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<br /> • s�� . 99° �������
<br /> .,�.s:, � • Id� a writ of execution or attszhment of any slmilar process shall Ee entered�gainst Trustor which shall
<br /> ,,: � . beeoma a ften on the Trust Estrate or eny peRlon thernot or Interest therei�and aueh execution, attachment or slmilar
<br /> , '. � procoss of judgment is not reieased, bondod, satisfled,vacated or stayed wiihln aixty 1601 days after its entry or tevy;or
<br /> n � (e! chere has occurred a breach of nr dofnult under any term,covenant,agreement, condition, provision,
<br />-�- -- represertLatlon or w2rtanty Con+tained in any priot deed of t�ust or morYgage et�recting the Trusi Esiato.
<br /> .'.. �� •
<br /> +, 10. Accaleiadon upan Gelault; Addltlona/Reme�dlos. It an event of default occurs,Beneficiary may dectare the
<br />;.._ •
<br /> Indebtedness secured hereby to be dua and payable and the seme shall thereupon become due and payabie without any
<br /> � presentment, demand, protest ar notice at any kind. Thereafter, 8enefiCiary may:
<br /> �
<br />--,—;=� � (i) either in persen or by agent,with or w(thout bringing any actlon«p�aceeding,ar by a reCeiver appointed
<br /> by a court and withaut regard to the adequacy of its security,enter upan and taka posse�sbn of the Trust Estate,or any
<br /> part thereof,in its awr+name or!n ths�amo of Trustce,and do any acts whi�h it deems necessary or desfrable ta praservc
<br /> :;��: the vaiue,marketability or rentability of the Trust Estate,or part thereof or Interest therei�,ina�ease the income therefrom
<br /> �;} •�� or protect the sacurity hereof and,with or without taWng possessian of the Trust Estate, sue for or otherwise colleci the
<br /> `,�:�.;: rents,issues and profits thereof,inaluding those past due and u�paid, and apply the same, tess costs and expenses of
<br />;;�;�:�. operatlon and collection including attorneys'fees,upon any indebtedness secur�d hereby,ali in such orde�as 6eneficiary
<br />`"i�=��;^;; may determine. The entering upo� and taking possession of thR Trust Estate. the caiiection of such�ents, issuas and
<br /> �''�:s �� profits and the application thereof as aforesaid shatt not cure ar waive a�y c�etautt or rattce of de4auli hereur�der or
<br /> `�;+���;• invaiidate any act done in response to such defeu�t cr pursuant tv such notice of defauit and. �otwithstanding the
<br />-:�.�t:.:,
<br /> continuance in pOSSession of the Trust Estate or the Coilection,receipt and apptioation of rents,iasues or pro ts, rustee
<br /> ._���;,�:•� � ar Benefictary shalt l�een eMitted to exerC(se every right provlded for in any of the Loan instrumerrts c► by law upon
<br />=:,m=K�- accunence of any event ot default, inctuding the rlght to exercise the power o-(asie;
<br />-`.=•.,,a,�a�
<br />_�°- -- (ii► comme�ce ari action to torectose this Deed of Trust as a mortgaAe, appoint a receiver or specif(cally
<br /> �j-�.�� � enfOrce any of the covenants hereof;
<br /> .r�;:: .
<br />:_i�:-. '
<br /> �f� (iiil deiiver to Trustes a wriiten declaration oi defauit and demand fo►sate and a written notice o!defauit and
<br /> -- - e(ection to causa Trustor's interest in the Trust Estate to be sotd,which nodce Trustee shall cause to be duty tlted for
<br /> �,�;,�� record in the appropriate offices of the County in which the Trust Estate is bcated; or
<br /> -�-����.:�
<br /> �ti,�y-L-,� pv) exe�cise such other dghts or remedies at law ar in equiry_
<br /> �� 11. Foreelosrne byPowe►ofSa/e. It Beneficiary elects to foreclose by exarcise of the Power of Sale herein COntatned,
<br /> Ber,eficiary shall noaty Trustee and shalt deposit with Trustes th(s Second Deed of T�ust and any nqte evidencfng the Indebtedness
<br /> --_�-- and such�eceipis and evldence of expenditures made and secured hereby as T�ustee may repuire.
<br /> "� (a) Upon receipt of such noUce from 8eneftciary,Trustee shelt cause to be recorded,pubttshed and detivered
<br /> �;, to Trustar such Notfce of Detault a�d Notice of Sale as then required by law and by this Second Oeed of Trust. Trustee
<br /> - shall,witheut demend on Trustor,aftar such time as may then be required b�Iaw a�d after recordaUon oi such Notice of
<br /> �--�= Detault and aher Notica of Sole having been given as repui�ed by taw,seH the T�usE Estate at the time and place of sale
<br /> -- fixed by it in such Notice o!Sate,either as a whote,or in separate lots or pa�cels ar(tems as Trustee shall deem expediont,
<br /> -- and in such order as it may determine,at public auction to fhe highest kildder for cesh tn lawtul money of the U�ited States
<br /> •= payabto at the time of sale. Trostee shall deliver to such purchaser o�purchasero thereof hs good and sufficient deed or
<br /> ---- deads Conveying the 0►operty so sold,but without any covenant or wa►ranty,express or implted. The recitals in such deed
<br /> -- ot a�y m2tters Or tacts shaq be conclustve proot ot the truthtulness thereoi. My person, inctu�Jtng wit{lout limitadon
<br />_ — Trustar,Trustea or 8eneficiary,may purchase et such sa�e.
<br /> ---�<
<br /> -- --'-° (b1 As may be permitt�d by law,after deductinp all costs,fees a nd expenses of Trustee and of this Trust,
<br /> f -���'y� inctudtng costs of evtdence of tltle in conneetio�wlth sale,T�ustee shall apply the proceeds of sale to payment ot(i)the
<br /> tndebtednesa tii)all other sums then secured hereby,end(itil the remainder, H any,to the person or par3ona topatty e�itled
<br /> � thereto. •
<br /> .,� t�� Trustee may in th$manner provided by law postpone sale of a1 or any partion af the 7rust Estate.
<br /> `• 12. Ramadlas Not Exclvslve. Trustee and�taneflciary, and each ot tt�em, ahali Oe mntittcd 2o entoree payment and
<br /> --- parfonnance of any tndebtedness or obllpatians securod hereby artd to exercise aI! riQhts and powers under this Secoad Oasd of
<br /> — -- Yrust or urtder eny Loan InsVument or other agreeeneM or any laws now ar hereaRer In force;notwithstandirtg.some or all of the
<br /> - _--°� � such indebtedness and obligadons seeured hereby may aow or ttereaftet be othervvise secured,whether by mortgage.deed of trust.
<br /> ° �u;;t%•� pledge,tie�,assignment or otherwise. Neither the acceptance ot this Se¢ond Deed of T�ust nor its enlo�cement,whether by eourt
<br /> ����{�a�; action or pursuant to the power of sate or ather powers herein contained, sha�l prej�dice ar in any manner aNect Trustee's or
<br /> T:��, 8eneficiary's dght to reali:e upon or enforce any other security now ar hereafter hetd by Trustee or 8eneflciary,it being agreed that
<br />---�" "`� • trustee and Benaficiary,and each of them, shalt be entitled to enforca this Sscond Deed og Trust and any other seeurity now ar
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