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202305141 <br />7. The parties have entered into a Property Settlement Agreement, <br />incorporating therein a Parenting Plan and Financial Plan (the "Agreement"), <br />attached hereto as Exhibit "1," and incorporated by reference as if fully set forth <br />herein. The Agreement is reasonable, is not unconscionable, and should be, and <br />hereby is approved by this Court. <br />8.. The Parenting Plan and Financial Plan attached and incorporated into <br />the Agreement are deemed to be in the best interest of the minor child. <br />9. IT IS, THEREFORE, ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED <br />that the marriage of the Plaintiff and Defendant should be, and hereby is, dissolved. <br />10. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that <br />the Agreement of the parties received into evidence is incorporated into this Decree <br />by reference as if fully set forth herein, and the Agreement is hereby approved by the <br />Court and the parties are further ordered to perform and carry out in all respects the <br />terms and conditions of the Agreement as if fully set forth and specifically ordered <br />herein. <br />11. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that <br />the parties be awarded the joint legal and joint physical custody of the children, <br />namely, Ethan Briseno, born October 2012, and Xavier Briseno, born October 2009, <br />subject to the reasonable parenting times, rights and responsibilities as set forth in <br />the Parenting Plan incorporated into this Decree. The parties are ordered to abide by <br />the terms and conditions of the attached Parenting Plan as if specifically set forth <br />and ordered herein. <br />12. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that <br />that Plaintiff shall pay child support in the amount of $458.00 commencing the first <br />day of the month following entry of a Divorce Decree adopting the terms of this <br />Settlement Agreement and continuing on the 1St day of each month thereafter. <br />Plaintiff shall pay child support through the Nebraska Child Support Payment Center <br />(NCSPC) at PO Box 82600, Lincoln, Nebraska, 68501-2600, or at <br /> child support for the support and maintenance of the <br />minor children of the parties, in the amount of $458.00 per month. Such amount <br />shall be paid by the Plaintiff until the 1St day of the month following the month in <br />which one of the minor children marries, reaches the age of majority, dies, or is <br />emancipated, whichever occurs first. When one minor child remains, the Plaintiff <br />shall pay $347.00 per month. Such amount shall be paid by the Plaintiff until the lSt <br />day of the month following the month until the minor child marries, reaches the age <br />of majority, dies, or is emancipated, whichever occurs first. <br />2 <br />Page of <br />
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