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<br /> T6a No2o Ilolck7 ejdll t�L.a G:tcru-�ias th�r,rasuat af tk��t1ilY 1nY�At lh.ns�-�oirlc�ho ez�fflcient to rc�ny thv �
<br /> unpaid p�lncilsal that I am axpacted to owo es�ho Chango Date in tW� an tha Maturtey Dau nt my aaw imerest rato
<br /> �n aubstun�ally egual paymcs►ui.Tho n�►idt of thia calsulntlon��ill ba tho aew mr�ouat ottny�out4ly payment.
<br /> (D)Y.1$�It4 on Iaternt It�te Clunges _
<br /> Tl�e intgrest rate I am tequirod to pay nt the f3rs2 Ctusnge Date wlll noi bo�reater thaga a.500%
<br /> or less thaa 4.S00 %.ThemsRer. my interest rate wW aover be tacreased or decreased on
<br /> a�►y single Chango Dato by mom tl�aa h•10 gsrceatage paiata(2.0%)from the rate of iatcs�st I have been paying for ._ _
<br /> the gs�iug tetelvo�tl�. My iaterest rato wW aaver be greater than �1.500 9/0.
<br /> (E�EtYect[ve D�te of C$u�ges
<br /> My n�uv iaurat raie will become effecttve un each�e Date.I wUl pay the emount of my new manthly
<br /> Payment begirming en t�e firat momhly paymeat date after e Chaaga Date uat31 the amoimt of my mantlily
<br /> l�aJ+m�t�ha�Ses e8s�{n.
<br /> �Notice ot L7r�n�a
<br /> Nate Haldar w�!deliver or mail w me a notice of any chaages in my interat rate and ths amouat of my
<br /> mantblY PaYmzat befora the effxtivo date of aay cbange.'Tf►e uoYIca w-W incl�in�otma8tan rcquiral by larl to ks .
<br /> �dven me aud also the Hde aad tele,�hone number of a person who will miswer acry questton I may have rega�ing
<br /> $ia aotica
<br /> Uaiform Cave�s� �?of the�S.�rity Instrument is arruescdod to read es follows:
<br /> Tranater of the Prop�riy or�BentScW Inhreat ln Boarower.If sU or any of the Pzoperty or eny
<br /> i�atereat Ln it ia sold ar traasferrod(or if a beneficiel inta�.vt in Barmwer is sold or�amd B��wer ia aat a
<br /> natusal person)wl�out Latdds prlor�arltben aonsent, I.enda a�ay. at ita option. ml�iro im�atepa�ma�t in
<br /> i�U of ali sums securai by this Securtty Ins�eat. Howover, d�s optioa st�ali not ba e�ercIsod by-Leader ff
<br /> eocercise is ited by faleret law as of the dato of this Sacun�ty Instrumen� Leada'clso ehe11 aot oxercise th[s
<br /> op�on i£ a)Boaowa causes to ba eubmitted to Lenda informa6oa r�uir�by La�r to eval�e tho iatended
<br /> t�ansferee as tf a aear loaa arae�made w the t�aagferea emd(b)I.mder raasonebly�t�s tt�t L�d�'s
<br /> s�ity will not b��by tlu l�an as�don aad tbat the risk of a bre�ch of�►y covenant or agreaucut in
<br /> ehis Secudty Instivanennt is�ceptable W Iauder.
<br />� TQ th�«�M* ��l�hY e:"Plimble Iaw, L.ender may cl�arga a rnsonable fao as s conditioa to L�uder's ,
<br /> consent to the loanassumpt�on. Lender may also raquire the transf�ree w eign an on egteanms mat is
<br /> i a�table to�.atder and t6at obligaLss the uansferee w kaep all�o ead 8;g�m�mada m the Nou and
<br /> ia tFus Security Iashum+eat Boaower wIll wntinue ts be ob13�a under the Noio anrl thi�Socurity Iastrummt
<br /> � unless I.euder releases Bonowa in wrlting. •
<br /> If Leadsr extrcIses the option to roquire�ne�ate gaymeat in fa�t I�de�' e�11g�ve Bat�wa Qiotica oY . .
<br /> acoelaation. Tho rio�oe shaU provide e od of not less thaa 30 days�rom tha d�e the aotico is deU�vaed or .
<br /> maited wlthin whieli Borrowa must pa �smm scciued by this SecurIty Insi�wnen�.If Boaower fails to pay these
<br /> sums prFor to the eacpitat3on of tlaia�a1.I.endcr maY iavoke auy t+emedIes permitoed by thia Sa�n�ity�as�nunart
<br /> �ut fiuthcr notice or danand on nowex. '
<br /> BY SICiNIIJt3 BBLOW,Borrower aceepts and a�rces tn the terma end covena�nta cantaiaed in tbi�Adjusiablo .�.
<br /> . Rate Rider.
<br /> � , , � ts�l. .
<br /> � ALVIN H REI�iERS -sono.var� .,�:.
<br /> . �� ' ' ����'. �,,���,�s�J ���
<br /> ' • ROSETTA E REIMERS -so:+'ower
<br /> , '.
<br /> ��� .
<br /> .
<br /> � -Bomowsr
<br /> .. (Seel)
<br /> ' -soirowr.r
<br /> . �lY2�ro�oa�.os v.�•soa: i�ral111 plf6
<br /> _.-_2- _�' __ �_ _ -- -�r_ r���,,,,...._�_.me..�_---°----__�__._�.�r.�..�a._.
<br /> - -- =�n�-�,� � — ---
<br /> ____ =_-=
<br />