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<br /> � �- t;-; � • Z. To�os. Tru��ar st�oli�ay eaeh 1r�s�st=nsnt a!s�l tsxes and speCfei e8seasnent4 of every kind, now or hereafter _
<br /> � � r• �avied against the Truat Estato or any part thereoi, before doitnquency, withou4 notice or deman0.
<br /> Y 3. lns+vsaaco and Rop�lis. Trustor shall main4atn tire and extended coverage insurance insuring the Improvements °
<br /> • const(tuting part of the Trust Estate tar such amounts and on such terms reasonebty eatisfactory to Beneficiary. So Iong aR the -�
<br /> Property Is secured by a ftrst deed of trust or mortgage,compliance w(th the inswance requirements of the tirst de�d of trust or =
<br /> --- `-- mortgago .:hsi!be autlteloM to:�3tf3fy tho roquiresrteRts o4 Yhis paragraph 3 relating 4o tnsuranao, __
<br /> �� Trustor shall promptly repair and replace the Trust Estata or any paR thereof so that,except for ordinary wear and tear, _
<br /> ,�p� the Trust Estate sha�i not deteriorate. in no event shali Yhe Trustor commlt waste on ar to the Trost Estate,or commlt, suffer or
<br /> y permiY any act to be done in o�upo�the 7rust Estate in viol8ttan of any law,ordinance or reguiatfon. Trustor shall pay and promptiy
<br /> discharge at Trustor's cost a�d eupense ell►lens,encumbrances ana charges�evied,imposed ar aasessed agatnst the Trust Estate
<br /> -_---- or any part thereof.
<br /> .'�
<br /> -- ''�r�• 4. Actions�ItfectlrrS Trust Estate. Trustor shali appear in and contest any aation or proceeding purporting to affect
<br /> the security hereoi or the rights or powers of Beneftciary or Trustee,and sha�l pay aN costs and expenses,(natudfng cost of evidence
<br />; .uM�. �.;:;'•-� of title and attomeys'fees,in uny such action or procesding in which 8eneficiary ar Trustee may appear. If Trustor fafis to make
<br />_ �;s ,�,ti;`:;;-` any payment or to do any act as and in the manner provided in a�y of the Loan instruments,Benefiaiary and/or Trustee,each in
<br /> ,'�'�'��� � thelr own discrodon,without obifgation so to do and without nottce to or demand upo�Trustor aM without re�easing Trustor from
<br /> �k,_„-,..
<br /> `^'•°"-•' any obUgatlon, may mako or do the same In such me�nsr and to such extent as e(ther may deem naceasary to proteCt the sacuriry
<br /> ' - heraot. Trustor shatl. Immedlately upon demand ttrerefor by Beneiiciery, pay aii costs and oxponses incurred by Benellc4ary in
<br /> .T�f,.;�,��� connectioe�with the exercise by Benetietary of the foregoing rights, inciuding without limitation costs ot evidanee ot titie, couK
<br /> ' costs,appraisals, surveys and ettorneys'fees.
<br />=`:-'a`i�' •� 6, EinleeaY pomaJ�. if the Trust F�Wte, or any part thereof or interest therein, be taken or damaged by reason of
<br /> �.�.�R
<br /> .� any pubtic improvament or condemnetion procQeding, or in eny other manner tnciudt�8 deed In Ileu thereof t"CondemneUon"1, or =.
<br />::°:d'�!`°`` it Trustor receives any notice or other information regarding suoh Oroceeding, Trustor shalt give prompt written notice theroof to
<br />�-:er-�,.C� 8enefictary. Trustor shalt be entitled to all campensatfon, awards and other payments or relief thereot and shali be entitied at its
<br /> � optlon to commence, appear in and prosacute in its own�ame any action or praceedings. Trustor shali a�so be entttted to make
<br />='��;a�Y, any compromise or setttement in connectfon wtth such taWng or damage. ,
<br /> ,.����
<br />..'..rid !':`�
<br /> :i�c�i.-t�,
<br /> -_��4�� 8. Appol�tmani af Successor Trustee. Beneficiary may,from time to tima, by a wRtten instrument executed an
<br />_ •--- ncknow(e�gisv Gy S&i+BtlGta'Y.mo�lsd 2a TrusLOr snd r�cQrds�1n Lhe ro�!�tY�n wMch che Trust Estate is looetad and b5r othe+wfse
<br />`"r�`r:��� complying with the pcovisfons ot tha appl(cabie taw of the State at Nebraska substitute a suaceasor or successnrs to the Trustee
<br /> ---:''%,�3� named herein or acting hereunder.
<br /> -,_i�
<br /> - - �. Saccessors andAss/gns. This Second Cesd of Trust appties to,inures to tha benefit of and binds all parties hereto,
<br /> ,���; thefr hefrs.Iegatees,devisees,persor�al representativea.successors and assigns. The term"8eneflCiary"shali mean the owner and
<br /> — • holder of any promissory nota given to benefiatary, (whether or not named as 8eneticiary herain�.
<br /> _���.�.
<br /> ��g�='��'��' 8. Msrgsr,Consa//datJo�,Sales or teases. Trustor covenants that Trustor wfll nat seil,Iease or otherwise dispose
<br />_ �w��_.
<br /> — Oi any of the Trust F.state. tn the event that Trustor selis,teases or otherwlse dfa0a8ea of any part of the Trust Eat�t�.BOneflefary
<br /> _:_,��;��; mey at its optian deciare the Indebtedness secured hereby immedtately due and paqable, whether or not any defauft exists.
<br /> Beneficlary shait eonserrt to a uansfer of the Trust Estate to a third partY to tha extant such thkd parry meets the requlrements
<br /> �-� containt�d in,and assumes the obtigatlons set forth in the First Deed of Trost. 'The covenants contained herein shall run with tha
<br /> - � Properry and sha�i remain in fuli•force and effeci until tha indebtedness is paid fnfull.
<br /> 1 9. Events ot Detau/t. Any ot the following events shati be deemed an eve�t of detault hereunder:
<br /> F
<br /> �'� (a) defautt shail be made in the payment of the Indebted�ess or eny other sum secured hereby when due;
<br /> :
<br /> - o�
<br /> � {bt Yrustor shait perfonn any act in bankruptcy:or '
<br /> -;� �c1 a court of competent jurisdiction shalt enter an order,jttdpmer�t or decreeepproving a petitfon tiled against
<br /> ,� Yrustar seeWng any reo►ganization, d(ssolutio�or simita�rel�ef under any present or tutare tederei,scate or other siatute,
<br /> ._ _;. tow or regulatton reladng to banluuAtcy. insoivency or ottier retief tor debtors,artd suth order,judgmeM or decree shalt
<br /> t remain unvacated and unstaYed for an apprepate af sixty(60)days(whether or not consecutivei from tho fi�t date of entry
<br /> ------ � thereof; or arry uusiee, receiver or Ilquidator or Trustar or of alt or any part ot tAe Trust Estata,or of any or atl ot the
<br /> ---__-
<br />