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Borrowcr shull kcep tho im�ravements no��oxisdag on c�rcuftcr escctcd on tho Propsrty - <br /> , ';,j. insurcd ogainsi loss by fim�haz�Ms incladed vdthin ttco tcrm "oxtonded c�vcmgo"and nny othcr hu:uuda.includiag A��s ar <br /> ' ltoodfng�for whtch Lcndcr eequires Insuranco.'[t�i�insuranco ahall ba maintaincd in�ho amounts nnd fbr Iho perie�s thnt Lender <br />::.�x+�:�' requ�res.�ho insur�nsc carrter pmvlding the inswance shaU bu ehosen by Borrawer eabJect to Lender's npprovd whtch shali nnt <br /> � �� 6s u�sonebly withhwd if Bneroiver fuiTs tv nic�lritt� cav�;ago dascrlbed n�sv�� LcrtQcr m�y�a�Lendcr's opnon. obtnin <br />''r;;',.;;�• Covc.ntge to prCtixt I.Gtdcr's elghta�t tho Property In Aocard&ttco with palagtAph 7. <br /> All insura�ce poUdes ond r�nowaLz sh�ll be uccepmble to Lender and shn11 iricludo a ewndnrd mortgega clause.Lendcr sholl <br /> hnva the r�ght to kold the polfcies and renowuls.If Lender requtees�Barrower shall prompUy givo to I.ender nll rocalpts oP putd _.. <br /> ,��-�m premiums and re�tewal rtadoes.In tho event of loss,Barrower shall givo prompt nottce w tha lnsunuew c�rter and Lender.Lendor <br />�=:�-��- ,�� may majce praof of tass if not made prompQy by Hcrrowcr. <br /> - lTnlc�s Lender smd Horcower otherwLse ngree in wridng,Insurnnce proceals shell be uppllal to resmrsidon�r r�pair of the <br />::-+;^„ '" g�]P�Y�Sed.ii the reswradon ar rep�r is ecanomfcxitty feagiblo und Lender's seeudty is not tessened.If tho rastomdon� <br /> ���� � <br />::,�,�,.;,r repair ls not ecenomtcally feasibls vr l.encles s secutity would be lessened.the insumnce prncceds shsill b�applted to e sums <br /> `+, '�;z secured by this SQCUrity lnstnumast,whecher oT aot then due�v,rith any exoess pa{d w Bormwer.If Besower abnndons the <br />:;.:��:-'•.� <br /> ��-_., pmpeny�or does not amswer withi�30 days a noHce fcom Lender that tke insivanca cazrler has o�ered�o seula a claim.then <br /> -:�,�� Lender may oollect Qre imsursnee grooeeds.Lender may use tFie prooseds to repair ar reswre the Froperty ar w pay aums s�cured <br /> - _-- by this Security Instrwa�nt�whether ar aot then due.'Ihe 30�day Paiod will 1�in when the noifce Ln given. <br /> ���� liniess I�d?��nd Aam�wer omerwLse ugree in wiidng�anY 8PPHc�tion of proceeds to prtucipal sltall aot exteatd or postpone <br /> _�^.,.�.�;� dte due dats of tlie moat�aly paymeitis ref�w in pais�aphs 1 and 2 or chango the emount of ike paytaenta.If under patsigraph <br /> �,R,J�_.�� 21 the Prope�ty is arqWred by I,euder.Borrower's right to�ny insuranoe polfdes ead pmoeeds resuldng frora dama,ge to tt�e <br /> __ — �P�Y P�or w the acquisltFon sh�ll psiss tn Lender w the extent of the sums secured by this Seca¢dty Insuument lmmediutely <br /> y...� prlar to the acquisitlan. <br /> .�:��u�,.� <br /> -.�,�.,,� 6.Occupancy,Preserva8on,Maintenaase aud Firotec�on oi We ProPertY: Borrotiver's i.aan App�Icatton;I.easehoids. <br /> _--- - Hoirower shall oocnpy.este6lish.and nse the Property es Boimwer's prIuc�pa►resideace wItbin siaty days aftes the e,xecudon of <br /> -- ----- t6is Sec�u�iry Insuument and si�all cenlinua to oocupy tk,a Pmperty a.Borrowet's prIncigat r�sidenr�e fos at l�ast ane year atter the <br />-=""'"""-� daoa of accupancy.unless Lender a�hesvuis8 agrees in wiitiuS, wtuch consent sdaD not be unreasonably withheld,or aniess <br /> extenueting etc+cums�nces eaist which are beyund Bomower's oontrol.Boaower shall rtot des�oy.d�aage esT Lnpair the property. <br /> _.� aliow die Pro�rty to deteriorete, or commit was0a on We Progeny. Bomower stiall be in default if any foifeiwro acdon or <br /> --� proc�din�t�whether dvnl or begua thut in I,.ender's good fs�itb judgment coWd result in forfeiutte of the Propaty or <br /> othe�rLca ma�erialiy imp:�t the lien aesOSd bY this Securlry Instrumeat or Leader's secauizy inae�si.Hvna,rwcr�iy c�s-,.ci's a <br /> - dsf�wlt and rPa,nstate,as provIded In paragr�ph caus3ng thu action or prooeedin8 to be dismisszd aIth a mling that,in <br /> w <br /> ��;?� Leader's ga�!feitb�oa,precludes fo�feiwre of the Hoaower's int,erest in the Pmperty o:other material iaapai�rnent of <br /> _-- the llea c�eated by t1�s Secuiiry lnsaument or Leadsr's secu�itp in�Bomowes shall also bs in default if Horrower.dw4ag the <br />----- _ loan applicad�n proces� gAVe raaterially falss ar iaac�c�3ate infocmat�on or statemen�w Lender(or feiled to gmvide I.ender aith <br /> �aay materlal infara�ado�) 9n conneedoA with ths laa�i evidenoed by tbe Note, inciuding. but not Waited to.rePreseAtat[ons <br /> _ coACecning Bormwer's ooeupancY of the Pmperty as a�rinapal residence.If t6i.s Security Insnument is on n Ieasehold.Bamower <br /> -_--- sha11 comply with all the prov�sfons of the lease.If Boirower acquires fee dtle to the Property.the leasehuld na�the fee dde shall <br /> Aot merge�mless I.ender agrces to the merg��n arldng. <br /> 7.Prota�on oiLeader's Rtghte in the PropertY. �If Borro�ver fails m pedfarm the caven8nts and ag�eemeats conmined in <br /> , this Socw�ity Insavme��,or dure is a legal pmceedin$that may significantly affect Lender's rights in ttte�perty(such ss a <br /> � -proceeding�a baNauPtcp,Dmbate,for condemnadan or forfeiAUe or oo enforoe laws or regulattons).thea Lendsr may do and pay <br /> for whatava 3s necessarY to protect dta value of the Property end Leader's rights ln dte Prope�ty.Lender's actlons may includo <br /> -_._>.,� I�Y� �Y swns sxured by s lien�v�ich has priorIry over this�ecuiity Iasuuraent�ePP�B In couit,PaY�S reasonablo <br /> ., attomeys'fees and entt�Ing on the Pic+npeity o�mrhe repairs.Altlwagh Lcarder may ta�ce acaon under this patsgi�agh 7,Lender <br /> : +does not have to do so. <br /> Any amonnts disbutsed by Lender under this gar�gtaph 7 ahall become addnanonsi debt of Brnrower secnred by this Seauity , <br /> -;:-°.,� Tnsuumeat.Unless Bormwer and Lender agre�m other terms of pttyment,t�ese amounss shall irear int�from the date of <br /> -:-�� disbuzsem�t at the No�e rate and shall be payable,with interest,upon�otice fmm I.ender w Ba.t�ower re9uestin8 paymenG <br /> — 8.Mortg�ge Insaranoe. �f Yxnder re�luu+ed a�ozt88Be iasuianae as a candttion of malcing the lasn secured by this Security <br /> . InsKnuneat,Bormwa shall pay the p�miwns re$n'rr�od oo maintain the zaar�gage Ins�uaace ia ��'ec�I�far any reason,the ;' <br /> . moYtgage insurence oove�ge�quired by Lender lapsea or ceas.�to ha in effe�,Borrower sh�l PaY thB Prrm7��1�m <br /> .�� obiain vovetage subsmntially equivalent to the mortgsge iasuteace grevtously in eff�t,at a.cfls6 sabstaatially equivalent to tlse <br /> oast ro�wer of the martgege L�surauca prevlovsiy 3n effec&�om aa alt�a mort�e ia�u+er approved by Lea�dgr. If <br /> --� subsmn� Y e4uivaleat raort�age insmance coverage is aot available.Bomnaer sLall pay w Y�stcla each mnndi a swn al�n1 tn <br /> _ ---,� on�twelfth of the yearly mo�yage insurance gmmium baa8 Faid by Botrower�the insurancx covaago lapsed or coas�d w <br /> _ --------- be In effect Leuder will scoepb uss and remiu these payments as a Ioss res�+e in lieu of mortgage insurance.Loss reseive <br /> -------= Ferm S�2a AWD,� <br /> —_-�`-},;,,,�'� �-iR(NE�toa�zf.o� aapasote mnia�.: '' <br /> - �,es,�. �... —_. . . � : _---- � -- -- -- -- - e �._ <br /> _ ... . <br /> .._ ..•..... .. <br /> ,;....r �",.,. <br /> _.: . _ ,, .. . . .�:,a..,.: •-.•r�; � - <br /> _ �z_ - _� ..,�w�-x.K..�- �-�,.__ <br /> �"'r�.J..•:�s.�.:.-_....�,-.,,.-�_.-..-� <br /> .�I� .. . . � .. , �..�r.y.'�' � -4'�?.�'s" i � <br /> . <br /> � . . _. ?a � urwr�fi�g � <br /> � �;�, - • :. - , � ` � r :� � ��,��. �--�ra��s _� <br /> _ . H'�` -- - <br /> . . , <br /> -.�--�-.�y��_�+��yr�,6��� .. . - „ - ._ G'� �.��_�r '�,, c�e - raY•_����sti.�.--s�., .z"�- -sbgRxs�.p:�.s. - . <br /> .i+3.M+as'�iwei : ' . �� . ' . . - �� 'a. . / !� �� u1` /SF t�+��fVl;`�+n����tQ�Af �'TC�SF�Q _ __ _ .._. <br /> . _i �, <br /> �-i�.�-'t�r—_. :,t'�r-:r.� � . � �.,' ' >�=i�a.-- y:"��'�M����te���?r��--.u�znrt <br /> �•" � <br /> � , , . . . .0._ ... _ _ , _ a ,x ; t � _ <br /> -�.�,'�� e „ _n , . -. • • , ;._`t . .``�' � .�:""���.,� '�!ri �-�,�c�� — <br /> Ry b�rr <br /> '��__ • . � ' _ ,kl� 'i� •��lrYltT'� '1 �� .__ — �� <br /> �'�.—__. �l i,/ ��i <br /> � T -�LLt�... _..__.._ .`__ '�_.— _ � . . t <br /> � � i� TY{ , . � 11 ' � .r �� ''!�„"��� �-- _ _— _�91R1II�� _—__ <br /> -ti.�� '!' ' ;' ' Y 1 T°a' — <br /> -•- -• ,. . .: <br /> -. in .f,� i5 .. -. <br /> .q�� e ' � ` � . t ��'�!' — - <br /> �.. '. .�� . �. � ''s. •_� ,�'�; � -_ -- <br /> �'_..:_.. . 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