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':r: ... _. <br /> �.. <br /> ,;.*.c -�-�,r-.: <br /> � ' u <br /> .� 1 .. . _ <br /> _. � <br /> w� . <br /> . y _.+�.�.n�aK�t4 .n ___ .. _� ..�........ ._.... .. . � �.a. <br /> . ...."'".....,.ff5...�.._.._" '""'_. ._._ <br /> _ - L-w <br /> , ..t - <br /> ,. �. 99m�o���o <br />' T"�' paymenta may no longer be reyuired�ut the optton of Lender,if mortgage insuraace coveca�e(ia tho vnoum�at►d fnr sue gcrlod r° <br /> that I.ender requires)provlded by un insuter approved by Lender aguin bccoraes uvntluble und ia obtatned.�arrov�er ahnll pay =- <br /> - • the premlums required to maintain mortgaae lnsurr�nce in cffect,or to provlde a loss reserve.untU the mquirement for mortIIage <br /> m <br /> insuranc�ends in uccordnnce evlth nny weitcen aBreement between Horrov�er and Lender or applicable law. ,�__ <br /> �`� 9. Irtspectton.l,ender or its ngent may meke reasonuble entcies upon and inspecttons of the Praperty. Leudor shnll�Ive � <br /> � • �orro���ex n�tice aa che time of or prior to un lnspection speclfyIng reasu�able causo for the inspecdon. . ��� <br /> �.- <br /> 10. Cottdemnation.The pmceeda oY any awn�d or claim for or consequentinl, in wnuectton witli any _ <br /> -,:� conde�nnation or other taking of any part of the proporty,or for conveyance in lieu of condemnutian,are hareby assigned and _ <br />` =:-�� shall ba Qaid to Lxuder. <br /> :� . Ia the event of a total u�king of the Property,tbe prece�ds sbsll b�applied to the s�uas secured by this S�utlry Iasuument. <br /> ;�� whether or not then due,witb eny excess paid to �3omo� the event of a partial tnkin�of the Pcoperty ia which the fair <br /> � market value of the Property immediately befora the i�equel ta or greater than the anaaunt of the sums secured by this <br /> � r Securlry Instrument imraediately before�he taking,unless Boreower aad Leader otherwlse agree ia wrtting,th�eums secvmd hy <br /> : . this Security Insaument shall be reduced by the amount of the proc.eeAa multiplied by che followIag fracdon: (a) the tatul <br /> �.�.:`:. . ainount of the aums sscwed immedIately before the taking,divided by(b) the feir mnrlcet value of the Property immedlately <br /> :•-'.t;�'�-,; before the taldng. Any balance shali be paid to Horrower. In tho event of a pattial taking of the Progerty in wblch tba fait <br />- :=�in` ' market valua of the Praperty immedtately before the takiag is less than t6e amount o f t he sums sec u r e d i m c n�d i a t e l y b e f o r e t h e <br />-:,:,-,.�:•., _ <br /> -- ° _. � taking.uatess Borrower and l.ender otherwise agrze in wrlting or unless agFllcable!aw o�envise providcs, tLe proceeds shall <br />-�"��'r'�� ��` be applied to the svms sccu�by this 3ecurity Ins�rument whether or not the suaas are then due. . <br /> �'1.'Y"*�M� <br /> =1�5�-_=• If the Pmperty is�bandoned by Bormwer,or if,after notice by I.cnder to Borrower that the condeunnor offers to make aa <br />?��,3�r award or settle a clai�t for damages. Borrower faUs tv respond w L.ender wlthin 30 days aRer the date the noticx is given� <br /> �s.;�,;;;-;., � Leader is auWorIzed to collect and apply ttte Praceeds+at j�s option,either to restnntion or repair of the Pro�erry or to the sums r <br />-=- +�'`:� secured by tl}is Security Inss�vment*whether or not then due. <br />� ..i•.�;�:t• � Ucation of roc�ds�to rincipal shall not eatend or <br /> �,;��,r�;a�: Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise a ia wdttng, aaY aPP 1� p <br />¢-__�*-_ postpone the due date of ihe montlily payments referred w in paragrapbs 1 aad 2 or change tDe aulount of such payments. <br /> _,.�..r.'tr��t'�3 <br /> .,:�;-:� 11.Borrower Not Released;Forbearance�y Lender Not a Watver.Fs�tension of the time for payment or moditicatioa <br /> -- � of amor4ization of the sums secus�sl by this Security Tnstrument gcanted by Lender W any succ�ssur in intetest of Borrower sHall <br /> --�=�� not nzlease the liab�ity pf'the original Borrower or Borrower'a successors in interest.Lender shall aot be required to <br /> - comnnemc��mceediags against apy�successor in interest or refuse w e x t e n d t i me for p�y ment or othenvise modifY sueor�lzation <br />--__- - af i�e 's�nss s�� �y t�iR s�urin' Insuvment by reason of any demiand made by the o�igtnal$onower or Bamower's . <br /> �n <br /> --= successa�s in interest.�AnY forbearance by Lender in exercIsiag aay rigiu or remaly shall not be a waiver,vi or p�c;Iu�ia t� . <br /> __--_��, exercise.of.anY dght or remedy. � .. .. <br /> 1�.,Suocessons and Assfgos Ban��Joint and 3everal Uab�lltts'i Co�st�ers.The oavenanis and ageemeais,of tb�4 , <br /> � 5ecudry Itisuument shaU bind and beneAt the suocessors and assigns of Lender aad Boaower. subjea ta the prov3si�s o�. '� . <br /> — PazagrapD 17. Borrower's covenaats and agreements shall be joint anA severa1. Any Borrower who co-slgns this.5e,cvi1ty : ; <br /> -- Insuument but das not axecute tho Note: (a)is co-signiag this Se�udty Insuumen�on1Y�mortga�e,grant and conveY�hat <br /> -�--� Bonovu�er's i�terest in the Ftoperty under the terms of this Secudty Insanment:'(b)is aot persoaally obllgated to pay the sums <br /> �� secure��s Security Instrument;and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Bonower may agree w extead, mociify,forbear or <br /> --°= make ar�y�accom�nodations with regacd to the terms of this Seaurity Instnunent or the Note without that Borcower's wnsent. <br /> 13:Loan Chnrges.If the loan secured by this Se�urity Instrumeru ts subjea to a law which sets ma.zimam loan charges. <br /> ��.�-:.and that law ts finally interpnted so thaz the interest or other loan c2�arges oollocted or to be ceA�ia.eunae�don with ttte <br /> •loan excaxl tha pern�Itted limits,thea:(a)any such loan charge shall be reduoed by the amount nece.ssary��o redua the charge . <br /> to We�gErh�tte�limit;and N)�Y���Y eoUected from Bomower which exceeded permittal limius wW be refttaded to ;. .. <br /> _-�---- Borrovver. 3.ender may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal owe�t under the Note or by! . <br /> paymeTrt�•to•Borrower. If a refuad reduces principal. the redurxion will bs treaud as a pariial PrePayment withou�.auY ,-••: <br /> prepaym�rii charge under the Note. <br /> _ .- —�_ 14.Nott�s.Aay nodce w Borrower provided for in tbis SecurltY Instrument shall be given by deYivedng it or bY mailin8 :.. <br /> it by i�ast class mail uNess applicable law requires use of another method. 1�a nodce shall be dire�ted to the Property Addne� <br /> or an}i other address Borcower deaignates by nodce to I.ender. Any notioe to Lender shall be given by first class mail to <br /> Lender's address stated hereia or any other address Lender designates by nodce to Borrower.Any nodce provid�f�r�Ia this <br /> Securl�yr Instr�mem shall be doemed to have b¢z�given to Borrower or Lender ahca given as provided iu tbia pare8raph• • ,. <br /> 15.Governing Law; SeverabWty. Tt►is Sxauity Instrument shall be govemed by federal law aad the law of thb ..;;' <br /> jurisdicdon ia wbic6 the Property is located. In the event that any pmvisaon oa clause of this S�rtty Insuument or the Nou � <br /> ----= oonfllcts with apglicablelaw,auch coro�vision To�th'i�s end the pm ston of this Sec�uity Insaument and the Noto are d lared <br /> _"4"'""""" given effect withoat the cor�itieting P <br /> ___ --= to be severabie. � �. . <br /> - _------ 16.Borro�er's Copy.Borrower shall be givea one conformed copy of the Note�and of this Security Insuuraeai. .. <br /> -_ -°-.�. �saae steo � + <br /> 4��� ��-88INQ192tS1.o� P��mO tn`.BSU;�..� <br /> ie�:--'""`°� • <br /> _Y ri:� �^ - <br /> _:'.,iu,....o��f <br /> _�% <br /> _ '`�sr� <br /> -- �a,�.�...,o <br />.. :,�...��:-o. — _ <br /> - --- <br /> -- ----- <br /> -,,,• „- ,. _ ,_ _ __..:- .._.___� _ <br /> .._ . -- F. -i�. ... .i�F�ii.ifi���iS..��y'.wT�ip�g,��£'.I.�Frw3e4 �y.�!.�. <br /> M_"'J.��'. , ' . - .� . 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