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<br /> • 'i�D13BTH�i�WITH nil tha impmvements reaw ar hereaRcr crected on tho property,nnd aU eusemcnts�appnetenancns.und __
<br /> �int�sr�s uow or hereafter a purt of tPte prapesty.AU r�plas�ments nnd¢ddidona shall also bo cavered by this Securlty Instn�ment _
<br /> A!1 of tho foregoing Is rcfcared w ln ttds Securtty Insmiment ns t he"P r operty."
<br /> S3UItttUtl/idR f:OVEI+Tl�S tuut 1Bar►vwe�ls Q�twfuliy sciae�of the Qstuie kereby convayed nnd has the right w�ant attd :_-
<br /> coAVUy tho 8coperty and th�t tho Pro�etty► ia unencumbered,exaept for c�tcumbrances of reWrii.Hos:owe�wae�ants an�wUl �`�
<br /> do#'ond general�y the dtlo ro the Property ogc�inst Nl cl�ims and demands.subject w any encumbrances of recorti. �.
<br /> 'THIS SgCURITy IrISTRUMBI�]'I'oombines unlfaim cavenunts for national usa end non•unifa:m covenants witA Wnited
<br /> vrfindot�s by jwlsdicdon to consdtu�s a ualfoim sec�y Insuument wvering real pmperty.
<br /> [IMFOR11�f CpVBNANTS.Bon+owe�aad Lender covennnt and�gree�s follows: __
<br /> 1.P�yment af Prinstppl ond In3erts4�PrspAymcnt and Late Charges.. Boirower shall pmmptly pay when due the
<br /> prG'�cipal af end inte�asc on the debt evidenc�d by tke Nota and any FrePaYmeat and late c6arges due under tha Nate.
<br /> 2.F�ads fmr Taxe�aud Yres�rnnce. Subje�c tp applicuble law or to a written waiver by I.enrler.Bormwer shall pay to
<br /> L,oa�er on the day eaonthly paymaets are dne under the Nate.unW Ihe Note is paid'u►fiil1.a snza("F�ads")for.(a)yearly taxes
<br /> anA•pssesstaenta which aaay uttain prio�iiy over this Securtty Inslnunent as a liea on tha Progetty;(b)Yearly leasehold payments
<br /> ar�xound ients on tke Properiy.if emY:(c)Yearly dazard ar pmperty insureuce premiu�v;(d)YeeriY Qaod insurance pm,aniwms�if
<br /> anYi(e)Ycarly mortgage insurance Pr�miums�if az►y;and(�enY sums PaYable by Bmrower to I.enaer,in ea�rdense wlth tke
<br /> g�vls�es of pt+x��a;oh 8, In lieu of dto payment of mortgage Inss�rarese premiums.lhese items are calted "E..�aow I�ems.'•
<br /> Lender�nay.cu any dcae.caltect ead kold Ft�nds{a an eiaount not oo axoeed the maximwn emount a lendes far a fedeialty retnteci
<br /> aip�age(oan may require foa Horn�wu's escrow axount ander the feda,�al Real Bstate Seuleraeat Pr�Act of 1974 as
<br /> nsnended fmm dcne w t3ma.12 U.S.G Se�tioa 2601 et seq. ("ItHSPA")�tmless saoiher baw thet appll�s tu dte Fu�ads sets a Iesser
<br /> emannt If so.Leader maY.at m►y ti�a.co]lect and hald Funds in aa amount not to e�cceed the lesser amount Lender may
<br /> a�mate iho amount of Fu�ads alue on dis Mjsis of cuQent data and reasonable es�mates of e�cpea�fiwres of fuwre Bscrow Ite�os or
<br /> othcxwlse in aocordancs wifh appllc�ble lew.
<br /> 'Ihe Funds sAall be held in au insHtudcn ahose deposlts are ins►ued by u faterat rsgency.ins�unae�t.�lity,or enary(including
<br /> �ader.if Leieder is such an insdtutton)or ia any Federal Home Loan Baak.Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the Esc�ow
<br /> It�ss.LeAder may not charSe Bomower fQS holding and applying tbe FunBs.annually an�lyzin8 tLe escmw accounl,o:vecifyiug
<br /> tlta Bscxow Itr,aos.unless I.euder pays Horrow�r tn�erest on the FuiWs and agplic�ble ltiw peamits Lender m malce sucli a charge.
<br /> �iowever.Lr�eder may requ3re Borroaer to pay a one-tjme charge for an independent real e�eLe tax repordng servtce used by
<br /> A.ander in�oAnection wIth this lQan.nnless appl�cable law provides otberwise.Unless�►�ia,t;s�ada�a{�s'.:s��1��•
<br /> teqaures�nterest w bs patd.Lender sdatl not be required w pay Bomower any interest or earrings on the Fuads.Borrower and
<br /> I�nter maY ag�os�n wcipag,Dioweves.Urat fat�erest sdall be paid on the Funds.Lender sh�ll give w Bomower.withons charge.an
<br /> an�n�a]aceonntiag of the F�skowing credit�and debits m the Funds aud ihe purpusa for ahicd each debft m the Fnnds was
<br /> fna�ie.The F�nds ss�o pledged as a�lditiwal securiry for all sums sec�ued bY this S�rirY Instrumeat
<br /> � If tha Funds 8��by T�enc:er aaceed the amaunts pe�nitted w be hrld by�pplic�able law,Leader s1i�91�ccaunt to Bolrower for
<br /> the eaeess Funds in au�rdance witu die requiQements of appHcablcs Iaw.If the amouat af the Funds held by Leader at any time is
<br /> rzus�clent mpay the Escrow It�ems wheai dae,Lender may so notify Horrower in welt[ng.and,in such case Ba�rawe,r shallPaY
<br /> to Lenda dee amnunt neae.csffiy to malce�tP the deSciency. $oirower sbaU aialce up ihe de�dency in no mo�¢�an ca+elva
<br /> monthlY F�Ym�s.atLeader's so2e d3scre�n. � .
<br /> UP�PaY�ent in fiill of all s�uns secured by ttils Secutity Insuumera¢.E.andea shall promptly refund to Bon�ower any Funds . .
<br /> h�ld by Leader.If,under pa�h 21.Lender shall acqnire or sel!th��Ptopeaty.Lender.p�iOr w the acquistdou ar sale of thd
<br /> �Y.��PPIy any F�tds 1�eld by LEader at the time of arquisidoa ar sale as a credit against the s�ms�curod by d�ie
<br /> $EC57Tilty IASt171IACAt
<br /> :3.nppuc.�of Paym�n�. vnkss appli�able 1aw provldes oth«arlse,au paymfents recefved by r�►�uu�dedr p�h a
<br /> � 1 an0 2 sh�11 ba��l�ed:�rs�,to anY P�PaY�►e�►t charges d�te under Wa Not�seoond,to mnounts'�aYab
<br /> thi�d,tn interest tYue:four�.;i�PriaclPal due;and 1sst,to any 1�chaages dua under the Note.
<br /> 4.Ch�esi Y.ieag. �azirawrr shatl gaY all mxes.assessme�its.c6arges.fines and i�posi�ons surlburab2s m the Pcopeity
<br /> wtucb anay auain prlurlty ov�s tbis Secarity Ins�umeat,and leasehold payments or gio��ud reats,if any.Borrotiver shall paY Wese
<br /> : obllgadons in the man�eer pn�vided in p�Caph 2,ar if aot paid in Wai maimac.Bou�wer shaIl paY them on dme ditectlY to the
<br /> " p�son owed pa�.t�►L Sor�ower shall P!'ompdY fumish to L�ender all uolices of amounis to be paid undea d�is garagaaph. If
<br /> BoQrower make�33iese FaYments direcdy.Horrower shall prompdy fumish eo Y.ender receipts evldenciag ttus gayme�vs.
<br /> Boaower sdall Qroangtl}*�tSChatBe suy llen whlch 6as prlorlty over.this Security Iusttument untess Botmwet;(�8,�'ees�n
<br /> w�ng to the paymeat of th�obligation seciued by the liaw u►a manner accePtable to I�emder;(b)wnoests in gead f��ith the lien
<br /> by,or defea�s a$ainsc e,nfor�meat of tha 1� in, lega➢proe�eedinSs wl�ict► in the Lcnder's opinion opcsaiz t�.�reveat the
<br /> - eafarcemeat ef ehe ll�►:�ar(c)sec�aes frem tho holder of the ll�n an agceemeat s�dacarry to LEU�er subardinadn8 the liea�to
<br /> - tLis St�ucity In.�te.'hmtnt Yf L�tder dett�mines that et►y part of ttte Property is sub,�ect w a lleu which ta3y attain ptiority oves this
<br /> SecwrltY Insaument,Lender rnay giva Boirowe�a notfc�e idcnrifying the llen.Homowea shall�atisfy the Hen or t�BCe oae or more
<br /> . of the acdons set forth above within 10 days of the giving of uotioe. �8pm gpys o�g0
<br /> _ �.sR(NE7ro�»�.o, Psg�a ot e �ntttau:
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