., , .. �
<br /> !`' . �5' .. 1 .. . •.. ,.n � . � .
<br /> �l'�.�'�+�'. 1 � . . . ' � ' .
<br /> T.� i/f� . ...� I ' ; -. ' ,-_ _'-.
<br /> P /j .
<br /> .�.rt„1Nlf�,fi.. . .� ^ .. '" '.1. ....�14�AirA�, '
<br /> wi". ' t✓a.a�. .. `j '_".". ' ' .
<br /> .. . •.,,p� �F'�... � uarF:���.m •a�xm.a�s.._�.. a?:.n „�.� ^Lt�:—..==
<br /> _: � a.
<br /> , �.
<br /> „ . . . . ...-..�..••.-.
<br /> .. ..i..
<br /> L�..�'.� .'. ,, o ---'--_,-'—"– .,..,.
<br /> , _.,.. .. a,_,_�._ ."-"--`-"-...__..._.
<br /> _ �-.._
<br />- � Qa� ������� ��--�-
<br /> � If �oROwer talls to pn� the covenents and agr�omento �
<br /> � ���'� � •7. Proteetten ot�ender e Righte la�the Prnperty.
<br /> aontahod In this 6eQUrity Instrumant, or thom Is a Iefls�ProceadNg that may nignt8onnty aticat Lendero rf8hto tn tho PropeAy(ouoh ea �,:--,.
<br /> _.......,�...�.,.•,.�,��►no�wa or reautst►ona),then lender mny do an6 pay tor _ _
<br /> -.rrc�- p piOQpdh9 h b�t71WpI0y.Prooaw� [or aunw�Tm6i�o. ... �....�...... _. ._ _ -�..
<br /> � whut�var�s rt3Desnt�uy to protasot tbo value at the Property and Londe�s rlghts tn the Proporty. lontt��o aottone may tnolud9 pay�n8 ____
<br /> . ; any aums seoured by n i�n whbh hus prtortry ovor thl�Saouripl inaWment,appenring tn aourt,payln8 reseon84i9 uttorrooy'o foss and _-_-
<br /> entaflng on the PropnAy to mgho r�pnhs. A�tbough Landor may toka satlon undor this pruagmph 9,Londar does not hev4 to do oo. ___
<br /> .�.� Any enounta dlsbursed by Lcnd°r under thb pamgraAh J ahatl become addittonal 6obt o} 8orrawsr aaoumd by lhta 8flaudhr ,.��_
<br /> Inotrurrtunt. Unless Borrower and Londer agroe to other terms of paymant, these amounta shall boar interes! kom tlio 9tttt� o!
<br /> �*� dtsburaement at the Note�at6 end o7►aq b�p1Y�����rith tnt�rest,u�on notico 4rom Lnndcr to 8ortowot roQuostin8 PaY�an� �+�c-:
<br /> � �� 8. Mortgsqe inauran�e. If Lenda�quksd moRgase tr.surence ea a oonditton of makMg the ban c�urad by thla&eouruy
<br /> inotrumen� 8ortovrer ehall pay tho premiuma reqsiYed to matntatn the mortQaQe Insuranoe tn e9eat. It. tor any reason. eho mort0ap�
<br /> .;;;�.� Insuranee aovera�nqutred by Lender 4ipsas or oonses to be In efteot, BoROwer shail pny tho premlums teQuted to obioin ooverngo
<br /> __ oubstantKl.y aquNaiont to Ne moRpege haurnrtoe proN�ously tn effeot,at a aoat subatanttalry equlvalent to th�ooat to Rortowar of tho
<br />-- moetq�9e tnsuranca provlousry in eftect, trom an eltemate martB�tie Insu�r approvod by Lender. It substanttaly oRuNc►�w+t mort�gaQo
<br /> t
<br /> ° `� fnsurenee aovere9e Is not availebl9. @orrowar Ghall paY to Lendor eaCh moMh a sum equal to on�turelflN ot thE� y� __
<br /> , �� hsurence premium behp patd by Bo�rower when the Insurance aavcttigo tapsed or ceased to be In eiteot Leflatrc W17 a000Pt�uce and _-
<br /> retain these payments as a tosa resenre tn tie� ot moRga9s Insurance• loss resenre payments may no bnQot ba�equUed, at tho
<br /> �.' opt[on ot Lendsr. H mortgage Insurance covere9e (h the amount and for the per�od that Lender requkesj ptovidud by an InEwr6r
<br />-:;r;;;;,, : ppprov�ad by Lender egaM bAaomes avatiable and Ls obtatned. Borcowar shatl pay the premium3 re4uired to malntnin mort88ge
<br />� � ,, i�suranes In efteat, or to provl6e a Ioss reserve, untU the requtrement for moRgage insurence ends h aceordanoe wRh anY W�
<br />`':'t'-!�;�' a4ree�nent between Borrower and Lender or ePPticabb law. Londer shau qb0
<br /> �•:���.� 9. inapecUon. Lsnder or ks apent may make reasonable entdes upen and Inepeotions of the Proparty
<br /> ;;,;��i;.%� Bottower nol�e a4 the tim�of or prlar to en inspeotton sAeoHY�O «ane6le tause for the tnspeotfon.
<br />_�,�,;'•- 10. Condemnatlon. The proeeeds ot anY award or otatm tor damagas. dtreot or oansequanttai, in oanncwunn w(ih any
<br />- °^'y� aondemnallon or othsr takhg of eny part ot the Property,or for aonvsyence k►Oeu of oondemnation,are hereby assignad and shell Ee
<br />'_-;,'�:� p$id to Lender.
<br /> �� in the eveM at a totat takhp of the Proporty, the procee4s shail be appiled to the sums secured by thta 3ecurity tnstrumenY.
<br /> �~�'�.., whether or not then due.wfth eny excesa pa�d to Borrower. In the eveM of a partlal takk►g of the Property In wh{ofi the fu�r market
<br /> vaWo ot the Propeity immedlatety betore the takhg Is equsl to or greater than the amount of the euma saourod bY thia Seo��iY
<br />:_:,'_�,�;�'••,� lnstrument immed�tey before the taking, uniess Borrower and Lender otherwise agree tn +N►itin9�the sums seaured by thta 8ecurity
<br /> Inswment shall be reduced by the amount of the procaeds multplled by the toilowtng haeUOn: (a) the Wtat amount of tho sums
<br /> `� ' secured knmedtateH befote the takin8�dNided bY(b)the tatr meAcet value ohewhtah the faU mmarket value o�the nroReRY ,��N
<br />-w� :_
<br /> _ --x�.r=� shali be pa�d to 0ortower. In tAe event of a pertlal takh9 of the Property
<br /> b�o�re the takEnOer�untess en lb�61e taw othterwise provtdes,the proceeds shfllri bee p i8d W�e sums�seCUrod by this S�ifiur�%1►
<br />:.''.�Y-.� 4..,. �s rtt�g _ .P
<br /> InsYrument wAether or�ot the suma ero tP�ee due.
<br /> '°`�Y�� If the Property ts ebandoned by Borrower.ar U,after notbe by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor ofl'em to make en awerd or
<br /> ---�-- _ seltle a olalm tor demspes�8orrower fails to respond ro Lender wfthin 30 daya eftet the date the notice Is gMen,Lender Is autho�txed
<br /> — to coUaot nnd appry the p*oceeds� at its aP�on,eRher to restoraUon or repaY ot the Properly or to the suma 8eoumd by ttiEa SoourftY �
<br /> -_ = Intibttm9�►t.wftethet or not then dua '
<br /> - -_-- tlnfass tander end BoROwer otherwise a�ree In writin0.e�Y ePP��on of proceeda to pdnatpa{ shsq not exd�d or poslpono ths
<br /> --- due date of the moMfity paymenta�eteRed to tn paragreAhs t and 2 or odange the amouM ot suoh•paym6nts.
<br /> -�� 91. Borrower Not Reteased: �arbearance By Lend�r Not a Wetver. Extenston at tho wna far payment or . ,
<br /> -- modtficatlon ot cu�noAimtlon of the sums secured by th►s Secu6tY Instrument grar►ted by Lender to eny suceeasar tn Mtetast ot Borrawer •
<br /> shnit not opsrete to release the Ilabu'dy of the original Borrower or Borrowers succsssors h htetes� lender shan not be atQuVed to
<br /> commence proceedhOs a4sfnst a�Y$uccessor h� intewst or refuse to e�dend Ume for payment or othenxSe modHY i�rturtimtfon at the
<br /> sums secured bY thts Security Instrument by reason of sny dert�nnd made by tho orighai 8orrower or Borrowefo Queaessors h
<br /> ��� p�y�p�n�py I,�nder In Eumrotstnp eny tight or remedy shaU not be a waiver of or preetude the wc�reise of en!�ht or
<br /> remedy.
<br /> 9�. Succeseora and Asatpns Bo�ee��t; Joint and Several Linbllity; Co slgnera• '�a co��s an
<br /> aqreements pf this SecurHy tnsWment shail bad end beneNt tha successors and essiBes ot I.end�gnd•Bortawer. suDjeat to 4rte
<br /> p�p�Q o}pa�app 17. Borrowers cov�ents and sgreemaMs shaU be Jotnt and sevarel. MY Bomou'e�Who oa•siqna thts SecurGly
<br /> rnsuument bui eoos noc eoceou►e �ne Note: (a) Is co�6ignh9 this Secur4Y InsCument onM to m�e. �ram� ana conver cnu
<br /> -- Bomowefs hie�est h tRe ProPedY under tAe tarms ot this Secu�ItY Instn��rtenG(b)Is not perso�a�y abOgnmd to tteY�e suma secare� --
<br /> by thts Sxu�Y Instrume� and (e)aSreas that lender and enY other SOrrower may e9�to wetend.medi�,.tarhear or mako any . .
<br /> �commddaUpns wlth reperd to te�ms ot this Secur�y Instrument or the Note wHhout that 8orrowefs consent�
<br /> 93. Lpnf1 Ch�l�ES. if the lo8n secured by tAis Seaudty InsWment Is subject to a tsw whlah SBts ntenlmum ben chtugs�.
<br /> an0 that !�w Is finiBy 6�te�preted so that the hte�est or other Ioen eharQes coAeetsd or ta tra coiiented h oonnacNon w8h tNe iean
<br /> �pap tha parmkted (tmYs. then; (e)any�+cA ba�aha�es shaU be�reduced by the frmount�ecessaN to ieduas tho oherp�tD ths
<br /> — --= pe�mqted Iim�end(b)any sums atreadq coUooted from Bortower whbh excAeded permilted Ilmita wiil be retunde0 to Bortnwer. La�de�
<br /> mny ohaose to make this retund by reducing the P�a�Pat owed under the Note or by makhg a dk6ot�RaYm�=ta BorrowAa !f a
<br /> - -- teturtd�sduces Pfio�i.the reduotion wIU be treated gs a paRtai P�ePaYment waAOUt enY P�DaY�ahergs under ttte Note.
<br /> __--_- 14. IdOtiCOL. My noUee W Borrow�Provided�ot N this SeCUrlty insttttment sheU bo gfiren by d9Ilu�ina a Cr bY mailinp R eq
<br /> -_-_=:;;�� p� �t�s mai� �eiess eppUcabi� taw requires use of another method. TAe not►ce shail be dYeotod to the PtopeBY Addrt�s ot sny
<br />-- --= 9�. oth�addtess 9o��vrx designates by notico to Lender. My notbe to Lender shsti be gfvan by ftrst o�ass ma(i to lendera address
<br /> _—E,�.. x
<br /> ° --`--`=�"" gtatad hereh or any offier adHress lender Qaslgnatos by notN:e to Bortowar. My e o t t c e D ro v W a d tar In t�b Securih►tnstrument shall
<br /> �A.-v�'�� be daemed to haw baen BNen to 8orrower ar Lender when ghren as Provtded h this pareSrePh.
<br /> �fr���;-�=�"� � 1�. Governing Lsw; Severebttity. Tn�s securav �nsm►mene snan be gavamed by teaera► taw ena me �w ot u�e
<br /> ����'n`��!'.'i ..
<br /> jurtsdbtbn in whbh tho Proporty is kcated. fn the evam that any D�ovbbn or alauss ot thls SecurttY tnstrumeM or the Nolh contliatt►
<br /> — - -'"`- .;�:: wkh applicabte taw, suoh eonf6ot shaU nat sf�OCt other provisions ot this SecurilY insWment or the Note whbh can Ee gHan e�feat
<br />-`""" ,,,a�t�crosflbtln�crovisbn. To this end the provtsians of this Secur�y lnstrument and tAe Nota ere doctered to ba cevembin.
<br /> -�-- - ��.�.win�un,u$v lnstru�ti9rtt
<br /> �.�'=;ii���'�;' .._ _16. Barrower'a Copy. Bortower shali be 9Nan one coniomiad avp��?Nq=..���-- _-- ---- -•
<br /> "'•;��`� 17.Transter af the Property or a Benefletai Interest ire Borrower. a an ar nnr a� of ene aropsr�y or any
<br /> t'i� �' �' intorest � k is soid or transtcured(or I!a trenetiatai Interest� Borrowe� �s s��d or transterretf and Bortower b not a naturat person)
<br />'_;�":�,�;;;.�
<br />���.�:•. :,�.�' wkhout tsnder's O�r wrRten oonsent�tander mar.at ks oDUon.reR�ke immediate PB�t U NA of flU eums tt9cu.�ed bf►thi9 BBCUfi1Y
<br /> -r; _,-� •"x tnsaumen� Howwer.fnts optton ahaD na!be exeraised by Lendr�H e�rctse is proh�ked by tederal taw as of the date af this 8aaurfly
<br /> :,�,^�L, : '.°,_�j• __
<br /> � �nstrument
<br /> '��'� •'�'. :�:� If t�der �rcEses this optlan,le�der ehali pHe Bortower notice of accefa�atton. Tf►e notice shatl pTOV�a peri�od of rtOt Fara _
<br /> �� � ? than 30 Gays irom the date the nottae is dsli�e�d or maiied withh whleh the Borrower must pay ali sums aecurod by thb 3eatittlY •
<br />_-_ ,�;=.`. • . InshumgM If Bortower(alis to p8y Uteso 8ums prior to Me explrBUon of itds perlod.Lender may Ir►�rotce eny remed6as P���ese Ww
<br /> -�' '�'t ^` � SecarSy Instrument wkhout fuMer notice ot demand on 8orrowo�•
<br /> „�,
<br /> .,.�....;; �
<br /> P �3ot6
<br />��d':�Sw•n�." � FtOZ0.L1�R0�'.�1e0�
<br /> . i
<br /> • . 1030
<br />