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<br /> 19.Trn�tcr of tho Property or n Henefictat In4e�est tn Borro�Jer.if a11 or any pmt ot thv Propercy or aay interest ia it -
<br /> � ia eold or tmnafemed(or if r,bcaeflciul iaterest!n Bsrrower te sotd or trunaferred Aad Borro�ver ia not n n�turnl person)withoi+t
<br /> " � wdtten consent Lender uu► . at its option. re uire immediate payment i�n tt�ll of NI awns secured by chis �_-__.
<br /> Le�eder a pelor .
<br /> " , F Se�urlry Iasttument.However,this option sh�il not be exercised y Leader ii exerclse ls prohiblteQ by federal law n,g of the dute �u .,
<br /> - - �.. of ttiis Security InstruttscAL �--
<br /> (f l�.nder exetcises thia option.Lender sh�ll�ive Bfltrowcr notice oY�cceleration."H'de a�otlee ahnll provide a period of uot
<br /> �,' less ihun 3U daya from the date the nodce ia delivered or�aniled wtthin wbic��Sorrocwer Ynu�t pay all sqms secured by this �_,_"-
<br /> } gecurity Insmunent.If Borrower fails co pay these suasa pdor to the expiration of this perlod.Lender may invoke eny remedtes _
<br /> "��° permitted by thia Security Insaument wlthout fluther notice or deraaad on BoYrower. `�'
<br /> 1g. Borrower's Right to Etetagtate. If Borrower me�ts certuln canditions. Botrower shall have the rlght to huve F'__:
<br /> ;�r� enforcement of ti�is Securlty Instnunens diseontjausd at eay dme prior to the earlier oL(a)5 days (or such other perlod as :.-
<br /> n-,°•
<br /> :n.�. appllcable luw ma}r egecify for neinswz�ment) before sale of the PreFertY Pursuant to eny�ower of sale contauted in this �,_
<br /> - ' ', 5ecurity Insmiment:or(b)eatry of a judgn�ent enfotcing thts Securlty Instrument.Those cond�t�flas ar�e that Borrower:(a)pay s
<br /> '•' Lender all swns which then would be due under this 5g�urity Insuument sud the Note as if ao 2ccelerarion had axurred:(b) �
<br /> • .'�` cures any default of aay other covenants oa age+cements;(c)Pays all expenses incurted in enforciag thia Sxtuiry lnamwtent�
<br /> � including�but not linafted ta.reasonab2e sttoraeys'fces:aad(d)tafies such action as Lender may reaconably requtre to asswe
<br /> - � that the lisn of this Securlty Insuument.l,ender's rights in n�n a y°�QBoWrr�owetblthis�Se�a�rity the�ent and the
<br /> ., this Secudry lnauument shall convnus uachansed Upo
<br /> .. obltgations secured hereby sball remain fuUy effecdve as if no acceleration had occumed.How�ver,tbia dght to reinstate aha11
<br /> , not apply in the case of accelerazion under paragraph 17.
<br /> . 19. Sale of Note;C�x of Loan Serv[ce�r. The Note or a pardal interest in the Note(w8ethe:with this 3ecuslty
<br /> cr
<br /> '� '? " Instrument)may 6e sold or�or more times wtthout prlor notice to Borrower.A sale u�a3+rzsutt in a chaage�n the eatity(known •
<br /> �,-:.- `. as tha"Loaa Servicer")tAaz aoIIecte ironthly payments due under the Note and this Security Insnument.T'hene also may be one _.
<br /> or more ehanIIes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a eale of the Note.If there is a ehange of the Loan Serviccxr.Barrower w1U b�
<br /> givat wrltten notice of the chenge ia acxo:dance wlth ParaBraPh 14 a bove aa dapp l i c a b le law.T�e n odce will state the nazne and _
<br /> ;°=�`""�� addc�ess of the new Loan Seivicer an.d the address to whieh paymenta should be msde_11ie notice wiU also contain any other
<br /> infomnador►required by appllcable law. storztge, or release of aay
<br /> r�;o��' ?A. Aaaerdous Sobstaaoes.Borc+ower shall not caose or permit the presence.use� dispasel�
<br /> ':.�,. ,� . Hazeedous Substa�.ces oa or ia the PmpertY. Borrower shall not do. nor allow nnyone else to do� anyihing affec�►S the
<br /> ``r;'`��`• p�+operty that is in violadon of any Bnvtronmeatal Law•The Pr�inB tv�'o senteaces statl not ly w the preseace.use.oi
<br />- `;` storage on We Pcoperiy of amall quaatities of Hazardous Substances thai are generally nca�to be approprlate to aornial
<br /> �°;����� residendal uses and to maiatenance of the Property.
<br /> -=�:="�-�� Borrower shail pmmptly give I.ender wduec►notice of aay Iavestigation,claim, dea4and.lawauit or otl�er action b any
<br /> s�
<br /> ;.°.�;=%r-� oe,v?*nmental or regulatorv aAeaaY or private party lavolving the Property and any Haza�dous Stibstance or Snvirenmen Law
<br />-��;;: of which Borrower has actaal I�owledge.If Borrower learns�or is notifiai by auyg�,�c-c�tal ar sesu2atas;s�iity rhat
<br /> ._��,..;,;.; i Borrower shall prompuy take
<br /> ,,,.,:.`,, eny removal or other remediation of any Hazerdsus Substeace affecdng the Property a naessary�
<br /> all necessary remedial acrions la accordance vtlth Bnvironsrcental Law.
<br /> �":�``'��' � "Hazsrdous Substances'are those substaaces defined as t�xic or ha7atdoua substances by
<br />_��u�_ As usod in this paragraph?A,
<br /> �;�„�s g�vironmeatal Law aad'the following substances: gasoline. kerosene. other flammable or wxic peu+oleum producta. Wxic
<br /> ' pesdcides and hecbicides.volatite sslvents.materlals oontainin8 asbestos or form�ldel►v����oacdve materlsls.As used in
<br />�:�,,;r`=� �P��Pb�� "Savironmental Law" means federal laws aad laws of the jurisdicdo=e ahere the PcoperiY is Ixated that
<br />;"_.-�;��� relate w htaIth.eafxtY or envinonme�ttal pmtection.
<br /> - _::,,,� NON-UMFORM COVBNANTS.Borrower and naHce to Borro��rtor to ao�celera�On 4oilowing Borrowe�'s breach
<br /> -�,�T:�.�� 21.Aacderatton;Remedies.Lendcr sl�af!�t R
<br /> _.�_._-..._�� oi any oovenant ar Agreem�t in thls Security I�strunient a the d�aWU N)!he actton reqnir�d�to c�urePthe d aNh
<br />----��— appl[cable!Aw pmvtdcs otherwlse).The notice shalY speclFj': ( )
<br /> —:;�� (c)w date,not less t6au 30 daya drom the date the mQLce 1s given w Borrower,by wtaic6 the defaulE must be cured;aatd
<br /> ;::r� (d►tlwt faflmre w cure the ddaalt on ar beiore t6e date s�¢ctfied ta the notice ma�resnit in soox�erattoa oi the s�ms
<br /> saut+ed b9 this Sxnrl�Y Imtrument and sale of the ProperRy.The nottce shell tlurth�r fntorm Borro�ver of tha dght to
<br /> w r�te�ter Acoeleratfoa And the right to bdng a eouri ectton to essert t6e nan-�xisteace of a deYaWt or aay other
<br />-� ddmse of Borrower.to aoce�eration ana sale.I�Ehe default Is not cnrcd an or befure the date spedtial[n the notice.
<br /> - Lender. at Ns optflpn,muy�eqnirc tmmed[ate paymeat in twll ot�sams secured by this SecurEtY�nst�ent vvlthout
<br /> �-- tiurth�r d�wnd�.d ffiay fnvoke the power of sale ond auy other r�edics permftt�bY $PPU�ble law.Leader shall be
<br /> --- -- eutitla!Ro colled nll e:pc,nses incutred in @urs�ing the mmedles prnv[ded in t61s Para�raPh 21, 4nclutung,btrt not Wuttcd ,
<br /> -__— to,rea5onable attoraeys'fees and costs oi tttte evideuce. of We
<br /> ---- It thepotvcr oi sale ts invoked.'llrosta shall r�oord a nottce oi default ln ea�h eounty In whtcL aRY P�
<br />_---- --- p�,upetty is l�cated and s6a11 mail coples oi snch notice in t6e manner presciibed by appllca6ie Isw to B�rrower and M
<br /> the a�wp�pusoas prescn'bed by epplicable law.Atlter We time reqnired by stppltcable Iaw,Trostee sh9U gtve pubIIc natta . _
<br /> of sale to the person9 and to the�amner prascribed by opplicable taw.7�ustce,�vttho� deawnd on Borrower.shall sell
<br /> n
<br /> - the Pmperty at publtc auidion to tLe htghat bidder at the 3fi�e and place and mtdar 3fia te�ma desfignated in the eeattce o
<br /> --�_'� sale in one or more paroels aad�m auy order 1Y�astee d�en�tne9.Trastce may postpoue sala of all or any pnrcel ul�� -
<br /> - _ P�+operty by pn61tc aanounc�emeat at We time aad pface of any previans�y scleeduled sale.I.�nder or its dcsignea
<br /> — __ _ purcbase the 1Prope�sy at nny sale.
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