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<br />__ (spax Above'l�ts LlneFos Recordln8 Qafn1 � � ^ ,p ` _
<br />_ 3w3�� .�cr 31�► m►�-, r •
<br /> DEEI� OF TItUST �
<br />- PO Box 2A�0
<br />_ C?malia, NE G81Q3
<br /> THIS AEED OF'��iUS'f �'Security Insuwaent")is mad�on
<br /> Masch �• 1999 .'t4te m�stor is .
<br /> - Bret P. Stc,l!�enberg and Kelly J. Stoltenberq, husban¢� and wife
<br /> (•Borrower").The austee ia �o�west Bank Nebraska, National Association
<br /> (^Tru�cee").The beneficiary ts Norwest Bank Nebraska, Nati.onal Aasociation �
<br /> *JAf t.._ ,ead whose
<br /> _ ���S a����,�;��y���y�g�f e�a gf_at�!s of America
<br /> addr�s is 3904 W�st a 3th Stseet, Grand island, Nebraska 68803
<br /> . ("Lender').Borrower awes Lender the principnl sum of .
<br /> 2hirteen TSougand Two G�undred and_321��Ath$---'�ll���:s.'�13,200.32 w+T�
<br /> This debt is cvidea�il�.�y Hocrower's note dated th� same date as this 5esnrity Insuumsnt(°Notc"),which pmvides for
<br /> montWy payments.vuitli ttiefulldeb�if aot paid earlier,due aad payable on ''MSYCh 20� 2004
<br /> Tlris S�cutity Instrument secures w Lender:(a)the rePaYment of¢�e debt evidenoed bY the Note,with interest.aixt��ll renawals.
<br /> extensions and mmdlficatlons of the Note: (b) the Payment of•s!1 other sums, with tnterest,,advanced under patagraP�i.7 w
<br /> protect the stxvrity of�this 5ea�rity Instiument; and (c)the Pb�'fomoance of$orrower's covenants as�d agc+cemmeats. Po:this
<br /> purpose, Borrower irrav�cably grsmts and oom+eys to Tivstee,in trust, with power of sale. the foAowin�;�escribed P��
<br /> locatod in H8�..1 '
<br /> Lat 7, Bloak 90, t+Theeler and Bennett'� Fourth Additior�y City of Grand Islanc�,
<br /> Hall CountyR �]�braska. � � ,
<br /> i
<br /> . i �' ' �JI�GGS C��� y
<br /> whir]�has the ad�lress of 208 l6ast 16th St�e�t�A��M��Sl$nd �
<br /> Nebraska 68801 . � "`
<br /> (ZtpCodeJ
<br /> 1'O(iE THER�TH all the improvements now or hereafter ere�ecl on 6he�roperty,and aU easements.appurtenances+a� '
<br /> fixqtres nvw or hereat�er a part of the prnpertS!• A�l reDlacements an�:ad 'ttons shalf also ba covered by du's Sewrity
<br /> Iustsum�nt.All of the fongoing is refer�+ed to in ttus Secur�t3'insuument as the"Pmperiy."
<br /> BORROWER COdSN/WT3 that Borrower is lawfully seisad of the essaee hereby oonveyed and has the dght to�rnnt and
<br /> convey the Praperty aad that che Propeny is unencu[�bered,except for encvmbraaees of re�ord. Borrower wazrants and will
<br /> - defend Seneraly the t�tle ro tl�e PropertY against all claims and damands,s�bje.�t to any enwmbmnces of reoo�+d.
<br /> � THIS SECUW'&"�C WSSRUIHSNT ootnb�nes uniform wvenants for nattonal use and noa-�ifom�an+enaz►ts with limited
<br /> varlations by J�sdis�ion to�amtiwte a wuform secnrity i�asnument wvering real Property• .
<br /> UiVTFtDRM�OV�NA�STS.Bomawer and Lender oovemn�at►d a�cee as follows:
<br /> 1. PaYment ot�pa�.siud Iat�t:P�ePa3'm!ent atnd Late��6�f t�nre�d�ars•_�a due und�tyhe Noie.hen due the
<br /> _- prineipal of and interest on�e neoc eviaenceo oy u�j.�,K,a...-v r.-�--,---- -
<br /> Z.��rap q'�cev m�td Ynsaranoe. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender,Borrower sha11 pay to
<br /> '== Lender on the day nwnthly payrteents are due under the Note,until the Notc is paid in fiill,�um("F�s�) t°�(�ot p y�se�
<br />-= and assessments w6ich may atmiA�nority over this SecuritY Insaume�nsuiance premiums:(d)�rtt)flood insurancc premiums.
<br />--- or grouad rents on the PropertY. any:(c)�e a r 1Y h a z a r d ot ro p e rt y able b Barrower to L.ender. in ac�ordance with
<br /> --� if any:(e)Year1Y moitgege insuranoe ptcemiums.if any:aa�(fl any sums pay Y
<br />= the prov[sions of paragraph 8,tto.lieu oi the payment of mongage insuranc�^premiums•Th�se items are called"Esccow Items•°
<br /> Lender may�at arry ume.�o��°�a�hold Fuads in an amount not!o exceed the maximum amouat a lender for a federally
<br />;�� relnted�ttortgage toan may �tquire for Bor[ower's essrow a000unt uader the federat Real Estate Settlement Procedure��►�°g
<br /> x 19T4 as umended from tim�W t�me. l2 U.S.C.Scxtion 2601 et seq.("RF.SPA").unless azwther law that applies to the Funds
<br />`��:,� sets u lesser amaunt. If so. [.eader an�}'.at uny drne,aoliect and kold Funds in an a�ount noi to eaoeed the lesser nmwnt.
<br /> _= Escrow Items or otl►e yisei n�uccorda�tt�vi h applicabte awog��t data and reasonable estimates of expendidues of future
<br />__;,�
<br /> NEBAABKA•Sinpto FnmityFtrtsife MatlF�eddEe M M1 PU�I�RMwI��s'tiM'FN�$'�•�e��s2�ase� acao�a e A�nnded 8191
<br /> �N!127'97 MT8
<br />