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<br /> puymenta may no longer ba required,ut the optton of I.ender,i(mortBage insurtu�cc coverage(in the umaunt and for the period 5..,..�;�
<br /> � ' that Lender requlres)provtded by nn Inaumr appmved by L.endet oIIuin becomes�►v�ilable and ia obwined. Horrowee ahnll puy }a��k�
<br />_-- - - ttee premiums�uired to maintain��ortAuge inauranco ln effect,or to ptnvide n loss reaerve,untll the requirement for mortgage �`_�_��
<br /> ~ �� inswAnce ends In uccordance�t�ith nny written agrEemene Detween 8orrower nnd Le�der or applicabte law. `-�
<br /> ° 9. lns�ection.Lender or ita ogent�uay maka rc,aso��abic cc�tde:,upan uud inspcctioas of the Property• Ixnder shall Qive ��•'?V-•_
<br /> �� Botrower notice at the time of or prior to un inapectipn specityiag eeasanable cnuse for the laspectlon. ��
<br /> , 10.Conde:tenaUon.The proc.eeds of any awnrd or cluiw fur dumages, direct or consequeutiul, in connection with any �:'
<br /> �,_._. � con�demnation or ather taking of any part of the Property.or for waveynnce in lieu of wademnatton,are hereby assigned and ��`
<br /> ;;;;;.�'• shall be p�id to Lender. �`-
<br /> w..,.�•:�� Tn ehe event of a total taking of the Property.the proceeds shail be applied to the sums secured by this Securiry Inatrument. f?'-
<br /> �� _; 3 whether or not then due, wilh any excess paid to Borrower. la the event of a partial taking of the Property in which the fair E-_-�-
<br /> < matket value of the Property lmtaediately before the taking is equd to or greater thaa the amonnt of the sums secured by this �
<br /> � � geciuity Ipsuuraent immed[ately ls�forc the taldng,ualesa Borrower ead Lender otherwise agree ia writing.the sums secured by -
<br /> � thls Securlry Insm►ment shaU be reduced by the amount of che procee�ts mWtiplied by the following fractiou: (a)the wtat "
<br /> amount of the sunas secured lmmedlately before the taking,div[ded by(b)the feir market value of the Property imwediateiY
<br /> , .� before the taking. My balance shall be paid to Borrower. In We eveat of a pardal taldng of the Property In whfch the fair --
<br /> market value of the Property Ia�mediately before the takins Is less thaa the amouat of the sums secured immediately before the
<br /> �` taking,ualesa Borcower and Lender otheiwise agree in wrtting Wr uniess appilcable iaw othecuvise pmvides,thc precx�s shall -
<br /> „ _`�' be applied to We sums secured bY this Secudty Instrument whettter or not the sums are then due.
<br /> If the Property is abandoned by Borrower.or if.after nodce by I.ender to Hornower that the coademnor offers to make aa
<br /> award or settle a claira for damages. Borrower fails to respond w Lender withia 30 days after the date the notice ia givea.
<br /> . ' Leader is authorized to coAecc and apply the proceeils.at its opdon,either to restoration or npair of the Propeny or to the sums
<br /> ,.,;,• � � Securec►by thia Security Instmment.whether or not then due.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower othenvlse a�rce in wddn&. a�ry aPPlication of proceeds to prtacipal shaU aot ea�tead or
<br />_" gwstpoae the due date of the monthly payments referred to in puagmpha 1 and 2 or chenge the amouat of such paymente. -
<br />-.;;:J,aF; 11.Borrower Not Released;Forbearauce By Leader Not a Waiver.B�ctension of the time for payment or modificaztoa
<br /> ��'���`��� of amortization of the sums secured bY this Security Insirumea►t granted by Lender ta aay suocessor ia interest of Borrower sbaU •_
<br /> -'�-., . noi operate to release the liab�lity of the original Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest.Lender shall not be required W
<br /> �..,,..: ��_ _-
<br /> -,v:�:;< ' comme+nce p�inF,s 88sinsc anY suvxssur iu i�i��est oa rEfr,s.::ta�..-icad tis�fcr gs;�eaL ar o2ltP.r!�t�se t�lify amortizadon ,
<br /> :=i��'��ti';,;`�;� � of the sums secured by thia Security Instrument by reasoa of aay demaad made by the original Borrower or Borrower's
<br />=r..,,..�. .
<br />,��^�,:;z,�;� successors in interest. /�►ny forbearaace by Ixader ia exercising any rlght or remedy ahall not be a waiver of or preciu e e
<br />=-=°-°=r"-""° exercise of any right or remedy.
<br />____.,s��:..,;; .
<br />����s�. 12. Suocc�sors and Assigns Bound. Jolnt and 3everal Llat►ility: Co-signere. The coveaants and agreements o s
<br /> - ��"�"'`•�` •• S�urity Iasuuanent shall biad and benefit the successors and assigns of Leader and Borrower, subject to the pmv[sions of
<br /> ,�?r+N i.
<br /> 9
<br /> �-�.;:.�;�� P�S�Ph 17. Borrower's covenants aad agreements shall be jolnt and several. Any Borrower who co-sigas this Sscurity
<br />�' '� u= Inetrument but does aot exe�ute the Note: (a) ia co-signing this S�curlty Instrument only to mortgage.grant and oonvey that
<br /> - 'y�,r.:n
<br /> 'T`'�'t'�'-"-� Borrower's lnterest tn the Property uader the terms of this Security Tnsuu►nent:(b)is not personally obligated to pay the sums
<br />_�_.,.�,,;..�.r�
<br /> - ., ,,, secuc+ed by this Securlty insmiment;and(c)a8rees that Leuder and any other Bvrrower may agcee to extead.modifY. o ear or
<br />-��'
<br /> _.—��r���� make any accommodattons arith:cgard to tbe ter�s of this Security Insuument or the Note without that Bflrrower's cvnsent.
<br />- -,�`�:':,,� 13.Loan�barges.If the loan secured by this Seaudty Instcument is aub ject to a law which sets maximum loan charges,
<br /> W���?`� aud that law is Snally iaterpreted so that the iaterest ar other 1ean charges coll�or to be colI�in coanection with the --
<br /> r�%��` loan exceed the permitted limits,then:(a)any such loan charge shall tie reduc�by the amount wecessary to reduoe the charge .,;,
<br /> =_=_=----_- w the p�rmitted limit;and(b)anY sums alieady oollected from Borrower which exceeded perruttted limits wiU be ret6aded to
<br /> ---__-__ gornower. T�tdel may �hoose to make th�s refuad by reducing the principal owed uader the Aiote or by making a direct
<br /> _� payment w Borrow�r. If a refund reduces principat. the reduction will be meated as a partlal prepaymrnt without any
<br /> `""�-� prepayment charge under the lYote. -
<br /> ``�� 14.lYailces.Any notice w Borrower pmvided for in thia Security Inswment shaU be given by deliverling it or by mafling
<br /> �y����� it by first class mail unless appllcable law recluires nse of another method.The notice shali be dinected to the Property Address
<br /> °l -- - or aay other address Bormwer designates by notice to Lender.Any aotIce to Lender aball be given by first class mail to
<br /> ==- _� Leader's address staied herein or atry other address Ixader designates by nouce to Borrower. Any aotice provided for ia this
<br />�=��� S�ty�nstrumpu shaU be deea�ed to have been given to Botrower or L,ender when given as pmvided in this paxa8rapb.
<br /> 3.� 15.Governing Law; SeverabWty. This Security Instrumant shall be govemed by federai law and the law of the
<br />�_;.�.>;"'0"�'�"_�� jurlsdiction in which the Property is located.In the event that auY Pmvlslon or clause of tl�iis Security insuutuart or the Note
<br /> r.=::�,�.;._ -
<br /> -,.,;._.�;-; , , conflicts with appllcable law,such wnflict ehal!not affect ocher provisions of this Secutity Instniment or the Noie which can be
<br /> =�-�'�•�-':���:� given effect without the conflicting provislon. To this ond the pm+lsions of thia Secudty Insuument and the Note are declarecl
<br />_�` ' ` �� to be severable.
<br /> =:'`=' ..°:=..�' . 16.Botxower's Copy.Borrower shall be given one conformed copy of the Ttote and of this Sec�rity Insuument.
<br />_•- �.
<br />- - � " Fortn 3028 8/90 =-
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