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<br /> '� thss auy �aiav�!ap ot�p reraedfaL�an of nny Hazardous �ubstpnce aNecting the Props�4y is neces.4nry, Botrower shall i
<br /> pmmptly tnke sill necessary reme�linl actions in accordance with Fa�vironmental Law.
<br /> ;�� As used in tbis pamgraph 20."Hazerdous Substances"are those substaaces defined es toxtc or haz�u�dous substpnces by _
<br /> = Envlronutenwl i.�tw and the following substances:gasoline, kera�ene,other flammable ar to�tc petroleum products�toxIc
<br /> �� pesticldes and herbiciddGVV,volatile solveuts.materiula containing asbeseos or formaldehyde,aad ra�Dloactive maUerials. As used _
<br /> pe ,
<br /> _ ia this paragmph 20. "Envhonmenml Law"meana federal lawe and laws of the jurisdicdon where the Property is located that
<br />`.� c�elate to heald�,safeuy or environmental protecdo�.
<br /> `-:� NON-UNIFO1tM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender fuzttcer covenant and agree as followa:
<br /> 21. Aoceleratton;Ytemedies. Len�er sball give nottce W Barro�er pator to acceteratton foIlow�Borrowex's
<br />.�� bseach oi any covenrmt oa a�zermen3 in th�SecudtY Instiument(�vt not pstna to aceelera8on under puragrepb f7
<br /> �ie�upplIsnble law p�ovi�¢�athemise).The nottce shall specify:(a)ihe detanl� (b)the uctton re9uired to cure t6e
<br />,�s defiult;(c)s date,noi tess tl�an 30 days iMm the date W�notice Is giveu to Barrower,by which the defiust must be
<br /> = cured;ond(d)tha3 fail�u+e to cure the default on or befone the date speclRed in We notIce�y e+e�ilt in aooe2eretEon of �
<br />-- tfie sums secw�➢by ILt��eeudty�u-t.-aa;�ea4 aud c�ia ai e�ee Prir�sc3,y.�L!e uoE!ce stee!1 t1�rt�ser inform Borrower oi the
<br /> ��}, t�fght to reiastett aiter ecceleratlon enc➢4B�e rJght to brJng s court action to essert the non�existeace ot a default or�ny I
<br /> ��; olher detense ef Borrower to BoceIemtion aad sale.�t the defauft fs not cnred on or isefare the dete spec[IIed!n the 1,
<br /> .–n noYlce,Lettder at its optton may require immed�t��aayment in tWl of all a�nv secmred bg�thts Secvrity Iastr�ment }
<br /> =�. wItho��t lA�rther demana pad may tnvoke the power u?safe aad suy other remedies permitted by applt2�Ind d3n�t
<br /> �::i: sha1D be entiUed to collect all e�cpenses incurred fa purs�ing t6$a�rn�edies provided in thfs P�p'aP 1,
<br /> no!limited to,reasonable attorneys•ices and costs of tl@e evtdeace. oi We
<br /> ��. It the power o!s��e is invoked,3'nutee sha11 record a nottce of defavlt ta eact�county in wldch anY P�
<br /> Praperiy fs Iocated ana�9ao11 maI{copfes ot such notlre in the manner prescrlbed by sppllcable!aw to Borrower aad w
<br /> � the other pe�sons prescdbe�l by appltcable lew.Atter the fime reqdrea by applteaDle lAw,Tn�stee ehall give pabllc
<br /> –.� notice of ss�e!o the peysons and in th�manner prescrtbed by applIsable law.Trustee,�riWout demand on Bormwer,
<br /> — �!!��x��p��='�����tew hsgheci bidder at tha t6me and Dlace snd under the terms designated in
<br /> t6e aa8ce oi sale in one or more parcels and in auy.order'ltivstee determines.�'avstee maY poshwne sale of a11 or any
<br /> ' g�e+cel ot We Properiy by pnblic emtouncement at 4ha Wne and pince ot any prev�ously schednled sate.Lr�der or tis
<br /> ;•;dcstgnet m1y Pumhase ttie Property at a�sal� ••
<br /> Upo,�1.a��eretpt oi payraent of the price bfd,Trnstee shall deliver to the purcLascr Tnutee's deed C�olw�eyfng We. .
<br /> ,��.�uD�Y�.Tilee recitals Sn the�vstee's deed sLAU be prfma fa�e evEdeQSe ot the hzith oi the statemeats maile tharei��.�.
<br /> ' � •,�fiustGe shalt aAPI�'the.lp�s op the sWe in the Rollawin�order ta)to all coets and expenses of exercistng the power �
<br /> � � .• of sale,an�the sa1e,in�in�iag We payjnent oi the T�histee's fe�s acwally incuned,not to eacecd %of
<br /> � �;'.�the pr[ncipal amoyant ot'�lte note at We time a+t the dehleraUon of defautt,end r�asonable attorneys'�ees av permitcal
<br />;:::-,:x�; by law.(b)to ell sRams securcd by thfs_Secnrity Instrument;aad(e)a►►Y excess eo the paraon or petEOms l�gaUy entttled
<br />_.:;;=�'d , to iL �
<br /> - a2. Reoonveyance. Upon payment of ail swn&��by this Security Inswment,Lendec:shall request Tcustee to
<br /> � '` recomey the Prep�ty and shall surnnder this Seca�ity Lnsuumcnt end all notes evidencing debt stcure�by:tl��SecwitY
<br /> Instmment[o Tiussce.1�ustee shail reconvey the�opesty without wa:santy and vutthout charge to the Qs�iso�,_�or peisons
<br /> � legallY entitled to i� Suct�person or peisons shaU pay atey,secordation casts. :. :.;• ..`:,.
<br /> = Zi. .31�tbst(q�teTrust�Lender.at Its optton,may from ti��to time remove Tmsue and agpoint a succxs.sor wstee to
<br /> eny TiusuB appointed herenndet by aa instniment recar�d in ti�e ocimty in whlch tL{s Securiry Instrumeni;is cer,�sded.
<br /> — ; 9Vithout canveyence of 2T�e Property,the saccessor itusfe� sEall suooaed to ell the 6tle,power and dntIes ca�fe�1�pOU
<br /> { 'T�vsue herein end byapp4tcable law. .
<br /> ?a. Request tor Noticcs. Boaower zequests thut copies of the notFces of defuuIt and s�le,bp Sent tv Bono�vee's
<br /> addcess which is th�Pmperty sddress. �
<br /> �.�: ..
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