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<br /> � � sa snrra+r�o 8ight to�sinstatw NotwIth�tanding[.cndcr'�uo�eleration uf tiia suaa���e��y�?�iils D�cc�
<br /> O��IY1l3t d110 t0 B11S(nVC!'b bI�GS611,�OTI6WEi 5I1811 RSVB 1110,Yi$l1Y t0 OS�'8 Ciiji plot�um}p �,$du..,,..-�---. .- ---. ._._-._-
<br /> epzis pee�l of Tcust dLsoontinucd at aay elme pt[or to the�nrliur to occ.�ut o�(i)tho 6fth clay hefora�hs e31e of tha Praparty
<br /> purauent w tho p�w�r of aelo ao�au►{aed tn thi�Decd oP 1Y�st vr(ll)eatry of a Judgacent enfotcia8 thls Deed of Trust
<br /> if (a) �ormwer pugra L�cnd�r nll dums whic}�tcauld bc then du� under ttds Dced of Tru3E nA�W.e Nate 4ad ao
<br /> aooekratian oocurced,(b)Boarawrir ctuca A!1 brcact►cs of nny other auvcnants or ugceamenta otBorroa+er camnined in
<br /> thte 1�cec1 of'IYust;(c)Bs�rrotivtr pA}�a cill re�+so»blc��emas incurred by Leiffder aud TYustce i�eaFarctnB the covanants
<br /> end agrecments oP Be+n�uwer cx►ntaiae�]iu�D�3 uf'IScaat,And i�t eafnn�.��rt�er'R anA'E'n.!stee'a r@taediss a9 pravid�d - --
<br /> {p garagnaph 17 be�caf,inclucCing,bu4 not Wntted to.ressonablo attoraCyu'fe,�s;acid(d)Borrarn�er telces su�h nctioa as
<br /> ixnder may re�.wt�ab�y require tm�asure that tha lten o£ tl�is II+�c�of Truat, 1.endePa InteTat n�b�a�n c�ad
<br /> Baarowc�'a oblig,atbn to gay tha sunt�secured by this Deed of Truat shaIi conti�tue unimpaired. Upo pY�
<br /> cute by Bona�rer,thit Dud of TrUSt and tiio abligattans securtd kereby ahaU remaia fn full farce an�d effect ss if�o
<br /> aooekrattoa t+ad axutted. herewtder�
<br /> n� �..,�x Rtl3snta;Apgotnmt�n:or Recdne�I�pn Pa�seaarPOa. as eaattioaal secuiit�► `
<br /> Boaawrs merebY assigas to Lend�r the m�a of the Frc�psriy�PravidRd tUat Bomowep sBa11.P�ior t�ua�slerauoa e�nekr
<br /> Parag�aPDs 17 her+raf oT abandonment of the Prop�nY��ave tho right to ooll�t aad retaia auch rtat�as they beooma duo
<br /> and payabk. a �1T ber�af or abandonment of tba PmpartY�Lender�[a person,bY a8cnt or
<br /> YTpan�cw�Ieratton u�der paragi p Ion ef and manage 2�o PsoperiY and w oollect
<br /> bY]��Y apFaint�reaiver shall be entitled to�nt�:upan.teko Posaess lied firsi to
<br /> tbe rents of tha Property faciuding thosa past dua Nl rents wliecud by L�ender or the re.oefireralaall be app s feas�
<br /> pnytpent of tl�aasta of�ooanaBement of th�P[opaxty aad mllxtion of renis,iaxludin8�but not l+mttcd wy ry�x,ive�
<br /> premiums on rapei�ne�s bonds anid t�easonable attnraeya'f�.aa�th�to tss sua�crra�r�1 by tt�is Dad of Trus� L�endes
<br /> snd We rooei►�ct ahall b�llebb to a000uns only for thosc rents actueily reaived.
<br /> 28. �t�eoanve�naae. Upon pavment af a!1 suffi sor�ired hy ttds Deed of ltust,Lentica ehsIl request Truateo to .
<br /> n
<br /> tceornry the Property an�d ahaU surrender this D�ed d�Trust aad all noYes evidenrtng�ebt secaua! by this De�6ns kB�Y
<br /> co Tivstee Ttusiee shall r000m�ey the P[operty withteut vVartantY end wIthout diar,ga W tbe peiso
<br /> entiakd to it S1�h QEISOA�t!?pCYSOAt 5YlElU�IIj►8IIy CCaDS�BtImII t�95tS.
<br /> ZI, �r�etlta� 1�. Lender.at Lender's option. �uaY from tinQS to time rema�a^a Ttust�e a�ad upgroiat a
<br /> suooex�r trUSt�e W say 1Yustae appnitttof the Pro�T�the�ua�atsor mutoe abail�aucreed to a'�!the title.pow�t and ; . ,
<br /> '[Yvat b recar�ed. withmut s�ouveya�ca P�riY�
<br /> duiks coaferred upon tha Trustee leere9n and 6y app',uable law
<br /> �Z. Ite¢�t Qor Kotlas. Barea�wer raques6s ttsat onpies of tlie notioes of default and sala be sent to Borrowo�'a
<br /> �dp�ss whnch h ttbo Ptoperty addres�. .
<br /> R�i�tTN3f FOR N07TCE OF DII+'ArtJI.T . ,
<br /> � MORTGAG�:0R DF.�AS OF TQII9T '�''.
<br /> go�r and y,�nder reqwest tNas hmt�T of auy mortgage,dad of uust or other encumbr�a��a���
<br /> bas ptiflrFtS►c�cs this Dad of'i7rust m s+i�_Notioe to Le�1er�at GcadCr's addresa sat forth on Qti,�o one ofc tl�Dad of �,,;',....
<br /> 'd'ru,,n,of any de�'ault u�dar ibe supeti�r e�umbraaoe aad of su3r sale or other forec3osure aaba ;,..
<br /> IN W11Nk�S WH�REOF,&�rra�er haa e�oowtod tbia Deed of TYnst
<br /> . �,.•'1:..
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