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<br /> 17.'d'rnnsPer oR the�ro�s2 or u Be�eftcial It�t�ares�ta�orroener.If aU or aay pa�t of the Propsrry or nny interest in it �_.
<br /> rty h
<br /> is sold or transferred (or iff a ls�neiicial Interest in Borrower is sold or transfernd and Bortowee Is not a uatural�ersony without
<br /> . Lender's prlor wdtten comseat. I.ender may. at Its option. requlre immediate payuaent In fuA of all sums secured by thIs
<br /> Securiry Instrnment. Ho�vever. this option shaU aot be eaercised by L,ender if exerclse is pmhibited by federal law as of the date �_''
<br /> _ of this Securiry lnatru,meat. C
<br /> . t If Lender e�tercisa chis option�Lender ahaU sive Bonower notico of acceleratioA.The nottce shaU provide a pedod of not _
<br /> less than 30 daya from the date the aotice is deliverzd or mailed within which Borrawer must pay ail swns secured by this �
<br /> Security Insuument. Yf Bvrrower fails to pay these sums prior to the�xpiradon of this period,I.ender may invoke any remedies t-:
<br /> ,,¢ permitted by this Securlry Instnunent without further notice or demand an Borrower.
<br /> 18. Borrower's Ri�,ht 4o ReWstm4e. If Borrower meets certain condittons. Borrower shall have the rIght to have
<br /> %:.'�J,� enforcement of ttua Searity Insttwnent discant3nued at aay time prior to the earlier of: (a)S days(or such other perIod as �:_
<br /> ,��, ,,; ti agplicable law may specify for reinstatement) before sale of[iie Property pursuaut to aay power of sate contained ln this
<br /> Securlty Instrument;or(bD enuy of a Judgment enforcing this Security Insuuaaent.Those conditions are that Borrower:(a)pays
<br /> • � Lender all sums whi��then would be due under this Security Instrument and the ATote as if no acceleration had occurred; (b)
<br /> b � cures any default of aay a�►er covenants or agreEments; (c)pa s all expeus�s incurred in enforclag thla Securlty Iusuument, _-_
<br /> �. including,but aot limited to,reasonable attorne�+s' fees; aad(d�takes such acdon as Lender may reasonably require to assure
<br /> �_ � that the lien of this Security Instnunent, Lettder s rIghts ia the Proper►}+and Borrower's obligation to pay the auaros secured by --
<br /> ; this Securlty Insuuusent shall continue uachanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Security Inamament and the -
<br /> �a• obligations secured henby shall remain fulIy effective as if no acceleratioa had occurred.However, thiis r3ght to relnstate shall
<br /> 4 not apply In the case of acceleratIon under paragraph 17.
<br /> - �C 19. Sale of N�te;Change of Loaa Servicer. The Note or a pacdal iaterest ln tiae Note(eogether wIth tbis Seturity
<br /> • � Instrument)may be soid one or more timea witl�out prior natice to Borrower. A sale may result�n a o�tange in thB endty(lmown -
<br /> � as the"Loan Servicer")that collects monihly payments dua under the Note and this Securlty Instmmens. There also may be one `
<br /> � or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelate�w a sale of the Note.If there is a chaage of tlie Loan Servicer,$orrowei will be =
<br /> t glvea written notice of the change ln accordaace with pasagraph 14 above and applicable law.l9ie notdo�wlll sta'te the name and ,
<br /> address of the cu�v L,oan Senricer and the address to wluch paymeats should be made. The notice w�ill also contain any other �_
<br />-. ..:><;.:� . information reqnired by applicabla law. -
<br /> B0. Hazardous Substences. Borrower shaU not cause or permit the preseace, use,disposal, stnr�ge. or relea4e of aqy
<br /> Hazardous S�hstances on or in the Property. Borrower shail not do. nor allow anyone else w da, anytb�ng affecting the 6�`
<br /> ' ' Property that Is in violadon af aay Environmental I.aw. The preceding two seateaces shall not apply to t�e presence.use. or -
<br />= storage on the Property of small quantltIes of Hazardous S1�bstances that are generally recognized w be appmpriate to nora�al
<br /> residensial nses and to maintenance of the Progerty.
<br />°""-�''= Borrower shall pmmptiy give L.ender written notice of any investigation,clai�a,demand. lawsuit ar other acdon by any
<br /> '���� ` '� ovemmental or re aw agency or rlvate party involvin the erty and aa Hazardous Substflnice vr Snvlronmental Law
<br />� . ,�s $ � iY P 8 �P Y
<br />_;, of which Borrower has actual kaowledge. If Borrower learns,or ls notiHed by any�overnmental or zeg�latory autborlty�that
<br /> `s:-••_.�^ ` a�r retnovat or omer remeciiation oi auy Hazarrious Substauce affecting the Tropercy is nec�ssary,Bo•rrower ehaii pro�updy take °
<br /> � . ali necessary remedial actions i�accoidance wlth Environmental Law. . �`
<br /> `7*, .$,;� As used in this paragraph Z0. "Hazardous Substaaces" are those substances defined as toxic or haaardoug aubstattces by
<br />`�--��� �FR�� ' Envlronmental lLalw and rhe follow�in substances: asoline. kerosene, other flammable or toxio etroleum roducta, to�c
<br />�,.:Y,�.,� . � g P Q
<br />�� �, pesticides and hesbicides,volatil8 solvettts.materlals contaIning asbestos or formaldehyde,end radioactive maienals.As used ia
<br /> ':'�^��.., `.� this paragraph 20, "Envlroma�ntal Law" means federal laws aad 2aws ot the jurlsdicflon where the Prop:zty is located that
<br />=�'�'��' relate to health,safety a envIc+oiunental pmtect3on.
<br /> �.,�-r � .
<br /> :oadw,:,.:�i NaN-UIVIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender furiher covenant and agt+ee as follows:
<br />-:�`=:�:_�'�'�.. 21.Acceleratton;RemedIes.Le�der shaU give notice to Borrower prior to acceleration tol�a�ving Boreower's breach
<br /> }�`":'°�:��% of any coveaant or agreemen4 in tWs Security L�strument (but not prYor to acceleratton unsDer par�raph 17 unless
<br />"""�""'"=.� applicable law pmvides oiherwlse).The notice shaU specify: (a)the default; (b)We eMion ce�trJreel tu cuse tlte defavlt;
<br />=m'_:,a -�� (c)a.�ate,not less Wsn 30 days fmm the date the notIce is gdven ta Bornower,by whtc6 tbe defauIt tptu!be ctued;and
<br /> _��• (d},thut fstlure to cuae t6e default on or before 4he dufe sperified tn the nottce may resWt tn aa�eEctm3fon of tlee s�ams
<br /> ---- secured b�this Security Ibstrument aad sele of We Piropeaty.The notice shall f�u�ther infoim Borrowcn of.the rlght to
<br /> ----=----�-- reimtate after acceleration and the right to bring a court action to assert tlnn naa-e�dstence oY a d�aWt or aay atiher
<br />��:�.:� defease of Bo�'rosver to acceleration and sale.Ii the defaWt is not �ured on or 6efore the�3�s�ecftt�d in We notice,
<br /> - — I.ender,at its o�stlon�msy requlre immedi�te�yme.nt tn fup of u19 sums secured by tlils Secaarbty In�trumeat wtWuut
<br />__-- fwtt►er demAnd and may involre the power of sale ans�'aay other remedtes permitt�by a�rpllcable luw.Lender shall be
<br /> � e�itled to coUed uit expe�sses Wcurred in pursWng the remedtes pmvided�n tinis pa�gcaph 21�inc[udia�,bus not Umited
<br /> j�--�_,� � to�reasonable attorneye' fees aad costs of tftic evtdence:
<br /> __--- If the pnwer of aele 1s[mroked�Tnutee shall nec?,tsd a not[ce ol�efault in each oounty�.�n wi�i��swy part of the �
<br /> �°� � Prop�rty is located aamd sball mail oopies of'snch nottce in the maaner preacrihed by apglfc�b7a law to�I3orrower aad W
<br />� ' the otiaer persans presalbe8 by appllcable.law.After the Wae required by apglicable iaw,T ruttee sh�U�give pubIIc notice
<br /> �� � oisate to tde pe�sons ead in tae�anaer pa�s�r[bed by a�aplicable luw.'lSnistee,without d�martd oA Bornower�shaU seU
<br />?' the.?rpperty at pnblfc auction to the 6tghest 6ldder at 4he time snd pl�ce aad tutder the terms dest�na2ed t¢t+t�ne nottce oP
<br /> _�_.� sa9e:�a oae or more purceJs aad ia any order 7tvstee determines:Tnisttee may postpone sale of aA on s����pmreel ot the
<br /> -_ _--_ : Prope�ty by pu3�11c aanouacement at the 3ime and pIace of aay prevlously scheduled sale.Lenderr on ita deslga�e mnay
<br /> . ..._._.� purch�se the�o�erty at any sale. .
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