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<br /> ��' � ; „ .. . °
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<br /> . ._,. .... .. .,.. . %,.
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<br /> `� ' ' a. TRANBFER OP THE NADAERTI►:loOGUMF�TION.lt all or any pari ol tho proporry or Intorast Itro�s�ls aotr9,trnna4srrad ar �,�-_.
<br /> •�'� oih�rvru� conwyod by Tru�tqr wnhoul t3ono11cury'�p��or wrtt'•ci�Gflnlaflt�oxctudtnp (e)t10 cro�t!as�01 e tttn or enevmAr�nca �•___
<br /> aubardina4e to Ntu 9ood of Ytus1,;b)tho ctaatlon ot cs pwahaoe mortey aecurlty Intr»st ton c�ussho!Q appllanas�,(o)�tran�!sr by �
<br /> ' � dov:so,deacent or by oporetlon o!Ittw upon the dtath of�Jolnt tmant ar(d)lhs erant of nny leas�4�old Intoratl ottht��gc�tuo�loae �.�-��-
<br /> � not eontafn!ng en o�L�n tA puretu�s�,auch nelion 1�a braash of th1�etgre�m�e6 nnd Banofir.tnry rrtay,�t Bonoflc:ary�e op9on,d�ctnra _^.
<br /> all tho aumo cocurod by thlo Oezd o}Yru�t to bo Immcdfatoiy duo cnd payalslo,or cauae ihe truatse to 6:o e rtotleo 01 detnulG �-�
<br /> � Baneflclary sha�i havs weNed auch opt�on to aeulorat�if,prlor to tht onla,trnnai�r of convsyane�,B�nsfttitary and Ihe ptnon to � --
<br /> vrhom tho hro�rfy Ie to be aotd or tranofertod roath agreement In wrlting th�ttho crodit ot euoh pereon b uatl�tactory to BseeltcleN � � ji.
<br /> . f�'� and that the inbroat payaate on tho sums cQeund by thls Oaod ot Yruet eha�l be at euci►rato ao flenoilolury cAaU rc4�c+t � _. -
<br /> 8. ACCELERATIC�N UPON DEFAULT;REMEOIE8:9AlE Tho fesiluro by iho Tnietor to mnko nny paymtnt or Eo ptdo�m nny of M
<br /> �� •.t�:� the Wrme and condiUons o9 the Note,ar any renovrnts,modl8saflona or wRenelons thoreof,or the paymsnt of any other indobtodneas
<br /> "'' -� aocurod hereby or in the per(ormanee of+any of th�wventtnts or agntmonta horounder sheli!»a breach ot thb ag»ament and ffia �
<br /> .� �
<br /> Baneliciary mey deelaro a dotauti cnd mey dse�are el�sums eoarrsd P�ereby immediately dua esnd pnyehle and the anme sha.
<br /> =�-�----r� tharoupon boeomo due and payablo wilhout prestntrrtont,demand.Rro�dar r.atioa of any Idnd.'fhetenftsr.Benefldary�aydo:'nrer �
<br /> � lo Trustoe a writton do PnraUon ot defauft and docnsnd Sor sets.T►�i����m�h��dp���7t�us ee°thfs Detd!'Trust nd °
<br /> � � power of sale ot tho Pro erly and if Benafldary daddoo tho Pro�sar[y �
<br /> � �` ''� tho Note ar notes and any othor documente ovideneing expondtiur�c cacn�rcd Q�aroby,end ohall deGvar W Trustee a wratan notico of Q
<br /> , .-, defaua and elecUon to cauae tho Properly W be sold,nnd Truct�so,in d�rao,dteli prepnre a etmllar noUes in the tortr+requt�ed by lew,
<br />' "'^ • � � -` whtch ehall be duly filed tor record by Tru�tee.
<br /> (a) A9ter the lap�of cud+dms e�may be requircsd by iavi tollawin�the recordnttcn of Notiw ot CetnuM,an0 P1oUca ot Detault
<br /> �lT:`� r en d No Uce o f S a l o h a v i n p b a o n y i w n a s r o q u i r e d b y ta w,T rv�e e�w�thout Qamand on'�ruetor,ehell seil thQ Pmpedyt tn ono
<br /> .�1 or more pareela end in eush order ae 7tastor may determino on the date and tl�e tlme and placa dastgnntod in s�l b No l M x
<br /> - of 8efe.at pu b tia au d l on t o l f�e h i g hest btddar.tfio Furehnse Brtca peynbi0 in cash in Imwtul money of th0 United 8tates a!
<br /> � the time ot eale.The parson conduaUng tha ea�e mcy,for any causs he or sha daems expedient postpona the�al�frnm
<br /> tlme to dme untit it ehNl be oompleted end,in every sueh caia.notlos ot postponoment ehell bs Qiven by pubUo doclaraUon
<br /> thereof by euch peruon at tho tlmo and pisco Ie+st appo�nted tor the sale;provided,N tllp eats is poatponsd tor tonpov then
<br /> -,�,-,�.�'° one(t�dny boyand tha day designated tn tho Notiee ot 8nle,notleo thnreot ehall be ghren In tho saqse mnnnor ae the
<br />._ °_ , odginN Nntiee of 3a[e.Tn+ctoe shNl exeeuta c+nd dativar to the purchAser its Qaed corrvsfrinp th�prapady so�otd,but
<br />_��,_ "� without ony covenant at wertenty.exPtess,or imptfed Tha ronitaia in the D§ed o4 ttny mannero or tacta t�haD ba aoncturlvo
<br /> l�yI �� praot oi the trutMulness thereot Any petson,induding with0ut timNation B�n�flday or Truetoa,may Purcl�idu�at t�o snla.
<br /> .-���� Whon Trusteo eella purwmt to the powere herein.7euatea eheU nPPN�o P�da at the sak to paymeM oi fhe cos2�
<br /> .(01
<br />'p;:4�^ a�d expensas of wcorclsinp th�power afsa{�cr►d iot•{he�. ineludFnp,wfthout IimRediqn,d+e pnym�M of Ttust��'s Fooe -
<br /> � inanl�d,whieh truetea'�Fees ahat)nof in lha aqge4pate�x�eed the tollawinp amounU bewad upon the amouni secured
<br /> �="-�=`-= „ heroby end rematninp unpaki:6�a[eeritum.on the bNencs thereok nnd tl+en w the itema in subpareyrupf+(o)in ihe o�dsr
<br /> -��a�'�.`�,�. . ' thero gtaied. ,, .. �,• : . . '
<br /> =:.�.,..,�?;,� � . (o) Allof�►aying�o RQ►r.a vpecified in�i��P�+(�3��zh=°=-�'�°�y T��cmo,nr th�proper wurt a.iC oG�'c�i9�#.. ,
<br /> .x:t, fied in ths oM�r�ktox} .
<br />�=.�;;,�y�.•'"•.'.:: , �. foredorfata nnd se3o if tria'sale is pweuar�t to Judtdal forecbaure.ihe procaeds ot se]e shall bt aPp
<br /> _•.,�:�t • bebw to tho paYmmt of.
<br />-:�` . . (1)ACo►rtsys fNS aed aosta ot ooitoctiont
<br /> �'r;,`�,�� (2�Cost a}anv mvid�noo o}tdM proeuted in wnneetion wllh such sale nnd of any rownw raquirod to bo paid:
<br /> - (31 Ae obliyationa s�eund by thts Trust dad�
<br /> - - __ (4)7tw nmaind�r.M�ny,to tfi�p�rton IpaUll antiWd tht»to.
<br /> ---- 7. A001170NAL BECURIIY IN9TRUMENT3.Trustor.at Ib�cWns�s�wiil��°nd d�tiv�r to th�B�rt�flclary,PromptlY°Pp�
<br /> -_-- dsmert�.sueh sscvritY Instrum�nt�as may b�n4u7�d by 8�n�flekuy►. in form end substana saWfaetosY W B�n�liciary�eowrin�
<br /> ��_- nny o}th�Prop�rry oonwY�d by fhrs OKd of Ttust.w1►k!�s�cur�y tnstrum�nls shnU bs ndditbnal�ocur(�►tor Trusta'�feitl+tul
<br /> ------ parformana o!M th�t�rms,eav�ntrKt artd conditfons e!thls M�d o!Tru�t.th�pramksory rt�ta s�ow�d h�»by.t.nd u�y alhK
<br /> -- sseurity inshuments�x�cucsd 1�eonnactfon aAth thb trantaetion.Buch instrumentr�hstl b�noord�d or 6t�d�t 7r�atots��na.
<br /> & APPOiNTMENT OF SUCGE830A T�iiU8TEE.B�n�tidNY may.hom Um�W tkn�.by�vttttan hsWm�nt�xaut�d�nd
<br /> adcnowUdpK!by 8�n�feiary.mn4Nd to T�ustor enica�bM nw•o th�6lai�of N�bre�skv�sub�tind�a�iwoonsor or�suooMOOrn to th�
<br /> otMiwiw oanPlykp with th�provitbno of th�+►PA�
<br /> Tru�tw nlunad.hsnSn or astinp h�round�r.
<br /> 9. tNSPECTIONS.Bsn�tk�ary.a Rs aysrdr.npr�ntstlws a vrortane�.°»aNho��d to mt�r�4 sr►y nasonabt�tMr+�upon
<br /> - or in nny pert of th�Pro�riy tw ths purposo of inspoct�+►a th�snm�and brth�pvrpow ot p�r[otmh�any o!tM atib it is wthais�d
<br /> -•--- to portorm undor the trm�.s of the Q�od ot Trust.
<br /> --- 10. OPTION TO FORECLOSE.Upon th�oaeurt�r�oa a!eny bnach�upon th�d�cyr�tbn o!dataup h�uon nd P�PM�I•
<br /> ehNl hsw th�q9tbn to tornaloso tl►b�d ot Ttust in th�mrAn�r provid�d by kw lor th�ioneioeurY o!moet0�p�s ex TrusON in
<br /> --- tt. FORE8E1dRANr'.E BY FfENEF1CIARY OR TFtUS7EE NOT A WAIVER.M�tonbsuano�bYo4orasdu�lM�
<br /> cvzarw�y ctr;�lst ar r^.m�,t l�e�sn�r,a othsrwt.r albrd�d bY a�p1k�EN 7rustw of any drtnut a}Tnc�tor undK tl�i�DNd o? .
<br /> °_-- �£am/sueh riaht or remedy h�nund�r.Worrfaa.ffi�wafwr!iy B�nollWiY
<br /> � 7�ust shag not b�dNm�d to b�a wsivrt of any other or dmftar dst�uks sullsse4uentiy oax►rtinp•
<br /> ----_ �� 12. 7RUSTOR NOT RELEASED.6den4bn ot th�ttms tor ReY►n�rt a modiRc�bn or emo�llon ot th�cums ssaixsd EY thb
<br />- -�^°^^r`� . 0sod ot tnmt ymntsd b!►B�rt�licieuY to+mY auccssw�in intares!otTruetor shel mt op�r+f�to ni�M anY mxmnar.nn�►os
<br />_ _:-�:y-� the origirtai Tru�tor and Tastor's suaassor In tnU�r�st B�nsflriaiY sha'J no!b�nquhd to c�omm�nw W'aoadYps epnins!sush
<br /> ;r y ,�_: �07 ths aurr�f�eeur�d Ey th�s Oe�ct oJ Twst Q►y
<br /> =.:;,� ,•�� eu�saor or e�ttcao to axt�nd tirtt�br p�m�r�t ot oth�rwi�modl3f/
<br /> -_T=�.i reason of any d�mand mnd�by th�ort9inni Truator and Trustars cuoe�nors!n lntrmt
<br /> -±`r�g'-� .. iS. BENffICIAAY'8 POWFAS.Vird?sa►t�factina et�ex�'!np tM Gaba''�y of H►�T�ustor ot any a11nr psteo�t Wbi�tor tha
<br /> �-�Y'���i � RnlRn�nt ot arry�oblipatbn h�rtEn msnibnsd.and w�lAout�!�Wn or oharq�of tl�N OMd ot 4eutt upen eny patbn of ti»
<br /> -`_.-�''�'�"r"'�'� not then or thsMoioro��keeed ns acuritM►tor th�NG amou�at nti unpaid ob�tion�,B�mAe�Y�+Y frorn tlitN m tirtt�
<br /> ---,_3±l;::':T�� P+�Pe�Y • r�on so liebie.Q�nd or wn�w ths m�tun't�+or ab►anY
<br /> �,.�,?������ and w�ltaut notbs et Sh��sqaes!otorw or mora TruaWts n rekns�nn1 M -
<br /> ���=.*�_-��� of thQ tsrms ot eny aueh obit�attor�s.(�b�orent otMr indui��na�(M Ri�w or caconvoy.of cnute to b�t�t�awd or noonwyad at
<br /> _:�,':�'� nrry tima at 8�nd'xiarf+'�oAtions any Para��Po�or eY ot tfia Prope�lY�NI teitt�or t�wtw+ury otlwt ot edddid►�i wariiY ta'anY
<br /> _� --er�Is.r nrcer��m+lnb w�h d�bmn in ntasion tlunto.AO Trustas ehaY b�
<br /> �.-..`r�.�--_ - oDnpaoon nsree�m�+r'nv�:..v'v•••m••--�-•--�-=--
<br /> _-���•^� . f oinUy nnd sevaro�ity oblpated and bound by th�ndior�s o!tlu 6*nofCisifi°T°nY tr�or as hsnin sletTtC.
<br /> '_�ya�-:.,�,.,: .
<br /> . _��_�!`he;-�:' !4. ATTaA1VEY FEES.COS78 AND DfPSN8E8.It the Benotk3ary of thia Ge¢d ot Tncs!b e bank a+dsfirted by N�3ratktt(aw. _
<br /> •. •3-:.•'• �+; ' ,pnY atatamer�t oordainM tn eny other a�ctlon of thia dsed noMdt7�atnndlnp�th�Benet�ry chnll no!bo�ntitt�d to neeiv�or tsks end
<br /> - , debtor sha9 no!be obiigated to pay or pive:eny conteasion ot�udpme�e�e����or the attom�oyam�bss.un�at th�i h�btt�s!
<br /> :: � � uppear for a bofrowar in a(udidat proccedinp o�n9t�smer►t to PaY
<br /> 1';=, f` p nb;e t the terms of the Note retettad h►N thts deod is 1696 per nneum or tsss,or th�r�aLs nf�rred to ln thlt�m'o�d�rspayaDfe In
<br /> ,�� . . i.•�'! P Y Y
<br /> r,
<br /> �,:;�r � �. two or mora equal or unequa��nstnllmoMS+snd over d F9�°f mw°th°°ons hundnd totty�tiw(14�mon'ih9. „&����not
<br /> .. thnt thi�aecuon doos nct aPPN to the trustae i�e�retursd to in Paragraph 6.6(b).P4oYidod�°urtM�Y t tft thts Parny►ep
<br /> :`�;-�' �� npply to ffifs Qeed o!Trust.'rf the Senefktary hemin ta not n bank.
<br /> . ° ffiti1N11L(�
<br /> BDF�ROYhiENCOPV(�) oo�s.^On�
<br />- �� G07371 REY.11i3tS�:asYa Rq��ONODQYI�)
<br />