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r <br />202305141 <br />Filed in Hall District Court <br />*** EFILED *** <br />Case Number: D08C1210000897 <br />Transaction ID: 0019381636 <br />Filing Date: 01/12/2023 02:46:00 PM CST <br />IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />SUSAN MARIE BRISENO, <br />Plaintiff, <br />vs. <br />THOMAS CLARENCE BRISENO, <br />Defendant. <br />Case No. CI 21-897 <br />DECREE OF DISSOLUTION OF <br />MARRIAGE <br />THIS MATTER came on for consideration before the District Court of Hall <br />County, Nebraska on the ,11th day of January, 2023. After reviewing the Court files, <br />including the parties Property Settlement Agreement, Parenting Plan, Financial Plan, <br />and Affidavit and Waiver of Hearing, the Court having duly considered the same <br />and being fully advised in the premises finds as follows: <br />1. The allegations of Plaintiff's Complaint are true. <br />2. The District Court of Hall County, Nebraska has personal <br />jurisdiction over the parties and subject matter jurisdiction over the issues raised in <br />the Plaintiff's Complaint. The Plaintiff being a resident of Lincoln, Hall County, <br />Nebraska, and having had actual residence in the State of Nebraska for at least one <br />year prior to the filing of the Complaint herein, and the Plaintiff having initiated the <br />action. <br />3. Service of process has been accomplished; the Defendant having <br />been personally served on or about the 3`d day of August, 2021. More than sixty <br />(60) days have elapsed since perfection of service. <br />4. Plaintiff and Defendant were married on the date and at the time <br />stated in the Complaint filed herein, and neither is a party to any other pending <br />action for divorce, separation or dissolution of marriage or is in the military service <br />of the United States or its allies within the meaning of the Service members Civil <br />Relief Act of 2003. <br />5. Every reasonable effort to effect reconciliation between the parties <br />has been made but the marriage is irretrievably broken and should be dissolved. <br />6. The Court finds that the Plaintiff is the mother, and the Defendant is <br />the father of two (2) minor children, namely, Ethan Briseno, born October 2012, and <br />Xavier Briseno, born October 2009. <br />1 <br />Page ,. ofaQ. <br />