to Hotrowe�.Aoy noticc ,�,, ,•��,:�} ,,�� :�;;��;:__
<br />_;�;.;��,,, . ��',� i; 5 1 �+,c .:.tr%
<br /> �:=.;i',;;.�•�';��� „S� provided'for in this Security Inetrumant ahaq be deemed�o have bem g�ven to Bc�r�ower or I.cnder when given as provided J':� ?;t'�'':t��r��� ,.>����
<br /> �G'..:�s' .� tt. ���\1���r�ll��1`°.,;F.
<br />'.#,��ijC''..�4°,�•.,�, inthbpatagraPh• ,.,,•,,,;�..;.,�.�.�+�,.�,...,:,:_
<br /> '��,5`f��y��'r t,'<<�!�'' ib. Gqjeratag Lawt Se�era611tty. Thta Sccurity l�atrurnmt ghail he governed b federol law and the iaw otthe � :.`;;�''r�•��''''�� '"
<br /> � � . iit1',.:•,;';:;,:�..,
<br /> ,h¢��;��,.1�trll����-r��, jurlsdietion in which the Pmperty is iocated.in the event that eny provis�an ar ciau�e��f th��Secunty te�trument a�the ;'• '.,�,�?r,;t,:,':"�.,..•`;.
<br /> '���� �����F�•:;;;, �'t` �Notea�aAicts wltb applicable faw,such canflict shail not attect other pravi+u►ns af�Ms tierunty tnstrument at the Note ,; ', . ;• ,,.,;
<br />-�''ti+:l:_'i,,: ., '•;' • .��.
<br /> r,ti ���., ,t�),;�;; whicb can be given etFee�without the canflicting provision.To th��cnd�he prc►vinum+ut'thi�Secunty Inetrummt and the �' �,.•����
<br /> ;..5����(k,��.: .7.1�!l� Na4e ere declared to be severabta ( � '� .
<br /> ���: �;���.�� 1 6. 8 o e r o w e r a C o p y. B o r r o w e r s h a l l b e g rv e n n n e c o n f i+r m e c i c c►p y u!t l i e N o t r a n d a f t h i�S e r u n�y l n�►t r u m e n t. � ;,,�,. �
<br /> � i. ' r� , r •�, . . ,
<br /> 4'� �� l�;;.•�}''.'�• 17. Traaefee of the Property ar a 8eneftctat Interest ia Aorrower. lf nll��r on� pwn of the Praperty��r any
<br />'.T•�.�;y.' 4�: :'4P:� .
<br /> �!Y���ara��,,�.'��,:,,�„ intetest M it is sold or trensferred(or if a bene8ciel interc�t in Hortowcr�s�ufd or trun+ferrcci nnd Hnrrawer�*n��t a naturat �'. . ' •., .
<br /> � . ��• � �, „.�,
<br /> ''��= ' petson)withaut Lender's prior wntten ronsent,I.ender muy,et �tti�� uon,�rqwre immccliutc oymen��n full af ail suma . ��.,., ,
<br /> �:rc:r: ,.:�;f�ti�: n r ,,;;._ .
<br /> �;�'�`i r"'!;..�!Fi' � eecated by this Security Instsument.However, thi�c►pt�on sha{t nut t+c r�rrr��cd hy l.cndrr�f rxrrc��e�*proh�Aited by �
<br />;'j�����'��!`�4`;� �. ,.'+���; federellawasoflhedauotthisSecunty Instrumcnt. . �
<br /> '{;'�;.r,�; ,;�t:.'.,"�� !f I.ender ezerciaes thnoptron,Lcnder shal)give&irrowrr noltcc of ucccirtut�on 7'he not�ce�hall pravtde o pencxf ',
<br /> r'" �����y��yki`� �;��� of not lesa than 30days from the dace the notice i�delivered ut mailed wtthm w htrh Ei��rrc+wrr mu�t poq a11 sum�+recured by �;
<br />-�t'i/�t�rlitiC';'`.��'�'=�;;i5i this Security instrument.It Bonower faiis to pay thcse sums pnar tn t he ezp�ranun uf thn pcnc�ci,l.endet moy mvuka ony �.
<br /> ..- •�'.�,«!�!e'lt:��.2�•� � ....����M 1.�,�hin C���ntv netr��m�nt withou�furehrr nc��ke e�r demund un Hurrawer '
<br /> -::,. .;}�.,.�:�����: :rs:�':�x.... , ._-------•. I.._.
<br />" "��",;;.. �..,, �.} 18.8onower's Ai�Ms to�Ii�inetnte. !f EiorroNCr mee�+renan c<�nd�uum, !k►rruwrr�hull havc thc npht to havr
<br /> - s�,�' „� ., . . ,
<br /> ••.�. •�p; ,. •�. mforeement of this Security Instrument discontinueci et any t�me pno�tu the rurlier��t tul�duy�(��r*uch��ther{+encd a� ,
<br />-'"�"%"`' appiicable law may specify for reinstetemcnt)befc�rc�ale nf thc Prnperty pursuunt t��uny pawr�af'+�Ic runteinn!�n�h�+ ,
<br /> •,•.
<br /> Security Iastrument;or(b)entry of a judgment rnf�rcing thi�tictiunty in�trumrnt fhc+�e rcmd�non�ure that H��rrc�wer.
<br /> � ,., ,. ':•,�;� i (a)p4ys Lender a!1 sums which then woutd be due under this Se�uriry in�erument at;d the N�i�e had nu accelerauun
<br /> � occurted:<b)cares any default of any nth¢r rovenants ur ugrcement�. (c)pay�aU c�{�n+c��neurred m enti�rcmg th��
<br /> � � ���-� , ' Securiey lnserument, including,but not limited to,reasonabie atromeyx' f��, and(dl �akr+�uch octum ou I.ende� maY
<br /> ��+'•�� `. ,:':�`t�,'�I teasonably require to assure that the lien of this Secunty inserument, Lrnder'�r�ghtti m thc Nropetty ond IM�rn►wct'• •
<br /> ��`''��'�'�•;.'�i'��;'�• obligat�on to pay the sums secured by this Secunty Instrumcnl �haH connnuc unchanged t'�m ►e�n+►Iatemcnt by
<br /> "��'"�' ' `'� I Borrower.this Security Instrument and the obligations secured hercby tihall remmn fuliy eflecuvr a��t nu occelerntwn had
<br /> ;, .
<br /> ��• �j'�, � .occurred.However,this right to teinstate shal!not appty m the caunf accrlttat��n under paragraph�1�ur 17
<br /> ��� .. • � `
<br /> . .' • � � •
<br />