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<br /> r • The Fuads shali be held in un institution whose deposiu nre insured by a federal agency. instrumentnlity, or entity ��,
<br /> � (inc t u d i n a L en d e r,i f L e n d er is such nn institution)or tn afly Federal Hom�LoFn.Bank*Len�d�y�w w lyz ine t hch e s c ronv ucc p n�or �`�-�
<br /> Escro�v Items. L.er�fer mny not churge Horrower tor notmng unu c+ppiy►c��:....•-:.-•-•--� _
<br /> � verifying thc Escrow Items,unless l.ender pays Borrawer interesc on the Funds and upplicnble law permits L.cnder to m:uce svcn _�..
<br /> ' a charge. However. Lend�r may ru{uire�o�W unl�saa a ticablemlaw provid otherwi.eacl3nic s ean agreementrts made�or �
<br /> • uGed b Lender in connection witt� �his loan, pP
<br /> ed y
<br /> - � appiicable iaw �cyu�:rs interest ta be��id, Lender shall nat be required to pay Horrower uny intcrest or earnin�s on the Fun 5. -
<br /> �orrower and l.ender may ngrce in�vrtting,however.that interest shall be pmd un tha f'unds. l.en�ter shall give to Borrower. v
<br /> ±'� v�ithout char$e. an annuul u��counting uf the Funds.shov✓in�credits and debits to the Funds und the purpose for which euch L_-
<br /> ° f� debit to the Funds was msule.The Funds are pledged as additionnl seciutiry for a!1 sums secured by this Secunty Instrunient.
<br /> • If the Furtds held by Lender�exceed the amounu permttted to be held by applicable law.Lender shall account to Barrower
<br />-'=�--'�� � for the excess Funds in arcardance with therequtrements of nppltcable law. If dte amount of the Funds held by L.ender at any
<br /> '' time is not suffictent ta pay the Escrow Items when due.Lender may so notify Borroaer in writing. and.in such csse Borrower
<br />-� shall pay to�.ender the amount necessary to make ap the deftciency. Borroaer shall make up the deficlency in no more than
<br /> -�`- '-� twelve monthly payments.at Lender's sole dissretjon.
<br /> U pon paymer�t in full of all sams secuced by tUis Soca'�nh' InsuvmeAt. L.e�r s�nd em nor w thedacquB ion or salc �
<br /> Funds held by L.ender.If,under paragraph 21.L en der s}�a l l a u�r e o r s e l l t h e P r o rt y. P
<br /> „ � of the Property,shall apply any Funds held by I.ender at the ti�ne of acqufsjtion or sale s�s a credit against the sums secured by
<br />•t,.. F;, this Secur�ty Inswment. ments received by L.ender under paragraphs
<br /> �,� _. 3.Applic�tton of 1'ayment�.Unless applicable law provides otherwise.all pay �
<br /> I and 2 shall l�a}�plied: first.W anY P�PaYment charges due under the Note; second.to amounts payable under paragraph 2:
<br />-''>' (�
<br />_::�� thirci,to ir�terest dus;fourth,w principal due;and last.co any tate charges due under the ote.
<br /> - 4.Charges; Uenc.Borrower shaU pay aU taxes.assessments.charfies,tines and impositions attributable to the PropertY �
<br />-�=���'"� which maY attain,Priority over this Security Insaumecn. and leasehnlci payments or gtound rents. if any� m��+�e dieeCdy -
<br /> "w� these obGgations m the manner pmvided in paraSraPh 2.or if nnt paid in that rnanner.Borrower shall pay
<br /> -��.� to the pecson o�vad puyment.Borrower shall promptly fu�ish to Leader all not�ces of amounts to be pa�d under ttils para�raph• +►
<br /> �r�;�,� If gflrrower maQces these payments directly.�orrower shall promptly fiarnish w I.ender receipu evidencing the payments. � _
<br /> -"-�- $omower sha�]promptly discharge any tiett which has pnonty over this�!ri o��e���n��O�B��f th�en
<br />";.,� wrlLing to We payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner accep _
<br /> -` by. or defends aga�nst enforcement of the lien in, le�al proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the
<br />--u enforcenaent of the lien;or(c)xecures from the halder of the f�P�misis���a lien which may aaain�pdorItYeo�o
<br /> _ -- this Secnricy Instn►meni. If I.ender detemnines t1►at m►Y P� , �
<br />--- - t�is Securlty insuument.I.ender may give Borrower a nodce identifyiag the lien.Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take one or
<br /> --- more of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of uotice.
<br /> �—� S. p�� ar p�,operty insurance. Borrower shail keep the imProvemeau now exisdng or hereafter erected on the
<br /> Property ins�red against Ioss by fire.hazards intluded within the term"extended coverage" and aay other 6azards. including
<br /> floads or flood►n�.for wi►icts t.cndc�e�rra i�ur.u�e_ T�is�n�""'����ntaiaed ia the amounts and for the periods {
<br /> �h$�LendeT reqw�s,'�'►ie;nsurnnce carrier pmvtding the insw'ar►ce shall be chosen by Borrower sub�ect w Lender s up�ii��%a1 —
<br /> -- which shall not be unneasonab�Y wiehheld• If B°n°wer fails to maintain coverage described above, Lender may.
<br /> at Lender's
<br /> -- opiion,obtain ooverage w prot�c 1.ender's rights in she�coperiY tn accondan�°e�W P�S�ph 7.
<br /> All insurance po3icies and cenewals shall be acceptable to Lencter��r���d ra���e to L�.ender all reae pu of
<br /> sha2t�ave the right w hold the policies and renewa�s•If H.ender requirea. , P P Y�
<br /> p��premiums and renewal notices.In the event of loss. Borrower shail give prompt notice to the msurance carrier and Lender.
<br /> - I�eiider may mak+e proof of loss if not made promptly by Bormv�'er. 1i� ��toratidn or repair of the
<br /> Unless I.ender and Bor[ower otherwise agee in writing,insurance prooeeds shall be aPP
<br /> dsunaged.If the restoration or cepair is eoonomically feasible and Lender's secudty is not lessened•If tt►e restorati°n or
<br /> y r�ris not eonnomicallY feasible or Lender's security would be lessene�.the insurance procceds sha11 be$PPlied ta the s��mc
<br /> sf�cured by this Security Instniment. whether or not then due.with anY excess Paid to Borrower. If Borrower abandons the
<br /> c
<br /> property,or doES not answer within 30 days a nottce from Lender that the insurance r�rie�r�hre�e���ar�o lp y's�
<br /> Lender msy aollect the insw�ance pmoeeds• Lender may use the Pro�ds t° re�
<br /> s�red by this Secunty instrvment.whether or not then due.The 30-day pe�rial�f beg�n�w�p�p��s�l ot eatend or
<br /> UWess Lrender and Boirower otherwise agree in wridng• anY $Pp p
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthlY pay►nents refe��wer's ri t to1anY��nsuran�p°lic�es and p tinoeedsere�sul�ting tfrom
<br /> under paragraph 21 the Property is acquired by Lender.
<br /> c'lamage to the Property prior to the arquisidon shall pa�s to I.ender W the extent of the sums secured bY this SecuRh'Ins�w°Qnt
<br /> -- - -_::�i �Y p�cy,°�h�ivatl n�nMaint�mamce�nd P�+ntectian a4 t�e Pc+apei4y;Borrower's Loan E+PPUcationt Leaseholds.
<br /> � Borrower shHll oocupy.establish.and use the Property as Borrower's principai residence wlthin sixry days after the execution of
<br /> th�s Security Iostnuaent and sl�all continue w oa:upy the ProPertY as B�n°w'er's principal residence for at least one year after
<br /> the date of accupancY.uniess Lender otherwise agrees ia wr►ting.wtuch o°nsent shall not be unreasonably wlthh�eTd,�o�[�
<br /> e�auating circumstances exist which are beyond Borrower's oontrol. Bormw��er s�hall�be in�def�sult�if arry forfeiture
<br />------ property.allow the Pro�ertY w deteriorate. or ooramit wasce on the Property
<br /> - � action or pruceeding, N+tiether civ�l or criminal.is begun that in Lender's good faith judg►nent oould result in forfeiture of tbe
<br />__.�� Property or othenvlse materially impair the lien created bY this Security Insmunent or Lender's security interest.Borrower may
<br /> cure such a default and reinstate.as provided in paragrapd 18.by causing the acaon or proceed'►n8 to be dismissed with a mling
<br /> --=--- that� in L,ender's good faith determfnaeion. precludes fodeiwre of the Bornuwer's interest in the Property or other material
<br /> ------- impairment of the liee created by this Security Insuument or Lender s security interest• B�ti'OWer shall also be in default tf
<br /> -'"? Bomower.during the loan application pmcess,gave materially false or inaccurate inforniation or statemenu to Lereder(or failed
<br /> ��'.'�''' to ptovide Lender with any material information)in connection with the loan evidena:d by the N�te.includin$��m�t is on a .
<br /> _ _=-_y:,t;=� to,�P�ons ooncerning Borrower's occupancY of the ProPerty as a Principat residence.If t6is Security �
<br /> _-----y� with al! the mvisions of the lease. [f Borro�vea aoquires fee tide to the P[�opeitY. We _
<br /> -
<br />