, •.,
<br /> - .;r �
<br /> -_ � . :i fw3,N�.� an.: � � � u „ � .. � .. ° ..°.A..,.LC4.�
<br /> _ .a^..iil�!�f�l4,,N-,n�n.. ' . _ . � � � �
<br /> .. ..�.�_'m�+rl..� ... �.. ..... . -. . . .. . . .
<br /> Y.
<br /> � � .�•i,i
<br /> , �� �, 18. B�f�OWBP'8 6�(gi94 40 �8�3I�et�Bt3• �f Bomvtiver mt�t� corfAb� oonditionn, Borrbwor sAnA hava the ripht to PEwa
<br /> entptCentCnt of;.ae ����tiy Inauumcnt dl4contlnuo0 at ony time prla to Ih0 oarll�r p}: (u)5 dnye (or auoh othor portod uo apP��cabb ._,_
<br /> �fluAn4 to any pv++o� :% o;'S�ontalnod in thi�&nourlty Inotrum�Jll; OT
<br /> � l��r m9y spaor7y tor ►slnststnment) batoro csnte of tho Proporty p� '=sT
<br /> . (b) enW ot a�udpmT lMs�Beourit tlnatruman ctnd ho NotW na61f no a'acotrTAtlonhhed ocour�red`�(b)ouros ctnY dafauR of nnyhothur �=;�y:-
<br /> woutd Do dua unde Y � '�x%�-
<br /> covenant or eprewnants; (o)pmYs aU exRenaou tnaurrod �+ ontoroEnq thls Ssourity InuWmcnt, MoNdlnp, but flot Ilmitad to,raaaonabb � ,
<br /> �ttomeya'fees;and(di tai:63 suafi cctlon as l.�dar mny reasonabry rt►alulro to asaure thnt the Iten of tlis 8eaurRy instrumcnt,Lon6ors p =�*•
<br /> . ���N th�pra�s7ty nnd Borrewere obllgation to pny tho uums QCCUr¢�d by thia Soourity inatrumont ehall oomMUS unohengsd. Upon �
<br /> " �,.....
<br /> relnstateme�►t by BoROwor.this SeourUy lnsdument and thn obllgntiona eecured heroby ehail rcmoin fui�► oNcetko RA�t��eccotcratlon Q
<br /> had oocurced. Howevar. this npht to relnatato ohatl not aphy in the aaso of eocote►atton under paregreph 17. � -=-
<br /> p 19.Sate ot Notei Chan�e of I.oen Sen+icor. Th4� NOt�or Ei part�81 tntero8t in the Note(to$ethet wtth thi9 SOOUt}ly �
<br /> >
<br /> "�.-.���—..o^'�- Inatrumsnt)msy b� aob ono or more times wfthout prtor nqttco to Borruwor. A sate may result tn u ohanpo h the entky(known as the _�-�
<br /> `.o_�, •�n Se�yiceP')thet optuota monthy paymente due undnr tho Nota and thh Seourtty Instrument. There aiso may ba one or mors � �� ,__u
<br /> Cbsnpps Of tho L08n 8oTVicer unre�ted to 4�� h t14 8bo and pilCabb a wge Thehnotke will��tato lne�neme�►a adaro t►f tfte �.�-
<br /> no4lce ot the oh��e in aceord�nco elkh pem9�A
<br /> n�+w Laan Savfcer end the address to whbh payments shautd bo msda. Tha not�e w1A a�so aontatn any otF�er Hsar��n�4���by �-
<br /> apPlloabi�taw. .a
<br /> d�pasa� storape,or rebaae o!any
<br /> ZA. Hezerdoua Subatnncea Borrow+ar shttti oqt cause or porm@ the presonCe,use, � �
<br /> � Hatardous Substanaea on or In the Properiy. Borrower shati not do� nor atlow anyorte etse to ho� presoneefl us�e,o�sto S�"a ttM �
<br /> Is In vbiatbn of any Envinnmentai Law. The preceding two senteaces shall not apPN ,-- _
<br /> ` . �;, Property of smaii Quantkies ot He�rdoua SUbstances thnt are genera►ly rscogaized to 6e approD�te to no�mat res�der+ti41 uses and to ,-
<br /> . . malnte�ence of tAe Proporty -
<br /> ' Borrowm shaii promptry gNe tsnder wr8ten notice oi any lnv��t b^� a��demand, lai�rsuit or other aodon bY snY 4�m��1 _
<br /> or reguiatory a9encY or prNate paM tnvoN(n9 the PtopertY end a�y Hanrdous Substance or EnvUonmer�tai Law of whbh Bortowa h&s �
<br /> .. � actuat knovlisdge. 1f Borrower teams. or is notftied bY� n��$�rcowergsha/ p o pttytytake a��n���Y rum dlal aotb et�h �._.
<br /> o f any Harerdoue �bstence aHecttn8 the Property " -
<br />° � accordt�nnce wft1►EnvYonmentai law.
<br /> d
<br /> AS uSBd Y1 thl9 p8f8$f&��i '�. �H928fdOU8 SUbStlifiC08' 8t8 thOS� &ubStA�C83 dBMBd 88 tOXiC 0� h9n0td0U8 SUb8dU1QE3 y -
<br /> ^ � Envtronmentat Law and the foibwh8 substanees:gasoMo� kerosene� vthor tlammeble or toxb petroFaum pro�ets,toxie Pestbtdes and
<br /> � he�bieiQes� volaUia sohrents� mater�►S eontehing asbestos or tormelaohyda. end radtoaotive bcated th t �etate to heaith�s tatY�r
<br /> . "Environmental Law•meens tederel laws end �aws ot tne �udsdkllon whare the Property
<br /> �,�� ,�,tl emtronmental ProLeaUon.
<br /> NON-UNIFOA�A COVENAM�. Borrower end Lender turther covanant and agree as foliows:
<br /> � 21. kceeteraUon; Remedies. Lender atu�tii giae noUae t� Borrower prior to scceleration totto�rinp
<br /> `;;:,� Bonower's brea�h oi n�ry CvYOnaia � a�Ecals!0� provtdes�othervulae�The notice ai�aiip.poai:y: ,
<br /> - � �� acceleratlon under pareprePh 17 unless app
<br />�.: ..',,�.:"�;�' . (a)the detault;(b)the aa�on �equt�ed to eear�the eDe�r+ul4; (e)e date� not Iess than 30 daya trom the
<br /> . ,:;":_� dete the notice ta glven to Borrower� by wha�h the detautt must be cared;end (d)thet tailure Lo curo
<br />-"�:`;:•;:;,� the defauit on or betore the date speci8ee� in th� notias may resu„e 1 n a�eQ@�����er�iMorm
<br /> . " .:,'`" secured by this Seeurily InstrurtneM end �ai@ ot �� �roperty.
<br />���:���.1��. �
<br />-�' �.:'"-.; 6orrower of the right t�o reinstnte aiter accet�rat�on �� tlo� ri�ht to bring a court sation to a�sert
<br /> '^^�'� r �° non-existence ot a det�wlt or any other deteaase ot Fitoru�wor to eccelaratlon e��d aste. It the del�utt ts
<br />`''�"'��' not cured on or before the date s�ecifled �n tho motiae, l.ende� et tta opUoe� msy requtre ImmadtaS�
<br />_=:,,;;; ;�-� peymeM In tull of ap aums aecured by 4f�a �ecueity Itt.istrument without turiher demand aetd m�y
<br /> - = tnvoke the power ot sale nnd nr�y other remeslfea perMt4ted bY apPlicnble lnw. Lender sheQ �
<br /> _ -,.�,-" �� entitied to coQcct ntt expenaea in�le atU�rneur tee�s �d reoats of tiUe�evi��nce.�� p��
<br />��-=-=��f'� IncludU��but not Iimited t�, reason Y$'
<br />=�T`'�� If t6�e power oi sale la Invoked� Truat�e ���r�cord a nottce of rlefeutt in eecl� caunty in which
<br /> °'_'-� _� any part ot the P�operty is Ieceted and s9�a�� mait cepies ot aueh noUoe tn tDse rnanner preseribed by
<br /> eppiicabte lew t+o Borrower and �o tha ot9��r persona prescr[bed by epp
<br /> Itcabta tnw• ARer the tlme
<br />"6"�"'� requtr�d by appllcebie tavr►� Truetee shap give�sublic noUee of aele to 4he p�raons nnd fln the maaoner
<br />�.�'� ��`�... Itceble taw. Trus4ee,v�ithou4 dennaftcb on Borrower. shafl s$fl 4he Property at publle
<br />�:�- �.. presaribed by aPp
<br />��,,-- -, �:'�:�':� orte aNe ot eJl
<br /> f auctton to ths higheat bfdder at the time and ptaae r��1 under the terms d�sipnet�d �n the eotice a
<br /> -- '��`� aaie tn o�o or more parc�ets and in any ordor Truc�tee doterminea T�usdee psY P�P revlousht
<br />=``'r ,� or any parcei o! the Properiy by public anr�oun�emeM at ths time and lsce ot any p
<br /> =i.."�,�,.;ti: urchaae tF�� Property et any aete.
<br /> --:�� ,,;. saheduted eale. tender or i4�deeignee may p
<br /> _ ��'r.:�;,' Upan racetp4 04 peyment ot the price b�d, T�u�tee shatt dettvee to tho purahmser 7"rustem'a d
<br />_;��"�.�l s conveyinp the�roperty. The recitnts In the TrvutQe'stda proceeda of rthe�le In the topowlnq ordetr
<br />-.��.,ti ,.�. ot the asetementrs mede tharetn. 7ni�tee shafl epryt9 �
<br /> - F� " _. 96 04 the pHnotpet �mount ot the �emte
<br />_ --�-�;�.�; �p) to atl cosU and exAensea o4 exerelaing the power of aele. end the eate, IncludUp the PaYm�M�
<br /> _ �� .Y "`� � the Trustee's bes actuaiiy incurred� not to euaeed a
<br /> �' �r et the tlme of the declerettom of detautt,end reaaonnble�excYe�a�tosthe �etson�O bpersonsbl�ly
<br /> . . '=� sums secured by thia Secu�fty Instrumen� and (c� any
<br /> . �. .�. entl4t� to it
<br /> _ o .,V.�• 22. 6ieconveyance. UPon payment of all sums�saured by thls 3ecurilY Instrumoat,Lender shall requast Trtiates to r6eonvey
<br /> tbe PropBrtY and shati eurtender this Sewrtty InstrumenZ and ao notes wldonofng dobt seoured by thb SecurkY instrumetu to TtuLt89.
<br /> o �� TNStee shatt recomrey the Property wtthout wana�tY anr1 wIIhoul ahargo to the person or parsons is�IN cntP!!�d to it. �oh pe�son o�
<br /> �::::�`f;"`' Dersotts shM Pa9�Y recordatla�co8ts.
<br /> �`��.;a�.-.c: ---
<br />� ,,,�i� _ 23.SubstiWte �e.��"�e��,�nt�recoraoa n�ne ouncy m nen c�s sec��tyd��sw�ment is ceaorded. w o 1
<br /> .. �-,:. —:'- - �y irusiee aFVu•:� ..a.o....�. -. - _ ...__
<br /> _�r_....e lerdn nnd 6v
<br /> ,• �prnreyance of the ProperiY. successor trustee shall suecesd ro aU tho ritls� PCV�Er and Gut�es conrenoa��� ••r-�- •�---- - - _
<br /> ' � apptioablo Iaw. �
<br /> 24. Reques3 for Noflaea sorrowsr reauesss mac co��cs ot We notkes ot aotaun ena sale be sent to 8orrowcsrs address
<br /> whbh IS the PropeRy Add►�9ss. :�
<br />- 26. Rlders to thts Seaurtty Ir4t;Vurt9ec��. It one or mar�dde►s are executee by Boaower and reaorded together w�ih `_
<br /> this Security tnsVUrteent,the cover►e�ts a^d agreements ot esch such rtdsr shaA be Incorporatsd tnto end shall amena end supp�ema►t
<br /> �� �e��nar►ts end ogree�r2nts of this Securny Insbument ns ff th��idtx(e)were a part of thls Seourity InsWment.
<br /> _ Fo�m sope oloo
<br /> .. P�yo 4 ot 6 .
<br /> . Ft04C.LM0(8/89)
<br /> , 1030
<br />