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2023051 41 <br />majority of the time shall also be entitled to claim a Child Tax Credit, Dependent <br />Care Credit and Earned Income Tax Credit against income taxes with respect to that <br />child, if eligible. In the income tax year when only one child is able to be claimed, <br />the parties agree that this filing status with respect to the remaining child shall be <br />alternated on a yearly basis and shalt be opposite of the party claiming the <br />exemption. Thus, if the Plaintiff is claiming the child as an exemption in <br />odd -numbered years, Defendant shall claim Head of Household status in <br />odd -numbered years, and vice versa. <br />e, Contingency; Plaintiff's right to utilize the minor children for any <br />state or federal tax purposes shall be contingent upon her remaining current on her <br />child support obligation as of December 3 l of the taxable year at issue. To the <br />extent the Plaintiff has income withholding in place that creates a deminimis <br />arrearage due to the withholding schedule, said deminimis arrearage shall not be <br />used as a reason for denying her use of a minor child for utilization on federal and <br />state taxes. <br />E. EXTRA -CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES <br />Both parties shall inform one another reasonably in advance of all events <br />where a parent may participate in the children's activities or events, (for example, <br />school plays, teacher conferences, sporting events, music recitals, etc.) Notice shall <br />be provided in such a way that the other parent has the maximum opportunity to <br />attend that activity or event as it is important to the children's developmental <br />process. Said costs of extra -curricular activities shall be paid with the Plaintiff <br />paying sixty-four percent (64%) and Defendant paying thirty-six percent (36%). <br />Nothing in this provision shall be used to prohibit or limit the child's current <br />participation in activities. Each party, during their respective periods of parenting <br />time, shall ensure that the child attends all mutually agreed upon extracurricular and. <br />school activities that occur during that parent's period of parenting time. Deference <br />shall be given to the wants and desires of a minor child when determining whether <br />or not a child shall participate in an activity. <br />T. CHILD'S COSTS ASID EXPENSES <br />Each party shall be responsible for the cost of the children's day-to-day <br />needs while the children are in his or her care. This shall include but not be <br />limited to meals, clothing, and personal hygiene Items. Each parent shall provide <br />4 <br />Page 30of 36) <br />
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