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<br /> THIS ASSIGNME�iT OF LEaSES AND� REIJTS (this "Assignment'� made as�of the . �
<br /> �, day of March, 199�, ns by TIMNi PIa4PERTIES III LIMITED PARTNERSHIF, a
<br /> Nebr�askzt lic�i�2ed �artatershiA F� P►ssi�nut"�• wl�ose address is 233 East Canillo 5tree4, Suite A,
<br /> �anta Baribt�t�, California 93101, im favor of FIRST UN[Q2N NATIONAI. BANYC, a national
<br /> banking association("Assigttee'�, whose adcleess is One First Union Center, DC6, 30i So�ath .
<br /> CoUege Strcet,Charlotte,Idorth Carolina 28288-0166.
<br /> �IT�jESSPT�I:
<br /> THAT,WI-�ER�hS,Assignor has axecs�ted tbat certain Promissory Note dated of even
<br /> dato herewit�: (tho"Note")��ayebte to thc ard�cr of A��ignee In the stated prireEip�i �mpunt of .
<br /> 1NHEREAS,the Note ds secured by that cereain Deed nf Trust,SeciuIty Agr�ement and
<br /> �Inancing Statement dated of even date herewith (the "Deed of Trust'�, &som Assignor, as
<br /> trust�r,to Assigace,as bemoficiary,encumbeeing those certaen parcels of real property situated ia
<br /> the State of Nebraslca as is mor� particularly described o�r �xhibit A atta�hed hereto and
<br /> incorpordte�l herein by this r�ference and all build'eugs and other impmvements naw�r h�reafter
<br /> �ocated thereon(coUectively,the"Improvements'�(said real properiy and the Improvements are
<br /> hereinafter sometimes collectively referred to as the"Propert��;and
<br /> WHEREAS,Assignor is desito�of fluther securing�o Assigaee the porf'e�mlane�of the
<br /> �;�,:;•:;:;; tenns, covenants and agrceme�s b�ereof and of the Note, the Deed of Trust �d_each other �
<br /> doctiunent evidenaing, seeurin&gos�ranteeing or oth�nvise relating to the indebtedness evid�nced
<br /> ;��;,��'�.° by thc Note(thc Note.the Deed o�'Tnist and such other dacuments,as eacb of the faregoing x�aay
<br /> : � from time to tim�ba amended,cain�olidated►renewed or replaced,being collec4iv�ly refeired to
<br /> ''" ' h�rein as the"Loan Docusnents'�. �
<br />- NOW,THERF.FORE,in conaiderat�on of the making of the lo�.���videnced by the Note
<br /> by Assignee to Assiga�r aa�d fqr other good and veluable consideration, the receipt`.and
<br /> �;`�:�:J`;� sufficiency ofwhich areherelay acktaawledged,Assignor does hereby irrevocabty�•abselutely and�
<br /> �• �'��'�'�� uncanditianaliy Cransfer�sell,assi�;ptedge and convey w Elssignee,its successo�c�a aud assigas,
<br /> ''�"�' � �� all of the right,title and interest of Assig►or ira and to:
<br /> ''�;:.
<br /> �� (a� any and all leas�9, licenses, rentcal agre�meirts aad occupancy ageements of
<br /> whatevor f�rm aow or hereafter affocting all or aay part of th� Property and any an3 all
<br /> guarantees, extensimaas, senewals, replacements and modifications ttiereof (collectively, the
<br /> ����+�+�d �
<br /> - , (b) al!deposits(whetfi�er for securiry or otherwiso), rents, issues, pmfts,re,vea�uos,
<br /> �� royalties. accaunts, rigt�ts, bene�ts and incaaae 'of every �ature of and &a�r�s,th� Property,
<br /> � including,without limitation,minimum rents,addidonal rents,termination paymente,far�'�iited
<br /> �'+ security dagoaits, liquidated dasnages fo�lowing @efault aad all proceeds payatile.under,�any .
<br /> ; Falicy of iasura�nce cove:ing loss of rents resulting from untenantability due.tc�destcuaatici�a ur
<br /> �wcsNti�:ss�a�ss �
<br /> 823D-676 JK9
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