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<br /> ' damage to the Property,W�ether with the immediate and condnuicg right to collect and seceivo r
<br /> ; '': �:� the same.whetber aow due or hereafter becomin�due.and together with all rights and claims of
<br /> � any kind that Assignor may have against any tenant, lessee or licensee ur�der the L,eases or �.
<br /> '•; "".•.�,,� egainst any otber uccupant of the Property(collecdvely,the"Reats'�. -
<br /> �;��,� TO HAVE AND TO HOLD th�saYae uato Assignee�its successors and assigns.
<br /> �-^-�--;� PI' IS AGREED that, non�thstanding that thia instrument is a presenc, ab�olute and
<br /> � " axecuied asa��iu�efit of 4�ie Re�ts and of tha taascs and u prer�ent,ala�oiute ana!executed grant of
<br />_ � ' the pow�rs heroin granted to AssIgnea� Assi�nor ig h�reby parmitt�d, at the suE�'erance of
<br />_'��._ „ : Aasi�nee mnd at its disceet�on� and ia heroby geunted a Ucenso by AssignEe�to retriiin possessIon
<br /> --° :�� of the i.euaes and to colle�t axid ntain the Renta unless nnd untll thero ehall b� aa Event of
<br /> ``�r�=�==:�� Defeult under the terms of any of the Loan Documents. Upon the occunenae of such Event of
<br /> T -�`-� Default the aforementioned licen�e graated to �1ssi�wr �hall automatically tereninate without
<br /> -::�.:-_-�
<br />,-.N��"�,� notice to Assignor,and AssiEnee may the�aftar,wi�houe Qaki�g�OSSession ogche Peop�rry,talco
<br /> -Ay�• possession of the Leases and callect the Rents. Further, from and after such termination,
<br /> Asaignor shall be the agent of Asaignee In collecdon of the Itents,and any Renta so collected by
<br /> _`Ii:��� Assignox shaU be�held in hvst by Aasignor for the sole and exclusive benefit of Assignee and
<br />�,;,�� Assi�or shall,within one(1)business day after receipt of any Rents,p�y th�same to Assi�►ee
<br />=��;� to be applied by Assigneo as hereinaRar set forth. Furthermore�fmm and after such Eveat of
<br />_.-3.��,�.:�,,,. Default amd termination of the aforem�ndoned license, Assi��e shall have the right aad
<br />--=- autkority,without any nodce whatsoever w Assignor and without regard to t'be ad�uaoy of the
<br /> —_:� securiry therefor,to:(a)make app�ication ta a coure of corapettat jurisdictioa for appointmemt of
<br /> ==_— = a receiver for all or any part of the Property,as par�icularly set forth ire the Deed of Trust,(b)
<br />-�� maaa8e and�pexate the Property. with full power to employ agetits W manage t�te same.�ucfl
<br />,.���;,� night including the right to notify any party under the Leases to make payauent of Rents due or to
<br /> _ -.�a� become due to Assignea;(�c)d�mmand,collect,receive and sue for the Rea►ts,ineluding those past
<br /> �—=�� due and unpaid, such d�nt�ncluding the right to notify any pacty unde�the Leaseg to make
<br /> ---_-.—�`= payment of Rents due or�become due directly to Assigaee;aad(d)do all acts relating w such _
<br /> ----= mianagement of the Property, includiag,but aot Iamited to,negobation of new Leases,malsing
<br /> --- adjustments of existing I.,�es. co�teacting and paytng for repaare aluud replacements to the
<br /> -_--��� Improvements and to tke�xtures,e4uipment and peisonal property lceated in the bnprovemeais
<br /> —=_,:`��
<br /> or used in any way in tli�operation,use aad a�cu�cy of the Property�s aa the sole subjectiv0..
<br /> -- judgaaeni and discretion of Assignee may be neeessary to maintain th�same in a tenantable
<br /> ----� condition,purchasiug �td paying for such additional fivaitu�c aad equipment as in the sole -
<br /> _= subjective judgment of�ssi�ee may be necessary to maintai.n�prop�tental incoffie from the .
<br /> -_ - ---:-_;��;� Propeaty. etnploying nee�ssary manage�s and o�er employees, Purc�asiug fliel, providing
<br /> utilities and paying for aii other expcnses inc��in the opetation of�is�roPertY.maintaining ;
<br /> adequate insurance caverage over hazaids customarily insured against und paying the pn�miums
<br /> -- --- therefor. Agsigaes may.apply the Rents re�eived by Assignor from tho Pruperty,after deducting .
<br /> ,�� t�a costs of collecNon thereof, iacluding,without limitatio�,attomeys' �'ees and a management .
<br /> fee for any m,anagem�n't agent so employed. a8ain�t amounta e�xpe��ed for repaii's, nPk��p.
<br /> maintenaac�, service, tuel, utaiilities� texes, assess�a�nts, iasuranca premiurns and such othcr
<br /> expenses as Ass��yaea i�aouxs ia coanxtion with thg operation of ffie Property and against interest,
<br /> -_:�� principal,reguired escnow deposits arcd oYher swns wlrich have or whic�n ma�r became du�,&om
<br /> ---_-- tiras to time,under the terms of We Loan Dacuments,in such order or.�riority as to any of ffie
<br /> --- ite�us so mentioned as Assignee,in itrs sote subjective discretion,may detera►ine. The exercisa
<br />,� -__==�%��ri .
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