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<br /> _...�a+ .a:«�s_�:nvt�;S':;_,..�.--- Y-._.: ......�_:'1�.�.:�...+�-_.�- ---•----_•_•�-------..,__....�_w_.__ .�.- %7 = _•,""-�r•.,�d.:
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<br /> � � paymenta mny ao laAger b�requlr�;d.at the agtion of I.snder. if monguge insumnce coverage(in ths amount and for che partod __
<br /> - .' } thnt Lendoe requires�provided by an inaurer npproved by I.ender agsin becomes avniluble tutd ia obtafned.Borrower shell pny -
<br /> � • the pmmiums requleed ro malntain mortgaBe insuruace in effect,or to pmvide a loss reserve,until the requim�cent for mortgage -
<br />� :rr; ,bs� inauranw ends W accordeaoo with eny wrhten ag�ement between Hcrrower and Lender or applicablP law.
<br /> `_ 9.&�p$stton. Lenolc;r orr lts r�Ent may m�.kc te�onab2e entrles opsa aad insgecttons of the fl�roperty. [.eatter sha11 give ��
<br /> :�_�; � Borrawer nntice at the ame of or prlor to an inspecdon specifying reasoneblc cause foe the inspecdon. • �
<br /> '�`�`�`- 10. Condemnatton. 'I9te pmceEda of aay uward or claim for dam�es,direct or wasequeatiat,ia canncction with aay
<br />-_-°=�_--- ooademnation or oiher taking of nny purt of the Property,or for conveyeace in lieu of condemnation,er�e hereby assigued and
<br />- ��,�� sheU be pffid to Len�er.
<br /> ��.,_s
<br /> r�,� In the eveat of a rotal t�ldng of tha Property.the pmoee�s s�all be appiied to the sums secumd by this Sec ty truutent.
<br /> ;���;t whether or nat then due, with any eaoess paid to Borrov�er. In tIIae eveat of u partial tatdng of the Progerty in whIch the fair
<br /> �.:,;•.r sarYet value oY tke Property i�mediazely befoie the taldng is eq�aai to or greater thaa the amount of the su�se�ured by this •
<br /> ` Secudty Inshuiaent ianmedlately before the takinII.unless Borrower end Lender otherarise agree ln w+ridn�.the sums secured by
<br /> " �`.:� this Security Insuwnent shail 6e reduoed by the amount of the proceeds muttiplied by the following fraction: (a) the wtal
<br /> r.,..�.
<br /> �'�`r;:; amouat of the aums secured immediately Ocfore the teidng, divided by(b)thB fair market value of the Property immediately
<br />-�''���r'�� before the taking.A�baIaace nhalt be pa�d to Bomuwer. In the event of a partiai taking of the Property in which the fair
<br /> _.=��t�
<br /> ._,._=� market valu�of the Praperty immediauly before the taking is Iess thaa the amount of the sums secured immediately before We
<br /> _- _ taking,nnless Barrower aad Y�ender otherwise agree in wrtting or unless applicable law othetwise pmvides.the praceeds shall
<br />,::�6s� be applied to the sums secure�6y this Securlty Insuvment whether ar aot th�sums are thea due. `
<br /> -- If the Property ia abaadoaed by Borroaer.or if. after notice by Lender w Borrower that the condemnor offers to make an
<br /> '�`''� award or settle a claim for damages,8orcower fails to res�aand to Lender wlthin 30 days aRcr the date the ncstice is glven, _
<br />------ Leader is siuthorized w collat an�apply the prooeeds.at its opdon.eieher to�eswration or repalr of the Property or to the sums
<br /> secured by this Secvriry Insuument.whether or not then due.
<br /> "y`4�� Unless Lender m►d Borrower otheiwIse agree ia wiitin8� aaY aPPlicadon of proceeds to prin�ipat shall not eatend or
<br /> - -_
<br />