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.. ,' �°'7iz��`` , • <br /> � <br /> ... �.,, � <br /> '` � '�'8`1 I .,_ _ . • .. "?. � !��•'ti ., <br /> , ...t:Aa „ - - ' J,. o n . .� <br /> . n . . ' o . r , . .. ^^� <br /> . . . ..'+ywyyn'.. y . �_ - , - ` -� ' . O � . ,.o-, ..ZC,.�...� ,_ <br /> . <br /> , - , <br /> . .� .�� •• � � ' <br /> �. . �... - :. <br /> . .. .^• -.. . ,•• � '�c� <br /> . <br /> ,. <br /> ,� <br /> •. <br /> � -r.. . ' � "..�.'.�'�_.____--�.r..�....5...._.._.__�_�-.'_'._.L_,__ . <br /> t ` '' <br /> • ' <br /> .. .. .._ , . .� .. .. ...._..�-_.- ...._....-_t ""_"_".r' <br /> { .V; <br /> , .,� 4. INOU4il1�dCL'. Ttu�tor,a1 tta oxponao,wiFl mnts�lain rftlh Ineuroro approvad by Bonoticiary,lnournnco wAh reupoct ta the - <br /> (mpravamRnto end ptt�onat p+opodl►,conotNullnp the Proparty,agetn�t ba�by flro,ItBMmnp,rornado,nnd other penla and haznrdn �T� <br /> covusd Dy at�rtdard ext�ndtd covorespe ondaroqmant, in cn amaunt equai to ttt Isaot one hundrod porcont o1 tho tull roptaeomont f-'__. <br /> i�.�' <br /> vatw ihorsot�nd Intura��ce epstnet euch other haaarda end t�euch amounU ae Ie cuatomanty cardod by owncro and operatoro ot �.._ <br /> � �� amftar properi�on or n�Bonoifctary may raqwro for lto prmtcctlan,Ttuator wdl compty v�Ith cucB othor roqwromonto no BnnoHeiery may � �.:Y=- <br /> k Rnm qm�to tim�rsqu�tt tor Ifln protoet:on by insura�ee af tho mt�nab of the resp�reUvs Rnrtiaa.AII Inauraneo poUotun mamts�nad � _ _ <br /> �, ' purounnt to thta ticcd ot Truot ehsil nnmo T►uetor nnd Benartcituy ae IneurQdo,ae thrir raopacUve fnterecte mny appear,and provfde _ <br /> ° t h a t i h m a h a i i t s e n o�c t n e Q{I 6 1�O A 6t filOtlll�CAtl3i1 L'l�.heut no l��th:°n 18 dnye pr�or wririo�noufiustton to Truatoo and 9onofle�ary.In B €.°,;� <br /> ' . � +,�� th�swnt any pot!cy h�reund�r t�not��nswad on ar b*ton 1 S dnys prlot to its ucp►rntlon dete,Truetee or 8eno f ieitsry may procuro =--- <br /> such I�suranee!n aceordanee wfth th�proviekrn of parayraph 0.8 henof.Tntatot shnll doliver to Bertetetnry the a�tginsl poltctos ot � _ <br /> Inourenes nnd anovrnt4lhsr�of or ma'mo coptes ef euch poficio�and ren4wnte thoroot Faituro to turnish oueh tnnurnnco by 7�uctor. -. <br /> '" � ::---•�� or ronowats ns nqulrsd h�reund�r sh�ll,at tho optton of Bmetktary,conssitut�a detauit � _ <br /> ,,,ri"e��� � - <br /> �,,,yy� g, TAXEB,A89E88MENT6 AND CHARdE8.Truator shel!pay nll taxes,ac¢esaments nnd othor chargea,inciudfnp,wRhout � <br /> IimitaUon,tinaa nnd impoalUons attributnbte to th67P�r�lp8 ►..afldlsassho�d paymenta or groune ronm, H any,6eforo tho eame <br /> ��, beeom�de!taqueM.T�uator eha0 promptty furnlah to BamBeimry aU noUC�s of nmounts due under thio parugraph,and In the event � . <br /> r. . Tn+ato�ehnil maks payment direety,Truamr ehaU promptly fumf�b to Beneftetary recelpte evldendng such paymvnto.Taetor oha0 <br /> �_ pny nil taxes nnd nasesemente whkh may be levted upon B�neRetnry'8 interest hereln or upon this Oead nf 7rust wfthout regard to <br /> � any law thut mny be enaaed Impoaing payment of ths whoi�or eny pnrt thersof upon the Beneficlary. <br /> ;, +�,s g. 11DDITtONAL UENB AP1D PROTECTION OF BENEFICtARY'S S�OURITY.Truotor cheJl mako all paymentes ot intarost and T <br /> . .+ prinNpal and pnymonta of any other ehnrga�. fsaa ard sxpsnses contraeted to bo pald to any e�dsiing Ilen hoidoee or prror - <br /> - 6���� bene4icteAes under any pdor deed of trust or moRgege bdoro th�dets th4y ar�de��nquont esnd prompty pay and dhschnrge nny end <br /> an other liena,etn�ms or eharpee which may jeoparGize ttw scicurtty Bramed I�ereM,lf Truat°r 1°its ta make any such payment or taila <br /> ,:�•; ti; �psy��any o}tha covonente and agreemento aontain�d in thi�Oaer!of Trust,or in any pricr mortgage or deed ot trust,or if any <br /> .. • aetion or proceedfn4 is oomrrteneed whieh matednihl e9eets Benafida�a irderest in the Propedy.inctuding,but aot Wnited to. <br /> � eminent domain prccaedingo,ot procesdinga invohrfng adeu3dent,or it Tntctor tails to pay Trustor's debte generaly ds thoy become _ <br />:_:..a,�r��' dtt�,then Beneflciary's optbn and rdthoutnotk�to ot demend upon Trustor and witttout reteasing Tructcr hom any <br /> ' z.;;;� obiigatton heteundo►, may mako such appeatnncos.dksburse euch eume and take suct+ aetlon as 1� Reeesewl� to prot�ct <br />�:�:��• 1 r• '" Bensftder�le inturssL induding,but not pm@ed to, dtchwsement oi re�onflbie attomey's tos�.paymu�� Purchnco, eontest or ^_ <br /> ,_.t,,yJ.a ;}�,� ..__,. <br /> � � � oompromise oi eny enamarance,ehar9e or lien,artd eMry aipon the Proparty to maka ro�mir�.l�the eyqe�t that Trustor shatl tail to ---- <br /> �%�;�%" procuro insumr►ae or to pa�taxea,ausessmeMe.or an y othar diergea or to rt►nke any paymonts to any existing prior Gon":a�'are or ,�p�;; <br /> �•��*` � " ' beneflcierFes,Beneflciary may proeure eruch insurance and meke sueh payment Arry emounts disbursed by BeneRciafy.��rsaant to Ui;: <br /> ��=�Y'� • � this ParngreF+h A6�hap baoome nddi8onnt indabtedrtese of Tn�stor sewrod by this Osod ot Trust Such am�unta oha�i ba y�yabis -.- <br />_.�`}�'�__ • ':�„�z • . a�tt thereof,and ahdl benr interest hom tho u�:ito m�disbursamoqt at the <br /> upan no1Fc� trom Beneftotary to Tnc3tor requarnin8 P� <br /> �'��`;�:�� .,; rata pnyaGla irom Ur�o�o.Usno on outslnndtng prtndpa]under lhe Note unbss payment ot intetest at such 7�wouid tia contrary to <br /> '�"�.��t� ; � `�PP��°�• ^��`'�Y"�'°� �°� � � ������r���s�le under appfice�te O�w.�l5olhing <br /> �rntained tn tt��s r�+urs�:a�i�dl.�E ehati►equUo 5ertonrd.e�'ta iRxcu;uu+y�ii��ua ar�.a��tian hareundss. �:-. <br /> ati�,,� ' . , , • '_ , �i_' <br /> --�;� $. t?7'7351�1���'!'•fA�nEEDTHAT: <br /> _�`=_—� 1. A8SIQNME�T�QF�1ENT9.�:.�f aiavy�heli have the rlpM.powet and nutlsoriry du�ing the eonUnuanae oi tl+is Deed ot T�st <br /> --�==__:= ta eolkct the rents.Essues and protRe of tho Propetty and of eny persortei proparty loeated thereon wUh or without teldng possestbn <br /> of ths proparty atTedad horwby,nnd Trustor hereby absofutey and unwnditio�laily nssfgna all sueh renta issues nnd proiRS to <br /> -'"�� gon�tiee{ery.Ban�fieiat�t.hawovor,horoby eonson�s to th�T�ustot�eoi{kdon end reUntbn ot snch nnta.lssueo end prafils as thaY <br /> �-�=�°�� aoaas+�rtd beooma paynbib so bnq na Truntar is nat.ats�+ch tlm°��^d�feuh with roape�t to pnym�nt of any indebt�dno�s sacurod <br /> _���_'� heroby,or in tho pertonnanoa of any egreemert hereundor.Upon nny a�:ch detnah.Bensf�dary may at any tims,eith�r in porson,by <br /> ----�•� ny�rN,or by e nc�elver to bs nppolMsd by e�eoutt.wdhout noife�and without npard to th�ad�4��Y°�°^Y�MY tar tho <br /> � ind�4t�nes�hmby�seeu»d.(e��nt�r upon nnd tnke possestbn ot the Prop�riy or eury pmt thsroot nnd�n its own nam�su�for or <br /> � ofh�dp ooY�st sueh nnm,issu�s and profita.IncH�dinp thaa�Paat due nnd unpaM,and eppry ths same.tesa coatn nnd ex�ensas <br /> ot operetlon nnd eotkcNon�irtduding nnaanabl�attom�ys 1ws�upon any ind�hhdneas saCUrad heto��rve U��vnfu of th� <br /> -- B�noffcfary►m�+detsrmin�;N)P�dorm weh etxo of repek or prai�ction as may b�n�essary er DroPn <br /> prpp�tty;(o)[�aas th�sem�or anY part thsreaf tar auoh nrnd.te�m,and upon eueh a�ndiNons es rts iudgmeni may dietnt�or <br /> _..___.-- termtn��or es�ud th�nmm arrd aonditlons o!ex�tinp I�as�s.Unl�ss Trustar nnd 8snefi�►theno!egn�oth�rwiw in writinp. <br /> — �y�ppHe�on o}�anb.iuues or prot3�to nny ind�badneas securod hor°bY aheB not axtend or pastpone th�dus dste of the <br /> instdhtent psymerts at Provided in sald promlaory not� °r ehang� � am°uM of such inatnlments.Tha erderinp upon end <br /> tek�nfl pos�ssioa of tha Ptopsrty.the coli�n of audi reitt�,iESUas and profds.and the appfication tAereof e9 aforesald�ahe11 not <br /> watv�ar eun uny defnuFt or noties o!dufsult heteundot or fivnlMate any aat done pursuant to such noike.Tmstor niso ass�gns ta <br /> B�n�Aekuy,ea turth�r woun'ly tor ths psrfortrtanes of Y��oblige�tons mured ke»Ey.ap prepaid ronts and M mantes whieN may <br /> - hav�bwn or m�► hmedter bs d�pos3ad v�ith ceid Tnwior�r aT►f►taaw a!tho Property.W seeu�e th�E►nym�M o!eny��nt or <br />- - damapp,at upon d�tauh in the Psrformana°f°^Y atths provisions hsnot.Tnwtor aQrsos to de�such ronts and daposit�to <br /> ,.—.— g�n�pk{a�y,D�tivsry af vrtil�n no4i�oi Boeaflder�s�s of th�eights grar�i�d ht» eriy bnnnt ooeuf►y1e0 ieid Premisas <br /> shaL bs auttkisrt w roqulre said tsnent to pny re�to the 8enetkiary u�7 turther notlae. - <br /> _� -_— 2. COMDENlN/1YtfiN.ii tid�to etry part oi tha P�op�tty sha0 i�teic�n in cw�s@am�-tn��ptcr,a�+ti■'-i��.03►BFtht of oriihwnt domaln <br /> ar slmaor edbn.or shatl b�wid und�r threat of aond�mnatlort.di awardti demag�s end prooeeQe aro h�reby essipnnd end shall be <br /> -�-="�" paid t�Buuf derY who shall apply euoh mwarda,damnqes and prooads to tho sum seeured by this Oead of Tnist►rich the azaoesa. <br /> -- —� c� il any.Pnid to Trusmr.if 1Yustor roaivaa eny notke ar alhor informndon re$erding suc4�nCtbna or procesdingss.Tnistor shaH gfve <br />-,��;'�� ptompt writun notioa thamo!to Beneficlary.Ber�sfieir�ry sl�ell ba antiWd.nt ix commertoe.ePPaar in end proaoa�Win•RC • <br /> �,,, <br />;=,;;�..='ej� own nivm any sueh ectlon or prooaedings and ahnit b en8kd to make anY oompromfao ot settlemeM in eonneWon with arty,ouch , , <br /> �' �� , . <br /> � :� eGion or pmaadinpa <br /> - - -_���`•;� 9. F1AIJRE A�VAI�CE8.Upon reqvatt o?Tr�tor�6eneficiary at B�natbtnry'e option.prbr to reaonvayar�ea of cho Proge�ty M <br /> =:�r�",1�■f1 Tntatot,may mek�NNrs edvanas to Truator.Such P�bntt�ad�►ances.vrith Udsreat theroon.sha0 be cecurod by thb Trust Deed <br /> _:=_.-`-�'�'-�_�� �rhen 0vidanad by promtasory noisa 6tatinp that caid nd�.$s ato seoured h�eroa Tvro HunQrad percent(20096)f the originet p�ne�'pnt <br /> .�i;',`•,e'yL:"�,� 4uRtta edvat►o�s.rno!inetrudinp sums advanoad to psatccR!Tw cotx+t6y. <br /> emourf3 ctatr�hernby. <br /> �a,;,��,�w4-� _....r...�e .,..T�,r����v� T�m ersd BeneS�an►.nnd oach ot them. shn8 be em�d to entoroe payment end <br /> -�_v,�,� .�:° �. ..�.�...._�...... <br /> `,��*�'.�« pasfarman�at nny indeEiedn�sa or o9f�attoas ssaeed hereby and to axoreise ell rights and pa�reto unaer tnes ueed ai 7rvs"s ar <br /> - �'°' �" unQar any othor agrcemE►►t exaarted��eannedi°n tnrP�ith or nny laws now ot hweattar in fatco,nahYRhatntidin8 some m NI of the <br /> . •'..--�.`. ��:� sueA indebtsdness aed ob�g�fons aeoured hsttby m�r�nxr ot hareatter bs otherwf��aauted.whether bp mortgege.deed of trusL <br /> 'y € PtedpA,N�n,essignm�rR or o5ferwlse.Na�hor ths aauplenoe o}this Qasd o?TcusY�mt i19 entorcemsnt whether by court aetlon or <br /> - � purcuant to eho pa+rrer af saSo or other prnrere h�tr6ln eo�sed.cha9 projudiae or in amr manner afted YnicLee'e or Benofldaryra <br /> •• ripht to nal¢�upan or enioro�any o+,har cawrlyy rson oa herondter h�id by Truai�or Benefulaq►.rt beinp agread that Trustee end <br /> '`, , . Bemfi�iary.and each o}th�m.sheN b�or�led to e�ora this Gad of Tnut nnd sny othar semuQy arow or hereafter held by <br /> • • � gsns!'xtery cr T�usts�in such ard�t nnd mnnn�r a�d�ail cr eithet at them may tn their absolute diacaa�on dnterm�na.t�o romedy <br /> ° horsin cort[caed upan ar ase+ved to Tmstea or BQt�sf'�d°tY W intended to be cxdusius of orqr other remedy harefi or by taw <br /> ,. • pmv6dsd or pet�niWd.but�acA shaA b�wmu�ntiw aRd shaU!�e in add�lon to overy other remedy pt+►en hereunder or naw or <br /> hsroattar�A at ttw at in equih+or Dy atah►bs.Cwsry Pa+re*ot remedy provfdad hereander thfs Daed of Tru�t to Trustee or <br /> � `� .. Ben�fldsrf�or to whfeh a�her a!thom mey bs othan�e�.may b0 exRrcisad.conwrtently or frtdep�sndenty,trom time tc time <br /> -� n ha»bt shn116�cc�natruss as p h b�8�n yslidaty irom:�e�a d fidaelef►iudgment sgninst the Trustor to t4ne�extent siech aatton <br /> � ls psrmittad by taw. <br /> „ aotssenci <br /> eo�en rit:e�� <br />