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is+Yr'-i� rr� "6,�`�� ��''y`^���',"�"TY.'-.����'�,�'N. ''�*FI,�"?'G "S"�,3u�`ai`ht� ���""'- -jF..`� �-j{,� - ._,a..,r_. . ....... ... . . <br /> :,�3 ��7t" �i'` !�;43,�;i,�E, . ,+,�1���'" '���'�1�.�� v .-{f,52v"•f"� 4=idP':!1 � -., ti`'f�!n�,t� . <br /> .. ��iS t , , ' '`�i�-= i� . ' �r?ry (�j`'l- Y � � . <br /> h;. . '�'' , ,.2` r �. � ff ; <br /> � .. ,. � f��✓� r..'r:�?: ' <br /> . i'�'�f' �, -�. . - !I <br /> • �`'' � <br /> .-•:.^�, _ . . . ... .. - . <br /> �, •a:�S - � • � <br /> ,� ,. . � ' , . .. <br /> ,.. � �a . <br /> , .�i...; .. . ' i_ , � ny. - <br /> . . <br /> . <br /> .. . .� .i � -. .. <br /> �.Y' � .� . . . .. <br /> .. :. <br /> . .� ._ . .-: -:�A iMMi�'1.1 <br /> .. ... _�".���•y���S,�,�� . . � ___'_..___.��� .���......_...._��� ' <br /> ...l-..��.+�. <br /> t <br /> AY�}�'�"3�LYT 1:4.i '—_.�.._. ...._.._...__..... n..__._._._.__�....._'___.—___.__. <br /> .. 1` <br /> : ' � 99� �����1 � <br /> • " 11. CnndomnaUan. Tho prosoods ol any awaid�►payrr.ent o►clslm Ja damnges,dlioct o�c�nsopuonHv/,/n connocNon wl�h ony ,.`: <br /> candsmnotlon vr oih�r teking a/tho Tiust Fioporr Y,or vny puri thera�l,oitho.ich%.�u�a�'�ly+a►Fommno»tly er!ar convuyanre In tieu ot or In ; <br /> � ` vntielp ntlon ol condomnotion,oi�heroby osslpnod to and shull ba pa/d to Bonel/clory. Troatoi wlll 1llo aarl proeocato,In pood lalth ond with - <br /> duo dlll�onco,its do/m 1or ony such oward or paymont,ond wlll couae tAo somo to b�eoUeemd and pald to[lcnollc/nry,ond ahou/d lt InN to j�•` <br /> do so, rusto�•/siavocaDty outhadzes and ompowora BonoAclory,In tho nnme ol Tiustor or othorwlso,to/ilo,R�oaocuto,eottlo o►compro►»!so �, <br /> � � ony auch clalm ond to colloct,ivicelve Io►end ietaln tho proeeoda.p tAo Tiust Piopeityls obundono�by Tiaetor,or,oltor nvdcv by o-�;�_. <br /> Oannllc%ry to Tiuttor thot tho condumnor ofJors to moko�+n uvia�d o►eottlo o clalm lor damoDos,Tiusro►/vlls to ro9pond to Benol/clory �s_• <br /> , . �r wlthln rhlRy f801 deys atte�the dote such nodco!s meilvd,Banellclnry is aurhorl:ed to to!lvct and oppty fRo p►oaoads�n tAo manaor lndlcotod � <br /> horo/n. 7ho proceads ol on y owaM or clnim may,a/tor deductlag a/l ieasonabJo costs and exponsos,Inc/nd/rtg ettomeya'/oas,whlch moy ^ <br /> ol th9 Traot Propertt+yo/t+p?pvd toiho�p nymont of{tAO�blr gallons�tln esa gQ,�eli�ci�6ryQnend Trus or oit,oi vQ�a ceiao ln�s��n fl nn yegichot/on �-- <br /> '�A 4 � eppl/coNon ol proceeds to tha Noto or Quaranty,oa appJlanbJe,8hall not oxtond a�poetpono Me duo dato o/o»y��pu/a►b�sWN�nttats aultad -•- <br /> - ` lo�thereunder or chnnpo the omount ol ony such l�stellments. --��- <br /> � 1?. EnvJronmentel R�pr�s�ndoGana en�Winantlea;brdemnlfle�Uon;Inspmatton�nd Teadna. Tiustor reproson(s ond worronta thot oxcopt _ <br /> �� os dlsc/osed/n writfng to Bene/lc/ary and except where Tiustor hos obta/nod tho repuialto loco/,atoto,end/ar lodo�u/pnrmlts and opprovo/s, - <br /> �,� Tiustor does�ot en d wl!/not geneiato nor hnve!n!ta pnsaession nny hnzardoua or tvxlc westas,chomlcols or othe�auDstoncos,tho <br /> �^°y'"' ' penorstlon or posaesalon o/whleh eie govemed by Ixol,atete nnd/or onvl�onmontol laws,o►d/noncas,docioos,�ogulnt/ona a�d atatutos <br /> - � - � lherolnalter"E»vlro�mentel Wastes 9. Tiustor furthe�represents and werients that!t b not prosont/y tho sub)nct ol on y onvlronmontnl <br /> � �, inqulry,/itlgedon,adminlstrativo procveding or threat thereol by a govemmental authody,and thet Tiustor ahafl prompUy notlfy Bttnol/clary <br /> �� oI same!1 any of the/orepoing does occui Tivator also represents end wanants to BeneNcls Mat it!a not aub�sot to eny Judgmvnt,Jacree, <br /> Boneflc/ary when eppl�Dle wlth co�est of a!/appmpN terenvlronmentel�nnffs and�rove�aws or iegulotions. Tivaror sAol/olso provlde i <br /> i� Trostor wanenta a�d rep�esents t/tet the�a are not naw,nor to the 7rusto�'s knowlodge afte�ittasonab/e lnveoNgatton havn the�e aver besn <br /> Envlionmental Wastes stored,deposlted,treated,reeycled or dlspased oI on,undei o�at the 7�ust Proparty fJneluding tenha or other _ <br /> /ae111des therean contalning such matedalsl,whlch materlals oi contelned matedals,!t known to De piosent on tho p�opert y or present/n solls �� <br /> o�g�ound water,would requlie clean up,iemovaJ,o►otAe�remedlal acdon under environmental/aws. <br /> � Tivato►wlll lndemnlly and Ao/d harmless Beneflcla�Y,!ts successors,asslgns,employees,egenta,pareaL e/11//ates and aubsld/ades,snd each <br /> � ol thom,from an y and el/claims,suits,demages,/IabRlt/es and expenses arFsing out ol o�!n conneci/on wlth oey a!leded or actusf pollutlon . <br /> or contaminatlon of the giound,wator or elr o1,cn or near the Tiust Property. <br /> 8enef/clary moy et any timo h/ie the services of en env/ronmentel consulUng and/or te�Ung compen y to lnspect the Tiast PnpsrtY wlth the <br /> Costa thereot to be charged ro Trusror. Tiustor shaAnot rely on auch lnspecdon nor sAa//Tiustor bv reAevod thcrra6y ol conducdng!ts own ... <br /> envlronrnenta/eudit or taking auth other steps es are necesaery to comply vv/th envJron►nental lewa and rogWetlevis. <br /> ' 13 Tivatw/Yot Rekised.Factension of the Nme for payment oi modlNcatlon ol eny amonhadon of Me Obllgat/ona 9►anted b y Beneflciary to <br /> eny suceessor!nlnterest o/Yn�stor shal/not operate to release,!n any mnnner,the!le61/It y ol 7nrsto►and Tiustor a successora!n Interest _ <br /> Bene/!clary shalf not be reQulred to commence ptoceedlngs agalnat such successoi o�refuse to extend tlme/or payment oi athenv/se madlly <br /> .'� emortlzallon of tAe Obllgetlons by ieason of any demand made by Tiestor and Trystor's suCCessors!n lntarest. <br /> f� Additlonal Covananta./n addltion ro any other cove»ants of Tiastor made!n anyothe�agresment,lastrument or document, 7rusto� <br /> shall aomply wlth the covenants set forth!n eny Rfder attached and mede a pan of tNS Deod ol Trr�st. <br /> ;-�.�yr•', <br />`}`�'°����!��: • f6. Schedrrle ol Leassa.Wlthln ten/f0)days after demand,Trustor shaU/umJsh to Be»ellclery a schedule,cerdlled to by Tiustor,serNng <br />::- ,�r.._:.:�� <br /> - /onh a/I leases ol[he Tiust Pioperty,or any pnmlon thereo%Including!n eech case,Ne name ol the tenants oi occupanta,a dascrlptlon o <br /> ;:'a,;;.,:w'�'�;,�; d1e 8p8ce occupied by such renant o►ri�:eu�ent.�ss ranta!�sSYsMe!�r rudr sFsce en1!�='!'h��har lalormadon sad documont8 wlth respect <br /> > -..r,;,:':;;; to such leases and tenancies as Benarclary may reasonably request <br /> '�• "``•d j� 1� Cowenaina o!7rofto�wlth Respeot to te�sss.�thout the Ador wdtten consento/Benellelary,Tiustor sAs!/aot,dlrocNyr oilndlrectfy, <br /> ,=�*j{:}:;�� with respect[o eny lsase ol space In the Tiust Property,or eny poitlon MereoJ,wAe�her such lease!a now or Ro�eafter/n ex/stenee: <br /> ._.��:';c fa1 Accept or psnnJt any prepaymenG dlscount or advance payment o/nent hereunds�ln exeesa ol one month, <br /> f�"�""�'� (b)Cancel a tem+Inate the seme or eccepr any caace/%t/on,tea»laaUon or sunender thereo%or ps�mit eny event m occw whlch woa�d <br /> _���� occur thereunder to te�minate or cancel the same,otha�than terr»Inadon fornonpayment o/mn� <br />�-�'.���.,� fcl Amend a modify the same so as to reduce the tenn thereol,the rontal paysDle thefeunda�,or to cheirge eny renowa!provlatons <br /> �_,�� thereln contalned, <br /> =?_-r�,-=."� fdJ WeJve eny defeult thoreundei or breach thereol, <br /> ='��p� !e1 Glve any eonsont,wniver or approval thereunder o�toke any other sction/n conneedon therewiM,or wlth a lassee theieunder,whlch <br />_���� would have the eNeat oflmpal�ing the valus o!the lessor'a Interest thereunder or dre propa�ty srrbJee[thereto,or o//mpslNng the <br />-�:::,ns��.�� posltlon of inte�est of 8enefJelary theieln,or <br />� � (/1 Soll,s�dign,p/edge,mo�tgage or otherw/se d/spose of,or encumbei!ts lnteres[/n s»y seld lease or sny�ents,lsauas,pmflta lssuing <br /> _ or adsing Nereunde� <br /> - ��.--r�� by/aw,�to wa�esalf p�o futurejatattrt�esollimitatlon�wlthTre peCttobejnydebLdemcndeo�obllg�nsecuradheebysad�yt� <br /> = — ecdon or proceoding for die purpose oI enforcing thls Deed ol Tiriat or any dghta o�remedles contalned haroln. <br /> - f8. AaskiuniM of Daposfls.Jn tha event constnrcdvn ot/mprovements!s contempeted by tAe ObligaUons secured Aerieby,as addiUona! <br /> - - behalf of�T uaraa w�an�yc�eou tY.Pnbdc bo�or eg ency,�sen�ry�dls�ct tlutl%ry comp ny,and s y od��bodY a�ncytl oi the» <br /> " --"-° - InstallatMn oi ro secure thA installedon o/any ut!lity by Tiusror,psrtelMng to the Tiusf Prope�tl. <br /> - - fD Orp�Nuf(oni/Fxlste»ee!/Tiustorla e»oriqenizadon o�pani=ed trndo�ths lowa of a state,lt wlll do s!/thtags necessery to preservo!ts <br /> _� _ eulstence and all Aghts and pdvlleges under the/a►vs o/the state oflts organhadon. <br /> ^ � yp, Forbein+ncs by Bsnslloi�ry Not�Wilva/An y delay by Beneficlaryln exeicJsing any�Ight or reniedy hereunde�or othen�v/se eHorded <br /> � � by appllcoble law ar eQuiry,8hs1/not be a walvor of oi precfade the exe►clse of such dght or remedy or o/any oihs�dght or�emedy granted <br /> Wn�vr�sr;;• hereunder or et Jaw or equfty. The fal/ure of the Beneflclary to exe�clse an opdon ro escefeiate matudty of the Obl!g adons secmad by this <br /> �°=`<-� Deed o/TrasL the Iortrearance bY the BanaAclary beliore or after dre exer�e of such optJon,or the wlthdiewal o�ebnndonment o/ <br /> proceedings provided la by thls Desd oJ Trust shell not be a�efvor o)the riyht to exerolse such opNon o�to stce%tete the m8turity of such <br /> -��?�� Obligatiana by reason of any pasb present or tuture event which wou/d pemtit acceleratlon under the Sectlan enBded Acceleretlon o/Debt; <br />'-=i4;;��� Foraclosure"heneln.The proearement ol/nsurence,the payment o/taxes or the dischaige of Oens or cAsr�es by Beneflclory shop nnt be e <br /> .�__���,� woiver o/88neflclary 8�ght ro acceferete tha mBt�Nty of the Oblfgef/o�s hereby seeured.1rie Benef/cfary a iecelpt ot any ewards proceeds <br /> -.,,�,��„� or demages under tho Secrdon endded Nazard/nsarance'and the Section e�rUded'CondsmnaUon'hereln shall nof ope�ete to cure or wafve <br />-. � ,� default by the frustoi unde�tha Secdon endded fvents ol Defeuk hereln. <br />- � � ����" Deed o�Tiust or e�rded bylaw o�qulry,end may be exerc�sed concuriren��fndeAende tly or svcce�N.�and as often�the oc as/on <br /> _- Ne�efor a�fsea. <br /> • Z2, Saacss:c�t�nd Asalgiu Bound,•Numbsr,(iender,JoUrt�nd SeYenl L1+b111tY:lkpdan�t• 7he covenanta end egreementa he�aln conta/ned - <br /> � shaJ!Mnd,end the dghta ne�eunder ahall lnure to,the respeeNve Aslrs,legal representadves,srreeessora snd asalgns ot Benefielary,Tiasree, <br /> �-�-•- and Trystor. Wherever used,the singu/er numbershall Jndude d+e p/ural,tho p/urat the singufar,aad the use ot anV gen0ar sAa/16e eppl7caWe <br /> � . . . F ro al/genders.<1l/covenants end agmementa of Trusro�shell be Jolnt snd several;p�ovided,Aowerei tAst iJ tha Trustor ls an ladhrfdual, _ <br /> noth/n8 contalned!n thls Deed o/Tiast shalf!n en y wo y obligete e apouse of the Trustor to pay the Obfigadons un/ess sucA spouse also afgns <br /> �-- � Me Note or tAe Gueranry. 71ie eapdons en d hea drngs o/t h e S e c t l o n s o t t h i s D e e d of Tiust ere/or convenfente only ead sre aot to Ge used to <br /> _;_�yj����.� /nterpret or de6na the prov.§lons heieo% <br /> ��I�4...�V wdrw 6 ewujAOl�LMN ra��nv narteo ro Tiusmi orovFded for In thls <br /> , _ ,;••` ?3 NOtfCD.ExCep[lo�e/ry rto�r'ce rttV++imv uin'sci iwi++`%�•v�•a•••••••••o•-�••_•�'-_-•-' -.._----• ._. . <br /> � ' '' ' � Deed ot Tir�st shalf tre givan 6y malling such notice 6y ceRilied ma!l,retum iecefpt reqruested addressed ro Trusror at!ts ma�ng address sor <br /> ' � � '� forth atrove orae avCh other add�ess as Tiustor may des/gnate by nortce to Bene/Idary as pror/�a0 horetn,and tbJ snY noUce to Beneflciary <br /> a Tiustea shsU bs given by ce�tifled matl,retum recelpt requested,to Beneficlsry e end Tiustee's malling oddros�statvd horeln oi ro sucA <br /> � o other oddress es Boaeflclary or Tiustea may deslgnate by nodee to Tiusror as provlGed hereln.Any aodte provlded loi!n tlrls Dead ol Ytist <br /> shal/De doemed ro have treen given to Tirisror,Baneffelary or Trustee when gfven/n tho manne�d�slg»ated Rereln. <br /> ° 2Q Qovam!ng LsYr;Seva�eAilfP�. fi!s Desd of Tiust sAod tro govemed b{�the Iawa ot tha Steto of NeD�eska./n tho ovent on y pmvlslon a <br /> dause of thls Deed o/Trust eonllfets wlth epp/Jeab/e/aw,such conflkt shal/not af/ea�oMer provlsfons of thfs Deed ot Trvst w/tfch tan ba <br /> given effect without the con/J1cUng pNVislons and ro thia end the provfslo»s ol thla Oaed of Tiust are doclamd to De severab/s.!n Mo eveni <br /> • that any applies�lalaw Jn elfect on the�►ste of the exscut/on ol tA/s Deed ol Trostlimlta tha smount o/latertrst or otha�ftema wAlch may tra <br /> ' /ewfiilty charged and!s lnterpreted/n a menner such Nai eny poyment providod Io►1n M►s Deed of Tivat orin tho Nota or tho Guaranty <br /> (whethsr cc:.alde�sd separately or togethei with other payments thot are cons�derad o pdrt ol this DeQd of Truat and thls tiensoatJanl <br /> �., v/o/ates such law such psyme»t 1s hareby reduted to the extent rtecossory ro ellminato such WolaNan i/tho Tiusials entitfed to the benoflt <br /> s .� .� _. <br /> o/such lpw. <br /> � " Pdge 3 0l 8 <br />