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<br /> ` 13. Loan Ci�arges. I1F the loan secured by this Secu�ity Inatn�ment is subject to u law whfch sets muximum loan
<br /> char�es.n.nd thac Invu is finnlHy interpnte�so ti�nt the fntetest or nthex laan chuc�es collectcd or to ba collected in connecdon ['
<br />� ;� wlth the la�n eucemd the perailtle�i ltrolts.then:(u)any such loaa chsirge sdail be reduced by the sunount ne�essar�to reduce L�
<br /> ° � the charge to ttce peimttted limir and @)nny euma u4�cdy coltected from Bonower whIch exceeded permiued limita wiq be �.;
<br /> ^^�� reti�nded to Bormwer.Lender may choose to ttwke this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a _
<br /> �:'
<br /> - :t�4. d�ect payment to Boso�ver. If e rePund rxduces princlpal.the reductton vdU be tmAted as a paRial prepaYment wlthout siny a.
<br /> �y.sy�r� prepayment chArge under the Note. �
<br />-• 14. Not[ca. Any nodce to Bomnwer providad for In this Securiry Iusuument aP�all be given by delivering it or by L
<br /> '. tnailing it by first class mnil unless npplicable law i+equii+es use of a�tofher method.The aotice shall be ditected w the PropertY
<br /> �� Addr�xs or aay other addt�ss Bomowet desigaates by notice to Lender.Aay notice to l.ender shell be given by fuse cless mail �
<br /> � < to Lende�s addreas stated herein or any other address Lender designates by noiice to Boirower.Any norice provtded for in
<br /> # t�ia gecurity In�t�uatent shaU be deemed to have bcen given to Borrower or Lender whea given as pmvlded ic►t6is para$�aPh.
<br /> 1S. Gae'�s�►in$Luw; Severa6Uity. 'lbis SecurIcy Insuument shali be govemed by federal Iav�and the law of the
<br /> ..�' . jwisdIcHon in�v�ich the Prmpe�ty is la�ted.In the event that any provision or clause of tl�is Secudty Instcuaient or the Note
<br /> . � contiicts wlth applfcable lse�,such contl'act s6a11 not affect ather provlsIons of this Securlty Insttument or the Note�vhich can
<br />_ " I be gtven effect without the conflietiag pmvision.To this ead the pmvjsions of tl�is Security Instiument and the Note are
<br /> -,'c.:u, �� , declared to be s�.werable. _
<br /> '2 16. Bor�wer's CopY•Borirower shtill be�iven one conformed copy of the Note and o€this Securiry InsttumenG _
<br /> -°��-=`+�°�� 17. '15ranster ot the�1�operty ar s BeneIIclal Intemst In Borrower. Yf sill or any parc of the i'roperty or any interest
<br /> T' ' in it is sold ar transfeRed tar ita bene6c�al intemst In 8amnwer is sotd or uansferred and Bocrower Ls not a nat�ual person) -
<br />°���"�= without Lender's prior written consent,Lender may,ai 3ts opilon.require Immediate payment ln fuU of all sums secured by _:"
<br /> ..�, tdis Secutity(ns�uaten�Hawever.tbis opNon shall not be exerctsed by Lender if exercise is prohibited by federal law as of
<br /> .�,{;r, the date of this Sxoriry Instrument •
<br /> If Leader exencises this opiion,Lender shat!gIve Bomower noace of acceleration.'Ihe noHce shall provide a perlod of
<br /> _�_�;,�'� noi Less than 30 days from the date the r�odce is deliveced or raailed within whlch Bomower must pay all sums se�ured by this
<br />--"�R�; ���..�r..pt. If Bomower fails io P �
<br /> pay lhese sums prior to the ex iradon of tD�ia rlod, Lender may invoke any
<br />-_—_�-�.� rem��p�r�ni�d by this Secudty Instrument wIthout funher notice or demand on Botrower.
<br />_ c�'47LS��L� .
<br /> ,���;�i 1& Boamuwer's Iti�ht W Retastate. If Borrower meets certain condItions,Borrower shall have the right w have
<br /> _���:.�_: '..j enfoc+cement a�this Securlry Iastrument discondnued at any time p�ior to the earUer of: (a) 5 days(ar such other period as .,
<br />.° ���� applicable law maY specify 4'or neinat�atsment)before sale of the Property pursuant to any power of sate contained In tl�is '
<br />-;'•.,.�; Security Insaumc��ar(bp �nuY of a judgment enfoiciag this Sacurity Insuument.T7�ose conditions aze that Bomower.
<br />-_:•�; �'ja)pays Lender all soms w�icl�then would be due un�der this Secudty Insuument and the Note as if no accelera6on had
<br /> -I occurned:(b)cUses anY defaultof any other covenants or agc�ee�nents;(c?PeYs aU expeases incucre�in enforcing this Sectuity . , .
<br />__W����. '
<br />--�-°�,.��'{ Iostnunent,inzluding,but not linnited ta,reasonable attomeys' fees;and(d)takes sach actlon as L.eader n�y ceasonably , .
<br /> "-1%�� I reyuire W assure thai the lien of this Securiry lnstiva►ent,lsnde�s rights in the Property and Bomnwe�s oblitgaden W pay the
<br /> -_�,�N��•
<br /> __ �n��.. $u� �cured by �his gecurily Insnument shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstat,�ment by Borrower, tlnis:Sda�rity
<br /> —
<br />