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<br /> .. 1T.�YIYIOlSPfY OY 1ii@ YP�Dg�Y"�i jl OP t�i�eftGICtAI lltnC[�<<e�Smsvwc�.e.o.....w. r........«�....�.,..y... �� �•-
<br /> � is sold or trnnsferred(or if a benoffcialluteresc in Eorrower is sold or uansferred and�Bomower is aot a naturFil person)without
<br /> � l.�n�ee's ptior written consent, Lender may. ut ita option. require immediate paytn�nt in fuil of ali sums secuted by this �._
<br /> Secudty inatrument.However,this aption ehuli not be exercised by Leader if exercis�is pmhi0ited by federut Inw as of the date =-
<br /> of tbie Securtty lnatruraent. �
<br /> . " �� If I.euder exercises this optlon�I.ender ahnil give Borrower aodce of asceteratlon.The noticc sh�ll pmvide a period of aot
<br /> les9 thaa 30 days frota the dute tbe notice is delivered or mailed within wlilch Borrov�er must pay uil suitss�ecured by this
<br /> Securiry Iasttumant. !f Sarrower fuils to pay these suans{�rioe to[iie expiraeiou of this g:.riad.l.�ader may ihvoke any mmedies `�'
<br /> � peranitted by this Securlty Insmiment wtthout thrther notice or demand on Borrowcr.
<br /> 18. Borrower's Iadght to ltetnsuste. If Borrower meeta cenain condialons. Borrawer ahall huve the rlght to huve __.
<br />����. J enforcement of thia Securiry Insuument discontinue� at aay time prior to the eariter of: (a) S days(or sucb oth$r period as
<br /> � ,-a applicable law may specify for reinstatemeat) before sale of the Property puasuaae to aay power of eale contalned in tbis
<br /> �+=°�-- -.-� Securlty Insminacnt;or(b)entry of a judgmeat eaforciag this Securtty Insttumeat.Those condidoas are that Borrower:(n)pa a
<br /> n
<br /> �f Leader all sums which then would be due under this Secvrlty Inauument and the Note as if no acceleradoa had eccurred: )
<br /> cures any defautt of aay other wvenants or agreements: (c)pa s ati exgenses irccu�d in enferci�►8 this S�cur��]+1�8��. .
<br /> includ3ng,but not Iimited to.ieasonable attorneys' fees;and(d�takes such a�tion ea Ixader may reasonably reguire to assure
<br /> that the Uen of this Security Iasm�ment,Lander's dghts in the Property and Bozrovrer's obligatton to pay the sums secuted by
<br />_�g,�.�' t61s Seaurity Insuument shaU contiuue unchanged. Upon reinstatemeat by Borrawer. this Seturicy Instrument aad the
<br /> ' obligadons secured hereby shall rema�n fuUy effective as if no acceleratioa had occumed. However.this dght to relastate sball
<br /> --�;;`�;,;� not apply in the case of acccleration under paragraph 1'!.
<br />-����:� 19. 3ale ot Note; Change ot d.oaa 3ervtcer. The Note or a parttal ittt�erest ia the Note (together with thia SecurIty
<br /> ."` Insm�mene)may bs sold one or more times without��due u de,�r th��Note and Wis 5cc�iirityult�`ag��re al�may be on$
<br />.,:;u,��wr:.� . . .
<br /> ::.,.;�.:�'�7
<br /> as the Loaa Servlcer)thaz collects mouthlY P Ym
<br /> „���r,,,� or more changes of the Loan Servicer unmlated to a sale of the Note.If there ia a change of the Loan Servicer.Borrower e
<br />���� given wrlttea aotice of the change in aocordaace with paragraPh 14 abcwe auda�plicable law.Tht nodce wUl stnte the na�ae and R
<br /> address of the new Laan Servicer antl the addreas to which payacents should b$made.Thc aodo�wiU alsa caatain any other
<br /> -�Y�� iaformation required by applicable lavr.
<br /> Z0. HeTardous 5ahsts�noes.Borrower shall not cause or permit the preseace,use, dispasal,storage. or release of any
<br /> Hazardous Substances on or in the Pcoperty. Burrower shall not do, nor a12o�v anyone else to do. am►tbing affectinB t�e
<br /> -4=��� Propeny d�at is�n violatioa of any Eavironmenta1 L.aw. 'tlte preceAing ca+o r�cnteaoes shall aot agply to t6e prese�ceo normal
<br /> ___-- storage on the Property of small quantities of HaraMous Substances ehat are geaerallY recognired te be aPP�P
<br /> -���-��� residential uses and to maiatenauce of the Property.
<br /> _��_� Borrower shaU promptly give Lender written notice of any invesdgailou.claim.demand.lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> __ gaveraiaental or regulatory ageary ar prlvate parcy iavolvlug the Pruperty aud aay Hezardous Substance or EnvIronmental Law
<br /> -_— of whtch Borrower has actual kaowledge._If Bormwer leams. or is aodfied�by at►y govemmental or regulatory authorl .that
<br /> __---- a�►Y rcmoval or other remediarion of any Hazardous Sungiuuas aCa-tufg i���y js a��.::arro��er�hs�3 pr�y i�e
<br /> --_---� all neoessary remediat actions in aax+rdaace with Environmeatal Law.
<br /> - ---;',;�;; As nsed in this paragraph 20. "F�a�ardous Substaaces' are those substaa,aes defi�d as toxla or hazardous substances lay
<br /> _-= EnvIronmental Law and the fotlowing substance,s: gasoline. kemsene. othi�,8ammable or walo petroleum�roducts. to�dc
<br /> ' pesticides aad hefiicides,volatile solvents,materials contaiaiag asbescos or fom�alde�►Yde,sad rad�nactive aaatenals.As nsed in
<br /> � � P�P��� "Eavironmentel Law" meaas federal laws and lawa of th�jutlsdiction.where the �roperty is tocated thai
<br /> relate to health.safety or eavlronmental protectton.
<br /> NON-UNIFO1tM COVBNANTS.Borrower and L,ender li�sther covenans�aayl agree as fatlmvs:
<br />---- 21.Aecelerutton: Remedies.Lea�er shall give c�ot[ce to Borr�wer,prf�ar,bo acoet�tnn Sallo�viag Boreower's brcacls
<br /> =--- o�any ooveaant or ag�emeni in this Securltp �nnrumemt (but not prta�r,to eccateralian w�der paregrap6 17 unless
<br /> -- aPpl[cable Iaw pm�ridcs otberwtse).The notice sh�U sp�clt�r: (a)the defaults�He)•d4e acSton reqWred to cure the ddi►ufti
<br /> - (c)a date.soi less tban 3fl days irom the date the nqttoe ts given to Boirorier.by whic�l�the Qefctult�na�t tbt cund:and
<br /> -, (�4hut teylare tA care W�llefa�alt oa or before tke date sPec�ed in We na�toe may resalt in soceJer�tion of the smms
<br /> — secured by thls Securitq maslrume�and sale oi the Property.The aotic�A�l�tYurt�l�inform Borrower nf the r(g�t to
<br /> '�=` rdastate after aoceleration eud the rlgdt to bring a court adtolq t+o assca�ttia non�existance ei a d�ctult or any other
<br /> ��Q` defea�of Rorrower to accelerat�oa and sale. U the deiaWt is uat a�aat on�or b�oi+e ttre d�te spxitied tn the nottce.
<br /> E.ender. ut its opttor+. may.require immediate payme,nt in tull of aU sum�� 6y t6fs 3uurtty Iash�teat a3thout
<br /> furthea desnand and Rnay 6nvoke the power af salcs and any other remed�es p�tt[tted by ap 12 ,tndatdtu8,but rtot Umited
<br /> entitled to collect aU e�tpe�ses Ineurced in�msutng the e+�nedies provtded in p�aS�P�
<br /> to,e+easonable s�ttorneys'fees and oosts of t[tte evtdence.
<br /> _,___= U tlie{pa�ver of sale Is tnvokal. Tnrstee a�ull record a na!!ce of dcfaalt tn�eoum3y t@ whlcb aoy pert oi iQ�e
<br /> pcoperty is Y�r,ated ead s4all meil oopies oi such nottce in the enaAner presa'Lbed by appltca6le Iaw 4o Bosrower and to
<br /> -- � tbe other petsons presca'1b=d by applicable law.Atlter t6e tlme reqaire�i bl gPP1�ca6le law.Ttmstee sLa11 g[ve pub6tc notta
<br /> ; of sale to the persons an�in the maaner�rescrlbed•by sppllcable law.'1lrustee.w[thout danand an Borr�wer,s6ap sdl
<br />_. the Properiy at pu6lic au�tlon to the blghest bidder at the drue ead place and under the terms desigoa�te�l Qw We no t�th�e
<br /> �� sale in one or more parceYs and in aqy order T�ustee ddermines.T�t�.stee may pastpoae saCe ot a!!or any p�rcel
<br /> ;�•j Yropeity by publlc an�tomtoeme.nt fl!the ttme and pince of airy p�vionsly sch�Wed sale. Lender or its deslgnee mey
<br /> — purchsse the P�+uperty at suy sale.
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