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_sz+.,.�,`�::5?T^.:37Y . .,. i �.._— a�F�,'�'rtoFS�y. t`:� �� 4'+ �''' ..'w:v...a�u,n--n-�w. . .. .., . „ . .. . .:�, . - _- <br /> _F"�-+'�[�:•,�t t�_ . '1 SG <br /> . . . _� ._ -,�.i ' . • ,� .''.i5�7't�+.7 �� i � �_��j.n[L �' _ f `•�' . ..�-.. ti- �' <br /> � _ <br /> ' . .1 T t`li� � � .{n�. • '� ,'..s,--{. < ... 1 �. .. .—_.__ <br /> 'f�� <br /> ' �' � ,tr7t� i ,�rr*��r�7S{;� " �� +'' '��, ,`�r � "' yr v , r" <br /> '� � - .u..y�l.R..�,�..9Y.u �t�P'� ' .. � - ..� �^ - �:,f�aull�9j�.id�Gi:4w�'.A -- . ., . ._,.s.... -. . <br /> ..,� .. . ...,. _. .-- <br /> . • � 1 :n • • .. �. .'��.�.-,�.,. . ' . . _ —. .._. <br /> � Wl.c <br /> . � � .� �� <br /> i:llid�Fi: . • <br /> 91— ioi7s� <br />---.—_�� . � . .� �_ _ <br /> T�---��--- � It Lendernqulrod mortgaae inwrence es a condiUon of malJas tlro loen eaured by this 8ecarity lnstrtanetu� °"":�-.� . <br /> Bomowe�sheli p�y tbe promiwesreqaired to maintaiu tbe ineuraaae�efteot until euah time a�tha roquiirment tor the P�:r�. _. <br /> '�`� �r. <br /> _,a<„s �.a <br /> ineuramx ten»lates la a�cordance witb 8aroower's atW l.eoder's written agrammt or epplicabio law. • � ,,,'°t.,=`µ s- <br /> & /a:pedton� �!a or its e�ent awy taAke aeaoaeblo ontrha upon and i�pectiot�a of the Perpecty. Lendar .�-Q ���,�„ .s"":. .. <br /> = sbalt giye Ramfae�oottr.e�t t!ro time otor prfor to an hnpootion speail�lag ta�soneble cauee for the insactkm. � � ,. r ,.. <br /> � �� <br /> ----__= p. Catdaa�qot�. Thg prooebds af any aaard ot olaim tor danaga,dircct ar coneequentiai,in connection with �t�i�1.4�.::'�.tFY`'�„i�w=sn� <br /> - -�'� wny candemnati�cr othar taking o!eny part of t1�e Property. or fa conveyanco in lieu cf condemnation,arc lie�by � ',;�,1.'�,�;;���;;���4fl±r__- <br /> � ����S�bC�d�Q�dQt. �(����-�.r. �iy��a"�'���?� n_�- <br />�.�+�s'��"�. M tbs aveat of a totaf taki�g of tha Pro y.the praroeds shell ba ap Iled ta the euma eeoured b this Saourlty `. "' ' <br /> +'"7.YC3'_f'�i9''}"i,� ' ,� c <br /> „��.,� .�i,� f�ctrumeat�wbalher or aat thon due�w!!h any ex�cess paid to Borrower.�n the avent af a partial taking a the Praperty, �,�' `!� '' .�„�'`a�'. <br />�-���.:�:}�.;`;�'.�. uniass Barc�rnvarad La+dar othenvi�o agree in ariting�the eums seaund by�his Seeudty ln�tn,ment shall be reduced b� ?;�..,, A��:'", :":��'r�.;`'-;. <br /> st �..; f ta,A the amount of the praceods muitiplied by the fallawln flraetlan:(a)tbee tatal ampunt af tho suma seoured immediateq� x T,��� ,;. �,��i, � <br /> 3, �ts•���'k� s;. An batanco shall De ... ,�y,�,s�r,� � ,: <br /> � �q befbro the taking,divided by(b)the thi�matket value o the Property iipmedistely before tho taking. y . ,� � u�rsz <br />_"°�'�;:w«.;,��'y:���� paidto8artoweu. .�;t ��}i,.�..h�b`�;t ,., <br /> ���'f •t. :�.�t�a,,�� .i�•�.��•;' `.'r;, <br /> �,�#��;� � I t t h e P ro p a t t y i s a b a n d o n e d b y 8 o:t o w e r�a r i f�a t t e r n o t i c e b y L�n d o r t a H o r m w e r t h a t t h e c o n d a n n a r a�e r a t o �� "t '�1''�', ��'�,+�.; <br /> , ';,,�``�� : <br /> , ,., ',�ti: make an awa�1 asettk a oislm f8r dataages.8otrowat tlalla to rospond ro Lender Mrii�hin 3�daye eiRer the date the notice!s ` " P� a' � . +�'° <br /> � �' �,, gtvea.L e u d e r isaut l m t i a o d toco l tect a n d e►pp v r t h e p x+a,�e e ds,at its apt l o n, e it her to r e s tors t ion or r�p a{ro f t h e P r o p a r t y o r ,4'_ ,� ~t,�' � `>J,-ry��� <br /> + ,��'������� to 1he�secuttd by ihisSecu�ity Instrua�ent.wl�ther or not then due. ,r.�� ,7��� '{ � <br /> , ,�","�{�ri�+�{ Ualess landecand Borcower ot�(e�ia writin�any appllcation oPpr�oceods to prir�cipat ahaA not extend or � , a p��"""���`,` <br /> �t��ti�� ,<f ti�r <br /> 't�,l'������`4,�''. postpone the due date of ehe monthly pa�s�rnd to in paregraph►i and 2 or change the amou�t af auch payments. , � � ;,�? i,,r�4u�:.,._ <br /> � 1Q Dorrower Not R�eedi �A� I.eader Not alYat�er. Extension of the time tor payment or :,:,. �.� ����a��i.���`- <br /> ',t'.-l.t,;:,�a .� , 11y : } . <br /> �"�'��w����''t�"t�;;• moditkation of�morHtadon of the eams�smcartd by thia Security Iatrument granted by I.e�der to any aucceasor tn � �.Y ��; ,��'v t�� . <br />�; �:,,,�,;.:.,: � ��1�,''••�:,''�,g�; <br /> :A��ir -�� ��� ;, iatemst of Honaver eball not operate to reIeas�tht liability of the orlglaal Borrower or Borrower's auceessars in intere�t. !,�w ••,•�'';h '� � <br /> �,��,,c..,> .� > ,s �; ,+���:.:�;;��� <br /> ;�'"�`;"•"� [,ertder shai! not be requlred to commence ptaceedings against any wccxasor i� iote�est or ret�se to exte�d time for s, .. ;�=�if�.. ^?..,,�-- <br /> "" #`�`�� �� ent ar othanvise modiFy emartization oPthe sums aecured by thisSecurtty Inatrument by reason uf eny demand made ^. �,. •.; �' �� <br /> f)�i � p� . �{iili � �`i>h." <br /> � lii.� � bt ��••• <br /> , ,�� .,f �,,.� by the or�ginal Borr+ower ur 8orrower a euccessors in interest.Any far�bterame by Lender in eae�cisu�g any rtght ar remedy �,1; ���, <br /> ,� ° �t '�r;' shalt not be a walver ofoY preolude the ea�ercise of any dght or remaly. :°, e ���tr <br /> �{ li. 5pa�o�w�d Atslgne Douqdi doiat and Seveeal Li�btlit�Casi�ers. The cove�ianu and agreammts of <br /> � <br /> ��° �:� ;�,[� this 3ecurity Instniment shap bind and be�t the successors en d a�s i�ns o f d e t a n d 8 onowe�.su bjcc t to t he p r a v i s i o n e �t���+ �. �'r��''�� <br /> °" '� of ra fi 17.Borrowm's coveeants and a eaments ahaii be'oinc a�d severay.An 8onowcr who caai ihis Saurity – , z'���` <br />;�i�'� ,�n i�>�;:. P e B�P 8r 1 Y � °,.;:,,�.�,,;,. ,��.,;... <br /> �S`•.`:, "..,'T : l�. y.�+;.�. .,?,r„ <br />.y,r��,�,.> �.:, � ' Iaatrument but does not execute the Note:(a)is casigning tbis Secprity Znstcument oniy to mortga$e,Srant and convey �q ; ,r''�;�,. :_:.r;'ti-� <br />'' ��''� �;�. �;� that 8orrower•s intereat in the Proporty under ihe terma of thia Securiq t nstrument;(b)ia nat,}�ersoaally abligated to pay �;�Cik,��{ti���,i L�,{i , �„ <br /> >;. <br />��';� l �'��j �' tha sums secured b this Securlt Inatrumenr.and(c)agreea that I,ender and any ather Hdr�rower may agra to eztend, ��`•'�_{;t�'�!��i,� ' <br /> y y ,:. �<�r, .1�t�<�.,..-;--:;;��.. <br /> �s ��;t�. � ' modit�r�fbrbee�r or meke any accommalations with rcgard ro the tcrms of this Secu�ity Instrument ar the Note wlthout ; �'�' ,, ,s.,;a•,�;� Y°•,��- <br /> ��'� �f,`�i;'i�,' • that Bon+ower•sconsent. � � . � . ,. � . ,� ,��'��–� <br /> - �et;an_/:l� 3 ipA�+4�{�i, , • .li�i[lUlf�. <br />.`�'��- .` .�f,;:,. . , IZ. Loaa G9mr�ea !f tl�e lonn secured by this Securfty Itist r�ment ia�ut�ject ta e taw��rhieh�ets maximum loan :��y��h`'-;.' `:",':"'p::, ` <br /> � ►,�„�. .. >, � ��, <br /> � s � � cha es. and thnt taw ia Anally interpreted so that ti�e intete�t or aher laan charges cultectod br ta�be coikcted in � ��. , �� �� <br />���{��s..;�,;; �nn�tion with the loan excced the permltted limits.•then:(a)any shch loan charge sheft be ced�tced by•the smount ' ' `,' <br /> '��r4!;r.�:.'.,.;. •:tt i'' .��. ...u.�. ., ,-;:�, <br /> ,. , , :. neeessary to reduee the chsrge to the permitted timit;aod(b)at�y�um+already coUected tirom�ort�owec whirh exceeded •; �' : �: ".:. ,: '` <br /> � .,m, .: <br /> �:. t,,. :�:i� 1.��... '; . ; .,'.;.:'.�'rs`'� <br /> �: :;,r�;.,;. .a permitted limitswfll be rMuqded to 8otrower.Lender rt�ay rhaose tomake this refund by raducing the principal owed t� �� �• � > ?�,� <br /> -. .. '� .:�+:�..l::,pr� ±:r <br /> ',°=��•*:�:��!'��-�'� u n d er t be No te a by ma ki�g a d l r e c t p a y m e n t t o B o r r a w e r.I f a r e f u n d r e d u c e R p ri n c i p a l,t h e r e d a c t f o n w i l i be t r c a t e d a s a � . ..!-_ <br />_:'„i���. ,i;:.,.•:���i�.� . ' ��;:��� �.. ..1.'C:`:,•c=:_.. <br /> � �•:,� , �; pattiel prepaymmt withqut any prepayment charge undcr the Note. . ,; � — <br /> �, ' ; '' 13. I.Sgid�tNon Af�eeNne I.ender's Rights. tf enactrnent or e:piratfon of applicablc lawa has•the etfect of �b •., , �s� , <br /> , ,�;;; ;' "„ rendedng any prav��pn of the Note or this Secu�ity Instrument unenforce�bia nccording to 1ts terms.[.mder.�t'its option, '_ ' t'��� , <br /> , �>>y���F� �`°�;� may rcquire irnmediate,payment in fbtl af atl sums secured by thix Security ln,�ttumem and may invoke aay�remesliea , ��'Yfi=r� ,,.�, <br /> xy-i it: � ' s; permitted by paregraph i9.,tit.ender eaercises this option.I.cnder ahall take the�teps speciAed3n the sec4nd paragtaph of t , .� �F <br />�r:�„a.,,;�, .:!?��..,; peragtaph 17. ,� . ::�;� ,- <br /> ���.;'T t� 14. Notkes. Any natice to Borrower provi d e c i far in t h is S e�vrit y Instrument 9 ha U be g iven by de livering i�or by � ' � ' <br /> ',,i,,,,�r�«_.n',�� mailing it by fl�t cleas mail unleas applicabte tuw requires use of anotiaer methoti.T1te notice shali be directed to the ,'�"';�;�7�1�t� �..�` �" , <br /> ., ,.'. ,�. . u� ..:�+�..: ;��i��t ''��•�»�'=i'".= <br /> ::��;;_•� ��•;':�'- Property Addreu e�r uny ot her a d dress H orrower de�ignates by not ice to L en der.Any no t ice to Len de r s ha l!b e g i ve�b y' <br /> -.:i;-.,�r�, ;•40;' . ��• .'.!. + � C'���,°. <br /> Q:��,:i���,:y:;�� � flrst ctrss mait toLender's address stgted herein or any otheraddress Lmderdesignutas by notice ta Borcower.Any notice , ,�, �,��.i,� �� <br /> , „ � pmvided for in this Securiry Inatrument shell be dcemed to have been diven tn Borrower or I.ende'r when glven as ptovided �' y;!`t�f'�i� � � � i f� � <br /> .F , 4 ��t.� +,�!\���t��f•'� ft�',� <br /> , ����;:i c��'.-,; .."• ia this parag�aph, , ,�f � : <br /> ' ��' �'x:�.�J..., 1S. Go�erniug Lnw=SeverairiUty. '!'hiaSerurlty inKtrumc»tshail be governed by federat lawand the lawof the �1.,!ia1�."'��,;�•��.'.t:``''�,. i,_ .': <br /> .tfi4j''.�ij:�•1` �:ra. �\ . �.y,,.l}n�¢�1y . ' ,i,�, <br /> ;;h�;,'��&„;�''';•?,-,��::� judsdiction in which the Proyerty is-located.In the eveat that any�rnvision or clausr of th�s Security fn�trument at the �: • ' . ,.•:-,��;�;!,}�,• � <br /> Note conflicts aith applicabie Inw,auch conflict sfiall n�t altect aher prc�vninns of thla Serurity Instrument ot the Nme �.. `�+f�ns,:�,, t'. <br /> ��'i;;.;�1�.•".;,��TO, which can be given effect withnut the conflioting pmvision.To this�nd the provisiom af this Securia�1»strument and the ';;�� ,,, ',�!}� ` <br /> ,��:ts.�}:;.;.'.�.•; ' �`'.. <br /> ;,i;..r�,:._,,,, . .. Notearedeclaredeobeseverable. �i.`;�� ,,I `�• .;. �. <br /> ' � �'��'F ` 16. Botrower's Copy. Borrower sh�11 be ivrn oncconforhnd ca c�f the Nnte und of thi�5ecur�t instrument. ' � ' � � ��t�''• �' '' <br /> � ' B PY Y �(>�;,. .�1t,,,,1,, <br /> , ,: �:.._���,t.:' � . , � ,,•,�.�,:�'�:;. <br />����<<������`� � �•+1, 17. Tra�fer nf the•Property or a Beneflcisl Ieterest irt�ortower, if nli or uny {wrt of the Propetty or any .; ,,.�,,;, ,,,�. <br /> .��.:,�':;;.. :.. •,,:�.,i <br />_=,i,;��t;-.;'':;ti��`''�r�, interest in it ts soki or iran�fierced!or if a bcne8cial intcrest in&urower is sald ar�runsfcrred a�d Hortower is not a natural � .�.;.�,..••,.�• <br /> ?;��•��•1�,;;+'":����+�1' rson)without Lender'�prior wntten�cnn�ent, rnder mu ,nt its� Mn,re uirc immediate ayment in!til!of ull sumc � �';'•. • �� <br /> � S �� # I- Y M� 9 P r,�,. • � <br /> '{'��Y``'���;•+�;�.,, s��ecured by thiaSecurity in!ctrument. However,thtir aptinn shell nr.t�e cxercised by l.rnder!f e�enhse is prohibited by � , .•���.�•���� � <br />?�r;����';�Z}•";'�'��� fe�erailawasohhedatrofthiaSecuritylnstrument. � � s ' . <br /> 1 , ,.:�.:�.;, ••:,r���1 . ' <br />_,.�;;,,�:,,:,,.•;:;�;�= If T.enderexetctses this opiian.Lendcr shall gi��r 8ormwer na�icr c�f arrekrution.The nat�re�fia11 pror�de a�eriod j _ <br /> :� �.:. � <br /> � ;'`� - <br /> '�•„��.,ii:t`, • ' nf nat leas than�0 days from the date•the na+tice is detivereci or mailec!aithin whuh�rtower mu�c�ray aN.ums+ecured by � <br /> 5 � ::::'e'C..:««�..s��.i;�;:�,t1'LL.�.nWp►:r�:t��.�..���1,.��nn+�nr..,�e��M�•:mra�inn nt eM.nrnncf.n.ender mng invoke anv l . . <br /> i`� �,�"'. ! '.� remedi�8.'��������t t Rteinsfetemelf B�mnwerumats„enain�nndi i�mr.�&rrr<�atrr�+h�il have thc right to huve �.. ' , <br />-`"��'-';`�•-� ,�.�"��� enfotcenient of thi�5ecn�rity lnstrument discnntinued at any�irtce proa���the eeA�er of:la)S day.r(ar wch uther penod a� � <br /> J,. ,,. . ,. .,.:, �,:' <br />�^`_-rti,_::+;'','E}�i.: �PP)�rgbled�w may spe�ifj tor reinstatement)bePore gnk of the Pra��eng pursuamt tn any��WCr��f wle cantnineci in thls , <br /> �r•� 5ecurity Insttument;or(b>entry of a jndgment enforcing th�c�c�caaan;�•�nstrument.'Thcne c�dnion�urc thut t3orrower. <br /> ~���` � '"` �''%''" (a)pays Lendrr al!wrm wh�ch then woutd be dur under this Se�:unty InStrument and tP�a tiote had no nccrleration ' , <br /> .+�'d�.'�•�;�'� .•���'ti� oecurrcd;(b) cures eny detautt of uny dther covenunts or agreemems; (c)�rayti att expens�w inrurred in rnforcmg this . <br /> -�`�'`��" "'r " � 5eeurity Instrument,mecfuding.but nnt limitec!tci, rea�anuble atte�rney+'iees:arta!(d)takc��uch uctie�n u�Lrnder may • <br /> ��� "" rzt; •' reasonably rcyufre te assure thet the tien af thix Security instrum��, LenQrrw nght+in the Property and Ei�m��wNr's <br /> "`"'���'��' ��` ""� obligation to py the scros secured by thia Secunty instrument �hall cantinuc unchunged. Upon reinxtotement by <br /> :;;�.�.;; ;;:;,;,`.:°� <br /> ;,�:,* ,. Borrower,this Security lnstrument and the obligatiuns seruad herebrsh utl remuin fu11y rffert�vr u�dno uccelerution haci <br /> '�:;%'`�,��;�:'i,:>. •� occurred.Howerer,this tight to reinstate shell nnt npply in the cuxe of arcelerntion under�+arngrnphs 13 ar 17. <br /> ,.��- � . <br /> ��� ,,�.�',�';. •:,:�`... j <br /> V__, .„�; i j I <br />'St��1�,.V.. ����f �`� , . . �. <br /> �, , <br /> � � � <br /> . �.t� � 1����]'.!1 . __ _. . .. .._._. _ . .. ..__ . .. . ._.__ <br />