._vn°°�°r :�Ly'��--+� �� t:.l..,l��-,P'l.�luA�.�y�7�x`'�� dFl+\,:,i1;� .rz'�•iri�• �. :i•: .+ .--.-. ... .. . . � . .. '.�; L .
<br /> ,# y f . � r .. ... ,�t' ���.
<br /> ES�_rl�'le .i�f �� ����,+�,���.��SY � �����'�a'�{f. � ._.�::... �'' . h �T ``..,.jryr ' �;',1 1 __f
<br /> - � ' ' ,'2,l'l/�1�1 '] ('-S-'�L , a Y �� . ,�� . . ;.�. �11' , . - .
<br /> � .
<br /> -i .. - - �f . .l { F �— � 71:;:.TL^t.'�� ��.. �S ?.,^++e`�1T�'—_"_.._...
<br /> .. _ _',. 1 1 R.'� , ' '. , 'tys _ �.F...� .t -.�.-
<br /> . , • �'J . .. .._. __ -. • '_
<br /> �.
<br /> •' � }- r` a�iTnlY v�6f�l,�� �i w:. . - - .. .1 .
<br /> fi��...�tl ....,"^-"—"_"'-'--. .
<br /> - ,�t\t/ti_d td..�i�.K _
<br /> ---_�=����.: � • 91� ioi763 _
<br /> � V�AM CovsN�►N7� �orrower�ad�.endtlr.cave�uu+t snd agroe es/allavw: r ehsi!prom �!Y PgY Wbea dao
<br /> : 1. Pp�meAt ot Pd�aly�t�ad Iateraq�t��t��eat md LW Aw�. aotecre P . —
<br /> � �':: �
<br />_ _.._.__..._-�� tbe prinoiPq�)ot'and i�terost on the debt evldemcd bY t e Note anA�nY P�Y�t and bto cMrga due under the ate. ---
<br /> � 2� pb�b�or'Caza aqd ltqqnq�se. 8ubject to appticabk taw or to a written wt�rer by L.endet,�arrower d�a11 PaY ���=;_:-:_--. ...__ . . _
<br /> � to Lender on tbe day ma�thly payniente are due u�dar the Note,until tho Note i�paidin Nti�a�um("Funds")aiWel ta ��.»��t_�-
<br /> �� taxea and aeses�mente whioh may aetain priority aver thb Security inattument:(b) Yearty ^,,, r,'�;-,",-.�-�, _
<br /> _y�� o�x+twelRti aG(e)Y�Y `,�}d-.'�,�--�-= ----
<br /> ' tenehold PsYa�mts or ground rontd on tbe t'�aperty� it anys (o) Yearly lwzard inanance preeniums� a�d(d) Yesdy ,ro;�-
<br /> T���I , a-�. --�
<br /> awrtg�ge insurance prou�ium�,if any.These ltems en�alta!'"esoraw items.•'I.eadar enY estimate the Fuads due an tha � ,� �,;�,,
<br /> '�f 4 ^�s�. a�i
<br /> - -? bmb ateurn»t data a»d r��eonabie estimates of thtun esoraw ite�m• ,:., ��-� ,, ° --
<br /> - m+ The Fw�de shati be heid in aa inatitutioe�ebe dapa�its ar acc�unts at wMoh ata f nwred ar gua�enteod by a ibdecat ar -
<br /> dapo�s _
<br /> ���,"' state ag�cy(inoluding l.anda�if I.ender is weh aa institutlan).i.er►det sMaU apply tbe Funds ta poy tha asotaw �tom�. ";'''r��,,;_ � , F - .
<br /> LaAder may not eharge far lioWing aad applyls�g the l�urds,analysing tha accaunt ar roeityin the esomw iteme. untes� : a `` �n '�s .z{�;�.-_
<br /> �R :
<br /> , ��'!�,s: ' i,�uder pays Harrows�interest an the Muad�end appiicdble taw peimlte 1.ender ta ru►ke we a cborge.Aarmwet ard ��.. :-
<br /> MY��fr'r�w`.�',;:;��, Lo,„;er may ag�ea in writing that lnteast sba11 be paid an the Funde.Unlass an agraament is made ar applioable law ,�, �*�s #i>�� �`� :,'•" �.
<br /> 1i� :���,,; roquiroe inte�t ta ba paid.I.ander shatl trot be required to yaarrawer any iateress ar eamings an the Fundw I.ender r ; t � _ ,,�:
<br />,� .r k;:�y,<i..'' � abql{�ta�ncmwrer„vrithout aharge�aq annnal aocauntit�gof the Fumis ahawi�g aradl►s and debite ta tho Funds and the �'ti��•� .", ,�;,• -
<br />_„ �� �� ,. � e pledged as addidaml aaurity tbr tha swns seaured by ,�{•�,� �a f` ; ',;�.' °'
<br /> , ., �.�:�; whiicb��c4 debit to the Fuada was mada.The Fuade ar ... �� ;� � � � ;
<br /> �-�i r,,����� � ;
<br /> z�§,��:�,E�f�ti� t h i s S e c u�t l l t Y G�u t n e n�• �nents af Fu n d s paya b t c�u t o ;l ''� ;4 a,^
<br /> `�?t"�b ' !��:�t��. , IPthe aaaount d'the Funds held by I.onde(r.w8elhbr altb the fluu�e moathly py �,�ti >� � :: , -� :
<br />�K ,1;�`�rp,�:��:. itee due datesof tlre esorow items.eha11 excead the aaaouat reQ�i�ed to pay che aserow Umne when due���xce�shaU be. .,;i;t" � : ` ,, 'fl e:
<br /> t �"t .
<br /> ��• ,� a�°`�'��3 ; at 8ottower's a ption�elther prom p t ty npaid to Borra�or credited to Ao#rower on motlthlY PaYm�ats o!'Punds.if the t,�� � � w
<br /> � - amount af tlea 1?unds held by Len d e r!s not sulRoient ta y the esc�ow itenais wtn.m due,8onower ahall pay to Lender any y�;•�r� `�` �� � ��. ����. -
<br /> � ,�N+�°�' am�ount neceasary to make up the daEicieney i»one or mon payme�rs as re�lui�ed by�u�r. �� �-
<br /> ,a`����� �; � t ia fb11 at all sunre�ec u r e d by t h i s S e cun t Y t a s t c u m e n t.L e n d e r�h a l i p r o m p d y r o f l m d t o B o r r ower �i.i�{ '' � �°�;�:�""
<br /> � �, ,� ,��1S�a.,, � ul�.PaY� h 19 the Propecty is soW or acquir�ea by Lmder.I.ender ahat{a ly,no late� ,W,_ ,i e� �
<br /> eny Fuads t�eld by Londer.Itunder parnB�P � , .� ,"�
<br /> s - ;:,, .,
<br /> ''�:�`�`'i�;'���;;r;��+�;: ' than itrlm�tieaed�r pricK to the sale of the!'mpeRy ar its acquisition by Lender.any Fmds hetd by Lender at the time c►f ,. ,,^�.,,,ki,
<br />°,:,�:. . ��: . ,, n.:,:�
<br />�„���,�`•;�,, �i . applicattan as a rrtldit againat tha sums aecured by this Secudty Instrument. , .;;.R. ,:,��.�, .,j.�..-
<br /> rr +s'.<<;,,r.R 3. ApP�icatioa o�PuYments. Unie�s applicable law providas otherwise.all piyrnents received by Lendar under : . �;�'., �E�,= ..^
<br /> f�° :
<br /> +k `'�� " '�. shall�tie applied�tirat�to lste chatges due under the Nota.second.toprepeyment chargea due under the .�; �� ,,� �r n �:
<br /> ,?~�;, - P�B�P�i'�,� ldua. ,. . -
<br /> � . +�"� Notr,thiril;ta amounu payabla unde�ps�agraph 2;faurth.to intenat dua,and last,to prinaipa � �'.. �
<br /> `�''�!''• '�4. d.yqit�Lteas. H orrowet s h a l l pay a l l t a x e s,a s s e s a m e n t a,c h a r g e s.�n e s a�d i m P°attions attributable ro the , ' ' Y
<br /> ^'Y���. ,.1.�. '. � I k a p e r cy which may attain priority,over this Secudty Instrument�and leasehold p�ymenta or ground rants. if aay. � ' "- ��, ,',`�
<br /> Harrower shall "'� . ' .. `
<br />�}`Yr�,�� .�,! � �„ Natrower sfiall pay these abligetiona in t he maane�pro v l d e d in pa re g t a p h 2�o r i f n o t p�i d i a t h a t m a o n e r, ,;:.5 ft .,;�n �3R? 6.:t �,_
<br /> ,e �_ �� ,,._ pey tldn�an time directly to the paeson owat pay�t.Barrower ahall pramptly Nrn6h to Lender a{i nc�tices of amauntA „ � .` _
<br /> i'�`� `� + ° � to be paid�under thla purngraP ttv tu�nish co Lende� ��. �_._ _ _
<br /> r�'F;� �� � �' h.If Honawe�makes ti►as�PBYments dirxtly.9orrowa sl�nl!Frt+mp .. � -
<br /> ,.,ti�;:,i.lr,"��`� receiptsevidenciq6thepaqmenes. . . . _ �
<br /> � �,r � ,Harroaer pha1l promptly diacl+argt an 'dion wh)ch has p r i a r i ty o v e r t h i s S a u t i t y l�strument aolesx Borrawer:(al �� �ti},��#�,."�}:��
<br />-=`j;'":S`r► '� ��� a �in wrihri to tha yment of ehe abli�at�dn aec�ured by the Iien in a manner accepuble to I.ender.(b)cantests in gaotl ��' '��h„+... , ..t----
<br />- ....,r..� if)�. s 8� 8 l� � . ° `:%i."'''__-
<br /> _�°'`"��' � faith'the�lien by.or defends e g a tnst eii farcement a f t he l ien i n.l e g a l p r o c e e d i n g s w h i c l�i n t h e L e n d e r s o p i n i o n a p e r a t e t o ,,ti ..,,...
<br /> „�,;iv�,•r�; '��� � ' ' -
<br /> �l�'f.�}E `�„ ptevent�.ehe enfar�ement of the lien or farfeiture af any part of the Property;o�(c)aanres from the halder of the Ilen an ': , ,�,p ,i',,,.:
<br /> � ���'�'��'1� 4'� � ' agreement satisfaatbry to I.ender eubo�dinating thc lten to thls Security instrument. [f Gender determines thac any part of �.,,,. � �-
<br /> � �� • ,w.-
<br />,;±',:��e.,�{r � '`„� the Prape�ry�is aubject to a lien which rnay attein pdatity over thiR Security Instrument,Lender may give Borrower.a . , .;,',Y�:��,;.�
<br /> � ` ;`���+,f�' notfce identitying the Ilen.Borrowa�aha11 setiafy the lien or take ane or more of the anbns set forth ebove withfn IO days ' f 'ki��^-
<br /> I,'y:ti�_�.,? �''� � .' n �'� i� „ f
<br />_� ,. of ti�e givtng of nottce. ' . -_
<br /> F:;�'�``+�'^``�'''�^;��'' S� i�natud Ineurance. 8orrower shalt keep the improvements naw existing a hereaftar erected on the hrape�ty ;� � �_• .,�,,�:��;..:
<br /> in �;: �
<br /> ;-.��a y'�` �'"+,t,:;�', ineured against toss by Rre,ha�ards ineiuded within the term"�xtended coverage"andmy other hazards t'or whlch Lendor ,;,.. :;,r�{.��_
<br /> �l� o, �,�.,,, c .;, -
<br /> `�:;{� h,��, requires inaurana.Thia insurance ahali be�naintained in the amaunts nnd for the pedads that I.ender requiren. ^!'he , , , a. ' ,
<br /> r t'`• � - inautance carrler providing the insurance shati be chosen by Bc►rrower�ubject to Leader'a approval which shali not be �,� .� ,
<br /> �.�� �� i���, unreasonabty.withheld. � .,. _
<br /> Yr���,���,��1;`ti` A!t inautance�paltales and ranewala Rhaii be accepteble to Lender and sheti iactude a standatd martgage,clause. ��� ' `l i;,°<<u.
<br /> �l.ender sha11 heve the right to hoid the pc►Hciea aad renewale.If Lcnder requires,Botrowe�shalt promptly give to'�I.�nder �,�•:� ��'
<br /> .:,� { .�'i;:; ; .. , ;; ..r�:.
<br /> �tt1�1�,,�'�„������!;, ell receipls of paid premiume and renewai notises.In the event of loss,Borrower ehalldive prampt notice ta theinsurmnce ,f,{,. ; , � ,�
<br /> "`' ( � �' carrie�and I.ender.Lender may make prooPaF lass if not made promptly by Barrower, �
<br />„�;��� ,i �,.���� Unleas Lender and Bonower othetwise agree in writing,inaurance praceed��:hell be applied ro restoration nr repeit ��:Y �
<br /> :�;'•!q, `�'U,���r.+��� df�the Pro p erty damaged.tf the restoration or rerair is ecanomicplly feasible and Lender's security is not lessened.If the �, ,S' ,��',`�,'`' , .
<br /> a
<br /> _ ,�1�4�GS�.t� ��4;?.. .
<br /> . ..s:.,rn;.:,s�.�,��.(i;z'. .resturatian or repair is not ecnnam ice py feos t b l�or l.en der's s e c u r i t y w a u t d�b e t e s s a x d,t b e i n s u r a n c e p�o c e e d s a h a l l b e �..,• , i ,�,; ua,
<br /> .:.;��i',�j�°� p1°�y`�.,�;,� applial to:tfie aums seau:ed by this Sncurity�l�sttumenf,whether or not then due, wi�1�eny excess paid to Borrower.lP •,� , :.�.•�
<br /> ,,.��i.
<br /> r.��;�,,tr,E�,�'��+�'f�I Borrower abandona the Property,or does nat•nnswer within 30 dny�s notice from l.mder that the in+urance ac�rrfer has ��".���;-,:- ���
<br /> �`;' � :�,,���?; oRered to settle a�laim.then Lender may collect the insurance praceecls.I.�nder may use the praceeds to repair or restorc �
<br /> ,:,.A',��t„�;�1,t�.�a� � the pro�erty ot ta pay sums s:ecured by thfx Securiry instrument.whether or not thm due.The 30�day period wili begin � � . : , , ,,. „
<br /> '���'�).�� 1+v` when the notice is givm. � '
<br /> ;��.�.�,�;`t'•?°J��' �.I, g Y p P P P •
<br /> , .�,���' '�d� Unlesa Lpnder and 8orrowcr otherwice n fee in writing.en a piicutinn of rua�ds to dnci al sha11 not exttnd or � , . �;•:,
<br /> '�`,���t�.��:��, postpone the due ilate of the monthly payments referrcd tn in pnrugruphs 1 And 2 c�r chan Re the amount of the payments.If
<br /> :�.c������. :� � � �' under paragraph 19 the 1'roperty is acquired by Lender,Borrower's right to uny msunnre{x�lici�..w ttnd pa�ceeds rcwulting �' . . ,
<br /> 1';''�•��• �': �` from damage tc�the Property pri�r to th�acquigitinn shnit pas�t�Lender tn the cxtcnt of the sums.rerured b�•this Security
<br /> .a.�.,...`�f�,�� f�. � �
<br /> ; �:,.,... ;, ,r•t:, Itatn�ment immediately prfar tothe acquisition. •••'
<br /> '�,`:�' (t . kt�.
<br /> .ti•:�s, �:". ,,��, 6. Preeervation and Malnteaance o�Property;I.easeho�de• &�rrower xhutlant dcstmy,damage or�u�tantially � ; ,:
<br /> ,._c.�,rF'.' �.�, ' :
<br /> .�-;,:,�•;�;°;,i� change the Property,a11oW the I'rnpeny to cfeteriorute c�r commit waste. If this 5ecurit�• In+erument is on a 1ea�ehaid, . :
<br /> r ��.•• i�`r���;;s� ': Bar�ower sh�U¢omply with tlie provisions of the lease,and if NormH•er aryu�re�fee tNle tnthe Propetty,the leaschold and ,
<br /> '�,',:., a�,,t��, ; � � ti.''..
<br /> >,�. ... .. .,.,,,� .. fee titte shall not merg�unlesx Lender agreta io the merger in w•riting.
<br /> �,+��4�,.. �:: ,� 9. protecttop ot I.ender's Rights in the Praperty: 1�iort�aRe Insurance. if�rrower faUa to perfotm tl�e ( ,
<br /> r �� :,w�, •, ° �3ti�i�aTSS aad ag::r.".:"!'-'-`"^!!!'!'!'."`!'n�hia 5ecnritv 1 ncf rument.or thcrr i�u legul praceding that ma���i�eiflrontl5•aSect 3 ;..�!�'.�,
<br /> ir�
<br /> °4:•rt��,�r•.`� :�•� Lender's rightx in the Property i$uch as u preceedinR in bankruptcy, {1TOhqtl•,fin cundemnat�nn ot to eniorce�iaws or � . •• �•;;,,
<br /> .,",:::'.:�>.,�, •
<br /> •• -� ; _• regulationa),then I.ender may do and�+xy for a hatever i�ne�cwxar,r:n r:c+se�t the culue c�fthe Pto}xrt�ansl i.endei's rights
<br /> ` '��' �' ' in thr Property.lxnder's ac�ions may inrlude paying any.sums 3ecured by�fien rhi�h hux pr�nnt}•ovu�his Secunty. i
<br /> �.. ..;�.�,.;
<br /> �-;�;`�':-••'r"'`:���'' • vin reesannble attorneys'lees and entering an t hePr��erty to make repain. Although '�
<br /> :...,,• ; Instrument,eppearing in coun,pa, g
<br />. ,:��:'��;,•;� �"` .` Lender may tgke action undet tfiis perngtuph 7.Lender doee tw►t have to do«�.
<br /> Any atnount�disbutseci by Lender under this pnragruph 7.ha{t became udditanul deht i�f�trower�ecutQd i►y chis
<br /> � ��`.1� �� Security In�trument Unteas Bnrrower nad Lendcr agree to uther termc of pnyment.tl�tie umounts�,hali lhe�ar intere�t from
<br /> • :F� � the date of disbursement nt the Ncite rutr und shutl be pnynbte, with intrr��t, u�nr► notirc fram Lender tu Borrrnvrr
<br /> .. '••'i'.. requeuting payment.
<br /> '..<��; .. � �.
<br /> ;, . .
<br />. '�,�''`�'�':;:':;;' :,,:,
<br /> �' ��,:;; �•,��,.,1�+' �
<br />�:�.. , I �
<br />