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Euantn�f 6afeulG��ch o!tI?6 follG��vinp ossv�roneos ahall eonatituto on ovont o/dolnult horoandnr,lhoro/nsltvr on'Fvent o!Oolault"!: ` <br /> , , �� /o)p�y omount poVoblo und�t tho OD11�t,Non�socumd oy this Dood�f Tru�t!�aot paid when duo,p�to►glving otlact to ony ep;�llcatrlo �_ <br /> grace podod thornln, — <br /> � fb/ Tiosror la othorwlrro U daleult undor tAO terma ol tho Oblldallons, -' <br /> � fc1 Trusror ln/fs to obsorvo t�r porfo�m any ot IAo covonants,nproamonta,or eond!l/ons In thls Oood o1�iusf, �. <br /> � �motor!N msfond na oi�wonenty Includlnp,Dut not!!mlted to,an y wananty ol tUla mado by 7iusror!n tAls Oood ol fivat ls Ie�so or . <br /> _ � �-' <br /> �•� !el Trustor sella or co»yeys fAe 7nrst Pioperty,or eny pa�t thorool,o�any/ntorttst theroln,orla dlvontod ol/ta dtto,o�onylnterost <br /> tAoroln,!n ony mnnnai or way,whvtho�volvntad/y or involuntedly,wltAout the pr/or wrltten consont ol Boneliclary. <br /> ,,,nw� _. <br /> �=�---', aa aasre.•r�n oio.�a�c���•Vp an the acunertce of any Event ol Doloult,o�sny Nmn thomalter untq such Evont of Dolttult 1s <br /> curad to the aatla/ectlon ol Baneflclery.8ene/klerymay,at its opHvn,deele�e e//ODliaatlona socmod hereDy Ursmedlstety duo end payaDlo <br /> end the sorna shalt bear tnte�ett at the delault rete,(/any,set/nrth in the Nnte or the dola�lt ieto,l/sn y,set IortA!n tho most�eccant _ <br /> ry ���;, • oblJgaUon eomred by the Quaranry,or otherwiso et the hlghest iete pennittvd by lew,end,fiiespsctive ot whother Beneflclary exoichos <br /> ,°�t sold opUon,!t may,at Jta optlon and!n its sole d/scretfon,withnut any Iurthvr nctice or d�msnd to or upon Tiustor,do one or mav of <br /> ° the tollowing: . <br /> ;.�..��. <br /> ° lel BeneNclary may e�iter uROn,take poasosalon o%manago and oRarato d�o Tiust Pioperty or anY peit thereof;make repafrs end <br />- � alrorvtlons and do any ac►s vs�hlch Beneflciary dsRms p�opnr to p�ottrct tha secudty ihereof,snd etthaf with o�wlthout teklng <br /> possesslon,In!ts own neme,avo ior o�otherwlse coltect ond ieceive�ents,Issuos and profits,Jncli�ding those past due end unpald,end <br />��;'A'�' � eppN the semo,lesa catts�nd expanses ot operation and collecNon,faa/udl»g reasonabla aKOd+oys'/ees e»d Boneficlary's coats,npon <br />-;;��; the Obiipedons secnred Ae�by and la such oMer as 8enellcfary may detem►Ine.llpua iequest ol BvnvNclary, Tiustor shall assemWe and <br /> ,�ri,�•�� sAsl/make avallabfa to Beneflclary any o/the Trtrst Property whlcA has treon�emoved.fie entedng npon end teking possessian of the <br /> =�� � Tiust Proparty,the coIlecdan o/sn y rents,lsaues end prrofits,and tho eppllcadon the�eo/os sforosald,ahall not cure o�walvi►any <br /> � m <br />`,�;�+.;_ � �/e/ault Nemiofore oi therealter occum'ng,oraffect any aoNce ol defauit o�nodca of sale hereunder or fnvaddete sny act done pursuent <br />__ �y..� to any such nadce.Norivithstand/ng Beneflclary s eonllnusnce!n posasssfar+or recelpt ertd a�l�catfon ol renta,Issuas o�pro�ts, <br /> �__�� BanofJc(ory shall Ae enUtled m exerclse every d9At provided for/n thls Dved of Tiust or Dy/aw upon or efte�the occune»ce of an Event <br /> � ofOefeult,/nc/udJng the dgAt to exereJse tho powe►ol ae/e.Any af tAe acdo�refered ro/n thls SecUon may De tsken hy&snaCc►ary at <br />-���� such dme ss Bene/Iclnry mey dete�mine wfthout iegar+d to the adeqnaey of any seaudtY lo�d+e Obligadons secured hereby. <br /> � (bl Benel/etary ahatl, wlthoat regaid to Me edeq�acy o1 eny secndtY for tAe OWlgadons secured hereby,�s entitlad to tAe ep�ofntment <br /> ;�•� o/a recelver by any c�urt IurvinB/urisdicNon,without aot/ee,ro take possosalon o%p�oteat,and manage the Trust PropartY and ope�ata <br /> ' tlro same and collect the renta,lssuss and prollts therefrom. <br /> °==n�� (cl Benalirlary may bring any ecdon In any eourt of competent/uNsdlctlon to larec%se thfs Dead o/Tivst or enforco any ot rhe <br /> _c.Ln j <br /> COYBR8llt3 Q9f8D� <br /> (dl Beneflelary may eleet to cause the Tnrst P�vpr+rtV o�any part thereo!to be aold nnde�ihe pawer of aeils,end!n suah eve»t. <br />-„ Bene/Jcfary or Tnrstee ahad glve such nodce ol delau/t end nnilce of sale to each party to thls Deed ot Tiust by ma1!at tha address set <br /> �� /orth hereln aad en y othar noNce whlch ma Oe then mqulred by law.Thereafter,upon the explreUon of such dma end the ivin of <br /> -�*•� such noilce o l s a le jst�e o2hen��bty Ba�fifelBN e Pub/1c euction to8the h/ghes�bi��loi casA/n lawtNm�oneyao f t h�Un�d�t <br /> ',:;� f'taF°-r!;•at ettY�+±+ . <br /> States of Ame�lca.Upon reca�t of payment ot[Ae D!d , nuatee anaH a�dY�bFr'�����Q��°r u��'��t end <br /> �~-��'- expe»se�ol exe�claing Me power of sale and of the sa e,Incladlag but nnt l7initetl to,trusree s fees of not more dran dSD0.00 P1us <br />,,;;,;,g�,�� one-hall o/one percentol the g�oss sete price,and reasonable ertomeys'feea.fJ1f to the OGtlgadons,and(flii the excess,Nany,to the <br /> — . perscnor petsonslegallY�»tlU�d tAereto. <br /> _N� � <br />���°� , ��es sppralssl leeSSPrer»lums /c�t�e/nsuience,K meysafees and cou�osts sha�l/be andreonstltute Obllgaalons seourod��byr t t e <br /> - .:'.� <br /> —""'�!� 2Y. DyLt�t oi Tirate�.Tiustor agrees drar. <br /> �. ��� /el 7!re dudes and oblipatlons o/Tiustea shall bs detemdned solely by Phe exp�ess vfslons o/thls Daad of Trust and Tastee ahnli hat <br /> -- �'�� be/Iable eueept/of the per/om�ance ol srrch 0utles and oW/gatlo»s as'are spac!!!csl�et Porth hereln,end no lmplled covenr�nts or <br />-�-"'°x'�° obllgetlons shap be�mposed upon Tiustee, <br /> (b1 No pmvlslon ol thk Deed of Truat 8ha11�BOvlre Tivatee to expend or Ask!ts own fuRds,or otherwlso lncur any l/nartcinl obtigatJon in <br /> � tha peAormaace of any of ita dutles herevirder, orin the exarctse o!eny of ita dghis o�powo�s. <br /> !cl Trustee may conauit widi counsel of 1ts own choosing and the edvlce of sucA cou�eJ shall be ful!and complete sutAotisaUoa and <br /> - — proteetion fn the respect of eny aetlon taken or auNered by!t hereunde�In goad/alth and rellaneo therean,and <br /> (dJ Tius[ee sha//not be/!eDle/or any acdon taken by it/n good IalN and reasonsLly 6allevad bylt to be authodzed or wlthfn Jts _ <br /> — disc�etlon or dphis oi(wvuers ccnferied upon Ir Oy th19 Deed ol Trost ,. <br /> 2S ��y qy�m�n=�rtd I�rhns�ny,From ths date of fta reto►ding,this Deed of Tiust s,hafl constitute e secudly agieem8nt and <br /> _ f/xtu�e fflFnp undei!he p�ovisfons of thB Neb�esira 1/nllorm Comme�clal GbdA.+vlth iesRect to tAose flxturas dasetJbed in tha praarnbles he►eaf <br /> ss constft+mn9 a pa�t ol tha Tiust PropsraY.�ogsther whh s!l othe�prope�tV of Tiustor,elthe�sIm!!ar o�dlss�i»�1ar fo Me same,now a <br /> _ ---- Aeieaftcs�located at or en the Trtrst Prope►ty.Fa tl+Is purpose,the folJowing Jnfortnstlon!s set/orth: <br /> (el Namo end Addiess ofOabror/Tiustor. fbJ Nams end Address ot Secumd Party/Beaefic/ary: <br /> I�C �eCom Builders iac. Norwegt Hank Nebzaeka, Natianal <br /> w�� Aeeociation <br /> --� <br />- � 3G5 Waiawri9ht 202 West Third Stzeet : <br /> '� Grasd Islaad N8 68801 Grand Island NE 68801 <br /> --=�i:l�� <br /> "�'`�'�� fcldeDio�sSoclafSetcudNNumbe�/federal Texpaye�l.A.Numtre�,�11761497 <br /> - ::::.« <br />-- _—_- _ !d/fiis dacumont covars goads vvAfch are arr e�e to besoaro fixtu�es. <br /> _ <br />