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... • . . .. � <br /> �• <br /> -�r, . � �. <br /> � „ . . ., <br /> � . .... „ �. ... ...�,,,ti,r,,,�,;._ <br /> .. � .. � ."�}�!Ml��MlY!P4sA�' .• .. � . .. . ....u.�e.n.wu��r... o . ?v.v�w�t�ll{�xs,.: <br /> . . <br /> �����.�n_.i.�. . � - _ . .. . ,. <br /> . <br /> , ._...__.._-»..... .... . .._.. . . .,_"' .' ° <br /> , ..._� �����. <br /> � � ��10 ������ �.., <br /> A' Data ID: 6B3 � � <br /> ;�ni�� 22Rtt977otA `.��". <br /> 6. YaBpeetEon. Leader mny mnko or cauau to bo madc reusnnabla entrtes upon aad inspections of tha Pcopsny. �.:�,;L,�:.. <br /> prov[ded that Len�er sh�ll give Borrower nottus prtor to uny sush inxpection sp�cifying tc,sssonuble cuus$therefor rclr�tcd �_ <br /> , to Lender's interest in We Properiy. ���=- <br /> + 9. Candemn�t�on. 'I h e proae e d s o P a ny a w a r d o r s l a t m for dnma g�,dlrect or con°.�quentiul,ia connectton with <br /> aay coademaation or other taldng of tho Propa . or purt thereof,or for conveynnce in tieu of wndemnation, are <br /> � hereby nssigaed and ahall ba paid tu Lendcr� aub ect to the tern� of c��nnort�eIIe, deed of t�ust or other securiry �;� <br /> � agreement with a Uen wh{eh bas prtority orer this �d of TrueG ��� <br /> �• � 10. Bflrzavver Noi Releast� Farbearance By Lendar No!a W�fY��r. Extension of the time for payment or � <br /> � �+ modificatIon of amorti�atfon of the sums sec,vred 1s�+tbls Deed of Trust graated by L�ender to any suooessor in interest <br /> ;�:*,��. of Borrower sh�U not operate to release,In wiy manAet�thB IiabUttY of the origlnal Borrawer and Bonawer's successota <br /> �.�•.��': In interes� Lender shFall not be r uired to oomtnence praoeedIng3 eBaias�t auch sucaessor or refuse to eutend time for <br /> a <br /> "� payneent or otheiadse modify ecc►o tfon of the eums secured by this Qeed of 1Yuat by reasoa of any demand made by _ <br /> a 1> � # tha orlginal Borcower and Borrowcr's suooessors in Intcresc. As�y forbEara�oe by I�cnder in e,xerdsing any dght or remedy _ -- <br /> •� hereunder,or othernvise afforded by applicable Iaw,shall not be a waives oE or preclude the exercise of an}r sucb dght <br /> . ' � or remedY• <br /> il. Snocessrtrs and Ass9�a Boundj Joint and Several I1n6Wtg{C�sfguers. The c�ovenants and agreements <br /> " � herefn oontained shaIi bind,and tbe righta hereund�r shall ineue to.the respecdve siicoescors aad assigas of Lender and <br /> . Borrower.subject to the provlslo�m of paragtaph 16 hereof. All ao�►enanLS end aBreeTnents o8 Bo�er sliall�Jo�of <br /> , � se�reral, pny�orrawer who oo�sigag this Deed of Tcust,but daes not exeiuxe the Note.( ) �S <br /> Tn�st onIy to grant and aoavey that Borrowe�s interest ia the ProperiY to 7Yustee under the terms of this Deed of Truat, <br /> �> �` (b)is aot peraonaUy liable on the Note or under this nesd of'IYust,a� (e)a8re�tbat Lender aaQ as�y otl�r Eorrower . <br /> hereunder may agree W extend.modifY�forbear.ot make any other aaoommodadoas Evith regatd to the terms of this�eed <br /> of'IYust or the Note wIthout that Bnrrowera oonseat aad aithout releasing that Boira+v�r or modifyIng this Deed of�lrust <br /> ' as to that Bormarer's interest in the Progeriy- °_ <br /> �., .:: 1�. Noti�. FaaPt for aay aotioe required under appllcable lavsr to be given in anothet manner.(a)anY aorice <br /> to Borrawer pravided for in this Deed of Trust shall bc�iven by deli�erin8 it or by mailing sucb nottoe by certified mall <br /> � ' addre.a�to Born�wer at the Property Address or at such other address as Borrower ma desipaate bY aotloe W L+eader <br /> �• . �'� . <br /> as pmvlded herein,asd N)enY notloe to Lender ahaU be�I v en by certificd ms1 to L en�t'B 8dd[CSS 6t8tCd hCI�C]Jl OT t0 <br /> such other address as Leades may designate by aotioe to$orcower as p r o v l d e d t terein. A�►notiae provIderl for fn this <br /> �°::L Dee�of 1Yust shall be daeiaed to have been given to Bonower or Leader when glven ia the manner desigaated herein <br />;::�•,�:��c 13 Gaverntug I�n�i��tY• The atate and locsal laars applicable to this Deed of 1Yust shall be tho laws <br />�'?.�;.:�: . . is la�ted. The fore o seniena sl�all uot limit the applir.�bility af federal low <br /> �...•, of the jurts4icxfon in wltich the ProperiY � �S <br />�"">" ;c •TMw L+�!of'!Y!�, in the event that enY P�on or clause of thd Deed of Ttust or the Note oonflicts wIth = <br /> n-;:�,::?KA, � aPp�cable law,such oonflict shaU not affect other pra�+isions of this t�oE irvss or iue iivLc�u�2t raa� .�t sff� <br /> '.m:..;,:: witiv�ut the oonflicting Prov3sioq aad to this end�e 8 travisi�� ofe�'��ell sumsl to theeextem aot p�ite�bY <br /> —�'�:x� sLwetabla As s�so�d hereity aosts, eacpeases <br /> �:"�'�'.��`'�,f� applieable law as limited hem.ip. <br />--; - i,� ���+8�y g�w�r ahall be fumishai a aonfoimaiIl aogsy of the Note and of this Deed of'lYnat at <br /> --�-°"''""`"°"� ths time of esecution or after a�cordadon hereo� <br /> .��-;�,;;:. 1S. RehAbil[tat[an�nn Ageetmw� Borrower shaIl fuW all of Bon�r's obligattons under any home <br /> 'a� mhabllitation,impmvement,rePair,or othtr loan agc�eement which Borcarwer entera into with Lender. Lender�at Leader's <br /> �,-,_=`_-:— <br />�r,�-���_x:-�¢a opt�on�maY ralui�e Bono�wer to execute aad deliver to Lender,in a fmrn►ac�septable w Lender,an assIgruaent o a�q <br /> -�-_�na� �g�s,claims or defenses wMch Borc�ower may have ag�ainst pardes aho suPPly labor,mate�Ials or s�zvices in oonnection <br />- ___- wlth,improvements made to ti�e Fcoperty.a Benaicial Interest Gn Borro�rer. If at!or a�r part of the Property or anY <br /> 16. Transt�er oi We Propert7 <br /> --::�''Y� int�rest in it i�sold or transferred(or if a benefi�aal iaterest ia Aamnwa is sold or naasferre�and Borcower�s nat a <br /> natutal pensori�sxhhaut Lender's prior wrItten wasen�L�eader maY+at iu oprion, uire immediate pa�rn►ent ia full of <br /> �ea <br /> _--� aU sums secur�4'b,�►tUis Dcod of Ttrwt However.tivs opt�on ehall aot be eaercis� Y Leader if eae�se�s pmhtbited <br /> _. _-�_ by fe�4eral i�w pa bf the dau of this Da�of T[uat� <br /> If Len�Er•aaen3ses this optlon,Lender shaii give Borcower notioe of aoaeieiation. llie not�oe ahall provide a , <br />---- � geriod of not leas than 30 days from the date the notiae is defivered or �ed withia which Borrawer must pay all sumg <br /> ° se�ured by tl�is D►eed of Tns�8y this Deed of�us tawY'ithou�t furthe p atloe d m qnd on Bormwer.�°d'Lender may <br /> ---�= - .� iawke any t+emedies yz�itt <br /> IdOPT-ZDRiIl1FrJR1Ud Q�OVENANIS. Bonawer aad Lender fiuthcr oovenant and agree as fatlaws: <br />-- --- ---- 17. Aorx9eratioa,�medtea E�caept as pravIded in paeag�rapb 16 hereof,apua B�s�s 6ratc6�aq' <br /> . .�= omrcaant�agi+tem�eat oi��rruwer in Wis DeW of Trast,tndudia8 Bon��'s t�etture to p�,bY the ead of 10 <br />—�-"� calead�r dnys atter ffiry�a�ne,smy suma sa�nred Br!�his Deed o!7'na�t,I.eadar p�or w aoodsrxtlon a'�aU giv�e <br /> --- --= notia co soarawer as provtaea m�r�gr�ph 1�herwt sped�E�s (1?un e�;{�D���'��� <br /> --= eacb�;(3D n�not less than 20 ds�s O�+o�the date'the nottme is maiited so Borra�er•69 wl�h sash breash <br /> .__.__ --—= must De cart.'��ud(4)ttwt 6ailnre to wre sach bre�ch on or bdon�the date spedtied��oe sl�ell�iniorm <br /> �-�-� aooeleratton of the sn�s scwr�sl6l thls Dad oY 11�arst and sale o2 41��ierty- <br /> :�=��� BosmWSr o1 the rig�t to rdmstate�iter aooeleratYon ead tha rig�t w btiag a aonrt ec�ion w assert tba aone�ciss�na <br /> dn <br />-�"'•'"=�,"""�� oi a dd�Wt or au�y offier detease of Bore+n�rer to aoxleratlon and sak. It the bmenc]i Is noi cared on or before the <br /> -_�LL.,,,::.,..� <br /> -'..;�r:�:,y datc spa:iSed[n the nat�Ls�nder,at Lmde�s optton,m�y declare�ll of the sn�sewred by tLls DxaD -- <br /> -�_.�-;,A- to be tmm�dla2r� daa and payabls wIthont tturther demmnd wtd m4y tnvoke We pm+wu oT sQic and aq,y othe� <br /> -�='�.��.;:� tlalEdYx.4 p�'i�bY sY�pltCaDIC ls�. I/L�Eftr BILSU OCPI�,aSIICIQ���but not Ilmitcd to,e��s�mD att0i'Ueys'f�es. . <br /> ;•=--'•' �, ia pursuing�a�a�edies pnarvided in this y�ragra�hh �So �n <br />-�:::"�;.' It fhs power d ss�e is Imols+ed,�shali s�azdl a aotiae of def�nit tn eac�t oounty in whicb the P�opecty <br />_�,� � or some part theeeai is[o�ted aud shall msll aopies d!snch notloe)n the maam�p�lbed by aPP1t�Ds Q�v to <br /> .. _ ._ Bose�o�ver and to the oQha�prrsons prescribcd by appiica6le L�ww. Ait� the lapse of snch time as mAy be n�n� <br /> _- - ,,.,�p; ' by applt�le lawr Teusta sbwll g�ve pnblic n�toe of snle to tRe pers�ue attd in the manner p�scHbed h9 PP� <br /> - �u��e Promtv at,oBbLts aucHon to tf�blghes!6fdder ei the <br /> _`_�-:,d-•°�- ,;, piw �asoaucr wi�o.:�.:a�....�,—--- -� and in sac�or�er as <br /> .. ' � ;. dme aa�plaa�tnd ander t6e W ms desf�sated in the nofloe ot sa�e tn o�or mo�e�arais ftc an�onncemwt <br /> . . Tivstae may deterailna 1Yvgtce e�Y Postpon�eale ai all ar�@�oel of the Ps+opesiy 6Y P� _ <br />- - '. ' at the ttme end p1ROe af any prevlausly srl�eduled�alc. Leitder or GeadaPs deslguee uu�Y Pueshase the Pe+uperiy - <br /> , Qt Aay eale. _ <br /> ` Upon e+coelpt o�ps�ent ot f�e�eiee Is�r 1�st�ehall d�iar w t�c pvnchasar T�astee'�dexd eonveylag <br /> . the Propepty soYO. �te redtals In t�te Teasuds dad s1�U be pr[ms f�tde evtdcnee oi the t�a[h ot the sCatemeats = <br /> mstde ehenln. ltiusiee shsil�PF�J'�e P�s of the sale tn the folla�ing orderi(a)to all rwsena6le oas�s�d _ <br />- �cnses of tho salq Including,biat na3 Nmlted tay�vs�s'e f�ea�9 ta�vzred of not more t6an fitty d�oilars or _ <br /> - onahafd oi one pet+etnt af the groAa eale prla,�a►sonsble attoin�'fees aad amses ot fltle ��tl�t�h�a+eta. � = <br />- . seconed dy ihl8 IIeca ai Trusk su�(c)the axoess�U a�',W the peraoa or Qeisons legal� <br />- �tm E� 1/ap (P�ge 8 of 5 Pages) <br />